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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---

    FTAA is about world government

    Ron Bedell | January 11 2005

    President Bush is pushing to pass the Free Trade Area of the Americas agreement. Bush insists that the North American Free Trade Agreement was a grand success and should be expanded to include nearly all the nations of the Western Hemisphere. The FTAA could be voted on by Congress in April.

    The FTAA is not about free trade, in spite of its deceptive name. It is really about a power grab for internationalists. It will erode our sovereignty and independence even further than NAFTA has. It will be European Union 2. If Congress passes the FTAA, they will have given governmental authority to unelected, independent tribunals of foreigners, who will tell us what to do without any representation or control by U.S. citizens. They will issue orders to overrule our court judgments and laws of our nation. The FTAA is really about setting up a one-world government piece by piece.

    If the FTAA is passed, we will lose our borders and about 500 million people living south of the U.S. will find it a lot easier to take up residence in the U.S. and take American jobs or even get on welfare. Moreover, more jobs will be lost overseas.

    I am a Republican, but Bush is wrong here. Americans should write and call their congressmen and urge him to reject the FTAA to keep the U.S. independent, free and sovereign.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Ten things we learned in 2004 about 9/11

    1. The World Trade Center Black Boxes were recovered, though officials perpetuate the lie that they weren't.

    2. FEMA really did arrive early in New York City, for the "bioterror drill" Tripod II, and Rudi Giuliani's testimony to that effect before the 9/11 Commission is its only public testimony which remains officially untranscribed.

    3. The Total Information Awareness program was ready to roll out before Sept 11, and John Poindexter's office was established in the Pentagon no later than Sept 12.

    4. A recording of six air traffic controllers' same-day detailing of their communication with two hijacked planes on September 11 was purposefully destroyed by the FAA.

    5. NORAD was conducting a live-fly simulation of multiple hijackings on the morning of 9/11, which effectively hamstrung a fighter response already compromised by exercises which took the bulk of interceptors far from the eastern seaboard.

    6. Dick Cheney was running a separate command and control communications system on 9/11, which whistleblower Indira Singh recognized as having "the exact same functionality I was looking to utilize [for] Ptech," the high tech terrorist and intelligence cut-out that "was set up in the basement of the FAA" for two years before the attacks. (Go to this page to download video testimony of Mike Ruppert and Indira Singh on this subject.)

    7. George Bush was unwilling to reluctanctly meet members of his reluctantly struck 9/11 Commission unless Cheney accompanied him, both were unsworn, their words were unrecorded and untranscribed, the meeting was private and in the White House, and the members' notebooks were confiscated afterwards.

    8. That John Ashcroft made the case for Sibel Edmonds' State Secret Privilege gag order by claiming that disclosure of her testimony would "cause serious damage to the national security interests of the United States" suggests he is at least an accessory after the fact (Daniel Ellsberg believes Ashcroft deserving of jail time for his role in obstructing justice), as Edmonds has been able to say that her testimony involves "specific information implicating certain high level government and elected officials in criminal activities directly and indirectly related to terrorist money laundering, narcotics, and illegal arms sales."

    9. Donald Rumsfeld confirmed what we knew all along, that Flight 93 was shot down, and the corporate media flew into damage control for the Pentagon, saying the Secretary "misspoke" and "stoked conspiracy theories."

    10. As Pakistan wound down the search for Osama bin Laden and "prohibited" American forces based in Afghanistan from making cross-border incursions into the Tribal Areas, Musharraf was rewarded with the approving words that his continuing rule remains an internal matter for Pakistanis. (Afghanistan was, arguably, more cooperative in their attempt to bring bin Laden to justice, and Iraq was not a rogue nuclear state.)

    We're getting there. Of course, they are there already, and have been for years. But we're catching on.

    The big picture remains grim, and getting grimmer, but small pictures can still be pleasant ones. I hope yours are in 2005.

    JDEE --- ---
    Drobna poznamka k ovlivnovani lidske psychiky, zalozena na fyzikalni realite.
    Existuji prinejmensim dva zpusoby, jak vytvorit dojem "slyseni hlasu".
    1.Starsi "Microwafe auditory effect"
    V 60.letech bylo pozorovano, ze si obluha radaru stezuje ne "cvakani v usich", ktere nebylo spojeno s akustickym signalem.Zkoumanim jevu se ukazalo, ze mikrovlny z jisteho rozsahu frekvenci a intenzite vytvari v kochlearnim aparatu tepelnou razovou vlnu, ktera vytvari u subjektu dojem, ze neco slysi.
    Vhodnou modulaci lze takto vytvaret "hlasy".
    2.Generace nizsich frekvenci diky nelinearite pomoci ultrazvuku
    Pri jiste intenzite ultrazvuku jsou generovany vlny o nizsi frekvenci.Vhodnou modulaci lze opet vytvaret hlasy.Viz fa American Technology.Pokud mi je znamo tato zalezitost je momentalne testovana v Iraku.

    Je jasne, ze oba zminovane efekty je mozne pouzit podstatne mene zabavnymi zpusoby...
    JAXXE --- ---
    New Pentagon Vision Transforms War Agenda

    by Bruce K. Gagnon

    Global Network Space Newsletter 16 Winter 2005
    www.globalresearch.ca 6 January 2005

    The URL of this article is: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/GAG501A.html


    Pentagon transformation is well underway. The U.S. military is increasingly being converted into a global oil protection service. Secretary of War Donald Rumsfeld has a "strategy guy" whose job is to teach this new way of warfare to high-level military officers from all branches of services and to top level CIA operatives. Thomas Barnett is a professor at the Navy War College in Rhode Island. He is author of the controversial book The Pentagon¹s New Map that identifies a "non-integrating gap" in the world that is resisting corporate globalization. Barnett defines the gap as parts of Latin America, Africa, Middle East and Central Asia all of which are key oil-producing regions of the world.

    In what Barnett calls a "Grand March of History" he claims that the U.S. military must be transformed in order to preemptively take control of the gap, so the U.S. can "manage" the global distribution of resources, people, energy, and money.
    (It has long predicted that the gap between rich and poor around the world will continue to widen and that the Pentagon will be used to keep the boot on the necks of the people of the third world to the benefit of corporate globalization.)

    Barnett predicts that U.S. unilateralism will lead to the "inevitability of war." Referring to Hitler in a recent presentation, Barnett reminded his military audience that the Nazi leader never asked for permission before invading other countries. Thus, the end to multi-lateralism.

    Barnett argues that the days of arms talks and international treaties are over. "There is no secret where we are going," he says as he calls for a "new ordering principle" at the Department of Defense (DoD). Barnett maintains that as jobs move out of the U.S. the primary export product of the nation will be "security."
    Global energy demand will necessitate U.S. control of the oil producing regions. "We will be fighting in Central Africa in 20 years," Barnett predicts.

    In order to implement this new military vision," Barnett maintains that the U.S. military must move away from its often-competing mix of Air Force-Navy-Army-Marines toward two basic military services. One he names Leviathan, which he defines as the kick ass, wage war, special ops, and not under the purview of the international criminal court. Give us your angry, video game-playing 18-19 year olds, for the Leviathan force, Barnett says. Once a country is conquered by Leviathan, Barnett says the U.S. will have to have a second military force that he calls Systems Administration. This force he describes as the "proconsul" of the empire, boots on the ground, the police force to control the local populations. This group, Barnett says, "will never come home."

    Barnett¹s plan is essentially underway today. New fast, flexible, and efficient projection forces with "lily pad" bases are now being developed for control of the gap. Over the next decade, the military will abandon 35% of the Cold War-era bases it uses abroad as it seeks to expand the network of bare-bones sites in the gap. The planned changes, once completed, will result in the most profound "reordering" of U.S. military forces overseas since the current global arrangements were set 50 years ago.

    According to Michael Klare, professor of Peace Studies at Hampshire College, "American troops are now risking their lives on a daily basis to protect the flow of petroleum. In Colombia, Saudi Arabia, and the Republic of Georgia, U.S. personnel are spending their days and nights protecting pipelines and refineries, or supervising the local forces assigned to this mission."

    Klare continues, "The DoD has stepped up its arms deliveries to military forces in Angola and Nigeria, and is helping to train their officers and enlisted personnel; meanwhile, Pentagon officials have begun to look for permanent bases in the area, focusing on Senegal, Ghana, Mali, Uganda and Kenya." The Wall Street Journal has reported that "a key mission for U.S. forces (in Africa) would be to ensure that Nigeria¹s oil fields, which in the future could account for as much as 25% of all U.S. oil imports, are secure."

    National Guard units across the U.S. are now being assigned the task of developing on-going basing relationships with each nation on the African continent.

    Role of Space Technology

    The Bush administration is also exploring the possibility of expanding the emerging missile defense system into Eastern Europe as an element in the strategic containment of Russia, China and the Middle East. The Pentagon has been negotiating with Hungary, Romania, Poland and the Czech Republic about one or more of them hosting new missile defense bases. Oil-rich Iran is to be encircled by missile defense posts in Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

    In order to pull all of this together the Pentagon claims it will need "a God¹s-eye view" of the world. A new "internet in the sky" is now being built for the wars of the future. Costing well over $200 billion, the new web would give war machines and military forces a common language, instantly emitting an encyclopedia of lethal information about all enemies.

    According to Art Cebrowski, director of the Pentagon¹s Office of Force Transformation, "What we are really talking about is a new theory of war." The military wants to know "everything of interest to us, all the time," says one Pentagon insider. Military intelligence including secret satellite surveillance covering most of the Earth will be posted on the war net and shared with troops. "The essence of net-centric warfare is our ability to deploy a war-fighting force anywhere, anytime. Information technology is the key to that."

    Thus U.S. military and economic control of the gap will be dependent on a system of networked computers.
    Fusing weapons, secret intelligence and soldiers in a global network what the military calls net-centric warfare will, they say, change the military in a way the Internet changed business and culture.
    JAXXE --- ---
    abyss: zkus adobe image ready anebo zmackni na klavesnici "print screen" a pastni si to do photoshopu, orez a uloz
    JAXXE --- ---
    Cover story

    The other tsunami

    While the sea may have killed tens of thousands, western policies kill millions every year. Yet even amid disaster, a new politics of community and morality is emerging. By John Pilger

    The west's crusaders, the United States and Britain, are giving less to help the tsunami victims than the cost of a Stealth bomber or a week's bloody occupation of Iraq. The bill for George Bush's coming inauguration party would rebuild much of the coastline of Sri Lanka. Bush and Blair increased their first driblets of "aid" only when it became clear that people all over the world were spontaneously giving millions and that a public relations problem beckoned. The Blair government's current "generous" contribution is one-sixteenth of the £800m it spent on bombing Iraq before the invasion and barely one-twentieth of a £1bn gift, known as a soft loan, to the Indonesian military so that it could acquire Hawk fighter-bombers.


    The hypocrisy, narcissism and dissembling propaganda of the rulers of the world and their sidekicks are in full cry. Superlatives abound as to their humanitarian intent while the division of humanity into worthy and unworthy victims dominates the news. The victims of a great natural disaster are worthy (though for how long is uncertain) while the victims of man-made imperial disasters are unworthy and very often unmentionable. Somehow, reporters cannot bring themselves to report what has been going on in Aceh, supported by "our" government. This one-way moral mirror allows us to ignore a trail of destruction and carnage that is another tsunami.

    Consider the plight of Afghanistan, where clean water is unknown and death in childbirth common. At the Labour Party conference in 2001, Tony Blair announced his famous crusade to "reorder the world" with the pledge: "To the Afghan people, we make this commitment . . . We will not walk away . . . we will work with you to make sure [a way is found] out of the miserable poverty that is your present existence." The Blair government was on the verge of taking part in the conquest of Afghanistan, in which as many as 25,000 civilians died. In all the great humanitarian crises in living memory, no country suffered more and none has been helped less. Just 3 per cent of all international aid spent in Afghanistan has been for reconstruction, 84 per cent is for the US-led military "coalition" and the rest is crumbs for emergency aid. What is often presented as reconstruction revenue is private investment, such as the $35m that will finance a proposed five-star hotel, mostly for foreigners. An adviser to the minister of rural affairs in Kabul told me his government had received less than 20 per cent of the aid promised to Afghan-istan. "We don't even have enough money to pay wages, let alone plan reconstruction," he said.

    The reason, unspoken of course, is that Afghans are the unworthiest of victims. When US helicopter gunships repeatedly machine-gunned a remote farming village, killing as many as 93 civilians, a Pentagon official was moved to say, "The people there are dead because we wanted them dead."



    ABYSS --- ---
    MATT: Klubek pyramidologu?
    MATT --- ---
    zdarek.. nevim jestli to sem vubec patri, ale tak narychlo sem nenasel adekvatni klub, tak me kdyztak nasmerujte..

    tedka sem docet tehle clanek, je o tom co mohlo zpusobit ten brutalni vypadek el. proudu tenkrat ve statech, rozebiraj tam navigacni system Omega, kerej bez vedomi danejch vlad muze slouzit jako vysilace velmi nizkejch vln naladanejch na rezonanci zemekoule. ma jit o vynalez Nikolaje Tesly. vpodstate by diky nim melo jit ovladat pocasi a dalsi kouzla s hmotou... cela ta vec prej vypada jako velky sapito. mno a me napdlo, jestli nahodou podobny zarizeni nebyli pyramidy? docela by tomu napovidali ty rozmery nekerejch pyramid kery sou ruzny nasobky rozmeru zemekoule, tj by tam sli generovat adekvatne naladeny vlny...
    k tomuhle napadu me nejspis doved tehle clanek co sem cet tak pred rokem http://mujweb.cz/veda/mikrovlna/ (od pulky je slovenskej preklad)

    co myslite?

    (a je tu nakej adekvatni klubit na takovoudle 'alternativni fyziku' a podobny vecicky o kerejch se pise na mwm.cz ?
    ABYSS --- ---
    JAXXE: Jenom ten poslední obrázek potřebuju, ne tu celou animaci... :-((
    JAXXE --- ---
    2004 - rok mučení
    Yoram Gat
    (více o autorovi=>>)

    Tento článek je v podstatě pouze výčtem mučících metod používaných Američany v uplynulém roce. Byl sestaven z oficiálních amerických dokumentů. Seznam neobsahuje ta obvinění ze strany vězňů, která nebyla potvrzena ze strany jejich amerických věznitelů (jinými slovy, nepřiznali-li se sami dozorci, obvinění bylo ignorováno).

    (Číslo v závorce znamená odkaz na zdroj za článkem.)

    Vnucená injekce trankvilizéru (uklidňujícího prostředku) (1)

    Vězeň navlečen do oděvu znemožňující smyslové vnímání, oči zakryty brýlemi se začerněnými skly (1)

    Pobyt v izolaci na samotce (1)

    Spoutání v nepohodlné pozici po mnoho hodin (1)

    Odpírání použití toalety, vězeň ponechán, aby se pomočil a pokálel. Ponechán ve svých výkalech až 24 hodin (1),(5)

    Vystavení vřeštivé hudbě nebo intenzivním zvukům podobným mňoukání (1)

    Vnucený klystýr (1)

    Odpírání spánku (1)

    Oslepování blikajícím světlem (1)

    Červenému kříži odmítnuta návštěva vězně (1)

    Sexuální zesměšňování prováděné ženou vedoucí výslech (1)

    Spoután v pozici plodu (jde o naše známé svázání do kozelce?) a ponechan po dobu 24 hodin a více (2)

    Trápení hladem a žízní (2)

    Vězeň vložen do spacího pytle a spoután elektrickým kabelem (3)

    Přiškrcení, rdoušení (4)

    Bití (4)

    Strkání hořících cigaret do ucha (4)

    Použití vojenských psů (4)

    Znásilnění mladistvého vězně (4)

    Připoutání řetězem ve studené místnosti(5)

    Držení v přetopených místnostech (5)

    Pálení (5)(6)

    Elektrošoky (6)

    Zabití (6)

    Sexuální ponižování (6)

    Předstírání, že vězeň bude popraven (6)

    Vylévání vody na vězňovu hlavu (6)

    Vězeň fotografován s pistolí mířící na jeho hlavu (6)

    Polévání vězně alkoholem a následné zapálení (6)

    Drcení varlat (6)

    Strkání hlavně pušky do konečníku (6)

    Strkání vězňovy hlavy do špíny, odpadků apod. (6)

    Bití vězně prázdnou dvacetilitrovou plastikovou nádobou (6)

    Použití taseru (7)

    Přímé údery do obličeje (7)

    Voják sedí na vězni, který je spoután a s kuklou na hlavě (8)

    Vězeň je vlečen za krk, následně zemře (9)

    Vězeň je nucen veřejně masturbovat (10)

    Nazí vězni jsou nuceni tvořit ze svých těl pyramidu (10)

    Připojení elektrod na ruce a nohy vězně v kápí, ten musí následně balancovat na podstavci. Neudrží-li se a spadne, dostane ránu elektrickým proudem (10)
    JAXXE --- ---
    klikni na tohle a dej save as/ulozit cil jako....

    ABYSS --- ---
    JAXXE: Podporuje bushe a podporuje nekdo ji? Ten jeji pristup je trosku zvlastni... =))) (pokud to nazyvas intelektualnim postojem a ne demenci)

    Jinak hodili byste sem pls celej ten obrazek disobey ulw? Hodim ho na tridni nastenku, ale takhle jak tam je se neda stahnout...

    JAXXE --- ---
    Hussein goes insane

    02/24/2004 16:12

    Saddam Hussein, who is currently being held captive by the Americans, is slowly going insane. This has been reported by Arab newspaper "Elaf" with a reference to members of the Red Cross organization.

    Saddam's physical condition is almost perfect. He is decently treated and well fed. However, not so long ago, one could read a completely different account of Hussein's captivity.

    Saddam started to have mental problems. At times, he would suddenly start mumbling something irrational. Afterwards, he would sit in total silence, without uttering a single word. Doctors assume that the Iraqi leader used to consume a lot of alcohol or used drugs in the past. At the same time, the symptoms could have been caused by his far from young age as well as death of his sons.

    Hussein has several photographs of Udai and Kusai (his sons) in his cell. Interestingly, a portrait of Gerge W. Bush of an unknown origin also neatly hangs on the wall. This fact can be interpreted as another evidence of Hussein"s insanity. Had he been well, the former Iraqi leader would not have hung a picture of his enemy. And in case the portrait had been hung by someone other than Hussein, perhaps, the captive has gone crazy as a result of constantly staring at Bush' intellectual face.

    In the meantime, according to a recently conducted poll, nearly 70% of Americans in the US support the idea of public broadcast of Saddam's execution. 21% of Americans are even willing to pay for watching Osama bin Laden being executed. Another 11% would like to enjoy watching the last moments of Hussein"s life. So there you have it, a democratic society with experience.



    Psychic security department protects Russian presidents from external psychological influence

    01/06/2005 17:13

    Americans have created radiators of modulated signals, which control people's behavior thousands of kilometers from afar

    Yuri Malin, a former KGB officer, says that there was a special department in the structure of Russian secret services to protect top officials from malicious intentions of scientists and extrasensory individuals, who could create devices that were capable of affecting human psychology. Yuri Malin worked as a consultant of Boris Yeltsin's Federal Security Service.


    "The department was formed when someone found an eavesdropping device in the house of the Russian government. It was actually not a microphone, but a directional antenna. Specialists concluded that the antenna had been installed in the office to exert a psychological influence on the president.


    I know those people, who worked on psychic developments and those, who denounced them as something pseudo-scientific. Those were one and the same people actually. There were certain devices, which could drive a person to insanity. The goal of our department was to control, supervise and restrain this "weapon of mass manipulation."

    JAXXE --- ---
    Education Dept. paid commentator to promote law

    By Greg Toppo, USA TODAY

    Seeking to build support among black families for its education reform law, the Bush administration paid a prominent black pundit $240,000 to promote the law on his nationally syndicated television show and to urge other black journalists to do the same.

    Williams on being paid to boost NCLB: "I wanted to do it because it's something I believe in."

    The campaign, part of an effort to promote No Child Left Behind (NCLB), required commentator Armstrong Williams "to regularly comment on NCLB during the course of his broadcasts," and to interview Education Secretary Rod Paige for TV and radio spots that aired during the show in 2004.

    Williams said Thursday he understands that critics could find the arrangement unethical, but "I wanted to do it because it's something I believe in."

    The top Democrat on the House Education Committee, Rep. George Miller of California, called the contract "a very questionable use of taxpayers' money" that is "probably illegal."


    The contract may be illegal "because Congress has prohibited propaganda," or any sort of lobbying for programs funded by the government, said Melanie Sloan of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. "And it's propaganda."


    Williams' contract was part of a $1 million deal with Ketchum that produced "video news releases" designed to look like news reports. The Bush administration used similar releases last year to promote its Medicare prescription drug plan, prompting a scolding from the Government Accountability Office, which called them an illegal use of taxpayers' dollars.

    JAXXE --- ---
    abyss: ann coulter je celkem vlivna feministicko-probushovska-antiliberalni-ultrapravicova intelektualka ;)) ktera ma na konte nekolik US bestselleru... posledni se jmenoval "How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must) : The World According to Ann Coulter"

    vice treba tady: http://www.disinfopedia.org/wiki.phtml?title=Ann_Coulter

    nebo na jeji homepage: http://www.anncoulter.org/
    ABYSS --- ---
    JAXXE: Co to je za sracku?=)

    jinak UZASNEJ obrazek disobey unjust laws now... UZASNEJ!
    GYD --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam