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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    KERRAY --- ---
    16.02:54 10.3.2005
    ty vole...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Fox News host Bill O'Reilly labeled the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) a "terrorist group" for filing a lawsuit against Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and for opposing Bush administration anti-terrorism measures that the group believes are unconstitutional. The lawsuit accuses Rumsfeld of approving illegal interrogation methods that led to the torture and abuse of detainees in U.S. military custody; the ACLU also believes that measures such as federal "no-fly" lists and expanded investigative and surveillance powers for federal law enforcement under the USA Patriot Act are unconstitutional. O'Reilly added: "They're terrorizin' me and my family. They're terrorizing me. I think they're terrorists."


    In the past, O'Reilly has called the ACLU "the most dangerous organization in the United States of America right now ... second next to Al Qaeda" and "a fascist organization." He has also said that "Hitler would be a card-carrying ACLU member. So would Stalin."

    JAXXE --- ---
    20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA

    JAXXE --- ---
    No 'True' Al Qaeda Sleeper Agents Have Been Found in U.S.

    SUPAFLY --- ---
    redguy: nikdo tady netvrdil, ze existuje jaderny vybuch bez radiace, jen to, ze moderni plutoniova munice nevyzaruje zareni gama, ale jen alfa a beta, ktere zadrzi list papiru, tudiz nepronikne kuzi a tim padem se jejich detekci nikdo nezabyva, kor kdyz je to celkem obtizne.. pokud neveris, zkus si vygooglit treba Special Atomic Demolition Munition, nebo suitcase nuke, pripadne si zopakuj fyziku :) detektor plutonia imho neexistuje a detekovat mikroskopicke castice co zbydou po vybuchu nekolikagramove plutoniove naloze v miste kde je hned dest splachne do more taky asi nebude zrovna jednoduche. Popaleni svetelnym zableskem je odlisne od popaleni ohnem treba v tom, ze nemas ohorele vlasy a obleceni a nemas popaleniny tu vic a tu min, ale mas je vcelku rovnomerne po celem nekrytem povrchu tela, ktery byl ve chvili zablesku otocen ke zdroji.. tudiz treba pul ksichtu rovnomerna popalenina 2-3 stupne a na te pulce, cos mel ve stinu vubec nic - to ohen zpravidla dokaze jen velmi tezko. neres hned konspiraci a zkus si treba vsimat faktu a toho co vidis a hodnot to ne podle toho, co slysis, ale podle svych zkusenosti, jestli nejake mas :) nebo jsi jeden z tech, co veri, ze dopravni letadlo dokaze vletet do baraku dirou o prumeru 2 metry na urovni zeme a neznici pri tom travnik a prumer jeho motoru se tim narazem zmensi o 2 metry? :))
    BEEJBI --- ---
    REDGUY: teda zareagujem aj ja a nech to nie je povazovane za flamewar..ale, jaxxe tu uz od sameho zaciatku klubu zdoraznuje, ze iba zhromazduje clanky a rozne materialy o roznych teoriach, nikto tu nikomu nevnucuje nejaku pravdu alebo nazor, ten si musi urobit kazdy sam...a ked nejaky nazor vyjadris alebo na podporu nejakeho nazoru das link na clanok, je uplne v poriadku aby niekto dal link na clanok ktory zase podpori jeho tvrdenie atd atd...ano, tento klub je zabavny a je aj na zamyslenie...o tom co sa stalo v skutocnosti sa zrejme nikdy nedozvieme...a snad je to ozaj vsetko bullshit, v opacnom pripade je to totiz na slusnu depku :)
    REDGUY --- ---
    Proc unbook, je to zabava, kde jinde bych se docetl o jadernem vybuchu bez radiace a o tom, ze vsechno je vlastne kryci organizace pro CIA, zcela vazne, takovou originalitu jinde nenajdu. Akorat se musim udrzet a nereagovat 8))
    JAXXE --- ---
    no vidis to, tak si dej unbook a koukej dal na foxnews
    REDGUY --- ---
    JAXXE: No, popravde receno, pokud se hlavnim argumentem stava kdo je ci pribuznej, tak veru nema smyslu pokracovat v debate. Mozna je to predsudek, ale to se holt neda nic delat 8)
    JAXXE --- ---
    co se kadrovani autora tyka, veril bys bezpecnostni proverce, kterou by delal grossovi jeho stryc ?
    JAXXE --- ---
    redguy: vis ono cely tenhle klub polemizuje s vice nez dvema body po celou dobu /5000 prispevku./ a popular mechanics se tem nejproblematictejsim bodum proste vyhli nebo tam dali, co se jim hodilo.... nenabizim zadnou pravdu, jen informace z druhe strany barikady ;)

    ... co si z nich nekdo vyvodi je jeho vec a timto bych to rad ukoncil. dekuji za pochopeni, tohle neni flame war club
    JAXXE --- ---
    doporucuju reagovat na texty a odkazy v clanku a ne na nadpis... ale to ma cenu v pripade ze k tomu pristupujes bez predsudku ;)

    a pokud neveris ani strankam cia tak uz nevim co ti mam linkovat

    In-Q-Tel: A New Partnership Between the CIA and the Private Sector


    tady se vydavatel popular mechanics chlubi medaili od CIA

    REDGUY --- ---
    JAXXE: No, kdybys nahodou nasel nejakou "analyzu analyzy", ktera dela neco jineho nez kadruje autora a polemizuje s vice nez jen s dvema body (ze sestnacti, navic neprilis podstatymi) clanku z PM, urcite to sem napis 8))
    REDGUY --- ---
    Popular Mechanics' & Other CIA Front Organizations - 8)))
    JAXXE --- ---
    Chertoff's Cousin Penned Popular Mechanics 9/11 Hit Piece

    Chistopher Bollyn for American Free Press | March 7 2005

    Dictators like Saddam Hussein have always used nepotism to protect their secrets and maintain control. Like a dictatorship, the inner cabal that directs the actions of the Bush administration uses the same tactics to confuse the public and conceal the truth of 9/11.

    Dictators have always employed nepotism, the placing of family members in key positions, for one simple reason: only loyal family members can be trusted with the secrets that keep them in power. For this reason the shameless nepotism of the Bush administration should alarm Americans because it indicates that a dictatorship is encroaching upon the United States.

    The Defense Department defines nepotism as the situation when relatives are in the same chain-of-command.

    An egregious example of dictatorial-style nepotism occurred when George W. Bush won the White House ? twice ? thanks to the key "swing state" of Florida, where the presidential candidate's younger brother is governor. In 2000 and 2004, against all odds, Florida swung decisively, the Bush way.

    With high federal offices being given to the wives, sons and daughters of senior members of the Bush administration, the Hearst Corporation executives that publish Popular Mechanics magazine probably didn't worry about the ethical considerations of hiring a cousin of Michael Chertoff, a former Assistant Attorney General and the new Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), as senior researcher.

    But the March 2005 issue of Popular Mechanics (PM) plumbs new depths of nepotism and Hearst-style "yellow journalism" with its cover story about 9/11. PM's senior researcher, 25-year-old Benjamin Chertoff, authored a propagandistic cover story entitled "Debunking 9/11 Lies" which seeks to discredit all independent 9/11 research that challenges the official version of events.

    "Conspiracy theories can't stand up to the hard facts," the cover reads. "After an in-depth investigation, PM answers with the truth," it says. But the article fails to provide evidence to support its claims and doesn't answer the key question: What caused the collapses of the twin towers and the 47-story World Trade Center 7?

    The Chertoff article goes on to confront the "poisonous claims" of 16 "myths" spun by "extremist" 9/11 researchers like myself with "irrefutable facts," mostly provided by individuals in the employ of the U.S. government.

    But who is Benjamin Chertoff, the "senior researcher" at Popular Mechanics who is behind the article? American Free Press has learned that he is none other than a cousin of Michael Chertoff, the new Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.

    This means that Hearst paid Benjamin Chertoff to write an article supporting the seriously flawed explanation that is based on a practically non-existent investigation of the terror event that directly led to the creation of the massive national security department his "cousin" now heads. This is exactly the kind of "journalism" one would expect to find in a dictatorship like that of Saddam Hussein's Iraq.

    Because the manager of public relations for Popular Mechanics didn't respond to repeated calls from American Free Press, I called Benjamin Chertoff, the magazine's "senior researcher," directly.

    Chertoff said he was the "senior researcher" of the piece. When asked if he was related to Michael Chertoff, he said, "I don't know." Clearly uncomfortable about discussing the matter further, he told me that all questions about the article should be put to the publicist ? the one who never answers the phone.

    Benjamin's mother in Pelham, New York, however, was more willing to talk. Asked if Benjamin was related to the new Secretary of Homeland Security, Judy said, "Yes, of course, he is a cousin."

    JAXXE --- ---
    redguy: autor toho clanku je bratranec homeland security sefa pana Chertoffa, takze me ty jeho vyvody ani moc nesokuji ;) nevim proc se tam treba snazi dokazat ze wtc 7 spadlo diky ohni, kdyz sam majitel silverstein rekl, ze to nechal odstrelit vybusninama

    kazdopadne analyzu jejich analyzy najdes tady


    Popular Mechanics' & Other CIA Front Organizations

    REDGUY --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Imagine you're Ernst Zundel

    Irving: For some of us, imagining this nightmare is easier than for others

    by Peter Lindsay & Chi-Kun Shi

    TORONTO, CANADA -- (OfficialWire) -- 03/08/05 -- IMAGINE that you're 65 years old and you're in jail. In solitary confinement. You are strip-searched whenever you see your lawyer. Once before. Once after. For two years.

    Imagine that you're there because two politicians signed a piece of paper ("security certificate") saying that you are a security risk. You are not charged with a crime. You don't have a criminal record. You have lived in Canada for 42 years.

    Imagine that those two politicians don't have to be right, so long as a judge thinks that they are "reasonable". So long as they are "reasonable", they can deport you to a country where you go to jail for saying something that you have the right to say in Canada. The Supreme Court of Canada had promised you that right.

    Imagine that the prosecutor and the judge get to meet secretly without you and your lawyer and you never find out what they did in secret, what they read, who they saw. Again and again.

    Imagine that your lawyer thought he was at a critical point in your trial. He thought the lunch break was longer then usual. Turns out the judge and the prosecutor were having a secret session again while you had lunch. They refuse to tell you or your lawyer what happened.

    Imagine that you are accused of causing violence so bad that you are a danger to Canadian national security. When you ask when and where, they say: can't tell you. You ask why not, they say: national security.

    Imagine that the judge making so many mistakes that it took more than 100 pages of transcripts to show them all. Imagine the judge making the same mistakes again and again. And always to your detriment. Imagine this judge having the power to deport you and you have no right of appeal.

    Imagine that a prominent civil libertarian tells you this process is wrong and he will stand with you to say so, only to back out at the last minute.

    Imagine that he comes back as soon as you were deported, condemning this process as your plane left Canada.

    Imagine that a judge says she thinks this process is unfair to you and will say so in court, only to change her mind at the last minute.

    Imagine that a newspaper counts the number of security certificates and yours is never included. Imagine the moment you have been deported, everyone talks about how awful and illegal security certificates are.

    Imagine that the media is suddenly interested in you, as soon as they are sure that you will be deported. Your deportation and upcoming jail time is reported in meticulous detail.

    Imagine that this is Canada in 2005 and you've been named in a security certificate.

    Imagine that everyone says that security certificates are a disgrace to Canada but somehow it was fine to use one on you.

    Imagine that you may be Ernst Zundel, or you may be someone with an opinion disliked by many.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The Collapse of WTC 1: Madrid Exposes a Fundamental Flaw

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