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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    ANGLAN --- ---
    GYD: jasne, ale neci utracet a udelam si sam na ten vecer az az, krom toho to na konec muzu spalit a poslapat, he he
    JAXXE: dik looknu ;]
    GYD --- ---
    ANGLAN: ja myslim, ze by se dala kopit i gumova maska na hlavu.
    ANGLAN --- ---
    JAXXE: good stuff.... ! Hele pro vsechny mam prosbu, jhraju si s myslenkou ze pujdu na maskarni za george bushe - tema je jit za nekho kym bychom neradi byli... proc to pisu? potrebuju sehnat nejake good ci hi red quality fotky ksichtu toho lotra.... nepovite ci nevite kde? at se v tom nemusim dlouho hrabat.. dikes a sorrac za OT
    JAXXE --- ---
    Několik ne nezajímavých faktů o volbách v USA
    Bob Rowe
    (více o autorovi=>>)

    Na internetu existuje velké množství článků, svědectví a dokumentů o (ne)regulérnosti posledních amerických voleb. Než bych překládal řadu z nich, rozhodl jsem se pro výcuc v kostce, jak to ve svém článku poměrně šikovně zpracoval Bob Rowe. Pozn. vydavatele.


    80 % hlasů bylo zpracováváno pouze dvěma firmami: Diebold a ES & S, z toho 30 % hlasů bylo zpracováno na strojích, které neprodukují žádnou tiskovou sestavu či audit.

    Viceprezidenti firem Diebold a ES & S jsou bratři.

    Žádná agentura na úrovni federální vlády nedohlíží na soukromé firmy vyrábějící hlasovací automaty.

    Nejvyšší šéf (CEO) ve firmě Diebold patří mezi hlavní organizátory a sponzory Bushovy kampaně a v roce 2003 napsal, že (cituji) "je odhodlán pomoci Bushovi k vítězství ve státě Ohio".

    Republikánský senátor Chuck Hagel, který se stal senátorem na základě hlasů zpracovaných volebními automaty firmy ES & S, vlastní 53 procent akcií této firmy.

    Tentýž člověk (Chuck Hagel) se dostal na zkrácený (konečný) Bushův seznam možných kandidátů na úřad viceprezidenta.

    Firma ES & S je největším výrobcem volebních automatů, její stroje zpracovávaly 60 % všech hlasů při posledních volbách.

    Volební automaty firmy Diebold neprodukují žádný audit. Jinými slovy neexistuje cesta jak ověřit, že to, co do stroje vstupuje, z něj také vystupuje.

    Stejná firma (Diebold) je rovněž výrobcem bankovních automatů, obchodních pokladen a automatů na jízdenky. Všechny tyto výrobky nemají problém produkovat tiskové sestavy o provedených transakcích.

    Diebold sídlí ve státě Ohio.

    Vývojem počítačových programů pro volby ve firmě Diebold bylo pověřeno pět lidí. Všichni jsou usvědčeni kriminálníci.

    Jeff Dean, viceprezident firmy Diebold byl usvědčen z 23 podvodných machinací a krádeží.

    Tentýž člověk (Jeff Dean) byl usvědčen z naprogramování zadních vrátek do software firmy a z toho, že se mu po dva roky dařilo toto zatajit před zákazníky.

    U voleb ve státě Ohio nebyl povolen žádný z mezinárodních pozorovatelů.

    Stát Kalifornie zakázal použití volebních automatů firmy Diebold na základě špatné pověsti o bezpečnosti těchto strojů.

    Bushův zákon Help America Vote Act z roku 2002 předpokládá, že příští hlasování bude stoprocentně prováděno na hlasovacích automatech, které neprodukují žádné tiskové sestavy.

    Všechny – nikoliv pouze některé – ohlášené chyby při hlasování, pokud si jich voliči stačili všimnout, byly ve prospěch G.W. Bushe.

    Matematikové spočítali, že pravděpodobnost, že všechny zjištěné a nahlášené chyby byly ve prospěch G.W.Bushe, je 1:250×106. To je statistický zázrak. Byl to zásah Boží? Nebo Diebold?

    Článek 20 Amazing Facts About Voting In The United States vyšel na serveru coastal.com. Článek jsem při překladu mírně upravil.

    JAXXE --- ---
    South American leaders vow to create an EU-styled political union

    12/08/2004 10:08

    Regional leaders meet in Peru this week to set up the basis of an eventual political unification of the continent

    With the European experience in their minds, South American leaders meet this week in Cuzco, the millenarian capital city of the Inca's Empire in Peru, in an attempt to set the basis of the political unification of the continent and speed up the integration process of the two main trade blocs of the region. The bid id ambitious indeed, as officials and analysts believe the goal could only be accomplished in 15 years.

    GORG --- ---
    jo to je ta nejvetsi tragedie ... ta jejich valka dava totiz dokonaly smysl.
    ANGLAN --- ---
    "desi me, ze tihle typci v rukavicich nike, snowboardovyma brylema oakley, nejlepsimi zbranovymi systemy a krucifixem na krku by klidne osvobodili cely svet a mysleli by to uprimne... " - >> he he he he, ale jo bohuzel
    TERMIX --- ---
    KERRAY: Sim, kam? To nize, onehda zde uvedene ftp me nejelo... :(
    KERRAY --- ---
    btw douploadoval jsem Outfoxed, kdyby to nahodou jeste nekdo nevidel...
    PONKIE --- ---
    "They can be so smart that they are actually very stupid."

    Tim se chlapec vystihl.
    PONKIE --- ---
    To je SILENY!
    JAXXE --- ---
    ufff... tak to je silne kafe. nazorna ukazka brainwashingu 21.stoleti

    desi me, ze tihle typci v rukavicich nike, snowboardovyma brylema oakley, nejlepsimi zbranovymi systemy a krucifixem na krku by klidne osvobodili cely svet a mysleli by to uprimne...
    KERRAY --- ---
    ADYZ --- --- 15.31:45 7.12.2004
    Je to sice delší, ale dejte si to ;-) Přišlo kamarádovi od vzdáleného příbuzného z USA. Začátek mailu se týkal rodiny a podobně (asi deset řádků), takže není podstatný, následující "úryvek" je rakce na to, že jim kámoš napsal, že viděl Fahrenheit 9/11 a že mu to přišlo celkem zajímavé:

    ...Our second son, Monte, is back from Iraq, but our third son, Tom, is now over there. For a while, he was at a base at Ramadi, but, now, he is at a base outside of Fallujah. He is a "contracting officer" and mostly in charge of supplies, so he stays very busy on the base. Since he is not in infantry, he does not have to go out into the Iraqi population. That pleases us just fine. He will be over there until next March or April.
    Right now, his wife, Diana, and little year old son, Logan, are here in Texas, with us and with her parents, visiting during the Christmas period. We all get e-mails from Tom almost every day. Since he is a supply officer, he has a laptop computer and can contact us, when he is not busy. Mostly, however, he is very busy.
    By the way, we sent a few photographs to Lenka, so you will need to ask her to show them to you. Maybe she has already done so.
    Now, to your other questions about my opinion about the war in Iraq, about some other politcal ideas. I will try to keep my answers short.
    First, I am mostly an INDEPENDENT, but I vote mostly Republican. Long ago, my gand-parents were Democrats and so were my parents. But, gradually, my parents and myself became mostly Republican. Here is the reasons. I believe in freedom and liberty, while the Democrats seem to believe in government control of people. And, I do not believe in abortion, in gay marriage, in socialism, therefore I can no longer vote Democrat. There are a few other reasons, but, the above explanation will do.
    I feel badly that you all, in Europe, are being exposed to Fahrenheit 9/11. It is full of lies and propaganda. It was designed to get Americans to vote against George Bush, but it did not work - Americans are good at seeing the truth in things, and Michael Moore is just a Democrat propagandist. When I think of him, I think of Paul Joseph Goebbels, the official propagandist of Nazi Germany during the 1930s and 1940s. Of course, Goebbels worked for a dictator and had complete control of all modes of information dissemination. If anyone had opposed Goebbels, he would have been killed. At least, In America, Moore had to compete against the truth, and the truth won.
    I only wish that Europeans were seeing the big picture about the wonder and goodness of American people. Please remember that Americans are descendants of immigrants from all over Europe, the British Isles, and, now, many parts of all nations of the world. When I read the names of people in America, they are Czechs, Poles, Germans, Brits, Scots, Irish, Swiss, on and on the list goes. Yet, many people from other parts of the world are starting to think that Americans are someone bad, someone to hate. That bothers me greatly, because it should not be happening, you all should not be influenced by propaganda.
    Next, we voted for President George Bush. He is an honest, straight-talking, good leader. When he says something, you can believe it. Of course, we are very conservative, and President Bush can be a little liberal to suit us, but that is politics, the art of compromise.
    Here is the big question - In these modern times, HOW DOES THE REST OF THE WORLD DEAL WITH ISLAMIC TERRORISTS THAT HATE THE WESTERN WORLD AND WANTS TO DESTROY IT? Not long ago, the people in the Middle East could have their little tribal wars and not affect the rest of us (us being Europe and America). They could hate us, but they could not act on their hatred.
    Now, with modern transportation, modern communication, modern technologies regarding bombs, chemicals and biological weapons, they can finally act on their hatred for all of us. The attack on the World Trade Centers on 9/11 is a perfect example of how they can be successful. If George Bush and America had not taken action in Afghanistan and Iraq, I am certain that there would have been more attacks by now. Even as it is, there were the attacks in Spain, and there have been other attacks that were stopped.
    It is very simple. When there is a bully, the best way to deal with that bully is to attack him and stop him from hurting other people around him. If he is only warned, he will laugh at the warnings and keep being a bully, until someone has the courage to fight him and stop him.
    As for Iraq, France, Germany, Russia, and China did not want to see Iraq attacked because officials in each of those countries were getting huge payoffs of money from Saddam Hussein in exchange for voting against sanctions against Iraq. I hope you all are getting all the truthful information about the "oil for food" scandal that has hurt the reputation of the United Nations and Kofi Annan. If you are not getting this information, what little I am telling you may confuse you.
    Once, when Lenka sent us a package, the gifts were wrapped in a Czech newspaper. Of course, I cannot speak or read Czech, but I was impressed with the newspaper- it seemed to be as good as any American newspaper. I can only trust that the news people in the Czech Republic, be they TV news, magazine news, or newspapers are free to tell the truth and have a burning desire to be truthful. There is no way for me to know whether or not that is happening.
    I know that, when I have read the history of the rise of the Nazi Party, the rise of the Japanese in the Pacific, all prior to World War II, there were plenty of times that action back then could have been taken that would have prevented that terrible war. And, there were things that could have been done to prevent the growth of the Communist Party and the USSR. So, in these modern times, the world must stop dictatorships from getting large and strong enough to hurt their people and threaten the rest of the world, finally ending up as another World War.
    Well, I tried to keep my answer short and simple, and it is difficult to do so. There are people everywhere that think about these things all the time, even write books and teach in universities about local, national, and world politics. Yet, they can make it too complicated. They can be so smart that they are actually very stupid. The main thing that people want throughout the world is freedom and liberty, to be free from being controlled by other men. No man has the right to control another man.
    And, the best book to read about all that is the Holy Bible, the greatest book about freedom there is - especially the New Testament and the words of Jesus Christ. I hope you and Lenka and your family have it in your home and have read it, read the words of Christ. My grand-mother, Vera Hnatkova, was a fine Christian woman and worked in her local Czech Church. And, true Christianity is about LOVE, not hate. It is difficult to practice true, unselfish love, but we must keep trying...

    // z Masakru
    JAXXE --- ---
    181,000 voters in U.S. elections were dead

    Tuesday 7th December, 2004
    Big News Network.com Monday 6th December, 2004

    More than 181,000 dead people were listed on the rolls in swing states for the Nov. 2 U.S. presidential election, the Chicago Tribune reported Sunday.

    The Tribune reviewed voter data from New Mexico, Florida, Iowa, Ohio, Michigan and Minnesota. The newspaper found numerous errors in the integrity of voter rolls.

    In addition to the registered deceased, thousands of voters were registered to vote in two locations, which could have allowed them to cast more than one ballot. More than 90,000 other voters in Ohio cast ballots without a valid presidential choice. Either they decided not to choose a candidate, the machine failed to register their choice, or they mistakenly voted for more than one candidate.

    The FBI was investigating allegations that Republicans in Florida mounted a large-scale campaign to tamper with ballots.

    JAXXE --- ---
    If Noah Lived in the United States Today...

    And the Lord spoke to Noah and said, "In one year, I am going to make it rain and cover the whole earth with water until all flesh is destroyed. But I want you to save the righteous people and two of every kind of living thing on the earth. Therefore, I am commanding you to build an Ark." In a flash of lightening, God delivered the specifications for an Ark. In fear and trembling, Noah took the plans and agreed to build the Ark.

    "Remember" said the Lord, "You must complete the Ark and bring everything aboard in one year."

    Exactly one year later, fierce storm clouds covered the earth and all the seas of the earth went into a tumult. The Lord saw that Noah was sitting in his front yard weeping.

    "Noah," He shouted. "Where is the Ark?"

    "Lord, please forgive me!", cried Noah. "I did my best, but there were big problems. First, I had to get a permit for construction and your plans did not meet the codes. I had to hire an engineering firm and redraw the plans.

    Then I got into a fight with OSHA over whether or not the Ark needed a Fire sprinkler system and floatation devices.

    Then my neighbor objected, claiming I was violating zoning ordinances by building the Ark in my front yard, so I had to get a variance from the city planning commission.

    Then I had problems getting enough wood for the Ark, because there was a ban on cutting trees to protect the Spotted Owl. I finally convinced the U.S. Forest Service that I needed the wood to save the owls. However, the Fish and Wildlife Service won't let me catch any owls. So, no owls. The carpenters formed a union and went out on strike. I had to negotiate a settlement with the National Labor Relations Board before anyone would pick up a saw or a hammer. Now I have 16 carpenters on the Ark, but still no owls.

    When I started rounding up the other animals, I got sued by an animal rights group. They objected to me only taking two of each kind aboard. Just when I got the suit dismissed, the EPA notified me that I could not complete the Ark without filing an environmental impact statement on your proposed flood. They didn't take very kindly to the idea that they had no jurisdiction over the conduct of the Creator of the universe.

    Then the Army Engineers demanded a map of the proposed new flood plain. I sent them a globe.

    Right now, I am trying to resolve a complaint filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that I am practicing discrimination by not taking godless, unbelieving people aboard.

    The IRS has seized my assets, claiming that I'm building the Ark in preparation to flee the country to avoid paying taxes.

    I just got a notice from the state that I owe them some kind of user tax and failed to register the Ark as a "recreational water craft."

    Finally, the ACLU got the courts to issue an injunction against further construction of the Ark, saying that since God is flooding the earth, it is a religious event and therefore, unconstitutional.

    I really don't think I can finish the Ark for another five or six years." Noah wailed.

    The sky began to clear, the sun began to shine and the seas began to calm. A rainbow arched across the sky. Noah looked up hopefully. "You mean You are not going to destroy the earth Lord?"

    "No," said the Lord sadly. "I don't have to. The government already has."

    JAXXE --- ---
    a tady cesky...

    Policejní stát ve městě Fallúdža?

    Obyvatelé města Fallúdža, navracející se domů, zřejmě zjistí, že nová tamější americká opatření připomínají policejní stát a nikoliv slibovanou demokracii, píše list Boston Globe. Všichni navracející se Fallúdžané totiž budou muset nejprve povinně projít tzv. "středisky pro zpracování občanů" na okraji města. Američané tam zaznamenají do své databáze totožnost všech Fallúdžanů, včetně záznamu jejich DNA a scanů jejich rohovky. Obyvatelé města Fallúdža také dostanou visačky se svou domácí adresou, které budou muset neustále nosit. Ve městě budou zakázány automobily, aby se zabránilo sebevražedným atentátům, a obyvatelé budou po něm dopravováni jen autobusy.

    Američané čelí problémům, jak vpustit do města všech 300 000 jeho obyvatel před lednovými volbami. Podle jednoho návrhu se připravuje, že všichni Fallúdžané mužského pohlaví budou nuceni pracovat, za úplatu, v jednotkách, připomínající vojenské prapory, a to ve stavebnictví, ve vodárenství či v rotách odstraňujících rumiště.

    "Musíte jim říci: 'Toto jsou předpisy' a vynucovat je tvrdě a spravedlivě. Z toho se šíří stabilita," řekl plukovník Dave Bellon, výzvědný pracovník z jednoho amerického námořního pluku. "Musíme se chovat jako benevolentní, ale vládnoucí kmen. Nikdy nás nebudou mít rádi, " zdůraznil a podtrhl tak varování jiných amerických velitelů, kteří poukázali na to, že naděje, že Fallúdžané, až se vrátí do svých vybombardovaných domovů a do ulic, pokrytých troskami, Američany vřele přivítají, jsou liché. "Cílem je," řekl Bellon, "vzájemný respekt."

    "Když tady byli povstalci, měl jsem pocit bezpečí," říká Ammar Ahmed, 19, student biologie. "Alespoň jsem mohl volně chodit po městě, což teď nemohu."

    Američtí velitelé a iráčtí představitelé vyhlásili své rozhodnutí proměnit Fallúdžu ve "vzorné město", kde se jim podaří udržet bezpečnost lépe než jinde. K tomu chtějí použít násilných opatření podle stanného práva, které minulý měsíc vyhlásil premiér Iyad Allawi.

    "S nápady na nucenou znovuvýstavbu města a o identifikačních visačkách pro občany přišla irácká prozatímní vláda," řekl generál Richard Natonski. Někteří američtí vojáci jsou skeptičtí ohledně toho, že by obyvatelé Fallúdže byli ochotni nechat se nutit k veřejným pracím, jiní argumentují, že takovou taktiku užívaly Spojené státy v Německu po druhé světová válce a že "vláda pevné ruky má něco do sebe".

    JAXXE --- ---
    Returning Fallujans will face clampdown

    By Anne Barnard, Globe Staff | December 5, 2004


    FALLUJAH, Iraq -- The US military is drawing up plans to keep insurgents from regaining control of this battle-scarred city, but returning residents may find that the measures make Fallujah look more like a police state than the democracy they have been promised.

    Under the plans, troops would funnel Fallujans to so-called citizen processing centers on the outskirts of the city to compile a database of their identities through DNA testing and retina scans. Residents would receive badges displaying their home addresses that they must wear at all times. Buses would ferry them into the city, where cars, the deadliest tool of suicide bombers, would be banned.


    US commanders and Iraqi leaders have declared their intention to make Fallujah a "model city," where they can maintain the security that has eluded them elsewhere. They also want to avoid a repeat -- on a smaller scale -- of what happened after the invasion of Iraq, when a quick US victory gave way to a disorganized reconstruction program thwarted by insurgent violence and intimidation.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Opposition was to be smeared with terror attack, says official

    By Askold Krushelnycky in Kiev

    06 December 2004

    Ukraine's embattled government is ready to stage faked terrorist attacks to destabilise the country and discredit the opposition ahead of a rerun of the presidential vote, a senior government source has told The Independent.

    The official, who works for the government of the Moscow-backed candidate and current Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, said: "One of the plans is to blow up a pipeline and blame it on opposition supporters. Ukraine is the key transit country for Russian gas supplies to the West."

    Mr Yanukovych's backers fear the prospect of their candidate losing to Viktor Yushchenko and are ready to plunge the country into economic chaos, the source revealed. "They are planning to use criminals - plain bandits - that they have a hold over." The source said that a senior member of the government had been tasked with overseeing terrorist acts.


    The government source told The Independent that Mr Putin said, at a meeting with Mr Kuchma in Moscow last Thursday, that Russia will back the Ukrainian government whatever measures it takes, including force, in order to stop Mr Yushchenko winning.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Greg Bendon has a new job title: Big Brother. All day, every day.

    He follows his people everywhere, recording each step they take, timing how long they linger in places they’re not supposed to be.

    “We’re tracking you every single minute. Big Brother is watching you,” said Bendon, who works for ComCor Inc., a nonprofit group that offers programs to rehabilitate criminals.

    ComCor recently introduced technology that allows it to peer via satellite into a criminal’s life.

    Authorities looking to deal with jail overcrowding hope the Global Positioning System satellite technology — considered more sophisticated than traditional radio frequency monitoring — will convince judges it’s a reliable way to control people and free up jail beds.

    “Our goal is to get judges to experiment with it, for the lack of a better word,” said Henry Sontheimer, an El Paso County criminal justice planner.

    Judges sentence criminals to electronic monitoring, but not often.

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