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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    ANGLAN --- ---
    sieg hail.... no logo maji amici novy... starej hakenkrajz uz nepusobi... ale jeste nemaji novej pozdrav ne ?? sieg hail... to je takovy blby... bysme jim neco mohli vymyslet ne ?
    JAXXE --- ---
    Bagdád má mít Bushovu sochu

    Americký prezident George W. Bush může mít brzy v Bagdádu sochu.

    Památník americkému prezidentovi Georgi W. Bushovi chce v centru iráckého hlavního města vybudovat jeho nový starosta Alí Fadel. Z Bagdádu to napsal zpravodaj deníku The New York Post.

    2.2. 2005 09:43

    BAGDÁD - "Postavíme Bushovi sochu. Je symbolem svobody," řekl Fadel. Ve funkci nahrazuje exguvernéra Alího Hajdarího, zavražděného 4. ledna povstalci, kteří prostříleli jeho opancéřované BMW. [celá zpráva]

    Deník připomíná, že za podobně proamerický postoj byl právě Hajdarí zabit. "Nebojím se vazeb na Washington," řekl k tomu Fadel.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Fauxsama?: 'Pursuing bin Laden'

    Feb 1, 2004

    Vice Chairman of the 9/11 Commission Lee Hamilton recently wrote a commentary entitled "Pursuing bin Laden." Most of the information in the editorial can be regarded as a fairy tale for the masses. Afterall, Mr. Hamilton's current job is to convince the American people of the dangers of al Qaeda and that we must surrender all of our constitutional rights so that the federal government can protect us - and assume power over all state and local functions.

    Mr. Hamilton asks,"Where is Osama bin Laden? We have heard from him via video and audiotape. But despite one of the most aggressive manhunts in history, his capture has proven elusive."

    Many people would never question anything their government officials tell them. But I can't help asking how many different men are they are going to get to play the part of Osama bin Laden in those tapes?

    This is a photo of the Osama that made his appearance just before the 2004 November election - presumably to remind us that he was still around and remains a threat. John Kerry now says that this video cost him the election.

    Here we have previous photos of bin Laden and on the far right is the bin Laden who took credit for 9/11 in a December, 2001 video:

    Our government officials expect us to accept, without questioning, that all these people are Osama bin Laden.

    A German TV show found that the White House's translation of the December 2001 bin Laden "confession" videotape was "not only inaccurate, but even manipulative". Prof. Gernot Rotter, professor of Islamic and Arabic Studies at the Asia-Africa Institute at the University of Hamburg said: "The American translators who listened to the tapes and transcribed them apparently wrote a lot of things in that they wanted to hear but that cannot be heard on the tape no matter how many times you listen to it."[Link]

    An audio tape released in November 2002 was declared authentic by U.S. officials. The Associated Press reported "U.S. experts who have heard it generally support the conclusion by U.S. law enforcement officials that it probably is bin Laden speaking" and provides the first evidence in a year that bin Laden survived U.S. bombing in Afghanistan.

    However, a Swiss research institute, the Lausanne-based Dalle Molle Institute for Perceptual Artificial Intelligence, said it is 95 percent certain the tape does not feature the voice of bin Laden. The institute compared the voice on the tape with some 20 earlier recordings of bin Laden.

    Read more, with all sources cited, at the link.


    GYD --- ---
    slusny, hlavne montaz toho detskyho obliceje
    JAXXE --- ---

    Photo by Hayne Palmour/North County Times
    Navy Corpsman Richard Barnett of Camarilo, Calif. checks the heart of a young Iraqi boy as other Navy medics treat the boy's older sister, right, after the two children and their family were caught in a crossfire between US Marines and Iraqi soldiers just outside of a Marine encampment in central Iraq on Saturday, March 29, 2003. The boy was not injured. His sister, who received gunshot wounds, was expected to survive. The father was wounded and the mother was killed in the gun battle. If anything good comes from this nonsense, I haven't seen it yet said Barnett after the two children and their father were taken away for a medivac helicopter."

    republikanska verze slouzici k

    "to hold the Democrat presidential candidates accountable for their comments & allegations against President George W. Bush, to make citizens aware of false statements or claims by the Democrat candidates, and to defend the Bush Administration and set the record straight when the Democrats make false or misleading statements about the Bush-Republican record."

    MONIA --- ---
    tak to je moc......
    ANGLAN --- ---
    The new US embassy in Iraq is projected to cost as much as the Freedom Tower currently being constructed on the former World Trade Center site.
    Aides said about three-fourths of the $80 billion was expected to be for the Army, which is bearing the brunt of the fighting in Iraq. It also was expected to include money for building a U.S. embassy in Baghdad, which has been estimated to cost $1.5 billion.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Odlišný pohľad na vojnu proti terorizmu

    Všetky vojny, to sú v skutočnosti tajné útoky svetovej finančníckej elity proti ľudstvu. A vojna proti terorizmu nie je výnimkou. Nedávne mediálne varovania, že v lete tu budú ďalšie útoky vo vlakoch a autobusoch, možno vidieť práve v tomto kontexte.
    Finančná elita je pomerne malá, zbabelá a kradmá. Tá potrebuje nás nato, aby mohla viesť svoje zápasy. Potrebuje nás, aby sme ničili sami seba a čoraz viac za zadlžovali. (To je spôsob, ako nás zotročiť).

    Vojna, to bol vždy podvod, vyrobený na to, aby sa mohol zrodiť svetový policajný štát. Toto sa nazýva "nový svetový poriadok", t.j. "globalizmus".

    Vojnu používajú na premenu spoločnosti. Obe svetové vojny mali za následok väčšiu moc vlády a kartelov, ktoré bankári nepriamo riadia. Obe svetové vojny mali za následok výzvy k ich "svetovej vláde".

    My túto konšpiráciu nevidíme, lebo nie sme zvyknutí dívať sa ďaleko do budúcnosti. Postupný presun bohatstva a moci medzinárodnému finančníctvu sa už deje najmenej 200 rokov. S tým je spojená úplná premena ľudstva. To zahŕňa zničenie rasy, náboženstva, rodiny a národa a oddaniu sa peniazom, sexu a násiliu. To je tajná agenda takmer za všetkým, čo sa deje v politike a v kultúre. A nespoliehajte sa na profesorov, vedátorov a politikov, že vám toto povedia! To sú strážni psi, cvičení a dobre živení.

    Ale, poviete, stále predsa prosperujeme a máme relatívne slobodu. Prvoradou prioritou elity je teraz potlačiť a sekularizovať islamský svet ("demokracia", "práva žien"). Nás potrebujú nato, aby sme tú špinavú prácu urobili. Naši "peacekeeperi", to je v skutočnosti výkonná sila bankárov. Používajú "terorizmus al-Kajdá" nato, aby mohli nastoliť policajný štát doma. Zatiaľčo džavocú o "ľudských právach", postupne odstraňujú ústavu a zákon o právach. Zvykáme si na "teroristické poplachy" a vnikanie do nášho súkromia.

    Tento nový bezpečnostný monolit je vyrobený na potlačenie prípadného budúceho odporu proti globalizmu. Keď už budú hotoví vytiahnuť zátku, potom nás budú držať na uzde. Zatiaľ odvádzajú našu pozornosť ľahkým úverom, trivialitami, sexom a športom.

    Terorizmus používaný na manipulovanie ľudí
    Ak sú vojny používané na premenu spoločnosti, tak terorizmus sa zase používa na ospravedlnenie tých vojen. Bankári zosnovali útok na WTC, aby ospravedlnili útok proti islamskému svetu a "vojnu proti terorizmu". Votrelci vždy predstierajú, že ide o sebaobranu.

    Všetko ide podľa okultného plánu. 11. septembra 1990 predniesol George Bush starší prejav "V ústrety nového svetového poriadku" na pôde OSN. 11 rokov nato dve lietadlá vrazili do WTC.

    Terorizmus používajú na usmerňovanie verejnej mienky. Pred dvoma týždňami vyhodila izraelská raketa do povetria z invalidného vozíka zakladateľa Hamas-u Šejka Jássina, 68-ročného napoly slepého moslimského klerika. Ariel Šaron mal v úmysle vyvolať tým ďalšie nevyberavé teroristické útoky proti izraelským občanom. Jeho politikou je dostať Palestíncov za gigantický múr. Aby sa mu to podarilo, musí izraelské obyvateľstvo pripraviť na ten "presun". V roku 2000 bolo za toto menej než 8 % židovských Izraelčanov; v roku 2002 to číslo už predstavuje 44%. Vďaka sústavným samovražedným útokom to číslo istotne rýchlo prekročí hranicu 50 %. Terorizmus Hamas-u definitívne slúži Šaronovmu zámeru, preto Izrael v tajnosti celé roky podporoval Hamas.

    Ďalším príkladom sú nedávne útoky v Španielsku dva dni pre voľbami. Španielsky premiér bol proti istej stati v ústave EŮ. V dôsledku masovej vraždy ho teraz nahradil priateľskejší obetný baránok.

    Ako poukazuje Steve Bonta v poslednom čísle "The New American", kdekoľvek sa udeje teroristický akt, zakaždým sa pýtajte: "Kto z toho získava?" Získal z 9/11 islamský svet? Získa niečo z nevyberavých teroristických útokov na americkej pôde?

    Čo môžeme robiť
    Na toto sa ľudia často pýtajú a ja vždy odvetím: "Keď založíme hnutia, zaškatuľkujú nás a pohnú sa proti lídrom. Sami sa zamýšľajte! Nečakajte, že druhí vám poskytnú odpovede! Títo sa boja individuálnej iniciatívy viac, než čohokoľvek iného na svete." A čo neurobíme, to je tiež rovnako dôležité.

    Demokratický systém podvrátili a teraz je to už zväčša len forma sociálnej kontroly. Bankári kontrolujú obe strany, aj prostriedky presviedčania más. Usmerňujú diskusiu a alternatívy. Takže očividne, nemali by sme mrhať energiou účasťou na demokratickom procese.

    Druhou vecou je prestať sa dívať na televíziu. Ľudia sú prirodzene konformistickí. Televízia definuje realitu. Jej odkazom je, že politici skutočne slúžia naším záujmom a napriek problémom, všetko je v poriadku. O tomto hovorí kniha Normana Grigga "TV or Not TV".

    Bankárska konšpirácia využíva idealizmus ľudí, či už ide o komunistov, socialistov, sionistov, liberálov, slobodomurárov, feministky alebo neo-kozervatívcov. Kým žijeme v nominálnej demokracii, nemôžeme toho veľa urobiť, až kým viac ľudí nebude vidieť globalistickú agendu takú, aká skutočne je.

    Vzdelávať sa, to sa vždy oplatí. Kedysi som hľadal preobrazenie v meditácii, ale na moje veľké prekvapenie, cítim sa oveľa slobodnejší, odkedy som prišiel nato, ako svet skutočne funguje.

    V závere, "vojna proti terorizmu", ako všetky vojny, to je podvod vytvorený k nastoleniu svetovej vlády bankárov tým, že potlačia islam a vytvoria policajný štát doma.

    Dr. Henry Makow http://www.savethemales.ca

    Zdroj: Proti prúdu

    JAXXE --- ---

    by David Icke

    JAXXE --- ---
    Tisková služba George Bushe

    Michael McManus je třetím novinářem, o němž bylo odhaleno, že je to komentátor, kterého platila Bushova vláda, píše Fabiano Golgo. Americký list Los Angeles Times v pátek odsoudil skutečnost, že McManus, který píše sloupek o "etice a o náboženství", který ve Spojených státech přetiskuje 50 regionálních novin, obdržel 53 000 dolarů skrze prostředníka od poradenské firmy, která pracuje pro americké ministerstvo zdravotnictví.

    Dosud vyšlo najevo, že několik amerických ministerstev vyplatilo nejméně třem komentátorům tisíce dolarů, aby ve svých článcích podporovali politiku Bushovy vlády.

    První zpráva o tom, že Bushova vláda platí tvůrce veřejného mínění, vyšla před třemi týdny v deníku USA Today. Ten list obdržel tuto informaci z dokumentů z amerického ministerstva školství. Z nich vyplynulo, že Armstrong Williams, prominentní černošský komentátor, jehož články se široce přetiskují po celých USA, a který také často vystupuje v televizi CNBC a CNN, obdržel téměř 250 000 dolarů z peněz daňových poplatníků prostřednictvím smlouvy, kterou mělo americké ministerstvo školství s jednou PR firmou.

    Armstrong Williams to posléze přiznal ve sloupku, nazvaném "Moje omluva". Vysvětlil, že ty peníze dostal proto, aby podporoval vládní vzdělávací iniciativu "No Child Left Behind" (Žádné dítě nezůstane pozadu) a aby přesvědčoval i jiné černošské novináře, aby psali o tomto ustanovení vstřícně. Williamsův sloupek byl zrušen.

    Druhým komentátorem, jehož články byly také široce přetiskovány po celé Americe, byla Maggie Gallagherová, která také přijímala peníze od americké vlády. List Washington Post poprvé informoval ve středu, že Gallagherová obdržela asi 40 000 dolarů v rámci dvou federálních kontraktů od amerického ministerstva zdravotnictví za to, že napsala několik brožur, analýzy a článek do jednoho časopisu, který podpořil Bushovu iniciativu, podporující institut manželství. V rámci této iniciativy byly přesunuty státní finance na podporu předmanželského poradenství a na doporučování sexuální abstinence.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Brazílie a Mexiko začínají značkovat děti mikročipem RFID


    Mikročip velikosti zrnka rýže bude implementován pod kůži všem dětem v těchto zemích. Jako důvod je citována bezpečnost dětí. Ztratí-li se dítě označené mikročipem, policie umístí v oblasti, kde by se dítě mohlo nalézat, RFID skenery. Nesmějte se, tak zní oficiální vysvětlení. Přiblíží-li se ztracené dítě k takovému skeneru, bude rychle identifikováno a nalezeno.

    Organizace zabývající se únosy a zneužíváním dětí v Mexiku tvrdí, že ročně se v této zemi ztratí 133 tisíce dětí.

    Firma Applied Digital Solutions, která Verichip vyrobila, má už nějakou dobu v chodu program VeriKid zaměřený na děti. (Všimněte si, že kráčejí cestou nejmenšího odporu, zaměřili se na děti, které se nemohou bránit.) VeriKid je prvním krokem k vybudování bezpečných přístupových práv a identifikace pro dospělé. Nejde prý o Velkého bratra. Označkovaní jedinci budou požívat řadu výhod – např. v případě zranění a bezvědomí umožní mikročip pod kůží rychlou identifikaci pacienta a – po propojení s databází s jeho chorobopisem – včasné nasazení vhodných léků.

    Teď je otázka, kolik lidí jim tohle idiotské vysvětlení zbaští. Obávám se, že dost.

    JAXXE --- ---

    BIOTERROR: Are You Ready?

    How To Survive

    The question is not IF a massive biological attack will happen. The question is WHEN a massive biological attack will happen. If it is not Al-Qaida it will be American far-right extremists. Somebody released American-made anthrax as a 'trial' attack. They almost certainly had access to far worse, almost apocolyptic agents, like weaponized smallpox, plague & ebola too.



    There is likely to be a series of disease epidemics in the guise of both natural outbreaks and biological terrorism. Will you know what to do when the first epidemic is announced, when martial law is declared?

    U.S. Army Field Manual for the Treatment of Biological Warfare Agent Casualties: (SMALLPOX, Anthrax, Plague, Viral Fevers, Toxins, Delivery Methods, Detection, Symptoms, Treatment, Equipment, Casualties



    Click Here If There Has Been An Outbreak



    *TOP TIP: Buy a good mouth & nose DIY dust/vapour filter mask. (You don't need a full-face respirator.) Also get latex gloves.


    The authorities KNOW there will be a biological attack using smallpox, ebola or flu.


    (By the time they act it will be too late for many)





    If only the FBI & CIA had 'needlessly' warned of the aircraft terrorism they expected long before September 11. Vigilance, anticipation & awareness of the threats are the only things that can prevent the next Sept 11. The next Sept 11 may be far, far worse if a nuclear device is used to erase a city, or, worse, if a biological plague is released.

    They knew this was going to happen. They could have prevented it

    FBI anti-terror teams raiding Islamic targets - article dated pre-Sept 11

    Troops were already on their way to the bases used to attack Afghanistan in Ausust 2001! Plans had been drawn up in 1998! Anticipation of attacks on America using aircraft was common knowledge in the intelligence community beforehand. We tried to warn people then, too. We were accused of scare-mongering then too. If only the FBI, CIA & NSA had adopted our scare-mongering tactics. This could have been prevented, as can the next attack.

    *Let's not let this happen again. Make yourself & others aware of the very real threat from biological agents before it is too late.




    Who Would Really Want A Global Plague – And Why:

    "America does not only want to destroy the world, but rather as a result destroy itself, too," - Saddam Hussein (Reuters)


    Keep one other thing in mind: is bioterror on a global scale really the work of terrorists?

    Would terrorists kill unlimited numbers, indiscriminately, including their own kind & their supporters, in a global plague? A potentially global pandemic outbreak is the work of a Doomsday cult, not terrorists. It is the work of the 'Illuminati': a 'necessary' step toward their Masonic New-World-Order.

    Does a Doomsday Cult Sound Like Fantasy? Click Here.

    The 'Illuminati' are a huge & powerful doomsday cult with one purpose: the foundation of the New World Order. They will stop at nothing. Like the Templars, history records that the Illuminati were disbanded. Like the templars, they really went underground. The link above shows the English Open University believe the Illuminati to be historically noteworthy. Their absence from most historic texts is a hint at their modern influence.

    Realize that many within the American Government desire catastrophe & the news in general will make a lot more sense. America systematically infuriates its most dangerous enemies whilst allowing weapons of mass-destruction to become available to them. This may be an attempt to provoke massive attacks. But it would also offer a plausible explanation to cover devastating self-inflicted horrors.

    An international climate of fear & chaos is necessary to justify the final, radical social & political changes that will be officially called the New World Order. We believe that epidemics, or bioterror blamed on America's 'war on terror', present likely routes to this horrifying state of affairs. Those involved, like military & political leaders throughout history, believe global holocaust to be a fair price in exchange for their goals.

    The Great Plan of the Illuminati would culminate in a smaller, more controlled new global society, in which war & poverty would be permanently absent. This achievement of 'perfection' through destruction is key to Illuminist belief & is symbolized by Atlantis, the Phoenix & the Cross.

    We believe that the Illuminist Great Plan is grossly over-optimistic. And that the initial moral & human costs are in any case far too high.





    NEW WORLD ORDER (by David Stirling, our link to the AIG)

    "History is a set of lies agreed upon." - Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of Europe, 1769-1821"

    President Bush, Prime Minister Blair & other Illuminist leaders sometimes seem obsessed with the "New World Order... New World Order... New World Order - So what exactly does the "New World Order" mean?

    The New World Order is a powerful & secret political movement aiming to place the world under a global totalitarian dictatorship called the New World Order or ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. (This may sound like utopia but it is barely-concealed imperialism & dictatorship).

    It is impossible to summarise the New World Order in brief. One could visit 20 websites and read 10 books, yet still the entire picture would remain beyond grasp. This is because the concept is extremely ancient and involves many significant groups and individuals with long & important stories of their own.


    More about the New World Order


    A good site for information about the NWO - polluted only by an un-necessary emphasis on religion. (Virtually all available texts are self-discrediting, making ludicrous statements that hinder & riducule any serious study of the New World Order.


    A Brief History of the New World Order:

    Around the year 70 AD Romans destroyed the Jerusalem Temple. A group of Zadokite priests - practicioners of an early form of Judaism & guardians of the secrets of an Egyptian Mystery school - escaped, certainly to Europe, probably to France, probably to the Chartres region. Known as the 'Sons of Light', it was their traditions that gave birth to Illuminism & the 'Illuminati'.

    There their descendants founded a secret Order called the ‘Brotherhood of Light’, which became extremly powerful over the years - some say because they posessed the Holy Grail, though this seems a little far-fetched. Posing as Christians or modern Jews they preserved their ancient and mistrusted traditions within the inner-doctrines of secret societies & writings. A good example of this is the fact that the British Royal family circumcise their male children - hardly the behaviour of real Christians:


    They eventually founded the Knights Templar, who became an extremely powerful Military Order, apparently Christian but in reality their inner-Order still guarded the knowledge or gnosis of Egyptian Occultism that would eventually form the basis of modern Hermeticism and Gnosticism - and that would be a major source of inspiration for the ROSICRUCIANS and the GOLDEN DAWN, both of whom, like inner-Freemasonry, use ancient symbols including the Pyramid, Sphynx & Star of David. Many important Historical Figures have been members of these Orders, including George Washington.

    Islamic fundamentalists were preventing Christian pilgrims from visiting the Holy Land and the famous Crusades began when the Templars went out there, ostensibly to protect them.

    However, the Templars excavated under the site of their ancestors' Temple, finding scrolls left there by them. These scrolls contained the traditions & rituals of the Egyptian Mysteries.



    It was on these traditions that parts of the clearly Egyptian & Gnostic rituals of the Freemasonry were founded by the Templars: not, as according to the official Masonic line, "stone masons". Their guild would hardly explain the obvious Hermetic, Egyptian & Templar traditions inherant Freemasonry. Parts of the Knights Templar tradition were taught to the first 'Freemasonic' Stone Masons, at the building of Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland.

    (Freemasonry & other secret societies deny any interest in, or connection to, Gnosticism, or ancient Egypt. But they blatantly use obviously ancient Egyptian symbolism & clearly practice Gnosticism. WHAT HAVE THEY GOT TO HIDE? )

    Rosslyn is a copy of Solomon's (actually Herod's) Temple at the time it was excavated by the Templar knights. The original scrolls are almost certainly beneath the chapel even now.

    History lies that the Templars - the most powerful military order of their time - were destroyed by the Roman church on Friday 13 October 1307 - IN A SINGLE MORNING - but this is clearly a lie. They still exist & now even have websites. If you have read that they no longer exist, please TELL THEM, NOT US!

    The Hiram Key - Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas - provides further information and adds informed speculation about Templars & Freemasonry. (See also The Occult Conspiracy, a serious study into the history of secret societies in relation to politics.


    *Virtually all Masons are unaware of & do not even understand or care about the real meanings of many of their traditions & rituals. The 'Illuminati' apply their influence through an inner-organization WITHIN Freemasonry.


    Over the years the Illuminati families, like ROCKEFELLER, ROTHSCHILDE, BLOOMBERG and other bloodlines became still more powerful, dominating banking, politics, media and the intelligence communities with their immense wealth.

    Banking has always been associated with secret societies, while secret intelligence has always utilized the secure & established networks of secret societies.

    More about the immense power of Illuminati family Rockefeller

    There was just 1 reason for their manipulation of world affairs:

    Slow and deliberate changes in religious belief, political climate and seats of financial, economic & political power. Changes necessary for the evential implimentation of the Novus Ordo Seclorum: New World Order, as predicted on the US Great Seal.

    It is a common LIE that "Novus Ordo Seclorum" means "New Order of the Ages" and not "New World Order". However, "SECULAR", (the modern translation of "Seclorum"), clearly means "Worldly" or "of the World" more than it means "of the Ages" (See Dictionary.com definition of "SECULAR').

    The Great Seal appears on the US 1 Dollar bill, along with its PHOENIX-Eagle, disguised as an Eagle, a STAR OF DAVID, a pyramid & the Eye of Isis in a triangle – all clearly Egyptian & Masonic symbols as a visit to any Grand Lodge will quickly confirm.

    Inner-Illuminists believe that like the Phoenix America must perish in order to rise from the flames heralding a new age.

    The occult Masonic Pentagram, an Illuminati family symbol, was adopted as another symbol of America.

    Since all Freemasons vehementally deny any connection to the Great Seal here are some more examples from Freemasonry’s own pages:





    OTHER MASONIC SYMBOLS including the ARK – as in Noah’s Ark. Most Masons would be horrified if they realized this is a symbol for the ressurection of the world after a deliberately planned HUGE BIBLICAL-STYLE CATASTROPHE of the Illuminati.

    Masons used many of these symbols centuries before America was even discovered, let alone designing Great Seals.

    This Government website clearly shows MASONIC symbolism in the building of the Masonic Capitol Building. WASHINGTON & THE OTHERS ALL HAVE FULL MASONIC REGALIA INCLUDING APRON. SOME EVEN HOLD MASONIC SYMBOLS: SQUARE, COMPASS, GAVEL...

    Every Masonic lodge has a LEWIS: a suspended stone block just like the one depicted HERE. Sometimes Freemasons even admit that Washington DC is Masonic. Indeed George Washington was a Mason, like many world leaders.


    Some people claim the Freemasons are satanic, demonic or evil. However the sinister impirialism & political machinations of 'NEW WORLD ORDER' political inner-sects within the Craft present a far more real threat than any supposed secret ‘witchcraft’ or 'occultism'

    More about how secret societies have influenced world affairs



    The ILLUMINATI were a secret society founded in Bavaria by the ancient Zadokite families, in order to overturn the major European governments for the implementation of the New World Order.

    Their plans were exposed and they were officially destroyed, though really they merely went underground, like the Templars before them.

    Their influence over world events grows stronger each week and has been the driving force behind many recent world events. At meetings called the BILDERBERG GROUP they meet to make world policy in secret. Through the IMF, the World Bank & national debt, they control the economies of many nations.

    The Illuminati still operate as a super-secret inner-group within Freemasonry.

    *Virtually all Masons are unaware of & do not even understand or care about the real meanings of many of their traditions & rituals.


    When the time is right for them the Illuminati can & will create a third world WAR. The machinations of this have already been mobilized. The funding, followed by the alienation of Islamic extremists is a good example. (War, it must be remembered, is a $multi-trillion industry. World peace would ruin many Bilderberg Group businesses.)

    Globalization, European monetary union (the Euro) and NATO are all examples of the motion towards one-world-government.


    Illuminists call themselves 'Ark Mariners'. They are a kind of powerful inner-Masonic 'doomsday cult'. They believe mankind must die & be ressurected in the tradition of Atlantis, Christ, Mithras, Osiris & the Phoenix.

    When the time is right a global catastrophe is planned, intended to kill around two thirds of the planet's population. In the chaos the New World Order will finally be declared officially & it will be proclaimed the saviour of mankind. We believe that time may be very soon indeed.



    NEW WORLD ORDER – a book by William T Still on the New World Order

    Begins at the point where the ‘Brotherhood of Light’ or the ‘Sons of Light’ founded the ‘Illuminati’.

    HIRAM KEY – history, research & informed speculation on the evolution of Freemasonry.

    OCCULT CONSPIRACY - More about how secret societies have influenced world affairs



    The New World Order movement is extremely powerful. But if the majority of people understand its methods & motives it will be forced into greater cautio

    JAXXE --- ---
    "The US should consider the use of biological weapons and that new methods of attack - electronic, 'non-lethal', biological - will be more widely available ... combat likely will take place in new dimensions, in space, cyberspace, and perhaps the world of microbes ... advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool. " - the neocon report by the Project for the New American Century in September 2000 that provided the blueprint for the policies of the Bush administration.


    Just a coincidence, nothing to worry about:

    Report: Israel developing biological weapons targeting Arabs


    JAXXE --- ---
    Russian officers 'helped in plot to seize Beslan school'

    GORG --- ---
    Security Risk?

    President George W. Bush, left, introduces Michael Chertoff as his nominee for Secretary of Homeland Security on Jan. 11 to replace current Secretary Tom Ridge.

    Federal Appeals Court Judge Michael Chertoff’s ties to the financiers of the Sept. 11 attacks may prevent his confirmation as Homeland Security Chief.
    GORG --- ---
    S-11 Redux

    It is a well-known and widely accepted fact that, during wartime, news companies and governmental representatives fuse their voices together into one univocal beam of support for the national military objective. And, while, for many, this is a vital aspect of institutional patriotism, it is also a very dangerous and troubling reality. For, if the news media have abandoned their responsibility to objectively inform the population, then our concept of a democracy (which is founded on the ability for all citizens to choose their nation’s destiny based on a full spectrum of information) is in desperate peril.


    So, in the face of our media’s shameless propaganda campaign, we have taken it upon ourselves to intuit what the intentions and goals of this war truly are. In what is surely a departure from our traditional NewsVideo format, GNN presents S-11 Redux: (Channel) Surfing the Apocalypse. Culled from over 20 hours of television footage recorded over a one month period and across 13 networks, S-11 Redux is a sound-bite blitzkrieg that challenges the messages we have been fed from our mainstream media and the government it serves. Be warned – this video moves quickly and will require at least two viewings to digest its full impact. You may never be able to look at S-11 and its post-impact coverage the same way, ever again.

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