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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    KERRAY --- ---
    ANGLAN: The amount of people who can't/don't want to see it is probably more scary than the "fuhrer" himself
    ANGLAN --- ---
    JAXXE: yeah i heard it in the radio.. and thought to myself what ive been thinking for a long time - weve got another nasty furher on our hands and there are still many many people who just cannot see it....
    JAXXE --- ---
    anglan: well thats no surprise for me, exactly as you say. if hitler, stalin and american soldiers could be the time´s men of the year, bush definetely deserves that too.
    JAXXE --- ---
    "Musíme naše občany ochránit"
    Bush chce zakázat drama s možným homosexuálním obsahem

    Co by se mělo stát s takovými americkými klasickými dramaty jako Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (Kočka na rozpálené střeše) anebo The Color Purple? Republikánský politik Gerald Allen z Alabamy doporučuje, že by se měla vykopat díra v zemi a všechna literární díla, která by bylo možno potenciálně interpretovat jako homosexuální, by se do ní měla zakopat. V minulých dnech se už po páté v této věci setkal v Bílém domě s americkým prezidentem Georgem Bushem. Doporučuje zákaz dramat od amerických klasiků, jako je Tennessee Williams, a změny v Shakespearově hře "Hammet" (sic). Není to prý cenzura - "musíme naše občany ochránit"...

    George Bush se zajímá o názory George Allena, protože Allen je zvoleným republikánským zástupcem v legislativě státu Alabama. Tvoří Bushovu ideologickou a politickou základnu. Začátkem prosince tato Bushova základna zavedla zákon, podle něhož bude zakázáno užívat jakýchkoliv státních finančních prostředků na koupi knih či jiného materiálu, který "podporuje homosexualitu". Allen si nepřeje, aby byly peníze daňových poplatníků vydávány na "pozitivní vylíčení homosexuality jako alternativního životního stylu". Proto se už nebude podporovat ani Tennessee Williams ani Alice Walker.

    "Tradiční rodinné hodnoty jsou terčem útoků," informoval Allen reportéra listu Guardian, který ho v této věci interviewoval. Tentokrát není nepřítelem al Kajda, osou zla je "Hollywood a hudební průmysl". Máme povinnost "zachránit společnost před morální zkázou". Musíme zabránit levicovým knihovníkům a módním učitelům, aby "v mysli našich dětí změnili strukturu naší společnosti".

    Není to cenzura, zdůrazňuje Allen, "protože existuje červená, a tu je nutno respektovat, musíte zastavit".

    Allen zdůrazňuje, že jedná proto, že chce "povzbudit a ochraňovat naši kulturu". Je ale součástí "naší kultury" dílo Williama Shakespeara, zeptal se ho list Guardian. Budou tedy ze všech veřejných knihoven v Alabamě odstraněny sonety od Williama Shakespeara, které jsou zjevně vyznáním homosexuální lásky? Reportér listu Guardian také poukázal na to, že hru Romeo a Julie původně hráli jen muži a že v Shakespearově době byli herci i publikum v divadlech často obviňováni, že jsou to sodomité. V březnu se v americkém státě Alabama na tamějším shakespearovském festivalu bude hrát nová inscenace dramatu Jak se vám líbí, které obsahuje slavnou scénu, v níž jeden muž vyznává lásku druhému. Odebere stát Alabama v důsledku nového Allenova zákona státní financování tomuto shakespearovskému festivalu?

    "No," odpovídá po pauze Allen, "současná verze tohoto zákona se nezabývá tím, jak se to bude řešit. Předpokládám, že podrobnosti budou vypracovány při práci výborů. Literatura jako Shakespeare a "Hammet" (sic) by mohla být ponechána beze změn." - Ne: "Bude ponechána." "Mohla by být ponechána beze změn." V každém případě, argumentuje Allen, "je možno ty formulace zmírnit".

    ANGLAN --- ---
    hej guys what do you say about mr Bush being Time's man of the year ?? It sits in my eyes quite well as Hitler and Stalin were also Man of the year...
    JAXXE --- ---
    The Bush Family and 9/11

    Jeb Bush was a PNAC signatory and he signed Executive Order 01-261 September 7, 2001 which allowed martial law to be declared in his state. His was the first state to declare a state of emergency on 9/11.

    Marvin Bush was a principal in a company which provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport. He was in New York on 9/11.

    Whilst the entire world was transfixed by the unfolding horror at the World Trade Center President George W. Bush did nothing when he was told America was under attack. He found reading a book about a pet goat more important.

    The Bush family are huge beneficiaries of the 'War on Terror' thanks to their connections to the Carlyle Group, and it just so happens that Shafig bin Laden, brother to Osama, was at a Carlyle Group conference in Washington on 9/11.

    Prescott Bush, grandfather of George W., was an investor in the Nazi 'War on Terror'.

    Declassified US government documents, unearthed last October [2003] by investigative journalist John Buchanan at the New Hampshire Gazette, reveal that Prescott Bush's involvement in financing and arming the Nazis was more extensive than previously known. Not only was Bush managing director of the Union Banking Corporation, the American branch of Hitler's chief financier's banking network; but among the other companies where Bush was a director—and which were seized by the American government in 1942, under the Trading With the Enemy Act—were a shipping line which imported German spies; an energy company that supplied the Luftwaffe with high-ethyl fuel; and a steel company that employed Jewish slave labor from the Auschwitz concentration camp. [Online Journal]

    JAXXE --- ---
    Britain has become a Kafkaesque nightmare

    JAXXE --- ---
    MILLIONS of e-mails to British government staff will be automatically wiped out on Monday, 11 days before freedom of information laws come into force, a newspaper reported Saturday.

    The Cabinet Office, which supports Prime Minister Tony Blair and co-ordinates government policy, has ruled that e-mails more than three months old must be deleted
    from December 20, according to The Times.

    Its 2,000 civil servants are being told to print and file e-mails that should be disclosed under the Freedom of Information (FoI) Act, the newspaper said.

    It will be up to the individual which e-mails are printed, with no monitoring
    from heads of department. Many officials, who receive about 100 e-mails a day, will have at least 3,000 items in their mailboxes, it said.

    Although the deleted e-mails will be stored on back-up systems, these have been declared off limits to freedom of information requests because of the cost of accessing them, it added.The Conservative opposition party said Blair's Labour government was deliberately trying to destroy embarrassing information.

    "This begs the question how much more does the Labour administration need to hide," Michael Fabricant, the Shadow Minister for Industry and Technology, was quoted as saying.

    The decision also raises questions about whether the trail of correspondence which brought down David Blunkett, the former home secretary, would have surfaced.

    The Cabinet Office insisted that the exercise was not related to the Freedom of Information Act but was "good records management practice," to stop files blocking the system.

    KERRAY --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Izraelským svědomím zahýbal nedávno tajně natočený videozáběr vojáků na kontrolním stanovišti, kteří nutili procházejícího Palestince – houslistu, aby jim "zahrál něco smutného".

    Tento záběr zapůsobil na Izraelce více, než rozhovor s vojákem, který rozstřílel na hadry třináctiletou neozbrojenou dívku na cestě do školy, a řekl, že by to klidně udělal znovu, i kdyby měla tři roky. Více než záběry na jiného vojáka, který narazil hlavu mrtvého Palestince na kůl a strčil mu do úst cigaretu.

    To video totiž u řady Izraelců vyvolalo reminiscenci s holocaustem a koncentračními tábory, kde údajně nacisté nutili židy, aby hráli při popravách. Na podobné téma natočil také režisér Polanski v roce 2002 oscarový film Pianista.

    Téma ponižovaných židovských umělců zneužívaných nacisty bylo zřejmě zpracováno vícekrát. Je totiž automatickou poukázkou k úspěchu. Proto není divu, že se ozývají autoří těchto veledíl. Ozval se Yoram Kaniuk, autor knihy o židovském houslistovi, který byl nucen hrát pro velitele koncentračního tábora. Řekl, že vojáci odpovědni za tento incident by měli být postaveni před soud. Ale nikoliv za ponižování Arabů, ale za zneuctění holocaustu.

    Ale žádný soud nehrozí.

    Voják, který rozstřílel třináctiletou dívku, byl obviněn pouze z drobného přestupku. Vojákům, kteří nutili Palestince hrát, bylo vytčeno, že jsou "málo citliví". Jediný citelnější trest obdržela skupina izraelských vojáků za porušení discipliny, když se nechala fotografovat nahá na sněhu.

    V průběhu poslední intifády usmrtila izraelská armáda 1656 palestinských civilistů, z toho 529 dětí. Do dnešního dne byl usvědčen ze smrti palestinského civilisty jeden voják.

    Podle článku Israel shocked by image of soldiers forcing violinist to play at roadblock uveřejněném v Guardianu 29. listopadu.

    JAXXE --- ---
    HARTFORD, Connecticut - A New York City businessman admitted Wednesday to participating in an arms-smuggling ring that shipped missile and fighter jet components from the United States to Israel and possibly on to Iran.

    Leib Kohn pleaded guilty to conspiracy, admitting only that he knew the weapons parts were bound for Israel. Investigators allege an Israeli arms dealer may have been relaying the equipment to Iran.

    "At least some of the parts were ultimately destined for Iran," U.S. Attorney Kevin O'Connor said. "We're not in a position to say definitely which parts or whether the parts ultimately made it there."

    Kohn used his two Brooklyn-based companies, L&M Manufacturing and Nesco NY Inc., to buy the parts from companies in Connecticut and California.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Iraq: One Year of Occupation, photomontage

    JAXXE --- ---
    School distributes satanic sex calendar

    Texas parents infuriated by explicit material
    Posted: December 13, 2004
    1:35 a.m. Eastern

    © 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

    Satanic image found in Pearland, Texas, school (courtesy KHOU-TV)

    Local school officials in a suburb of Houston, Texas, are investigating how it was possible that a school police officer handed out calendars to students that featured explicit details on satanic and sexual rituals for every day of the month.

    Parents in Pearland are demanding answers, according to a news report on KHOU-TV.

    The school police officer who handed out the calendars was supposed to deliver a positive anti-gang message to the students last Monday, according to the report.

    "September 20th is a 'midnight host' whatever that is," said one unidentified parent reading from the calendar. "You should have a blood-type ritual. September 23rd is the fall equinox – you should have an orgy. Activity group sex, any age, any sex."

    The father did not want to be identified because he feared his daughter would be punished.

    "They shouldn't be teaching the kids, at 12 years of age, a calendar of satanism. It's just not right," he said.

    Pearland school officials say some 25 students at the junior high received the calendars.

    "It clearly was a mistake," said Renea Ivy, Pearland ISD spokesperson. "We don't want it to happen again and so – it was not done with malice, it was not done to promote satanism in any way on the campus. It was just a mistake."

    The officer said he got the packets from a anti-gang training course he took. Officials say he neglected to take out the adult material. The police officer remains on duty pending the outcome of an internal investigation.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Sept. 11 Conspiracy Theorist Offers $100,000 Prize

    Wed Dec 15, 2004 03:44 PM ET

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - Jimmy Walter has spent more than $3 million promoting a conspiracy theory the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States were "an inside job" and he is offering more cash to anyone who proves him wrong.

    The millionaire activist is so convinced of a government cover-up he is offering a $100,000 reward to any engineering student who can prove the World Trade Center buildings crashed the way the government says.

    "Of course, we expect no winners," Walter, 57, heir to an $11 million fortune from his father's home building business, said in a telephone interview from California on Wednesday.

    He said a panel of expert engineers would judge submissions from the students.

    Next month, he also launches a nationwide contest seeking alternative theories from college and high school students about why New York's World Trade Center collapsed. The contest offers $10,000 to the best alternative theory, with 100 runner-up awards of $1,000. Winners will be chosen next June.

    The World Trade Center's twin towers were destroyed after hijackers slammed two commercial airliners into them. The attack in New York killed 2,749 people.

    Various official investigations give no credence to Walter's theory. A Sept. 11 commission spokesman did not return calls seeking comment.

    Walter insists there had to be explosives planted in the twin towers to cause them to fall as they did, and also rejects the official explanation for the damage done at the Pentagon.

    "We have all the proof," said Walter, citing videotapes and testimony from witnesses.

    "It wasn't 19 screw-ups from Saudi Arabia who couldn't pass flight school who defeated the United States with a set of box cutters," he said. He dismissed the official Sept. 11 commission report, saying, "I don't trust any of these 'facts."'

    Walter has spent millions of dollars to bolster support for his case, running full-page ads in The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, The New Yorker and Newsweek, as well as alternative newspapers and 30-second TV spots.

    He points to a Zogby poll he commissioned last summer that showed 66 percent of New Yorkers wanted the 9/11 investigation reopened.

    Walter has spent about 30 percent of his net worth on his efforts.

    "I am a patriot fighting the real traitors who are destroying our democracy. I resent it when they call me delusional," he said.

    © Reuters 2004. All Rights Reserved.

    JAXXE --- ---
    From the November 30 edition of FOX News' Hannity & Colmes:

    COULTER: Conservatives, as a general matter, take the position that you should not punish your friends and reward your enemies. And Canada has become trouble recently.

    It's -- I suppose it's always, I might add, the worst Americans who end up going there. The Tories after the Revolutionary War, the Vietnam draft dodgers after Vietnam. And now after this election, you have the blue-state people moving up there.


    COULTER: There is also something called, when you're allowed to exist on the same continent of the United States of America, protecting you with a nuclear shield around you, you're polite and you support us when we've been attacked on our own soil. They [Canada] violated that protocol.


    COULTER: They better hope the United States doesn't roll over one night and crush them. They are lucky we allow them to exist on the same continent.


    COULTER: We could have taken them [Canada] over so easily.

    [ALAN] COLMES: We could have taken them over? Is that what you want?

    COULTER: Yes, but no. All I want is the western portion, the ski areas, the cowboys, and the right-wingers.


    COULTER: They don't even need to have an army, because they are protected, because they're on the same continent with the United States of America. If we were not the United States of America, Canada -- I mean, we're their trading partner. We keep their economy afloat.


    ELLIS HENICAN [Newsday columnist]: We share a lot of culture and a lot of interests. Why do we want to have to ridicule them and be deeply offended if they disagree with us?

    COULTER: Because they speak French.

    COLMES: There's something else I want to point out about the French. Is it's fashionable again on your side to denounce the French.

    COULTER: We like the English-speaking Canadians.

    From the November 30 edition of CNN's Wolf Blitzer Reports:

    CARLSON: Without the U.S., Canada is essentially Honduras, but colder and much less interesting.


    CARLSON: We exploit your [addressing Canadian Member of Parliament Carolyn Parrish] natural resources, that's true. But in the end, Canadians with ambition move to the United States. That has been sort of the trend for decades. It says something not very good about Canada. And I think it makes Canadians feel bad about themselves and I understand that.


    CARLSON: Canada needs the United States. The United States does not need Canada.


    CARLSON: I think if Canada were responsible for its own security -- you would be invaded by Norway if it weren't for the United States.


    CARLSON: [A]bsolutely the countries will remain allies and there will always be politicians who see it to their benefit to stomp on Bush dolls [referring to action taken by Parrish]. But no, I don't think the average Canadian feels -- the average Canadian is busy dogsledding.


    PARRISH: No, there's not a lot of dogsledding. There's a lot of dog walking, my friend. Not a lot of dogsledding.

    CARLSON: Welcome to our century.

    From the November 30 edition of CNN's Crossfire:

    CARLSON: Canada's essentially -- essentially a made-in-Taiwan version of the United States.


    CARLSON: I'm surprised there was anybody left in Canada to attend the protests. I noticed that most sort of vigorous, ambitious Canadians, at least almost all comedians in Canada, come to the United States in the end. Doesn't that tell you something about the sort of limpid, flaccid nature of Canadian society, that people with ambition come here? What does that tell you about Canada?

    JAXXE --- ---
    In Your Face: The Globalists' Language is Hidden in Plain View


    JAXXE --- ---
    petval: uz 4 lidi, co psali bushovu biografii, spachali sebevrazdu, klasicky Potential Witness Syndrome

    Mark Lombardi
    J.H. Hatfield
    Danny Casolaro
    Gary Webb

    staci ty jmena postupne dat do googlu spolu se slovy bush a suicide
    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE: na konci videa (21 MB) je super pasaz s Alexem Jonesem, dejte si to
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam