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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Rumsfeld Seals The Deal On Military Bases To Launch Attack On Iran

    Propaganda Matrix | April 21 2005

    What was the purpose of Donald Rumsfeld's visits to Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan last week?

    There was no official statement on the agenda of the meetings with top Azerbaijan government officials.

    But the very next day, the commander of NATO forces in Europe, General Johns, issued a statement in the local press saying that the U.S. planned to deploy military bases in the Caspian region in order to ensure regional security.

    Azerbaijan is seen as one of the launch pads for launching an attack on Iran, which some see coming as early as June.

    Local analysts say that the deal was already all but tied up and Rumsfeld's visit was simply part of the finalization process.

    Russian news analysis websies have expressed concern at the deal, fearing it could escalate the likelihood of a US-Russian confrontation. Russia is an ally of Iran and sees the Caspian as its own stomping ground.

    JAXXE --- ---

    V současných dnech byly plně zprovozněny dva ropovody vedoucí z Iráku do izraelské Haify. První vede z oblasti Mosulu a Kirkuku. Druhý z oblasti Ramaláhu. Vláda USA zbudovala na vlastní náklady dvě letecké základny určené výhradně k ochraně těchto ropovodů (viz. body H1 a H2 na přiložené mapě). Kapacita těchto ropovodů je 1,85 mld. barelů ročně. Smlouva o dodávkách irácké ropy ropy uzavřená mezi iráckou a izraelskou stranou stanovila pevnou cenu ve výši 25 USD za barel irácké ropy dodané do Haify. Při této ceně lze odhadovat hrubý zisk na izraelské straně minimálně na 45 miliard USD ročně. Při stávajících stoupajících cenách ropy bude tento zisk nejspíše o nějakou miliardu větší. Tak to chodí.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Recurrent intelligence reports say al Qaeda terrorist Abu Musab Zarqawi has obtained a nuclear device or is preparing a radiological explosive -- or dirty bomb -- for an attack, according to U.S. officials, who also say analysts are unable to gauge the reliability of the information's sources.


    Okay, so "Al Qaeda" (nudge nudge wink wink) has trotted down to Dimona (where else would they get a nuke) and is going to set it off inside the US leaving a note saying "We're Iranians (honest) come and GET us!"

    If you look at the current situation, it should be clear that Bush is not going to get America to go along with another invasion with just spin. Attempts to link OK City to Iran these last few days did not get any traction. Bush and the Neocons have cried wolf so often nobody is listening any more, and after the WMD fiasco in Iraq, nobody is taking claims of Iran's 'nookular' weapons seriously.

    So, for Bush to obey Sharon and invade Iran will take a real event, another 9-11 "terrorist" (nudge nudge wink wink) attack, only worse, something that leaves no evidence of itself behind to challenge the official story, and at the same time "proves" those mean ol' Aye-rahbs have 'nookular' weapons.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Before you read this article, conduct this test. Try to purchase some stock, or some futures, a mutual fund or some put options, without providing your identity. Go ahead and try it! See if you get anywhere. Find out what happens when you tell the investment firm that you want to make a huge investment anonymously. It can’t be done.

    Then ask yourself this question: How could someone have placed anonymous put options on American Airlines and United Airlines just prior to the attacks of 9/11? Then ask yourself why no one has investigated this suspicious deal.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Čtyřiadvacetiletý student fyziky William Cottrell byl odsouzen na osm let vězení a k zaplacení 3,5 milionu pokuty.

    Cotrell byl usvědčen, že spolu s kamarády poškodil, a snad i zapálil, 125 velkých sportovních vozů jako SUV na parkovištích prodejen a v několika domech. Jeho dva komplicové uprchli včas ze země, aby nemohli být stíháni. Cotrell tvrdí, že nevěděl o tom, že si s sebou přinesli Molotovy koktejly.

    Cotrell maloval sprejem na SUV nápisy jako "Tlustí líní Američané" a "Žádná úcta k planetě Zemi" a "SUV = terorismus".

    Budiž to výstrahou všem ekoteroristům. Drancování planety si rozvracet nedáme! To tedy ne!

    Zdroj: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7550964/
    JAXXE --- ---
    The corporate state

    From Warsaw Business Journal 18th April 2005

    by Zbigniew Piekarski


    Bush junior is the third President in history, following William Taft and his own father, who is a member of Lodge 322 of the Skull and Bones (or the Order of Death) secret society of Yale, which is rumored to be the American branch of the Illuminati and have a higher loyalty. Some commentators claim that the Illuminati intend to establish a world government through the control of banks, the infiltration of governments, and by causing wars and revolutions.

    Upon gaining office, the 43rd President immediately staffed his administration with Skull and Bones members and those from the Business Round Table (BRT) and the Carlyle Group.

    Men of influence

    The Business Roundtable, established in 1972 from chief executive officers of leading US corporations, has vigorously pursued the interests of big business.

    The Carlyle Group is a private investment bank that is conspicuously involved in government-dependent business. On its payroll are people like George Bush (senior), James Baker III and ex-British Prime Minister John Major.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Power pact meets quietly

    By Joseph Curl

    The Trilateral Commission, a secretive association of the world's most powerful private citizens, met behind closed doors in Washington over the weekend with top Bush administration officials, discussing the rise of China, global currency conflicts and the pending referendum before nations of the European Union.
    As usual, the press was not allowed in any of the meetings,
    which included speeches by Vice President Dick Cheney, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, World Bank President-designate Paul Wolfowitz and Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.


    None of the group's members spoke to the press after the meetings.

    Members include former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, former Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Perle, Kennedy administration Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, Harvard President Lawrence H. Summers, and Zbigniew Brzezinski, a national security adviser in the Carter administration.
    Far less luminary members refused to talk to a reporter in the hallway of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel on Maryland Avenue in Southwest, waving off questions and walking hurriedly.
    The Trilateral Commission's annual meetings, held in Warsaw in 2004, Seoul in 2003, Washington in 2002 and London in 2001, have inspired conspiracy theories of powerful puppeteers who secretly pull the strings of world powers as they seek to establish a new world order.

    JAXXE --- ---

    BBC Again Lumps Freedom Movement In With

    Joseph Watson/Propaganda Matrix | April 20 2005

    The BBC have again inferred that anyone who
    thinks government is tyrannical is linked to Neo-Nazis and terrorists.

    In an article posted today entitled 'US radical
    right remains a threat,' the writer Kevin Anderson draws parallels between
    those who warn against a new world order and global government to Oklahoma
    City bombing patsy Timothy McVeigh.

    The article states,

    The radical right in the US has always
    had a fascination with paramilitary organisations dating back to the secretive,
    anti-communist Minutemen in the 1960s, Michael Barkun, a professor of political
    science at Syracuse University, told the BBC News website.

    But beginning in the 1980s, so-called new world order
    conspiracy theories spread throughout the extreme right in the US, he said.

    "They asserted some nebulous conspiracy was on
    the threshold of seizing all power in the US and dismantling the constitutional
    system," Mr Barkun added.

    The conspiratorial speculation reached a fever pitch
    with an unwitting reference by former President Bush to a "new world
    order" in a 1991 speech to Congress marking the end of the Gulf War.

    Mr Bush was simply noting the shift in geo-politics
    as the Soviet Union crumbled and suddenly the bi-polar world of the Cold
    War melted away, potentially giving rise to a new international strategic

    The full article can be read here.

    An unwitting reference? Are they trying to tell us Bush
    accidentally called for a new world order? That his speech in front of the
    UN was given off the top of his head?

    A 'new international strategic alignment'? The end of a
    bi-polar world? This is world government, a unipolar world. So Bush talks
    about a global government and a new world order, that's OK. But when anyone
    talks about it in a negative sense, they're Neo Nazi terrorists and it doesn't

    The media have employed this demonization 'attacktic' for
    over a decade. You would think that by now they'd have caught on to the
    fact that it isn't working.

    The polls show more and more people are turning to alternative
    news and more and more people are waking up to the corruption of the establisment
    and their simpering media whore lackeys.

    Some of our readers will remember Michael Barkun. He was
    the guy that attacked Alex Jones for 3 hours with Brian Lamb on national
    C-SPAN television's Washington Journal show. Alex called the show and asked
    that he be included in the debate. They refused. Alex invited Barkun to
    appear on his radio show to debate Alex. He refused.

    The BBC's bias towards Britain's ruling Labour
    party and Prime Sinister Phony Tony B-LIAR has been evident for years. Yet
    the company grandstands as the bastion of impartiality. This
    provides substantial proof of government toadyism.

    This is the same news organization that for
    almost two years reported Terri Schiavo was in a coma.

    Last year they featured an
    which insinuated that anyone who throught the Bilderberg
    Group had power was sympathetic to Osama bin Laden.

    This after their own BBC colleagues had exposed
    the fact that Bilderberg were responsible for the introduction of the European
    single currencyon a BBC Radio 4 Report entitled Club Class. One thinks these
    idiots should talk to each other a bit more.

    The BBC is funded by taxpayers money. I live
    in England and I am a taxpayer. I help fund the BBC and in return the BBC
    calls me a Neo-Nazi terrorist for what I do and believe in.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Americans interpret the events of Sept. 11 in one of four ways, Griffin said:

    • A first group accepts the official interpretation that Sept. 11 was a surprise attack by Islamic terrorists. It is easy for these people "to think of America's so-called War on Terror as a just war," Griffin said.

    • A second group accepts the official line but thinks Sept. 11 has been used opportunistically by the Bush administration to extend the American empire. People who hold this view often believe that America's response to Sept. 11, which has led to hundreds of thousands of deaths, is far worse than the attacks themselves, he said.

    • A third group believes the Bush administration knew the attacks were coming and let them happen. It shows the government as "deliberate and cold-blooded," advancing its imperial designs while hypocritically portraying itself as promoting a "culture of life," Griffin said.

    Although there has been no national survey, a Zogby poll taken last year indicated that almost half of the residents of New York City share this view, he said.

    • A fourth group believes that the government orchestrated the attacks. While no poll shows how many Americans believe this, polls in Canada and Germany have found as many as 20 percent of those populations do, Griffin said.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Gorbachev wants a new world order


    Posted on Friday, April 15 @ 09:52:51 PDT

    HILLARY WHEAT / wheat@greeleytrib.com

    FORT COLLINS — Nobel Peace Prize winner Mikhail Gorbachev told a sold-out crowd at Moby Arena on Thursday that world leaders should focus on establishing a new world order that is more stable, just and humane.

    The ex-president of the former Soviet Union said the world shouldn’t have such high levels of poverty and such a wide gap between the rich and the poor when superpowers such as the United States enjoy comfortable lifestyles.

    “The priority should be given to all mankind,” Gorbachev said through a translator.

    About 9,155 crammed in to Moby Arena to listen to the words of a man credited with ending the Cold War and helping to bring down communism. Gorbachev spoke as part of the Monfort Lectures Series — which is funded by the Monfort family of Greeley — at Colorado State University.

    Gov. Bill Owens introduced Gorbachev and the crowd raucously greeted the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize winner with cheers and a standing ovation. After a short video showing the highlights of Gorbachev’s storied career, the crowd gave him another standing ovation.

    JAXXE --- ---
    UN must reform or die, says Rice

    Ms Rice's comments were highly critical
    US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has said the UN cannot "survive as a vital force" if it does not reform.

    Ms Rice told journalists in the US that everyone recognised that some things in the UN needed to be fixed.

    She said John Bolton, a long-time critic of the UN and nominated as the next US ambassador to the body, would help update, reform and strengthen it.

    Her comments come as the UN is embroiled in a scandal over corruption in its oil-for-food programme for Iraq.

    It has also been dogged by accusations of sexual abuse committed by UN peacekeepers in Africa.

    UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has accepted that change is urgently needed, and has proposed a series of sweeping reforms.


    In other words it must be replaced by a world government...
    JAXXE --- ---
    "Senator Bill Frist, the first practicing physician elected to the Senate since 1928, plans to file a bill that would define "political paranoia" as a mental disorder, paving the way for individuals who suffer from paranoid delusions regarding voter fraud, political persecution and FBI surveillance to receive Medicare reimbursement for any psychiatric treatment they receive. Rick Smith, a spokesman for Senator Frist, says that the measure has a good chance of passing".



    Woman Faces Compulsory 'Mental Health Evaluation' After Allegedly Shouting 'Anti-Semitic' Remarks



    10,000 Americans Detained as United States Mass Arrests Continue
    American Congress Pushes for Laws to Label Political Dissidents as Mentally Insane



    Britain's most senior police chief has called for new laws to combat terrorist conspiracies, saying the UK is being targeted by "al-Qaeda affiliates".

    JAXXE --- ---
    Four charged over Calvi killing

    Calvi was chairman of Banco Ambrosiano

    Four people have been charged with murder over the 1982 London death of Italian banker Roberto Calvi.

    Calvi, known as God's banker because of his close ties to the Vatican, was found hanging under Blackfriars Bridge.

    The suspects are Flavio Carboni, his ex-girlfriend Manuela Kleinzig and Pippo Calo and Ernesto Diotallevi - both said to have Mafia ties.

    The four are due to go on trial in October. Calvi's family have always said that he did not kill himself.

    An initial inquest verdict of suicide was quashed and the Calvi case has remained unsolved.

    Italian secrets

    Correspondents say a trial is likely to expose the murky Mafia underworld and financial scandals.

    Prosecutors are expected to claim Calvi was killed to prevent him revealing explosive secrets about Italy's political and religious establishment.

    Roberto Calvi was found hanging under London's Blackfriars Bridge with bricks in his pockets and $15,000 on him.


    In fact, the so-called 'God's banker' was killed because of what he knew about the Vatican financial scandals orchestrated through the infamous P2 Freemasonry lodge in Rome, whose members included current Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.
    JAXXE --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    tyjo zrovna vcera jsem shlidnul filmek Supersize me, kde jsem se zdesil macdonaldizaci skolnich jidelen za velkou louzi
    JAXXE --- ---
    "Mekáče" by mohly být inspirací pro školní jídelny

    Svět si dnes připomíná jedno zásadní výročí. Přesně před padesáti lety byla založena síť rychlého občerstvení McDonald's. Za více než třináctiletou existenci v České republice (jen pro srovnání, na Slovensku firma působí přesně deset let) stihla firma od základů změnit to, čemu jsme až do té doby říkali školní, případně závodní stravování. Na otázku, zda je existence toho druhu jídel, který Česku představili následovníci Raye Kroce, přínosem pro společnost, existuje jednoznačná odpověď - ano.

    Snad největším pozitivem rychlého občerstvení jsou změny ve stravovacích návycích školáků.
    Před patnácti lety, v době školních let i autora tohoto textu, neexistovalo příliš mnoho důvodů, proč se těšit na oběd. Při jídle se nesmělo mluvit, děti měly traumata z učitelek, které třeba zacházely i tak daleko, že hlídaly, aby děti nevracely jídlo (přitom však kdo chtěl přidat maso, měl smůlu), a třeba i pohlavkovaly děti, které pily čaj ještě před hlavním jídlem. Každé dítě důvěrně znalo odpolední rozmluvy se starostlivou matkou ve stylu "co jste měli k obědu", na což se nedalo odpovědět jinak než "nějaké maso".
    Fast foody se okamžitě staly pro děti novým hřištěm, kde si dají k jídlu, co chtějí, kde je dovoleno loudat se, mluvit a kde se také utužuje parta. Pravda, vedlejším produktem tohoto společenského fenoménu jsou jedinci, kteří si denní návštěvy tohoto ráje nemohou dovolit. Dnes už však existuje tolik možností realizace, že to nemusí žádné dítě traumatizovat - prostě zazáří jinde. Nutno ale přiznat, že v počátcích existence těchto restaurací ten, kdo nechodil "do mekáče", byl považován za outsidera.

    Happymealový rituál

    Brát nebo zakazovat dětem tyto malé radosti by nebylo moudré. Jedenáctileté děti toho nemají moc, co by měly dovoleno. Musejí být v určitou (brzkou) hodinu doma, mají zakázaná místa, filmy, hry, kamarády. Více toho "musí" než "mohou". Happymealový rituál v době polední přestávky nebo po vyučování je něco jako jejich tajemství, asi jako když si kolegové ve firmě dávají odpolední skotskou nebo když se muži mající své dny sejdou uprostřed noci na balkoně u likéru. Podstatné je, že si jej vybraly samy a šetří si na něj z kapesného.
    Škola nikdy nebyla a ani nemůže být v oblasti stravování pro dítě přirozenou autoritou. Existence vývařoven a jídelen je v mnohých školách brána spíše jako legislativní povinnost než služba. Na služby dětem, na vlídné slovo a přístup jako k zákazníkovi není ve školních jídelnách ani místo, ani čas. A tak zatímco matky a otcové využívají v práci komfort moderních cafeterií, děti, které do školní jídelny musejí, stojí v řadě na jedno jídlo. Proč se potom divíme, že si za kapesné od rodičů odskočí do fast foodu, kde se jich usměvavá dívka zeptá "co si dáte"?
    Možnost, jak toho využít v prospěch škol, však existuje: zprivatizovat školní stravování a umožnit konkurenční boj o malé strávníky. Pokud se s nimi bude jednat jako se zákazníky už na této úrovni, dost možná samy od sebe zjistí, že na pestré stravě něco je, když si ji mohou vybrat samy v kulturním prostředí. V opačném případě známe ty konce: pokud se dítěti nelíbí nabídka -lépe řečeno jediná položka menu pro daný den - stejně se pořádně nenají anebo oběd vynechá, i kdyby bylo jídlo sebezdravější. Jídelny pak jen zdražují a zdražují, ale změny k lepšímu nikde. A děti utíkají do fast foodů. U nás už víc než deset let.

    Lidové noviny, , 15. 04. 2005, Petr Bokůvka; redaktor Slovenského rozhlasu

    JAXXE --- ---
    Rome judge to deliver ruling on killing of 'God's banker'

    As the cardinals go into conclave tomorrow a Rome judge will begin delivering his verdict on the murder of Roberto Calvi, the banker whose spectacular financial collapse cast a shadow over the early years of the pontificate of Pope John Paul II.


    The body of the man known as "God's banker" for his close financial relationship with the Vatican was found on the morning of 18 June 1982 by a postal clerk on his way to work at the Daily Express. The mystery of his death, his feet dangling in the Thames and his pockets stuffed with bricks, has baffled investigators for more than 20 years. The preliminary hearing - equivalent to the grand jury process in the United States - has taken just over a year to hear evidence about the complex intrigue that accompanied Calvi to his death.


    His flight to London in the company of a Sardinian property developer with close links to the secret services took place against an alarming backdrop of blackmail and conspiracy that brought senior prelates into uncomfortably close contact with Mafia hoods and the rogue freemasons of the P2 lodge.


    In their report, prosecutors refer to "suspicious gaps" in the City of London police's early investigation and quote the testimony of Francesco Delfino, an Italian military intelligence officer who was sent to London on news of Calvi's death. "I was in contact with the British secret services who, when I arrived, were treating the case as though it were the suicide of a tramp," Mr Delfino said.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Secrets of ‘contorted’ freemason initiation to be revealed

    Kath Gourlay

    HE is believed to be the inspiration for the hero of Dan Brown’s bestselling novel The Da Vinci Code, and is credited with revealing the secrets of Rosslyn Chapel on which the cult book is based.

    Now Dr Robert Lomas, who like Brown’s protagonist Robert Langdon is an international expert on symbolism and myth, is to publish a no-holds-barred account of the secret initiation ceremony of a freemason.

    In Turning the Hiram Key, Lomas, of Bradford University, describes his own initiation at the Eaglescliffe Masonic Hall, where he was ordered to strip and put on “rough linen pyjamas” in the ladies lavatory by a man wearing a lambskin apron and holding a sword.

    He includes details of the “contorted question and answer session”, during which he was asked to twist his body into strange positions while blindfold in a masonic temple, his trousers and sleeves rolled up.

    At the completion of the ceremony the blind was ripped off and, half-blinded by the intense brightness in the room, he saw 40 white-gloved masons who clapped once to signify the end of his initiation.

    The master of the lodge, wore an elaborate V-shaped collar of blue and white, the floor was covered in a white shroud, and the five-pointed star was shining on the eastern wall of the room, illuminating a skull and two crossed thigh bones.

    The book, published by Lewis Masonic, explores the subsequent rituals, myths and symbolism of freemasonry that Lomas claims are connected to spiritual fulfilment.

    However, his bid to go public has provoked outrage from fellow freemasons, who believe Lomas has betrayed the trust of the ancient organisation, first founded in Scotland in the 15th century.

    Jim Munro, a Scottish freemason who gives tours of Rosslyn Chapel, said the revelations detracted from the ancient and mystic attraction of the clandestine order. “If anybody can buy it and read it on the bus eating a takeaway, then the essence of something ancient and mystical will die,” he said. “Lomas might have good intentions, but I really object to masonry being used as a tool to sell books.”

    Another senior Scottish mason, who declined to be named, claimed that the attempt to uncover masonic secrets was “disgraceful”. He said: “The man has trivialised and made a laughing stock of an ancient and dignified tradition.”

    Bob Cooper, the museum and library curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in Edinburgh, said Lomas could offer only a personal view of freemasonry. “I appreciate what he is trying to do. He feels freemasonry has been a positive influence in his life and that stimulating interest will benefit the craft,” he added. “But the danger is that in removing the mystique he is doing the opposite.”

    However Lomas defended the book, which he claimed would set the record straight and would help to recruit new members. “It’s a major source of information about ourselves and our past that will disappear if we don’t get new blood in,” he said. “Previous exposés of freemasonry have been done by outsiders. As an insider, I’m saying this is a good thing. I’m trying to show what I got out of it.”

    In 1996, Lomas claimed that Rosslyn Chapel was the hiding place for scrolls containing the secret teachings of Jesus Christ.

    Freemasonry was founded in Scotland by the St Clairs of Roslin and the first minuted meetings were recorded in Edinburgh in 1599.
    Orders have since spread across the world.

    Throughout the centuries thousands of famous men have been linked to the order including George Washington, the first president of the United States, Sir Winston Churchill and Mozart.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Pakistan Gets F-16s in Exchange for US Bases to Attack Iran

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