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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    The Provocateur State:

    Is the CIA Behind the Iraqi "Insurgents"--and Global Terrorism?

    by Frank Morales

    WORLD WAR 4 REPORT, May 10, 2005 http://WW4Report.com
    www.globalresearch.ca 12 May 2005

    The URL of this article is: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/MOR505A.html

    The requirement of an ever-escalating level of social violence to meet the political and economic needs of the insatiable "anti-terrorist complex" is the essence of the new US militarism.

    What is now openly billed as "permanent war" ultimately serves the geo-political ends of social control in the interests of US corporate domination, much as the anti-communist crusade of the now-exhausted Cold War did.

    Back in 2002, following the trauma of 9-11, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld predicted there would be more terrorist attacks against the American people and civilization at large. How could he be so sure of that? Perhaps because these attacks would be instigated on the order of the Honorable Mr. Rumsfeld. According to Los Angeles Times military analyst William Arkin, writing Oct. 27, 2002, Rumsfeld set out to create a secret army, "a super-Intelligence Support Activity" network that would "bring together CIA and military covert action, information warfare, intelligence, and cover and deception," to stir the pot of spiraling global violence.

    According to a classified document prepared for Rumsfeld by his Defense Science Board, the new organization--the "Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG)"--would actually carry out secret missions designed to provoke terrorist groups into committing violent acts. The P2OG, a 100-member, so-called "counter-terrorist" organization with a $100-million-a-year budget, would ostensibly target "terrorist leaders," but according to P2OG documents procured by Arkin, would in fact carry out missions designed to "stimulate reactions" among "terrorist groups"--which, according to the Defense Secretary's logic, would subsequently expose them to "counter-attack" by the good guys. In other words, the plan is to execute secret military operations (assassinations, sabotage, "deception") which would intentionally result in terrorist attacks on innocent people, including Americans--essentially, to "combat terrorism" by causing it!
    JAXXE --- ---
    South African Kids RFID Tagged

    CIOL News | May 12 2005

    PUNE: Parents worried about the safety of their children now have help in the form of RFID tags. Electronic security company Zicom Security Systems Ltd is planning to introduce RFID technology in some schools in Mumbai in the next three months.

    According to Zicom chairman Manohar Bidaye, this technology would help parents keep track of their children. Pilot tests are currently being conducted in some schools in Mumbai. Bidaye said this would be commercially deployed in three months.

    The RFID tags would be incorporated on the identity cards of each student. Parents who wish to subscribe to the service could track the whereabouts of their children with the help of readers that would message the mobile depending on the trigger set. These readers would be placed in convenient locations. Bidaye believes that this service would find plenty of takers due to rising security concerns in the society.

    JAXXE --- ---
    An analysis of governemnt sponsored terror by Joseph Skelton.

    JAXXE --- ---
    ANGLAN --- ---
    ABC Report: Grenade thrown near President

    According to the report, after President Bush left, the Secret Service was informed by Georgian authorities that during his speech, someone threw a device within 100 feet from the stage. The device hit someone and fell to the ground, but did not go off. It was later determined that the device was a grenade.

    // konecne to nekdo bere ze spravnyho konce ! vice takovejch !!
    ANGLAN --- ---

    Man Busted, Charged with trying to Buy Illegal Weapons
    An ex-Israeli army soldier living in Queens has been arrested for plotting to buy a half-dozen hand grenades.
    You know, if an Arab was caught with an Uzi, another unspecified assault rifle, and trying to buy grenades, the US mainstream media would be screaming "TERRORIST SUSPECT APREHENDED" on page one above the fold.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Exclusive New Bohemian Grove Photos



    JAXXE --- ---
    US urged to find Cuban suspect

    Julian Borger in Washington
    Tuesday May 10, 2005
    The Guardian

    The Bush administration was under pressure yesterday to track down a Cuban exile and former CIA agent implicated in a series of terrorist attacks.

    In the next few days, the Venezuelan government is due to demand the extradition of Luis Posada Carriles in connection with the bombing of a Cuban airliner in 1976, in which 73 people died. He is said to be hiding in Florida.

    Mr Posada, 77, has also admitted carrying out attacks on Cuban tourist sites, including one in 1997 in which an Italian was killed. He was convicted in Panama over a 2000 plot to assassinate Fidel Castro.


    "This is a test of George Bush's true colours on fighting terrorism, and it also opens up a huge can of worms on the CIA's involvement in anti-Castro violence in the 70s," said Peter Kornbluh at the National Security Archive, an independent watchdog group.

    The archive has acquired a 1976 FBI document tying Mr Posada to the plot to down the Cuban airliner.

    JAXXE --- ---
    'We want biometrics' say bank customers

    by Will Sturgeon

    They know what they want but can't quite put their finger on it...

    One in three banking customers is ready to embrace biometric technologies in the hope of adding greater security to their finances.

    Card cloning, PIN theft by shoulder surfing and high-profile phishing attacks are all undermining consumer confidence in secure banking and many would be happy to use biometric solutions such as digital fingerprints to add an extra layer of authentication and security, according to Fujitsu Services.

    Fujitsu interviewed UK banking customers and found one in three would like their banks to start using biometrics.

    ANGLAN --- ---
    The troublesome devices include explosives detectors triggered by Yorkshire puddings and nuclear weapons monitors which are set off by bananas.

    JAXXE --- ---
    must see...

    CNN Report On Bilderberg Meeting

    To my surprise, this is actually quite balanced. The conspiracy theorists term is thrown around as per usual but the goal of one world government is admitted.




    JAXXE --- ---
    Bloggers strike back


    Monday, May 9, 2005 Updated at 11:07 AM EDT

    Associated Press

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Bloggers — those Internet-based writers without rules — are fighting back against criticism that their work is unreliable, libellous or just poorly done.

    More than 300 bloggers came to town Friday for a two-day conference that was heavy on teaching techniques used by journalists in what bloggers term "the mainstream media." One class taught students how to access and analyze government statistics.

    Conference organizer Bill Hobbs called blogging "citizen journalism."



    We're not the ones who helped lie this nation into a war, remember?

    We're not the ones who insisted Iraq had WMDs, remember?

    We're not the ones who insisted Iraq was helping Al Qaeda, remember?

    We're not the ones who insisted Iraq was behind 9-11, remember?

    ABCNNBBCBS made all those claims. And Americans kids are dying because of them. And now that the lies are exposed, the mainstream media wants to scream and cry that blogs are "unprofessional". Well, to a whore, a girl who gives it away for free may be "unprofessional", but that doesn't keep the whore from being a whore.

    The mainstream media is about sales, sales of products, sales of government policy. The mainstream media has lost the battle for the control of the minds of America; last week's Gallup polls proved that. Blogs hold the high ground in the flow of information in the US, despite the absence of "gloss", for one simple reason.

    We're giving people what they want. We give people the truth.

    There were no WMDs in Iraq.

    Iraq was not aiding Al Qaeda.

    Al Qaeda is a Mossad front.

    Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11.

    Deal with it.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Cestující ke komunikaci používali satelitní telefony

    Prima: Letadlo CIA opět přistálo v Česku

    Boeing 737, který údajně používá v CIA, na snímku z ruzyňského letiště. (9. ledna 2004)

    07.05.2005 19:36 - Boeing americké tajné služby CIA měl v pátek večer znovu přistát na letišti v Praze-Ruzyni. Američané v něm prý převážejí vězně do zemí, kde jsou mučeni při výslechu. Informaci jako první přinesl počátkem dubna americký deník The New York Times.

    Údajný letoun CIA z Česka opravdu startoval

    České úřady: O letu vězňů CIA nevíme

    CIA údajně vozila mučit vězně do ciziny

    Údajně jde o stejné letadlo, které v Praze přistálo již dvakrát. Televize Prima uvedla, že letadlo v Ruzyni přistálo kolem 22. hodiny.

    Poté, co se média o něm zmínila, změnilo prý jen majitele a evidenční číslo. Obě společnosti jsou však zřejmě jen fiktivní a mají krýt aktivity CIA, informovala Prima.

    Podle letového plánu mířilo z afghánského Kandaháru do amerického města Baltimore.

    Na zemi zůstalo více než dvě hodiny. Vystoupilo z něj jedenáct lidí, kteří se procházeli po ploše letiště a ke komunikaci používali satelitní telefony, uvedla televize. S reportéry se odmítli bavit.

    České úřady nic nevěděly

    První letadlo mělo z České republiky startovat už v roce 2003. Podle reportérů NYT do Uzbekistánu. České úřady o tom údajně nevěděly.

    Počátkem března přišla americká televizní stanice ABC s informací, podle níž dvě letadla CIA ze Severní Karolíny létala do Afghánistánu, Egyptu, Iráku, Maroka či Pákistánu. Často přistávala také v bývalém Sovětském svazu.

    Údajně do těchto zemí odvážela vězně, protože tam není mučení při výslechu nic výjimečného.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Odigo says workers were warned of attack

    Sun., May 08, 2005 Nisan 29, 5765

    By Yuval Dror

    Odigo, the instant messaging service, says that two of its workers received messages two hours before the Twin Towers attack on September 11 predicting the attack would happen, and the company has been cooperating with Israeli and American law enforcement, including the FBI, in trying to find the original sender of the message predicting the attack.

    Micha Macover, CEO of the company, said the two workers received the messages and immediately after the terror attack informed the company's management, which immediately contacted the Israeli security services, which brought in the FBI.

    "I have no idea why the message was sent to these two workers, who don't know the sender. It may just have been someone who was joking and turned out they accidentally got it right. And I don't know if our information was useful in any of the arrests the FBI has made," said Macover. Odigo is a U.S.-based company whose headquarters are in New York, with offices in Herzliya.

    As an instant messaging service, Odigo users are not limited to sending messages only to people on their "buddy" list, as is the case with ICQ, the other well-known Israeli instant messaging application.

    Odigo usually zealously protects the privacy of its registered users, said Macover, but in this case the company took the initiative to provide the law enforcement services with the originating Internet Presence address of the message, so the FBI could track down the Internet Service Provider, and the actual sender of the original message.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Child ID program at Pheasant Lane Mall

    FRONTPAGE >> NEWS >> LOCAL/REGIONAL Published: Friday, May. 6, 2005


    A free child identification program is being offered Saturday at the Pheasant Lane Mall.

    The event will run from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. No appointments are necessary and the program is free of charge.

    The New Hampshire Child Identification Program will conduct a brief videotaped interview with a child, and take fingerprints and a dental imprint of a child’s teeth. All of the materials are given to parents to be available in the event of an emergency.

    The event is sponsored by the mall, the New Hampshire Freemasons of Nashua, Order of the Eastern Star, Nashua Police Department, and members of the New Hampshire Dental Society.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Captured Al-Qaeda kingpin is case of ‘mistaken identity’
    Christina Lamb and Mohammad Shehzad Islamabad
    THE capture of a supposed Al-Qaeda kingpin by Pakistani agents last week was hailed by President George W Bush as “a critical victory in the war on terror”. According to European intelligence experts, however, Abu Faraj al-Libbi was not the terrorists’ third in command, as claimed, but a middle-ranker derided by one source as “among the flotsam and jetsam” of the organisation.

    Al-Libbi’s arrest in Pakistan, announced last Wednesday, was described in the United States as “a major breakthrough” in the hunt for Osama Bin Laden.

    Bush called him a “top general” and “a major facilitator and chief planner for the Al- Qaeda network”. Condoleezza Rice, secretary of state, said he was “a very important figure”. Yet the backslapping in Washington and Islamabad has astonished European terrorism experts, who point out that the Libyan was neither on the FBI’s most wanted list, nor on that of the State Department “rewards for justice” programme.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Blair's Next War

    by Dave Wearing May 04, 2005
    Democrats Diary

    "This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. (Short pause) And having said that, all options are on the table." (Laughter) George Bush - press conference, Brussels, 22 February 2005

    During the UK election campaign many of New Labour's supporters have stressed that the issue of the war in Iraq, whatever one's view of the government's conduct, belongs firmly in the past. Columnist Polly Toynbee has said that to cast an anti-war vote against the government would be to take "revenge for a war that will never be repeated". Former New Labour minister Robin Cook, who resigned in the run-up to the Iraq war, said that "it is not going to happen again..No 10 knows perfectly well that it cannot repeat the controversy over Iraq". But the case for optimism is tenuous. To present the Iraq war as a unique and unrepeatable event is to fundamentally misrepresent the current global picture and the UK's place within it. In fact Britain could well be involved in further US military action in the near future, perhaps in an assault on Iran as early as next month.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Boeing CIA skutečně odstartoval z Česka

    foto: archiv

    Boeing 737 s imatrikulačním číslem N313P, který byl označován za servisní letoun americké tajné služby CIA, skutečně odstartoval 21. září 2003 z České republiky do Uzbekistánu, jak před několika dny napsal list The New York Times (NYT) v článku o praktikách CIA s převozy teroristů k výslechům.
    6.5. 2005 03:33

    PRAHA - "21. září 2003 Boeing 373 s americkým imatrikulačním číslem N313P skutečně z ČR startoval do uzbeckého Taškentu," potvrdil včera Právu Richard Klíma, mluvčí Řízení letového provozu (ŘLP).

    Negativní vyjádření ŘLP ve středečním Právu způsobila nepřesnost v dotazu zaslaném mluvčímu o době předpokládaného pobytu amerického letadla v Česku. Podle mluvčího však nelze zpětně dohledat, o které letiště v ČR se jednalo, protože služby ŘLP spočívají v zajištění bezpečného letu, nikoli v archivaci údajů.

    Americká média na základě svědectví bývalých zajatců i pozorování personálu letišť, ale i diplomatů vážně podezírají CIA, že zmíněným boeingem a také letounem Gulfstream G5 vyvážejí do různých zemí k tvrdým výslechům zajatce z Afghánistánu, Iráku i podezřelé teroristy.

    Mezi tyto země patří i Uzbekistán, který byl do útoku z 11. září 2001 v USA na tapetě kvůli porušování lidských práv a drsné zacházejí s vězni, ale nyní se stal spojencem v boji proti terorismu a těší se větší shovívavosti Washingtonu, upozornil list NYT.
    Přistoupil někdo?

    Je tedy možné, že Boeing 737 - možná se zajatci na palubě - udělal v Česku jen technické mezipřistání, ale nelze patrně ani vyloučit, že mohl další podezřelé převzít z rukou českých úřadů. Až dosud však příslušné složky v ČR daly najevo, že o letadlu nevědí.

    Roušku tajemství kolem přistání stroje u nás a jeho režimu na letišti - tedy zda doplňoval palivo, a zejména zda přibíral cestující a případně kolik - nepomohla objasnit ani Česká správa letišť.

    "Údaje obchodního rázu o svých klientech nejsme oprávněni sdělovat," odpověděla včera mluvčí ČSL Anna Kovaříková s odvoláním na smluvní povinnosti vůči obchodním partnerům.

    Přesto je jisté, že se jednalo o stroj v té době registrovaný na společnost Premiere Executive Travel Services, kterou americká televize CBS a časopis Newsweek označily za firmu, od níž si CIA letadla pronajala.

    List The Washington Post připomněl, že praxi CIA už podrobilo vyšetřování několik evropských vlád. Například Švédsko v roce 2001 a Německo v roce 2003.
    Bílý letoun bez jediného nápisu

    Firemní příslušnost letadla potvrdil i internetový server specializovaný na letecké snímky (www.planepictures.net). Katalog letadel zachycuje Boeing 737 s imatrikulací N313P půldruhého měsíce před cestou do ČR - 6. srpna na letišti ve Frankfurtu nad Mohanem - a jako společnost uvádí právě Premiere Executive Travel Services.

    Stroj byl ve Frankfurtu vyfotografován vícekrát. Je celý bílý bez jediného nápisu či grafiky kromě úzké červené a tmavě lemované linky táhnoucí se podél spodní části trupu až k horní části ocasního kormidla. V zadní části trupu je čitelná imatrikulace N313P.

    Tato označení "cestují". Podle New York Times měl být boeing pod tímto číslem ve službách CIA do začátku roku 2005. Podle údajů americké Federální letecké správy (FAA) imatrikulace N313P opravdu přešla letos 24. ledna na jistého Richarda ze státu Idaho.

    JAXXE --- ---
    vcerejsi reflex...

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam