BBC Again Lumps Freedom Movement In With
Joseph Watson/Propaganda Matrix | April 20 2005
The BBC have again inferred that anyone who
thinks government is tyrannical is linked to Neo-Nazis and terrorists.
In an article posted today entitled 'US radical
right remains a threat,' the writer Kevin Anderson draws parallels between
those who warn against a new world order and global government to Oklahoma
City bombing patsy Timothy McVeigh.
The article states,
The radical right in the US has always
had a fascination with paramilitary organisations dating back to the secretive,
anti-communist Minutemen in the 1960s, Michael Barkun, a professor of political
science at Syracuse University, told the BBC News website.
But beginning in the 1980s, so-called new world order
conspiracy theories spread throughout the extreme right in the US, he said.
"They asserted some nebulous conspiracy was on
the threshold of seizing all power in the US and dismantling the constitutional
system," Mr Barkun added.
The conspiratorial speculation reached a fever pitch
with an unwitting reference by former President Bush to a "new world
order" in a 1991 speech to Congress marking the end of the Gulf War.
Mr Bush was simply noting the shift in geo-politics
as the Soviet Union crumbled and suddenly the bi-polar world of the Cold
War melted away, potentially giving rise to a new international strategic
The full article can be read here.
An unwitting reference? Are they trying to tell us Bush
accidentally called for a new world order? That his speech in front of the
UN was given off the top of his head?
A 'new international strategic alignment'? The end of a
bi-polar world? This is world government, a unipolar world. So Bush talks
about a global government and a new world order, that's OK. But when anyone
talks about it in a negative sense, they're Neo Nazi terrorists and it doesn't
The media have employed this demonization 'attacktic' for
over a decade. You would think that by now they'd have caught on to the
fact that it isn't working.
The polls show more and more people are turning to alternative
news and more and more people are waking up to the corruption of the establisment
and their simpering media whore lackeys.
Some of our readers will remember Michael Barkun. He was
the guy that attacked Alex Jones for 3 hours with Brian Lamb on national
C-SPAN television's Washington Journal show. Alex called the show and asked
that he be included in the debate. They refused. Alex invited Barkun to
appear on his radio show to debate Alex. He refused.
The BBC's bias towards Britain's ruling Labour
party and Prime Sinister Phony Tony B-LIAR has been evident for years. Yet
the company grandstands as the bastion of impartiality. This
link provides substantial proof of government toadyism.
This is the same news organization that for
almost two years reported Terri Schiavo was in a coma.
Last year they featured an
article which insinuated that anyone who throught the Bilderberg
Group had power was sympathetic to Osama bin Laden.
This after their own BBC colleagues had exposed
the fact that Bilderberg were responsible for the introduction of the European
single currencyon a BBC Radio 4 Report entitled Club Class. One thinks these
idiots should talk to each other a bit more.
The BBC is funded by taxpayers money. I live
in England and I am a taxpayer. I help fund the BBC and in return the BBC
calls me a Neo-Nazi terrorist for what I do and believe in.