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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    The Truth About Beslan “Too Scary” to Reveal — Parliamentary Committee

    Created: 12.10.2004 20:26 MSK (GMT +3), Updated: 20:26 MSK


    The parliamentary committee appointed to investigate the Beslan tragedy may keep the results of its investigation a secret, simply because they are too scary.

    Over 330 people — half of them children — died in the three-day hostage drama in a school in southern Russia after up to 30 militants stormed the building on the first day of class.

    “The truth about the real organizers of the terror attack may be so scary that revealing it would lead to new, bloody conflicts,” Newsru.com quoted Duma deputy and committee member Yuri Savelyev as saying at a press conference in St. Petersburg.

    Earlier this week, committee chairman and Duma speaker Alexander Torshin announced that new videotapes found in Beslan over the weekend shed light on the events of September 1-3.

    The committee also plans to meet Thursday with former president of Ingushetia Ruslan Aushev, who was instrumental in negotiating with the terrorists on the second day of the siege, leading to the release of dozens of children.

    “We have a lot of questions for Aushev, in particular, why he got involved in the investigation, why he led 26 people out of the school [on the second day of the siege] and who they were,” Newsru.com quoted Savelyev as saying.



    Teroristé v beslanské škole byli nadopováni - ale čím?

    Experti, zkoumající ostatky několika zabitých zločinců, kteří počátkem září obsadili školu v Beslanu, jsou nejistí, co se týče drogy nalezené v jejich krvi.

    Původně se domnívali, že šlo o heroin a morfin, ale bylo tam zřejmě ještě něco jiného. Totiž dávky heroinu, které v sobě někteří vrazi měli, překročily mnohonásobně normální dávky. V takovém množství je heroin už smrtelný.

    Pitva rovněž odhalila, že někteří zločinci brali drogy delší dobu a byli na nich závislí. U některých se v průběhu obléhání projevil absenční šok způsobený zřejmě tím, že jim drogy došly.

    Senátor Alexander Torshin, který vede vyšetřování tragédie v Beslanu, se domnívá, že samotný heroin a morfin nemohly vyvolat takové chování zločinců, jaké jsme zažili. Konkrétně citoval jejich schopnost bojovat i po těžkém zranění. Zřejmě měli něco, co snižuje vnímavost na bolest.

    "Myslím, že použili něco úplně nového," řekl Torshin, který rovněž naznačil, že to, co dosud zjistili, je tak strašné, že to zřejmě nikdy nezveřejní.

    Zdroj: http://www.mosnews.com/news/2004/10/19/smoking.shtml
    JAXXE --- ---
    Are you a terrorist?

    by An Australian Terrorist

    Edited from the newswire... ARE YOU A TERRORIST? New "terrorism" laws have been recently pushed through Parliament.

    Answer this 5 point quiz:

    1. Have you ever disagreed with any government policy and joined with others to express this by sending emails or phoning any politician, government department or bureaucrat?
    2. Have you ever joined or been associated with the activities of a trade union, local protest group, or political or religious organisation?
    3. Have you ever participated in a non-violent protest, rally or strike?
    4. Have you ever donated money, bought raffle tickets or in any other way supported an international environmental, political or human rights organisation such as Amnesty International or Greenpeace?
    5. Have you ever provided any professional advice for any political or religious organisation?
    If you reply "YES" to any one of these questions the Government could brand you a 'terrorist' using this legislation: http://www.nationalsecurity.gov.au/agd/www/nationalsecurityHome.nsf/headingpagesdisplay/9F291545F46DC7B9CA256E43000565D4?OpenDocument

    The definition of 'terrorism', includes actions made 'with the intention of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause'. It is so broad that it would cover civil disobedience by peace groups, M1 and other anti-globalisation blockades, union pickets and strikes, actions to stop logging in forests and similar activities. The demonstrators who pushed over a fence at the refugee detention centre at Woomera would be defined as 'terrorists'...

    ASIO has moved from being a spy agency, and has become a secret police. With new powers it is now able to:
    * Arrest and detain people for questioning for 48 hours. Detention warrants can be renewed every 24 hours which means detainees could be held indefinitely.
    * Detainees would have no right to a lawyer.
    * Detainees could be held incommunicado with no contact with family and friends.
    * Detainees could face up to five years in jail for refusing to answer questions.
    * There are no rules for interrogation of detainees. Will torture be used?

    JAXXE --- ---

    Do you get it yet? The ability to grow food in a sustainable manner is dangerous to the machine:

    When the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) celebrates biodiversity on World Food Day on October 16, Iraqi farmers will be mourning its loss.

    A new report by GRAIN and Focus on the Global South has found that new legislation in Iraq has been carefully put in place by the US that prevents farmers from saving their seeds and effectively hands over the seed market to transnational corporations. This is a disastrous turn of events for Iraqi farmers, biodiversity and the country's food security. While political sovereignty remains an illusion, food sovereignty for the Iraqi people has been made near impossible by these new regulations.

    "The US has been imposing patents on life around the world through trade deals. In this case, they invaded the country first, then imposed their patents. This is both immoral and unacceptable", said Shalini Bhutani, one of the report's authors.

    The new law in question heralds the entry into Iraqi law of patents on life forms - this first one affecting plants and seeds. This law fits in neatly into the US vision of Iraqi agriculture in the future - that of an industrial agricultural system dependent on large corporations providing inputs and seeds.

    In 2002, FAO estimated that 97 percent of Iraqi farmers used saved seed from their own stocks from last year's harvest or purchased from local markets. When the new law - on plant variety protection (PVP) - is put into effect, seed saving will be illegal and the market will only offer proprietary "PVP-protected" planting material "invented" by transnational agribusiness corporations. The new law totally ignores all the contributions Iraqi farmers have made to development of important crops like wheat, barley, date and pulses. Its consequences are the loss of farmers' freedoms and a grave threat to food sovereignty in Iraq. In this way, the US has declared a new war against the Iraqi farmer.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The blaze began before midnight Saturday on the 34th floor of the East Tower in the complex, Briceno said. By Sunday afternoon, it had burned for more 17 hours and spread over 26 floors, reaching the roof. The complex was built in 1976 and is considered a Caracas landmark.

    But once again it was proven that modern steel-beam buildings do not collapse due to fire.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Jak neokonzervativci a islamisté vytvořili nový "svět globálního terorismu"

    V minulosti nám politikové slibovali lepší svět. Měli různé způsoby, jak toho dosáhnout, ale jejich moc a autorita pocházela z optimistických vizí, které nabízeli svým občanům. Tyto sny selhaly. A dnes lidé už ztratili víru v ideologie. Politikové jsou stále častěji dnes už považováni jen za manažery veřejného života. Avšak oni nyní objevili novou roli, která jim navrací jejich moc a autoritu. Namísto toho, aby pro nás plnili sny, nám politikové slibují, že nás ochrání – před nočními můrami.

    Tvrdí nám, že nás dokáží zachránit před strašlivými nebezpečími, která nevidíme a jimž nerozumíme. A největší hrozbou ze všeho je mezinárodní terorismus – mocná a zlá mezinárodní síť, rozprostírající se všemi zeměmi světa. A proti této hrozbě je nutno vést válku proti terorismu.

    Avšak většina této hrozby je jen fantazií, přehnanou a zkreslenou politiky. Je to temná iluze, kterou, nezpochybněnu, šíří vlády po celém světě, bezpečnostní služby i mezinárodní sdělovací prostředky.

    Toto je soubor filmů o tom, jak a kdy byla tato fantazie vytvořena a komu přináší prospěch. Jádrem tohoto příběhu jsou dvě skupiny: američtí neokonzervativci a radikální islám. Obě skupiny byli idealistické. Obě vznikly ze selhání liberálního snu vytvořit lepší svět. Tyto dvě skupiny skutečně změnily svět, ale nikoliv tak, jak zamýšlely. Společně vytvořili dnešní vizi noční můry tajné mezinárodní organizace, která ohrožuje svět. Je to fantazie, o níž politikové pak zjistili, že jim vrací jejich moc.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Cheney: Terrorists May Bomb U.S. Cities

    CARROLL, Ohio (AP) - Vice President Dick Cheney on Tuesday raised the possibility of terrorists bombing U.S. cities with nuclear weapons and questioned whether Sen. John Kerry could combat such an "ultimate threat ... you've got to get your mind around."

    "The biggest threat we face now as a nation is the possibility of terrorists ending up in the middle of one of our cities with deadlier weapons than have ever before been used against us - biological agents or a nuclear weapon or a chemical weapon of some kind to be able to threaten the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans," Cheney said.

    "That's the ultimate threat. For us to have a strategy that's capable of defeating that threat, you've got to get your mind around that concept," Cheney said.


    JAXXE --- ---
    dlouhe ale stoji za precteni !

    Government Insider Says Bush Authorized 911 Attacks

    From Thomas Buyea

    Keep in mind when reading this, that the man being interviewed is no two-bit internet conspiracy buff.

    Stanley Hilton was a senior advisor to Sen Bob Dole (R) and has personally known Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz for decades. This courageous man has risked his professional reputation, and possibly his life, to get this information out to people.

    The following is from his latest visit to Alex Jones' radio show.

    Forwarded with Compliments of Free Voice of America (FVOA): Accurate News and Interesting Commentary for Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free.

    Note: All honor to Stanley Hilton for risking his life so that we may know the truth of 9/11.

    The Bush Junta Unmasked

    "This (9/11) was all planned. This was a government-ordered operation. Bush personally signed the order. He personally authorized the attacks. He is guilty of treason and mass murder." --Stanley Hilton

    Alex Jones interview of Stanley Hilton, attorney for 911 taxpayers' lawsuit

    Alex Jones Radio Show September 10, 2004 Transcription by 'RatCat'

    AJ: He is back with us. He is former Bob Dole's chief of staff, very successful counselor, lawyer. He represents hundreds of the victims families of 9/11. He is suing Bush for involvement in 9/11. Now a major Zogby poll out - half of New Yorkers think the government was involved in 9/11. And joining us for the next 35 minutes, into the next hour, is Stanley Hilton. Stanley, it's great to have you on with us.

    SH: Glad to be on.

    AJ: We'll have to recap this when we start the next hour, but just in a nutshell, you have a lawsuit going, you've deposed a lot of military officers. You know the truth of 9/11. Just in a nutshell, what is your case alleging?

    SH: Our case is alleging that Bush and his puppets Rice and Cheney and Mueller and Rumsfeld and so forth, Tenet, were all involved not only in aiding and abetting and allowing 9/11 to happen but in actually ordering it to happen. Bush personally ordered it to happen. We have some very incriminating documents as well as eye-witnesses, that Bush personally ordered this event to happen in order to gain political advantage, to pursue a bogus political agenda on behalf of the neocons and their deluded thinking in the Middle East. I also wanted to point out that, just quickly, I went to school with some of these neocons. At the University of Chicago, in the late 60s with Wolfowitz and Feith and several of the others and so I know these people personally. And we used to talk about this stuff all of the time. And I did my senior thesis on this very subject - how to turn the U.S. into a presidential dictatorship by manufacturing a bogus Pearl Harbor event. So, technically this has been in the planning at least 35 years.

    AJ: That's right. They were all Straussian followers of a Nazi-like professor. And now they are setting it up here in America. Stanley, I know you deposed a lot of people and you've got your $7 million dollar lawsuit with hundreds of the victim's families involved.

    SH: 7 billion, 7 billion

    AJ: Yeah, 7 billion. Can you go over some of the new and incriminating evidence you've got of them ordering the attack?

    SH: Yes, let me just say that this is a taxpayers' class action lawsuit as well as a suit on behalf of the families and the basic three arguments are they violated the Constitution by ordering this event. And secondly that they [garbled] fraudulent Federal Claims Act, Title 31 of the U.S. Code in which Bush presented false and fraudulent evidence to Congress to get the Iraq war authorization. And, of course, he related it to 9/11 and claimed that Saddam was involved with that, and all these lies.

    AJ: Tell you what, stay there. Stanley, we've got to break. Let's come back and get into the evidence. BREAK

    AJ: All right my friends, second hour, September 10th, 2004, the anniversary of the globalist attack coming up tomorrow. It's an amazing individual we have on the line. Bob Dole's former chief of staff, political scientist, a lawyer, he went to school with Rumsfeld and others, he wrote his thesis about how to turn America into a dictatorship using a fake Pearl Harbor attack. He's suing the U.S. government for carrying out 9/11. He has hundreds of the victims' families signing onto it - it's a $7 billion lawsuit. And he is Stanley Hilton. I know that a lot of stations just joined us in Los Angeles and Rhode Island and Missouri and Florida and all over. Please sir, recap what you were just stating and then let's get into the new evidence. And then we'll get into why you are being harassed by the FBI, as other FBI people are being harassed who have been blowing the whistle on this. So, this is really getting serious. Stanley, tell us all about it.

    SH: Yeah, we are suing Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Mueller, etc. for complicity in personally not only allowing 9/11 to happen but in ordering it. The hijackers we retained and we had a witness who is married to one of them. The hijackers were U.S. undercover agents. They were double agents, paid by the FBI and the CIA to spy on Arab groups in this country. They were controlled. Their landlord was an FBI informant in San Diego and other places. And this was a direct, covert operation ordered, personally ordered by George W. Bush. Personally ordered. We have incriminating evidence, documents as well as witnesses, to this effect. It's not just incompetence - in spite of the fact that he is incompetent. The fact is he personally ordered this, knew about it. He, at one point, there were rehearsals of this. The reason why he appeared to be uninterested and nonchalant on September 11th - when those videos showed that Andrew Card whispered in his ear the [garbled] words about this he listened to kids reading the pet goat story, is that he thought this was another rehearsal. These people had dress-rehearsed this many times. He had seen simulated videos of this. In fact, he even made a Freudian slip a few months later at a California press conference when he said he had, quote, "seen on television the first plane attack the first tower." And that could not be possible because there was no video. What it was was the simulated video that he had gone over. So this was a personally government-ordered thing. We are suing them under the Constitution for violating Americans' rights, as well as under the federal Fraudulent Claims Act, for presenting a fraudulent claim to Congress to justify the bogus Iraq boondoggle war, for political gains. And also, under the RICO statute, under the Racketeering Corrupt Organization Act, for being a corrupt entity. And I've been harassed personally by the chief judge of the federal court who is instructing me personally to drop this suit, threatened to kick me off the court, after 30 years on the court. I've been harassed by the FBI. My staff has been harassed and threatened. My office has been broken into and this is the kind of government we are dealing with.

    AJ: Absolutely and now it has come out - five separate drills of flying hijacked jets into buildings that morning - which you told us about before it even broke in the Associated Press. They were trying to get out ahead of you. You talked about how you interviewed military people who were told it was a drill that morning. Then to get out ahead of that, the news finally reported on it. Now, we've learned that all these operations - I want to get into that, I want to talk about the new incriminating evidence of ordering it and how they had drilled on this, how Cheney was in the bunker controlling this. That has even come out in the mainstream news but they won't release the details of that, Stanley. But what type of FBI harassment are you going through?

    SH: First of all, my office was burglarized in San Francisco several months ago. Files were gone through and some files were seized - particularly the ones dealing with the lady that was married to one of the hijackers. Fortunately, I had spare copies in a hidden place so nothing disappeared permanently. But more significantly, FBI agents have been harassing one of my staff members and threatening them with vague but frightening threats of indicting them. And it's just total harassment. They have planted a spy, an undercover agent, in my organization, as we just recently discovered. In other words, these are Nazi Germany tactics. This is the kind of government you have in this country. This is what Bush is all about.

    AJ: Stay there, Stanley, Bob Dole's former chief of staff. We'll come back after this quick break. Please stay with us. BREAK

    AJ: All right, eight minutes, 25 seconds into the second hour. Stanley Hilton, political scientist, lawyer, Bob Dole's former chief of staff, is suing the government for 7 billion dollars for carrying out 9/11 and for racketeering. And he joins us now. During the break, I first really did the big interview with Stanley Hilton after I saw him attacked on Fox News. And that interview got massive attention. And then he kind of went underground for a while because a judge, we're going to talk about that, ordered him to not do any more interviews. And now he's back doing interviews. He's had his office broken into, FBI threats and harassment. Bottom line, he has deposed military individuals, wives of hijackers, you name it, it was a government operation. It has even come out in mainstream news, a piece here, a piece there. They had drills on 9/11, that's why NORAD stood down. Cheney was in control of the whole thing. Stanley Hilton has now gotten documents about how Bush ordered the whole operation. And I'll tell you right now, his life is in danger, folks. And he's got so much courage. He went to school with these neocons at the University of Chicago. He wrote his thesis on how the government could use terrorist attacks to set up martial law. He is the man for the time and folks wondered why he disappeared for a while and just did his lawsuit and wasn't doing interviews, it was because he was ordered to. Stanley, can you get into that for us?

    SH: I did an interview with you, Alex, back in March of 2003, about a year and a half ago, and literally two weeks after that, I was contacted by the emissary of the chief judge of the federal court where I have the lawsuit. And I was warned not to publicize it but to keep it quiet and threatened with discipline. And it remained quiet until a couple of months ago and then I got on the air on some programs and some publicity and July 1st, I was threatened directly by the chief judge here, threatened with court discipline. This particular judge has been circulating communiqués to the other federal judges seeking anything negative she can get against me to try and discipline me after I've been on the court here for 30 years with no disciplinary problems at all. This is suddenly happening. And her assistants who are on the committee of the court met with me on July 1st in Palo Alto, California, and threatened me directly. They handed me a copy of the lawsuit and said that the judge wants me to dismiss this. What's this? She doesn't like the content of it. This is politically incorrect. This is outside the norm. I said I represented more than 400 plaintiffs, how am I going to dismiss this case? And they threatened me directly and they said, "the next time you'll be disciplined." And also they've threatened me not to go public, etc. And this is just outrageous.

    AJ: It's all color of law. No direct orders, just all in your face.

    SH: They sent a letter out, and of course they deny it's because of the political content of the suit but they told me directly on the phone that it is because of this suit and this judge is very, very angry, apparently has been in contact with Ashcroft's Justice Department. I got a call from Ashcroft's Justice Department a few months ago about this, demanding that I drop the suit, threatening sanctions and all kinds of things. I refused to drop it. AJ: Now let's go back over, you had them break into your office, harassment. Let's go over that in detail.

    SH: My office was broken into about 6 months ago. The file cabinets - it was obvious they had been rifled through. Files were stolen. Files dealing with this particular case and particularly with the documents I had regarding the fact that the - some of these hijackers, at least some of them were on the payroll of the U.S. government as undercover FBI, CIA, double agents. They are spying on Arab groups in the U.S. And, in effect, all this led up to the effect that al Qaeda is a creation of the George Bush administration, basically. That the entity that he called al Qaeda is directly linked to George Bush. And all this stuff was stolen. Fortunately, I had copies. But this was just part of the harassment. The FBI has also been harassing some of my assistants and has planted a spy in our midst. And it is just outrageous that these Nazi tactics are being used - and the obstruction of justice, these people are criminals. And that's what's happening under the tremendous pressure here to just drop it. Or to shut up now and just go away.

    AJ: Now, let's talk about what they want you to drop. Let's talk about, without giving names, the people you deposed, what really happened, the picture you've got. You said earlier that Bush ordered this, they were simulating this which they now admit there were simulations on that morning. Let's go over what they don't want you to talk about, Stanley.

    SH: We have evidence both documentary as well as witness sworn statements from undercover former FBI agents, FBI informants, etc., that other officials in the Pentagon and the military and the Air Force that deal with the fact that there were many drills, many rehearsals for 9/11 before it happened. Bush had seen this simulated on TV many times. He blurted this out at a press conference in California a few months after 9/11 where he said he had, quote, seen the first plane hit the first building on the video. And that's not possible because there was no official video of that. There was one of the second plane not the first one. He had seen the first one. We do have some incriminating documents that Bush personally ordered 9/11 events. It was well planned. A FEMA official has admitted on tape that he was there the night before - September 10th, that is

    AJ: And now Mayor Giuliani, a few months ago in the 911 Commission, admitted that - Tripod II. They had their whole command post already moved out of Building 7. Now, this is very, very important. This is a key area of this whole event. You said months before it came out on the CIA's own website and the Associated Press, you said I deposed people. They said there were drills that morning and exactly what happened, happening - that was the smoke-screen for the stand-down. And then to get out ahead of it, the CIA comes out and said yeah we were running a drill that morning. Now, we've learned that five, possibly six, were confirmed. Five of these - one drill with the exact same thing happening that actually happened, at the exact same time in the morning. That's why NORAD stood down with 24 different blips on the screen. You've said this. You brought this up first. Now, I know you can't get too much into detail but can you tell us how you learned of this?

    SH: I have interviewed individuals in NORAD and the Air Force. I personally toured NORAD many years ago around the time that I worked for Dole. I'm very familiar with the operations at Cheyenne Mountain at Colorado Springs, where NORAD is. Individuals that work in NORAD as well as the Air Force have stated this, off the record, but the point is, yes, this was not just five drills but at least 35 drills over at least two months before September 11th. Everything was planned, the exact location

    AJ: But five drills that day.

    SH: That day, that day, and Bush thought it was a drill. That's the only explanation for why he appeared nonchalant

    AJ: We also had NORAD officers and civilian air traffic controllers going, "Is this part of the exercise? Is this a drill?"

    SH: Yes.

    AJ: On the tapes and in TV interviews, they thought it was, quote, a drill.

    SH: That's right. That's exactly what I said long before it became public. I've known about this since earlier in March of '03, as I stated before. This was all planned. This was a government-ordered operation. Bush personally signed the order. He personally authorized the attacks. He is guilty of treason and mass murder. And now, obstruction of justice by attempting to use a federal judge and FBI agents to inhibit a legitimate civil lawsuit in this country, in federal court. Even a chief judge in this court tried to harass and threaten me personally for representing legitimate plaintiffs. And they got Clinton for allegedly lying under oath about Paula Jones and now - look what's happening now. And Ken Starr used to be across from me in Duke Law School in the early `70s and it´s interesting that he got away with trying to get Clinton impeached, so we have a far worse criminal sitting in the oval office today - somebody guilty of mass murder as well as obstruction of justice.

    AJ: Well, I mean look, they say they never heard of a plan to fly planes into buildings - said it all over television - Rice, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft. And then we find out they were running all these drills that morning. Even if they weren't involved, that proves they were liars about ever hearing of such a plan.

    SH: Well, I'm trying to take their depositions - I've been trying to take their depositions for months. They've been trying to object to it. They will have to admit they were either lying then or now. It's clearly perjury either way. They are liars and perjurers; that's what they are. These are the people that we have running this government and, of course, they knew about it. How are they going to claim now that they didn't know about these drills? Their idea is that nobody knew anything. It's the old know-nothing mentality. And how anybody considers this believable is beyond me.

    AJ: All right, now people ask how could a huge organization, how could the AWACs, how could the military let this happen; whereas before, if your Cessna got off course for five minutes, they would launch F-16s on you. It's real simple. It's what Stanley Hilton said here a year and a half ago. It's what came out in the news after that. The military, good people, were told this was all a drill. And it was not a drill. And ABC News admits that Cheney was in control of [?] out of the White House [?] and that he ordered the military to quote "do something." Our inside sources from Hilton and others say it was a stand down and they admit they will not release that under national security. Stanley?

    SH: Well they are going to admit it, they're going to release it in the court case because if you demand it under subpoena powers and they must release it. And part of our lawsuit is brought in the name of the U.S. because under the federal fraudulent [Claims Act], we accuse the Bush Administration of presenting a fraudulent claim to Congress. And under the statutes of Title 31 of the U.S. code, they must release this information. That's why they are trying to threaten me, harass me, invade my office, steal my files, commit blatant obstruction of justice and other crimes to try and prevent a legitimate civil suit from exposing these criminals and their acts of treason and mass murder.

    AJ: I think you need to publicly tell folks that you are not planning suicide. Would you like to tell folks that?

    SH: (laughs) I'm not planning suicide. I've got family and I'm not planning that but I don't like the threats I'm under - but I can tell you this, it's taking a toll emotionally on me and my staff. And particularly, when you get a threat from the chief judge of your own court.

    AJ: Why have you decided to go public again after a year of being under the radar? SH: Because the more and more evidence that I've been adducing over a year and a half has made it so obvious to me that this was now without any doubt a government operation and that it amounts to the biggest act of treason and mass murder in American history. I mean George Bush makes Benedict Arnold look like a patriot. He makes Benedict Arnold look like George Washington. I mean that's what we have - a criminal and a traitor sitting in the White House pretending he's a patriot, wrapping himself in the flag. And it's pretty disgusting because the other side of the so-called opposition, the Kerry camp is just saying nothing because they're afraid to speak.

    AJ: Stay right there. We'll be right back.


    AJ: Stanley Hilton will be with us for another 15 or 16 minutes. Then he's got to go into court. Bob Dole's former chief of staff, political scientist, lawyer, represents 400 plus plaintiffs - most of them victims of 9/11. When I was in New York last week, everybody I was talking to, I mean 90 plus percent of them at ground zero - "I had family, I worked in the buildings, my son's a Navy Seal - he called the night before and said don't go to work." You know, all of this, and then now they never had any idea - and it turns out they had all these drills - and one drill of hijacked jets flying into the World Trade Center and Pentagon at 8:30 in the morning. That morning - come on people! And Stanley Hilton brought all this out on this show before it was in the mainstream news. And I was talking to him during the break. I mean, the harassment, the moles, the threatening of his staff, the judge threatening him. Stanley, let's get specifically into the documents that you have now got that they have now been robbing you for, that you luckily, thank God had copies. Specifically, Bush ordering this. Can you get into that for us - ordering 9/11?

    SH: National Security Council classified documents which [garbled] and it's was part of a series of documents that were involved with the drill documents. This was all planned - they had it on videotape. These planes were controlled by remote control, as I stated previously a year and a half ago, there's a system called Cyclops. There is a computer chip in the nose of the plane and it enables the ground control, the military ground control, to disable the pilot's control of the plane and to control it and to fly it directly into those towers. That's what happened. It's also a technology used on what's called the Global Hawk, which is an aircraft drone - a remote- controlled aircraft. And they were doing it. We are talking about National Security Council classified documents that clearly indicated that [garbled] had a green light to order this to go and this is no drill. These drills that were running were clearly a dress rehearsal and this was a government operation. You wonder why these people are trying to threaten people and trying to intimidate people who have written this suit, I guess if you murdered 3000 of your own citizens, in conjunction with the corrupt Royal family of Saudi Arabia as Bush did. And if you then waste billions more on a worthless garbage war in Iraq, I guess you've got something to worry about and you want to threaten people to prevent it from coming out.

    AJ: I mean let's look at this. Not only are there dress rehearsals, they are smoke screens so the good military stands down and doesn't know what's happening. But it's now coming out, even in mainstream news, that yes these drills were going on. Yes, and some of these drills, quote, passenger-type jets were under remote control - this is decades old technology. In 1958, NORAD was [ ] old jets and using them for target practice. Decades ago they flew jumbo jets from LA to Sidney Australia. So since that's going on, everybody knows that. And it's the same MO. Just like the first World Trade Center [bombing] where they get two retarded men who followed this blind sheik who had a tiny mosque above a pizza parlor. And they set them up as the patsies. Then the FBI cooks the bomb, trains the drivers. This informant goes, "You're not going to bomb the building? They go "Yeah, we're letting it go forward." He tapes them to protect themselves. The two retarded gentlemen, thank God, didn't park it up against the column, as the FBI instructed them to do, so it didn't bring down the tower - because you have to be right up against the column. That doesn't happen. Yet, it's the same thing with 9/11. You've got these CIA agents, these Arabs, who were trained at U.S. military bases, Pensacola Naval Air Station - mainstream media, out creating their legends for this background. They're on board the aircraft. My military sources say nerve gas kills everybody on board the plane - nerve gas packets. Then they fly the planes into buildings. From your inside sources, is that accurate?

    SH: It's one of the things that we are looking into - that nerve gas or something else disabled people. It's possible. I can't say for sure to be honest with you

    AJ: All you know is they were government agents and they were on board and the planes were remote controlled.

    SH: Yeah, it was basically a smokescreen. I mean, the events of the hijackings, how someone snuck in those cutters, it was a plant. It was like a classic decoy. I've got some military background. And it's called decoy. It's a decoy operation. You make the people focus on the decoy to avoid looking at the real criminals. So they are focusing on these so-called nineteen hijackers and saying, "Oh, it must have been these Arabs. When, in fact, the guilty person is at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue - sitting in the oval office. That's the guilty person. That's the one who authorized it. There is only one man who could have authorized this operation and that's Bush. And anyone at NORAD will tell you as I have been told personally at NORAD in the war control room, there is only one man who has the power to do this kind of thing and that's Bush. Even though many believe he's a puppet. And I think in many ways he is. The fact of the matter is where was [ ] Cheney, Rumsfeld and these other traitors. The fact is Bush personally ordered and he's guilty and liable and he's going to be re-elected apparently because the media's asleep and [garbled] for Bush. AJ: Well, the media is owned by the same military industrial complex that carried out the attacks.

    SH: Yeah, the media is only interested in maintaining the official government fantasy that this was a little lone Arab. These Arabs couldn't even steer that plane down a runway.

    AJ: Stay there Stanley, final segment coming up. BREAK

    AJ: Mr. Hilton, when you talk to these FBI agents, when you talk to these military men and women, what's their attitude? They've got to be pretty freaked out to have the big picture and know what actually happened on 9/11.

    SH: Yes, you know it's like clouds just before a thunderstorm in the sense that they are sort of pregnant with rage. They are just enraged at the criminal politicians who have perverted and misused the government to murder its own citizens and pursue these dubious political ends. And many of them, in increasing numbers, are willing to talk and will talk under subpoena - but only under subpoena because the official party line of the government is shut up and don't talk to the trial lawyer. But more and more, they are very outraged that part of the government has done this to its own people, to its own people. I mean you have to go back to Stalin to see something - not even Hitler did this to his own people. You have to look at Stalin who murdered the Kulaks, the Russians for his own dubious gains. Also we've got - we have a Stalinist mentality in this country. And, if these people pose as patriots and wrap themselves in the flag, it's disgusting. I wanted also to point out that the Japanese television network, Asahi, is going to be airing a special on primetime tomorrow, on September 11th. They interviewed me for eight hours a couple of weeks ago. I'll be on that. I wish - of course, the America media don't care so they are not going to care. But in Japan, people are very serious in interviewing me and others. And we have a website now, called deprogram.info, if more people are interested: www.deprogram.info. But the other thing, I just wanted to say that if anything happens to me - and I don't know why - because I'm being threatened here now. And it seems you can't bring a case in this country anymore against criminals in power without being threatened. And this is how they operate. The stakes are pretty high when you've got a world historical level of treason and fraud by this government against it's own people. I guess this is what you have to expect.

    AJ: Stanley, the globalists, the new world order crowd, definitely intend to carry out more terror attacks. I know they would have carried out more attacks if we wouldn't have done what we've been up to, if you wouldn't have been out there boldly speaking out and many others. And then their electronic Berlin wall has a bunch of cracks in it now. Thanks to good people like yourself and many others who are speaking out and telling the truth. But do you think that they may carry out what they've been hyping - a suitcase nuke attack, a biological release to try to smokescreen all of this? I know it's a catch 22, you've got to expose the murderers. We've got to get the word out on this but some government people that I've talk to say, "Yeah, but if you do that, they are going to go even more hard core and must totally try to take over." But I say regardless, they are already doing that. So what do you say to that?

    SH: Well, yeah, I think they have an agenda. They have contingency plans. I think they are laying low now because there are an increasing number of people, like myself, who are openly challenging them and accusing them of criminal conduct. I think they would have done it again if we had not spoken up. I think they're planning, what they would like to do is silence any dissenters. That's why we are trying to get the Patriot Act declared unconstitutional in this lawsuit also.

    AJ: Let's talk about polls. In the beginning a patriot is a scarce man, hated and feared, but in time when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot. You are one of those guys who hit the barbwire for us, or figuratively jumped on the hand grenade for America. But when you've got a Zogby poll, who is highly respected, half of New Yorkers believe that the government was involved. When you have a Canadian poll, 63% on average believe that the U.S. government was involved. And some groups, as high as 76% in polls believe the government was involved. European polls, two- thirds show the same thing. We have German defense ministers and technology ministers and another member of their government now, three of them going public, known conservatives, and progressives. You have an environment minister, Michael Meacher, saying that if they didn't do it, they sure as hell knew what was going on. Look, if anybody who is a thinking person looks at the evidence, their official story is impossible. Then you investigate and they are involved in it. Comments to this massive awakening and what's happening.

    SH: Well, I think that's why they want the Patriot Act to suppress political dissent. They have to, they're anticipating, they are not dumb individuals. I know these people personally, Wolfowitz. These are criminal individuals but they are smart and so they anticipated political dissent. And that's why, like the Nazis, their forebears, and their blood brothers, the Nazis and the Stalinists, they're all for political repression. Every corrupt and criminal government has done this - they suppress their own people: Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, Mao Tse-Tung, that's why we have the Patriot Act. So it's hand in hand. They had it planned to go right up to September 11th, this was all part of the plan. You have to do it. It was part of my senior thesis. You must follow through the terrorists attacks with a political suppression mechanism in the law. And that's why they want Patriot I and Patriot II and their plans are to continue launching more terrorist attacks to justify even more repression. The goal is to make this a one party dictatorship in this country, to pursue their dubious ends with their blood brothers like the Saudi Royal family. And also, historical blood brothers, such as the Nazi Germany and the Communist Russian. That's the goal

    AJ: You've got to go in just a minute or two. But I wanted to also tell you about New York. Sound cannons that are used in Iraq, they're against us. Men in black ski masks. 41,000 police, accredited media being arrested randomly. Children being arrested, people in wheelchairs, 2000 plus people put in a camp with barbwire fences inside with no bathrooms. You had to have permission to go to the porta-potties. Police screaming at you. It had nothing to do with terrorism. They are openly setting the precedent for martial law.

    SH: Well, that's right, the word terrorist is now being overly broad and overly defined [garbled] and also, you know, it's like the word communist was used for anything during the McCarthy witch hunt. And anybody can be called a terrorist by Bush's definition. But the irony is that the number one terrorist in the world is living at the White House at the oval office today. That's the real irony. For sheer hypocrisy, I think he deserves the world prize and ought to be in the Ripley book, Believe It or Not, and the Guinness book of world records for sheer brazen chicanery and fraud.

    AJ: Let me ask you a question on this because this is the experience that I had. Watching television, watching the killers, watching those that are guilty, stand up there as our saviors is incredibly painful. It's like watching Ted Bundy being the judge at his own trial. I mean it is just painful to know who these people are. To see them putting America in a shredder. Now we are going to have forced psychological testing of every American, forced drugging, you know Pan-American unions, I mean it's just all happening, it's in our face, Stanley.

    SH: Yeah, it's very disturbing and as one who has studied the theory and concept of dictatorships, I personally interviewed Albert Speer, who was Hitler's armaments minister. I interviewed him in 1981 in Munich. And I've studied the psychology and history of totalitarianism and there is no question that it's very frightening. And it has, today, with high technology, albeit for the first time in history, the chance of having a world empire dominated by corrupt, technologically oriented government - an elite government. And they've got now what people like Napoleon and Hitler didn't have, which is the technological means to dominate not only their own country but others - the world.

    AJ: The answer is to expose them as the terrorists, to show how PNAC [Project for the New American Century] said we need helpful Pearl Harbor events, to show how Northwoods called for the exact 9/11-style attacks, to show their own plans. And to force people to face this horror. What are they going to do in a year or two when 80% of us, not half of us, know the truth?

    SH: Well, that's why they want repression and, then again, the ancient old diversion, launch another terrorist attack to get people to pitch it away. I mean who knows what they'll do next. I mean their capacity for ingenious creation of these events is sort of unraveled. I mean there is no limit. My guess is they are going to try another stunt - maybe a stunt just before the election to justify getting Bush reelected. Although it seems like he is running against a straw man or a ghost right now, anyway. But, my guess is they'll try some other tactic to get people's attention away from 9/11 if it gets to be too much attention. What you really want is for the public to just lose interest because the public - and it's like remember the Alamo, you know, people don't forget things like that. To me it's like the Alamo, remember 9/11, that ought to be the slogan for this outrageous act of treason. That's what it is. It's not

    AJ: We are at a crossroads, I don't think they anticipated this much resistance, Stanley.

    SH: Yeah, I hope they are truly wrong and as incompetent as they are corrupt and guilty. That means their incompetence is exceeded only by their corruption and their guilt. And eventually, if enough people are going to get outraged enough, these people in the bureaucracy and in the civil service and our military, and eventually we can get people under subpoena these individuals will be exposed.

    AJ: Stanley, their whole operation hinges on us being naïve and not recognizing evil. This is what they got with Hitler and others. People couldn't recognize evil so they continued to repeat succumbing to it. We are recognizing it this time. We are putting our lives, our treasure, our future on the line for freedom because we cannot let these blood-thirsty control freak terrorists capture us and use us and turn us into the empire and have a draft and use us as their slaves to invade the planet. And that's their PNAC plan. Stanley Hilton, I know you've got to get to court. God bless you. I want to thank you for being here with us today. Can we get you back on next week?

    SH: Sure, just give me a call.

    AJ: God bless you my friend. Any closing comments?

    SH: My closing comments would be, I think people ought to just think about the consequence of having someone like Bush in the White House and the danger for the future that these sorts of individuals pose. This is not just a historical event of the past. This is part of the plan and the camera is still rolling. They have an agenda. These individuals are extremely dangerous. They are armed and dangerous. They pose a clear and dangerous threat to every freedom-loving person not only American but in the whole world.

    AJ: You are absolutely right Stanley Hilton. They have captured the government. They have not captured the peoples' minds and they are counting on us not facing up to it.

    SH: And they are counting on the repressive Patriot Act and threats and chief judges and FBI agents threatening people who are exposing them. That's what they are counting on.

    AJ: But you're not backing down are you, my friend.

    SH: No, I'm not

    AJ: Well, we all stand with you, my brother, and God bless you.

    SH: All right. Thank you.

    To hear Alex's interview with Stanley Hilton -

    JAXXE --- ---
    BREAKING NEWS: The Dirty Bomb may be a Neocon "Strategery" to Stomp US [you and me] into Submission

    JAXXE --- ---
    Top 10 Pieces of 9-11 Evidence

    Frank Levi (16 Aug 02) - updated 29th Sept

    Overwhelmingly convenient pieces of evidence which mostly came to light very quickly after 9-11. The fact is - before going to war the public need to be thoroughly convinced that the war is really necessary. In my opinion the majority of the following pieces of evidence are just too coincidental to be anything other than psychological propaganda: Arabs + pilots = suicide hijackers

    If you think about it - all the evidence we have that those 19 suspects actually committed the crime is circumstantial at best. Even the flight attendant who supposedly gave the seat numbers the hijackers came from gave different seat numbers to those of some of the suspected hijackers

    1. Mohamed Atta's Luggage
    2. Ziad Jarrah's Letter to his Girlfriend
    3. The Letter from the Ringleader
    4. The Magic Passport
    5. Ziad Jarrah's Passport Photo
    6. DIY Arab Hijacker Kits left in Cars
    7. DIY Arab Hijacker Kits left elsewhere
    8. Arabs Starting Fights Next to Cars full of DIY Arab Hijacker Kits
    9. Copies of the Koran left in Strip Clubs
    10. Ziad Jarrah builds a replica of a Boeing cockpit in his apartment

    1. Mohamed Atta's Luggage

    Mohamed Atta , we are told, brought not one but two suitcases with him on his final suicide trip. Some might say it was a little convenient for the FBI investigators that these two suitcases did not make it from his connecting flight onto his suicide flight.

    What was apparently in the bags: Numerous documents including a letter of recommendation and education related documents. (In other words, stuff you would bring to a job interview, not a suicide attack). A handheld flight computer, flight simulator manuals, two videotapes about Boeing aircraft, a slide rule flight calculator, a copy of the Koran, his will and presumably a lot of socks and underpants. All this stuff would have been in the luggage hold, so why bring it? If he was really committing an act of suicidal Jihad he would have brought his Koran on board.


    The link above has a scanned copy of the FBI affidavit detailing the contents of Atta's car and his luggage. It doesn't mention the letter he apparently wrote to the other hijackers.



    Read the above article carefully. Notice in particular:

    "Because of an American policy instated just before Sept. 11 to curb baggage-related flight delays, Atta's two checked bags – which had been held up from an earlier flight – were left behind in Boston" - another one of those changes which took place just before Sept 11th. Like Jeb Bush adding the clause about terrorism to his Executive Order just before Sept 11th

    "the Dallas-based carrier, which continues to gag all employees from talking about the Sept. 11 hijackings." - what are they hiding?

    "As it happens, Atta was the only passenger among the 81 aboard American Flight 11 whose luggage didn't make the flight"

    What are the odds of that? The chances that the left luggage was Atta's is 81 to 1. The chances of the two pieces of luggage being left behind both being Atta's (please correct this if you are a mathematician) 81 times 80 which is 1 in 6480. Multiply this by the odds of any luggage being left behind, decrease this slightly by the likelihood that a person's luggage items are quite likely to be close to each other in the plane. All the same, you're still looking at odds of thousands to one.

    Notice also the list of things which were in the suitcase. Someone pointed out that the hijackers would have brought luggage so as to appear normal. Why bring a video about Boeing aircraft?

    2. Ziad Jarrah's Letter to his Girlfriend


    Jarrah apparently wrote a farewell letter to his girlfriend - but in spite of having been with her for several years, he managed to send it to the wrong address. So the letter ended up in the hands of the FBI. How lucky is that !

    Relatives think that the letter to the girlfriend is a fake.

    3. The Letter From the Ringleader

    This is the letter apparently from Atta giving last minute encouragement to his pals before going to Allah. Conveniently Mohamed left a copy in his suitcase , someone else left a copy in their apartment for the FBI to find, and miraculously, a third copy was found amongst the tiny pieces of debris at the Flight 93 crash site.

    Robert Fisk wrote an article in the Independent last September which effectively ridicules this particular piece of "evidence"

    http://www.eionews.addr.com/psyops/news/atta_lastletter_questions.htm - this is a copy of the original article. Read it.

    4. The Magic Passport

    Many people have pointed this one out since last September. How is it that the FBI found an intact passport belonging to one of the hijackers "several blocks away" from the World Trade centre when all the indestructible black boxes in the aeroplanes were destroyed or lost?

    What's really scary is that people actually believe this....

    5. Ziad Jarrah's Passport Photo

    A fragment of a hijackers passport photo was found at the flight 93 crash site. Just as a side issue - why did they insist on bringing passports when they were on internal flights - AND on suicide missions???

    CNN reported it was Jarrah's passport: http://europe.cnn.com/2002/US/08/01/cia.hijacker/

    I got this photo from the Google Cache for the FBI Lab site: www.google.co.uk

    The FBI found a fragment of one of the Hijackers passports (supposedly Ziad Jarrah) at the Flight 93 crash site. If you look closely at all the faces here you will see it's not any of these people. It's not Jarrah (right), the face is a completely different shape. And its not Alnami (top right) the eyebrows are wrong and the gap between nose and lips is larger. This could be further evidence that the hijackers were all using fake ID's. If we don't know who they were, we don't know who did it.

    6. DIY Arab Hijacker Kits left in Cars

    Another car (not Atta's rental car) was found at Logan airport containing Arabic-language flight training manuals. If Atta was the pilot, why did anyone else need to bring flight manuals with them? A bit of last minute revision?

    7. DIY Arab Hijacker Kits left elsewhere


    Boeing 757 manuals, three illustrated martial arts books and an 8-inch stack of East Coast flight maps

    Al-Shehhi checked out last Sunday without taking a three-ring binder full of handwritten notes, an English-German dictionary, an airplane fuel tester, a protractor, tote bag, aircraft manuals, maps and books, Surma said.

    This is a real "When I grow up I want to be a hijacker" set.

    8. Arabs Starting Fights Next to Cars full of DIY Arab Hijacker Kits


    The above link mentions this story - anonymous person leads FBI to car were he remembers getting into an argument with some Arabs earlier on. Obviously trying very hard not to draw attention to themselves, these Arab-suicide-hijackers.

    9. Copies of the Koran left in Strip Clubs


    "Kap said he gave the FBI credit card receipts, photocopied driver's licenses, a business card left by one man and a copy of the Quran - the sacred book of Islam - that was left at the bar."

    Yeah, yeah - devout Moslems like Atta really go to strip clubs and really leave copies of the Koran at the bar. Not to mention all the other convenient stuff.

    10. Ziad Jarrah builds a replica of a Boeing cockpit in his apartment

    http://www.boston.com/news/packages/underattack/news/planes_reconstruction.htm - mentions the replica cockpit built by Jarrah

    What would you actually gain from this as a suicide hijacker? This is the cockpit, here is the door, here are the pilots. Not massively complicated. More likely to be done by a twelve year old obsessed with planes or an FBI agent trying to pin the blame on someone?

    (Would you believe he built it entirely out of cornflakes packets, egg boxes and toilet-paper tubes. He cut them up very carefully with a box-cutter knife. (Ziad made sure he had adult supervision first which you should do too if you want to build one.) Next week: Ziad builds a radioactive dirty-bomb out of used matches.)

    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush and Kerry dance to the tune of Ariel Sharon


    Occam's Razor: Israel helped the US pull off 9-11, then turned around and blackmailed the Us Government with that secret. Don't believe me? Go back to September 2001, and look at hos Israel's arrogance and demands shot upwards in the months afterwards.

    "Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information."

    -- US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring and its connections to 9-11.

    PETVAL --- ---
    opakovani, matka moudrosti, asi poprve cesky

    Útoku na Svět. obchodní centrum předcházel 30-ti hodinový výpadek proudu ve vyšších patrech WTC

    Bylo WTC (Světové obchodní centrum) vystaveno záměrnému snížení dodávky energie o víkendu předcházejícímu útoku z 9.11.?

    Podle Scotta Forbese, vedoucího správce databáze společnosti Fiduciary trust (investiční banka, která byla později převzata Franklinem Templetonem) to je přesně to, co se událo. Forbes byl přijat do zaměstnání ve společnosti Fiduciary v roce 1999 a nyní pracuje v pobočce ve Velké Británii. O víkendu 8.-9. září byl v práci. Sdělil, že jeho společnost dala tři týdny před událostmi výpověď poté, co správce newyorského přístavu přerušil v severní věži od 48. patra nahoru dodávky proudu. Jako důvod uváděli výměnu kabelů umožňující zvýšení počítačové vybavenosti budovy WTC.

    Společnost Fiduciary Trust byla po vztyčení WTC jedním z prvních nájemců. Až do této události nikdy předtím nebyly dodávky energie sníženy. Mimo to Forbesova společnost v průběhu své existence investovala značné prostředky a čas ke snížení poruch počítačového systému během vědomé odstávky. Podle Forbese začala odstávka v sobotu 8.9. ráno a trvala do nedělního odpoledne, 9. září. Po zhruba 30 hodin byly kamery bezpečnostního systému, výtahy do vyšších pater a další systémy bez proudu a díky tomu mimo provoz.

    Jak Forbes uvedl ve svém emailu pro novináře Johna Kaminskiho (autor knih "The Day America Died" a "Americas Autopsy Report) měli v průběhu této doby jakýkoli údržbáři díky odstavení bezpečnostních systémů naprosto volný přístup kamkoli v budově. Zároveň v nižších podlažích bylo energie k dispozici dostatek.

    Forbes měl celý víkend práci se zprovozněním systémů a tak 11. září nepracoval. Všechny událostí sledoval ze svého pokoje. Je přesvědčen, že část událostí se určitě odehrála díky víkendovému omezení dodávek elektrického proudu.
    Upozorňuje i na další zvláštnosti:

    1) Zaměstnanci společnosti Fiduciary, kteří uvízli mezi 90-97 patrem severní věže sdělovali v telefonu svým rodinným příslušníkům, že ve věži zaslechli explozi bomby.

    2) Videokamery místní televizní stanice na vrcholu World Trade Center tohoto rána nefungovaly.

    3) Zaměstnanci společnosti Fiduciary, kteří byli v nižších podlažích a bezprostředně po výbuchu jižní věže severní budovu opustili, byli překvapeni množstvím agentů FBI. Ti se objevili na ulici před budovami WTC jen několik minut po prvním útoku.

    4) V neposlední řadě finanční ředitelka společnosti Ann Tatlock, která je nyní členem vedení Franklina Templetona, opustila po útocích konferenci pořádanou Warrenem Buffetem na letecké základně Offutt (zde je umístěna hlavní základna strategického velení U.S. v Omaze). Shodou okolností ještě téhož dne prezident George W. Bush z bezpečnostních důvodů použil stejnou základnu. Navíc je základna Offutt AFB spojovaná s experimenty MK ULTRA CIA, Projektem Monarch, zajištěním Franklina a ďábelskými praktikami Michaela Aquina.

    Nakonec se podle Forbese kolem těchto událostí objevují další nezveřejněné podivné okolnosti. Podle Forbese tyto odhalení můžou ohrozit další současné zaměstnance, které do celé záležitosti zasvětil. "Zaslal jsem mnoho mejlů s těmito informacemi, mezi jiným i komisi pro vyšetřování událostí z 11. září, ale nevypadá to, že by se chtěli těmito informacemi zabývat."

    Objevuje se mnoho nezodpovězených otázek, kterými se budeme dále zabývat a budeme o nich dále informovat.

    © Copyright V THORN 2004, Zdroj, translation OSUD.cz 2004
    KERRAY --- ---
    The 9/11 Secret in the CIA's Back Pocket

    The agency is withholding a damning report that points at senior officials. Robert Scheer

    October 19, 2004

    It is shocking: The Bush administration is suppressing a CIA report on 9/11 until after the election, and this one names names. Although the report by the inspector general's office of the CIA was completed in June, it has not been made available to the congressional intelligence committees that mandated the study almost two years ago.

    "It is infuriating that a report which shows that high-level people were not doing their jobs in a satisfactory manner before 9/11 is being suppressed," an intelligence official who has read the report told me, adding that "the report is potentially very embarrassing for the administration, because it makes it look like they weren't interested in terrorism before 9/11, or in holding people in the government responsible afterward."

    When I asked about the report, Rep. Jane Harman (D-Venice), ranking Democratic member of the House Intelligence Committee, said she and committee Chairman Peter Hoekstra (R-Mich.) sent a letter 14 days ago asking for it to be delivered. "We believe that the CIA has been told not to distribute the report," she said. "We are very concerned."

    According to the intelligence official, who spoke to me on condition of anonymity, release of the report, which represents an exhaustive 17-month investigation by an 11-member team within the agency, has been "stalled." First by acting CIA Director John McLaughlin and now by Porter J. Goss, the former Republican House member (and chairman of the Intelligence Committee) who recently was appointed CIA chief by President Bush.

    The official stressed that the report was more blunt and more specific than the earlier bipartisan reports produced by the Bush-appointed Sept. 11 commission and Congress.

    "What all the other reports on 9/11 did not do is point the finger at individuals, and give the how and what of their responsibility. This report does that," said the intelligence official. "The report found very senior-level officials responsible."

    By law, the only legitimate reason the CIA director has for holding back such a report is national security. Yet neither Goss nor McLaughlin has invoked national security as an explanation for not delivering the report to Congress.

    "It surely does not involve issues of national security," said the intelligence official.

    "The agency directorate is basically sitting on the report until after the election," the official continued. "No previous director of CIA has ever tried to stop the inspector general from releasing a report to the Congress, in this case a report requested by Congress." None of this should surprise us given the Bush administration's great determination since 9/11 to resist any serious investigation into how the security of this nation was so easily breached. In Bush's much ballyhooed war on terror, ignorance has been bliss. The president fought against the creation of the Sept. 11 commission, for example, agreeing only after enormous political pressure was applied by a grass-roots movement led by the families of those slain. And then Bush refused to testify to the commission under oath, or on the record. Instead he deigned only to chat with the commission members, with Vice President Dick Cheney present, in a White House meeting in which commission members were not allowed to take notes. All in all, strange behavior for a man who seeks reelection to the top office in the land based on his handling of the so-called war on terror. In September, the New York Times reported that several family members met with Goss privately to demand the release of the CIA inspector general's report. "Three thousand people were killed on 9/11, and no one has been held accountable," 9/11 widow Kristen Breitweiser told the paper.

    The failure to furnish the report to Congress, said Harman, "fuels the perception that no one is being held accountable. It is unacceptable that we don't have [the report]; it not only disrespects Congress but it disrespects the American people."

    The stonewalling by the Bush administration and the failure of Congress to gain release of the report have, said the intelligence source, "led the management of the CIA to believe it can engage in a cover-up with impunity. Unless the public demands an accounting, the administration and CIA's leadership will have won and the nation will have lost."
    JAXXE --- ---
    Brainwash victims win cash claims

    Karin Goodwin

    HUNDREDS of mentally ill patients who were subjected to barbaric CIA-funded brainwashing experiments by a Scottish doctor could be entitled to compensation following a landmark court ruling.

    Doctor Ewan Cameron, who became one of the world’s leading psychiatrists, developed techniques used by Nazi scientists to wipe out the existing personalities of people in his care.

    Cameron, who graduated from Glasgow University, was recruited by the CIA during the cold war while working at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.

    He carried out mind-control experiments using drugs such as LSD on hundreds of patients, but only 77 of them were awarded compensation.


    Using techniques similar to those portrayed in the celebrated novel the Manchurian Candidate, it was believed that people could be brainwashed and reprogrammed to carry out specific acts.


    Patients were woken from drug-induced stupors two or three times a day for multiple electric shocks. In a specially designed “sleep room” made famous by Anne Collins’s book of the same name, Cameron placed a speaker under the patient’s pillow and relayed negative messages for 16 hours a day.


    It took two decades and the persistence of Joseph Rauh, the distinguished American civil liberties lawyer, to uncover what happened and secure compensation for some of Cameron’s victims.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Someone pretending to be part of Al Zarqawi's group posts a message on a website pretnding to be run by Muslims, pretending to make a deal with someone pretending to be Osama.

    Al-Zarqawi group claims allegiance to bin Laden

    'We will listen to your orders,' group tells al Qaeda boss

    JAXXE --- ---
    Al-Qaeda training videos probably faked

    JAXXE --- ---
    The Guantanamoization of America

    Tehran Times | Oct 18 2004

    What is the so-called war on terrorism really all about? Well, one thing is certain, it is not what it seems.

    The ideologues in the U.S. administration claim it is some kind of battle between freedom and democracy on one side and barbarism and despotism on the other, a sort of battle between good and evil. This comic-book simplification of geopolitics is so patently absurd it hardly warrants a refutation. Yet, for the sake of argument, it should be said that the failure of these so-called defenders of freedom to address the root causes of what they call terrorism, such as hunger, poverty, injustice, occupation, and racism, gives the lie to their fake mission to save the world.

    Many Muslims believe the so-called war on terrorism is really a war on Islam, but they are only partly right because that is just one aspect of it. The campaign against terrorism is a war on true Islam, despite all the rhetoric coming out of the West about it only being a campaign against certain intolerant fanatics who claim to be Muslims. U.S. President George W. Bush’s use of the word crusade may be dismissed as a slip of the tongue, yet the evidence proves that is what he meant. U.S. officials’ remarks about revising the school textbooks in the Islamic world by deleting the Islamic teachings they disagree with makes the point loud and clear.

    The war on terrorism is also a war on Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, indigenous religions, and every other traditional religion and spiritual belief system. It is focused on Islam in order to divert the attention of the followers of other religions from the fact that they are being targeted, too. Islam is also the main religion being targeted because the powers that be see it is as more of a threat than the other religions.

    Many people in the global South say the war on terrorism is a war on the people of the Third World. The war on terrorism clearly uses rhetoric that is racist against the people of the Third World, and seizing resources of the Third World is obviously part of the plan. Yet, the scope of this phenomenon is even more far-reaching.

    The war on terrorism is also a war on the citizens of the Western world in general and a war on the citizens of the United States in particular. It is a war on civil liberties and personal freedom.

    The U.S. Constitution is a prime target of the so-called war on terrorism because it is a legal document protecting civil liberties and personal freedom. The restrictions on civil liberties and personal freedom in Patriot Act I and Patriot Act II are clearly violations of the U.S. Constitution, yet very few U.S. citizens have protested, either because of their fear of “terrorism” or because of their fear of reprisals from their own government.

    Fear and disinformation are pillars of the so-called war on terrorism. Places like the Guantanamo detention camp are used to scare people. There is now even a popular saying about the Guantanamo fear factor: “Stay in line or off to Guantanamo you go.”

    This is the Guantanamoization of America. And the Guantanamoization of America is one aspect of the Guantanamoization of the world. This is the goal of the so-called war on terrorism.

    The Guantanamo detention facility is a bizarre place, more akin to a medieval dungeon than a 21st century prison. U.S. officials have declared that the Geneva Conventions and the U.S. Constitution do not apply there. The prisoners, captured after the U.S. military’s invasion of Afghanistan and incarcerated on suspicion of being members of the Taleban or Al-Qaeda, have been classified as non-lawful combatants. Under this pseudo-legal classification, they are not considered to be prisoners of war or ordinary prisoners and hence not protected by international law, the Geneva Conventions, or the U.S. Constitution.

    Guantanamo is a legal netherworld. One can be detained there indefinitely without being charged with a crime. How can one describe such a place? Even words like Kafkaesque and Orwellian fail to hit the mark. Does no one see the irony in the fact that self-professed “freedom lovers” in the “free world” have set up a concentration camp to defend their cherished freedoms? Even if the Guantanamo prisoners are guilty of the most heinous crimes, should they be denied due process of law in a civilized society?

    It seems that the Guantanamo prisoners are meant to be an example and a warning. Stay in line or off to Guantanamo you go. Is it necessary to establish a police state to combat terrorism? Or is the so-called war on terrorism being used as a means to establish a police state?

    Unfortunately, one day U.S. citizens may wake up to find they have become a nation of Niehmollers.

    For those not versed in history, Pastor Martin Niehmoller was a Protestant clergyman in Germany during the early days of the Nazi government in the 1930s. He initially supported Hitler but later actively opposed the Nazis. He was arrested by the Gestapo in 1937 and sent to the Sachsenhausen and Dachau concentration camps. Allied forces liberated him at the end of World War II. After the war, Niemoller famously said: “First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist, so I said nothing. Then they came for the Social Democrats, but I was not a Social Democrat, so I did nothing. Then came the trade unionists, but I was not a trade unionist. And then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew, so I did little. Then when they came for me, there was no one left to stand up for me.”

    The so-called war on terrorism is a war on Islam, a war on all world religions and cultures, a war on the Third World, a war on the citizens of the West, a war on international law, a war on the U.S. Constitution, and a war on civil liberties and personal freedom. The so-called war on terrorism is itself terrorism. It is a war on the people of the world. The so-called war on terrorism, hand in hand with globalization, seems to actually be leading to global Guantanamoization. Is this what we want? Are we merrily going down the primrose path to dystopia? Is anyone paying attention?

    It’s time to wake up before we are all very very sorry and have no one but ourselves to blame.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Speaking of security, Applied Digital's chief technology officer has described the post-9-11 environment as an opportunity, saying, "When people are trying to regain their peace of mind, they're more open to new approaches." The company already has invented a system that allows satellites to track the radio signal of subdermal microchips. If a terrorist sets off a suitcase nuke in an American city, federal authorities will demand that everybody have a trackable ID chip – and most of us, hysterical over the prospect of more homeland Hiroshimas, will gratefully comply.

    You don't want the chip? What are you, a terrorist? Come with us, sir, we'd like to talk to you.

    In that event, the only thing standing between Big Brother and the rest of us will be the ACLU diehards and right-wing Christians who have a fundamental conviction that to accept the ID chip would mean submission to the Antichrist.
    And when that day comes, you can expect the establishment to marginalize them all as anti-science religious kooks and political paranoids whose intransigence endangers us all.

    Whatever you think of their theology, the deep and abiding fear these religious believers have of global identification technology in the hands of government is eminently sane. You don't have to read the Book of Revelation like they do to know that these folks are rightly reading the signs of the times.



    Comment: This piece highlights the fact that globalists pushing the idea of a microchipped population continue to succeed in doing so because they believe they can get away with it. Although the columnist seems alarmed by and opposed to the move, he readily admits he is a "cud chewer" and at the end of the day will do not attempt to do a thing against it. So now instead of being known as the "nuts" who talk about microchips, we get labelled as "a strange-bedfellow coalition of hard-core civil libertarians and the "Left Behind" crowd, nonconformists" or simply as "fundamentalists and evangelicals". Why? What is fundamentalist or non-confomist about not wanting a microchips implanted in your arm? this insanity must stop NOW.
    KERRAY --- ---
    Our Magical President
    17 October 2004

    How Bush goes beyond the Bible to create his own reality.

    By Jeff Sharlet

    The most magical president?
    The big religion story of the day -- Ron Suskind’s NYT Magazine fisking of Bush’s faith -- is also the big political story of the day, and since it follows so closely on Matt Bai’s inadvertent take-down of Kerry, it’ll likely provide wonk-gossip fodder as well. Is this the Times' idea of "balance"? More importantly, which aide channeled New Age chanteuse Enya by asserting that “we create our own reality”? Who are the “sources” who set Suskind’s phone a-ringing after the publication of The Price of Loyalty? And is George W. Bush the first magical president of the United States?

    Well, probably no one will ask that last one, but that’s what I was left wondering after reading Suskind’s report, only the latest in a long series of investigations of Bush’s faith. What’s surprising about Suskind’s summary of Bush’s “walk,” to borrow an evangelical term, is how small a role Jesus Christ seems to play in it. God gets a few cameos, but even he’s a supporting player. Front and center, though, is faith.

    Given what we know about Bush, from pro-Bush sources such as Stephen Mansfield’s The Faith of George W. Bush and the documentary George W. Bush: Faith in the White House, from the reasonably neutral Frontline special, “The Jesus Factor,” and from mainstream print investigations such as Alan Cooperman's, that’s a fair assessment.

    Believing, it seems, is more important to the President than the substance of his belief. Jesus Christ’s particular teachings -- well, those are good, too. But what really matters is that if you believe you can do something, you can.

    What Suskind misses, and what Bush’s more orthodox Christian supporters seem to dodge, is that this is not Christian doctrine by any definition. It is, in fact, a key element of the broad, heterodox movement known as New Age religion.

    A common aspect of many New Age schools of thought (though not all) is a gentle disdain for perceived reality. That's different from the fundamentalist aversion to worldliness; rather, this approach views the "real world" as that which is within the mind or heart or spirit of the believer. That idea is often dismissed as a modern bastardization of psychology, but many New Agers argue that their beliefs are actually ancient; and, despite the fact that the superficial characteristics are often of a recent vintage, there’s some truth to that assertion. New Age religions are, literally, reactionary, responses to what’s been called the disenchantment of the world. Another word for that process is the Enlightenment, with its claims of empirical accuracy. New Age movements attempt to revive -- or create anew --pre-Enlightenment ideas about magic, alchemy, ghosts, and whatever else practitioners can glean from a record for the most part expunged by institutional Christianity.

    Christian fundamentalism, meanwhile, is the child of the Enlightenment, a functionalist view of faith that’s metaphorically “scientific.” It's scripture as read by a cranky engineer who just wants to know how God works. The Bible, for a fundamentalist, isn’t powerful literature demanding our ever-changing discernment; it’s an instruction manual. And fundamentalists think that's a good thing.

    But Bush, we’re told time and again by supporters and detractors, is not a details man. Not much of a reader, either. He is a “heart” person, as pollster John Zogby’s Wizard of Oz characterization of the candidates would have it (Kerry the Tin Man, all brains and no heart, vs. Bush the Scarecrow, nothing but heart and straw).

    Suskind begins his accounting of the President’s faith with an encounter between Bush and Senator Joe Biden. Biden ticks off the ominous portents of potential failure in Iraq, many of them, apparently, news to Bush. Bush unfazed, replies that all will be well. “‘Mr. President,’” Biden recalls asking, “ ‘how can you be so sure when you know you don’t know the facts?’”

    What was the President’s answer? That God told him so? Please. Those who accuse him of hearing voices haven’t been paying attention to what he’s been saying. Did he resort to the fundamentalist instruction manual? Uh-uh. The President, we’ve been told, begins his days not with the Bible but with a pocket-sized book called My Utmost for His Highest, a remarkably opaque collection of daily devotionals published by Oswald Chambers in 1935.

    No, Bush’s answer was one only an EST instructor could love: “ ‘My instincts,’” he reportedly told Biden. “ ‘My instincts.’”

    In this particular sense, Bush does seem to be a descendent of the Enlightenment: He’s Rousseau’s noble savage, operating on the pure, animal instincts that’re true because they are, and are because they’re true. The noble savage does not live in what Bush’s aide contemptuously calls “the reality-based community”; he is in and is of a “nature” more real than reality, which, in an unexpected nod to postmodernism, Bush believers seem to dismiss as a social construct.

    Suskind and other Bush detractors (and make no mistake, Suskind’s story is a hit piece -- a smart, informative hit piece, but a hit piece all the same) document Bush’s tautological thinking, but they fall short of taking it seriously. That’s a point Mark McKinnon, one of Bush’s media advisors, tries to hammer home in brutal fashion when he tells Suskind, “ ‘When you attack him for his malaprops, his jumbled syntax, it’s good for us. Because you know what [Bush supporters] don’t like? They don’t like you!’”

    Beyond the schoolyard shoving aspects of this declaration, there’s some insight. Suskind reads McKinnon's comment as an attack on snobbery; in fact, it’s an angry defense of positive thinking, of creating one’s own reality. Bush believers long for absolutes, but they don't care about empirical definitions. They're not literalists, in the sense that they don't cling to language. In fact, they don't trust language, which is why they read clunky, soulless translations of scripture, when they read it at all. The Community Bible Study approach to biblical education through which Bush found his faith is not based on intense reading, but on personal meditations built around a sentence or two. Bush himself doesn't study the Bible; he samples phrases and invokes them like spells.

    Much has been said about his subtle use of scriptural citations as "coded" signals to his base. But every account of his worldview suggests that he sees no need to be sneaky. He is not sending secret messages. When he speaks of "wonderworking power" (a reference to the gospel standard "Power in the Blood"), as he did in his now infamous "mission accomplished" speech, he is drawing that power into being, to make his desires into reality. Politics, strategy, books, the Bible -- everything falls away in the realm of magical realism.

    There's a line in Dostoevsky's The Possessed that's always haunted me with its suggestion of a faith that transcends its own meaning. Shatov, a romantic nationalist, asks the radical Stavrogin, “Wasn't it you who said that even if it was proved to you mathematically that the Truth was outside Christ, you would prefer to remain with Christ outside the Truth?”

    Stavrogin denies it (he is, in contemporary parlance, a flip-flopper), but Shatov won’t be moved. He's fallen in love with this formulation and he decides to cleave nearer still to its tautological mysticism -- history, politics, scripture, even Truth be damned.

    It’s not for nothing that proto-fundie Dostoyevsky sometimes gets called a pagan. That beautiful, terrifying sentiment is a rebuke to all systems, to all theories, to the disenchantment of the world; indeed, it exists on a sort of astral plane, where Christ floats freely, unbound by scripture, a God not to be discerned, but rather, a God felt from within.

    Some will note the Gnostic resonance of such a belief system, but in the modern world it owes more to the resilience of magical thinking than to Gnosticism popularizer Elaine Pagels, who probably has not made it onto the ultra-exclusive short list of the President’s reading material.

    But Suskind doesn't even touch on that possibility. Although Suskind gladly admits that he’s a member of the “reality-based community,” he’s open-minded enough not to simply contrast his worldview with that of Bush’s. Rather, he finds a what he thinks is a middleground between the two in the person of Jim Wallis, a liberal evangelical leader to whom he gives the last word. “ ‘Real faith’” Wallis declares, “ ‘leads us to deeper reflection and not -- not ever -- to the thing we as humans so very much want…. Easy certainty.’”

    I happen to like the idea that faith is a path away from easy certainty, but I know it’s just that -- an idea. Wallis’ idea, and that of one strain of Christianity. It's not an idea shared by many New Age religions. Such beliefs emphasize that certainty is easy, if you'll just give up the illusion of reality, since certainty is as close to you as your own heart. One need not investigate with the tools of rationalism, but rather, simply -- the simplicity of it all is key -- feel.

    Bush feels. The press, so far, does not. In grappling with Bush’s presidency, it has expanded its range, developed a more nuanced understanding of traditional Christian fundamentalism, recognized liberal evangelicalism, and acknowledged the limitations of Enlightenment thinking. But it still can’t account for the kind of magic that says, If you believe you can do something -- become president despite losing the popular vote, launch a war without evidence, and maybe, if you REALLY believe, get re-elected anyway -- you can.

    Jeff Sharlet is co-author of Killing the Buddha and editor of The Revealer.
    PETVAL --- ---
    Britská a americká vláda "používají informace získané prostřednictvím mučení"
    Británie propustila velvyslance, který poukazoval na porušování lidských práv v Uzbekistánu

    Britský velvyslanec v Uzbekistánu Craig Murray byl ve čtvrtek konečně propuštěn. Britské ministerstvo zahraničních věcí konstatovalo, že v něho nemá důvěru. Tím končí patnáctiměsíční sága boje mezi Londýnem a jeho velvyslancem, který "dělal potíže" svým pánům v britské diplomacii tím, že poukazoval na porušování lidských práv v Uzbekistánu. (Uzbekistán je zemí, kde se političtí odpůrci režimu ve věznicích vaří zaživa.) To se ovšem britské a zejména americké vládě nehodí, neboť USA potřebují Uzbekistán jako "spojence v boji proti terorismu".

    Murray tvrdí, že Velká Británie a Spojené státy záměrně neprotestují proti otřesným poměrům v Uzbekistánu, kde se běžně používá při výsleších mučení, protože americká armáda využívala uzbecké letecké základny pro válku v sousedním Afghánistánu.

    Proti Craigu Murraymu bylo vzneseno v rámci interního disciplinárního řízení 18 obvinění. Byl obviněn, že býval opilý v práci a že prodával víza do Británie místním ženám za sex. Nebyly předloženy žádné důkazy a Murray byl posléze shledán nevinným. Konstatuje, že v důsledku "kampaně proti němu" v britských diplomatických kruzích utrpěl nervový kolaps. V pátek ráno v 8.10, tedy v nejsledovanějším vysílacím čase, přinesl pořad "Today" rozhlasové stanice BBC Radio Four, rozhovor s Craigem Murraym. Nejvážnější je, že Craig Murray svědčí o tom, že britská a americká vláda využívají informace z Uzbekistánu, získávané prostřednictvím mučení. Z rozhovoru, který v angličtině v audioverzi naleznene na stránkách pořadu "Today", vyjímáme:
    PETVAL --- ---
    Guantanamo Bay workers reveal detainee abuse
    10/17/2004 2:40:00 PM GMT
    The New York Times interviewed the unidentified workers -- military guards, intelligence agents and others – who described a range of techniques that included treatment they said was highly abusive.

    One regular procedure described by those who worked for the Camp Delta, the main detention facility at the naval base in Cuba, was forcing uncooperative detainees to strip to their underpants, making them sit in a chair while shackled hand and foot to a bolt in the floor, and forcing them to endure strobe lights and screamingly loud rock and rap music played through two close loudspeakers, while the air conditioning was turned up to maximum levels.

    One military official who witnessed the procedure said that such sessions could last up to 14 hours with breaks. "It fried them," he said.
    Lt. Cmdr. Alvin Plexico released a Defense Department statement in response to questions about the new allegations, claiming that the military was providing a "safe, humane and professional detention operation at Guantanamo that is providing valuable information in the war on terrorism."

    The statement said: "Guantanamo guards provide an environment that is stable, secure, safe and humane. And it is that environment that sets the conditions for interrogators to work successfully and to gain valuable information from detainees because they have built a relationship of trust, not fear."
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