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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    ANGLAN --- ---
    JAXXE: ; ) taky jsem hlasoval...

    normalne nerad se k tomu priznavam pac to neni slusny ani vkusny.. ale posledni dobou cimdal vic ztracim zabrany kdyz mluvim s americanama v praze...
    kdyz jsem JO napitej.. tak jdu k baru, otocim se na particku pozdravim, zeptam se odkud jsou.. "oh we're from the states" s usmevem mi reknou.. kuknu na ne a zeptam se jich co delaji v praze a nesireji demokracii v Iraku nebo jinde... jindy zase dost mile a dost mile se jich zeptam jestli nekdy cetli www.whatreallyhappend.com ... 100% mnou dotayanzch amiku nema paru o tom co to je ya stranku !!!! wow.. tak jim to doporucim dost nalehave.. oni odkejvou a z dalky jsem videl jak jsou zhulenz a uplne jinde.. tak kurna jdu a popisu jim A4ku .. mile, nalehave, omlouvave... ale zadam je tam aby se kurva na to koukli..
    ty vado, nachytavam se takhle casto ze to ze me leze uplne samo.. jen jak zjistim ze jsou Emerican....
    JAXXE --- ---
    Do you believe President Bush misled the nation in order to go to war with Iraq?

    18365 responses

    Yes 94%
    No 6%

    JAXXE --- ---
    'Child sacrifices in London'

    By Richard Edwards Crime Reporter, Evening Standard

    16 June 2005

    Boys from Africa are being murdered as human sacrif ices in London churches.

    They are brought into the capital to be offered up in rituals by fundamentalist Christian sects, according to a shocking report by Scotland Yard.

    Followers believe that powerful spells require the deaths of "unblemished" male children.
    Police believe such boys are trafficked from cities such as Kinshasa where they can be bought for a little as £10.

    The report, leaked ahead of its publication next month, also cites examples of

    African children being tortured and killed after being identified as "witches" by church pastors.


    Police Report On Child Sacrifices In London'

    David Icke has been writing and saying for more than a decade that widespread human sacrifice is a fact. Many just laughed and dismissed him as a nut. But now ...
    JDEE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Americký gulag

    Ak ste si náhodou nevšimli, tak Bushova administratíva na každú kritiku zásadne reaguje útokom proti kritizujúcemu. Tie útoky ad hominem majú, samozrejme, účel vyhnúť sa téme, ktorej sa kritika týka. Taká taktika sa veľmi páči fotelovým patriotom so skamenelými mozgami.
    Pravdou však je, že Bushova administratíva vytvorila gulag, ako to nedávno povedela Amnesty International. Ten istotne nie je taký rozsiahly ako Stalinova sieť, ale sériu väzení na Kube, v Iraku, v Afganistane a na iných, skrytých, miestach, kde ľudí držia neobmedzene dlho bez toho, aby ich oficiálne obvinili a dokonca aj bez prístupu humanitárnych organizácií, možno opodstatnene označiť za gulagy.

    Tento úpadok amerických morálnych štandardov, ako to vo väčšine prípadov býva, začal zneužívaním jazyka. Fráza “nepriateľský ozbrojenec” značí jednoducho osobu, ktorá proti vám bojuje. Ale keď tú osobu dolapíte, potom už nie je nepriateľským ozbrojencom. V tom prípade je to už vojnový zajatec. Lenže Bushova administratíva, ktorá nechce byť viazaná medzinárodným právom tvrdí, že “nepriateľský ozbrojenec” je nová klasifikácia. To teda značí (podľa Bushovej administratívy) osobu, ktorú možno uväzniť na neurčitý čas bez obvinenia. Táto nečistá prax nám spôsobila oveľa viac škody, hoci Bushova administratíva sa nazdáva, že z toho získa.

    Pozrite sa, máme zákony proti terorizmu. Nuž ak sa v Guntanamo nachádzajú väzni, vinní z terorizmu, tak ich zažalujte, postavte pred súd, odsúďte a potrestajte. Ak sú to len vojnoví zajatci, podriaďte sa Ženevským konvenciám. Ja neviem, ako by toto mohlo ohroziť našu národnú bezpečnosť.
    I keď minister obrany Donald Rumsfeld, ktorý nemá takmer žiadnu dôveru hovorí, že osoby v Guntanamo, to sú veľmi zlé a nebezpečné osoby, faktom je, že my sme v Afganistane ponúkli vojvodcom platby za každého Talibanca a člena al-Kájdy, ktorého nám odovzdajú. Toto je detinské. Tým sme predsa každého ozbrojenca finančne motivovali odovzdávať nám hocijakého chudáka z ulice, predávať ho Američanom. Napokon, ako by sme my mohli vedieť, či je to člen Talibanu alebo al-Kajdá alebo nie? To my nemôžeme vedieť.

    Toto isté robila CIA vo Vietname. Istého priateľa, ktorý velil skupine žoldnierov Nung, poverili vyplácať 5 dolárov za hlavu každého člena Viet-kongu, ktorú by im odovzdali. Samozrejme, tí sa zakaždým vracali s vrecami plnými vietnamských hláv, ale boli to skutočne členovia Viet-kongu alebo len nevinní Vietnamci? To nikto nemohol vedieť. Zakaždým, keď sa pokúšame hrať imperialistickú hru sa zdá, že máme viac peňazí, než rozumu.
    Iný priateľ z El Salvadoru sa vždy zvykol smiať, keď sme financovali vojnu proti tamojším guerillám: “ Bože dobrý, veď tých je len 7 tisíc !”, hovorieval s úsmevom “ ale kým nám platíte milión dolárov denne za to, že proti nim bojujeme, my si nemôžeme dovoliť nezabíjať ich .”

    Ale predpokladajme, že niektorí z tých v Guntanamo sú naozaj zlí. Tak ich súďme, odsúďme a uväznime v amerických väzeniach. Ja sa stavím, že naši domáci zloduchovia by si poradili s hocijakým výtržníkom z al-Kajdy alebo z Talibanu. Chcete vidieť nejakých skutočne nebezpečných a hrôzu naháňajúcich ľudí? Choďte sa pozrieť do amerických väzení.
    To by malo byť očividné, že vojnu proti terorizmu nemôžeme vyhrať bez toho, aby sme si nezískali srdcia a mysle ľudí, keď už máme použiť v jednej vete dvakrát klišé. Porušovaním medzinárodného práva a štandardov ľudských práv prehráme v bitke na poli vzťahov s verejnosťou. A prehra v tej bitke bude znamenať viac úmrtí našich vojakov v zahraničí v skutočných bitkách.
    Ale zdá sa, že náš prezident, nech ho Boh žehná, je presvedčený, že čokoľvek povie, je to tak. Inými slovami, on je presvedčený, že môže zmeniť realitu slovami. Toto možno funguje so zástupcami tlače s laptop počítačmi vo Washingtone, ale ostatný svet sa díva na fakty a tie v tomto prípade nie sú na našej strane.

    My v Guntanamo a v iných utajených väzniciach porušujeme ľudské práva a medzinárodné právo a s tým by sme mali okamžite prestať. Je v našom vlastnom záujme to urobiť.


    Charley Reese, Anti-War

    JAXXE --- ---

    Video backgrounder about ludicrous official story of 'pancake collapse'. ¨
    JAXXE --- ---
    Former Bush Cabinet Member Appears On Alex Jones Show; Says Government Complicit In 9/11

    Prison Planet | June 16 2005

    Former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term Morgan Reynolds has made waves in the past few days after writing a detailed article stating tha the official explanation for the collapse of the twin towers and Building 7 was bogus.

    United Press International picked up on the story today and this forced a response from the Texas A&M University, at which Reynolds holds the title of Professor Emeritus-an honorary title bestowed upon select tenured faculty, who have retired with ten or more years of service.

    Dr. Robert M. Gates, President of Texas A&M University stated, "The American people know what they saw with their own eyes on September 11, 2001. To suggest any kind of government conspiracy in the events of that day goes beyond the pale.”

    All the American people saw on 9/11 was planes fly into buildings. As we have relentlessly documented, the government explanation as to how and why this happened is provably ridiculous.

    Furthermore, Americans saw the unprecedented event of multiple steel buildings supposedly collapsing from fire damage, the first time this happened in history.

    Reynolds appeared on the Alex Jones Show to discuss his article and the reaction he received after the mainstream media picked it up.

    The four potential explanations behind 9/11 were listed.

    1) It was entirely the work of Al-Qaeda and Arab hijackers.

    2) The government had prior knowledge of the attack but their incompetence allowed the attack to happen.

    3) The government knew the attack was coming and consciously allowed it to happen.

    4) The government ran the entire operation.

    Reynolds stated, "I'd have to say that the evidence points to the last."

    He later stated that the official explanation of the attack was "full of holes, everywhere you look it just doesn't hang together."

    Click here to listen to the clip and Reynolds' own definitions of the different possible explanations, plus discussion of the explosives within the building and the whitewash commission.

    Reynolds was on the broadcast for over an hour and discussed how he woke up to the lie, the collapse of the buildingsin depth and the wider issues surrounding 9/11. He describes his mixed emotions about stepping out from the shadows and standing up for the truth at the risk of alienation from his peers.

    Prison Planet.tv members can listen to the whole interview by clicking here. Subscribe online by clicking here.

    Alex Jones appears Thursday June 16th on Coast to Coast AM for a much anticipated 9/11 debate. The question, did Muslims act alone on 9/11 or not? The evidence is clear that they didn't and in Reynolds we have another credible whistleblower bravely stepping forward in the name of the truth and the future of America and the world.

    Related: Why Did the Trade Center Skyscrapers Collapse? By Morgan Reynolds

    Related: The controlled implosion of WTC 7

    Related: Prison Planet 9/11 Archive



    UPI Hears...

    By John Daly
    UPI International Correspondent

    Washington, DC, Jun. 13 (UPI) --

    Insider notes from United Press International for June 8

    A former Bush team member during his first administration is now voicing serious doubts about the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9-11. Former chief economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term Morgan Reynolds comments that the official story about the collapse of the WTC is "bogus" and that it is more likely that a controlled demolition destroyed the Twin Towers and adjacent Building No. 7. Reynolds, who also served as director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis in Dallas and is now professor emeritus at Texas A&M University said, "If demolition destroyed three steel skyscrapers at the World Trade Center on 9/11, then the case for an 'inside job' and a government attack on America would be compelling." Reynolds commented from his Texas A&M office, "It is hard to exaggerate the importance of a scientific debate over the cause of the collapse of the twin towers and building 7. If the official wisdom on the collapses is wrong, as I believe it is, then policy based on such erroneous engineering analysis is not likely to be correct either. The government's collapse theory is highly vulnerable on its own terms. Only professional demolition appears to account for the full range of facts associated with the collapse of the three buildings."

    JAXXE --- ---
    The Sunday Times - Britain

    June 12, 2005

    Patients get 999 chip implants

    Jonathan Carr-Brown

    DOCTORS are to implant computerised sensors into patients to enable them to monitor chronic conditions minute-by-minute from miles away.

    The sensors detect tiny changes in metabolism and transmit data, via a mobile phone, to the patient’s doctor.

    Scientists at Imperial College London who invented the device believe it will enable some patients to lead a normal life while being kept under constant watch.

    It has the potential to be developed into a complete body sensor that could be implanted into normally healthy people to pick up early signs of disease.

    The sensor, which includes a Pentium microprocessor just 2mm square, will initially be implanted in diabetics.

    He added: “Our aim is eventually to get the cost of each sensor down to £1 so that the technology is available to everybody.”

    The Imperial team has developed four other prototypes that rest on a patient’s skin. They include sensors to detect heart disease, high blood pressure and hypothermia and motion sensors, used to monitor housebound old people.

    Scientists in America implanted microchips containing medical records under the skin of human guinea pigs last year. The records could then be read by a doctor using a scanner.

    Another American company has placed a microchip on a pill bottle, which plays back spoken prescription advice through a speaker.

    JAXXE --- ---
    GPS for your own good

    ZD Net | June 15 2005

    Last year, a UK insurance company tested a "pay as you drive" insurance system that uses a GPS receiver package to track exactly what distance a car is driven and set each month's premium accordingly. It's a sensible idea: If you leave your car in the garage for a month, there's no reason why you should be charged the same as someone who drove 500 miles over the same period. Even better, because the instruments are transmitting (not just recording), if your car is stolen it can easily be tracked and the miscreants apprehended.

    So what?

    The system has some interesting potential side effects. For one thing, the police (or an estranged spouse) could easily subpoena your "travel records" for use in an investigation. The insurance company could also start charging based on where your car spends time: Long periods in high-crime neighborhoods would affect your premium accordingly. Even more provocative, companies could begin collecting data on their customers' driving habits: when and how much they speed, how often they change lanes, their tendency to accelerate rapidly or slam on the brakes, and other features of their driving performance that could (potentially) correlate with accident data.

    Really good analytics might even indicate when someone is driving in an impaired state (such as he just saw his latest premium notice and is in shock). But the most intriguing and perhaps lifesaving possibility comes when you hook the insurance company's server to a SPAM phone dialer and arrange for a deep, authoritative, machine-generated voice to call and remonstrate with customers who are speeding or otherwise driving recklessly. (Of course, you'll be able to cut the irony with a knife if answering the phone distracts you so much that…you get the idea.)

    JAXXE --- ---
    NeoCon Global Government

    by Rep. Ron Paul, MD

    Dr. Ron Paul is a Republican member of Congress from Texas.

    This week Congress will vote on a bill to expand the power of the United Nations beyond the dreams of even the most ardent left-wing, one-world globalists. But this time the UN power grabbers aren’t European liberals; they are American neo-conservatives, who plan to use the UN to implement their own brand of world government.

    The “United Nations Reform Act of 2005” masquerades as a bill that will cut US dues to the United Nations by 50% if that organization does not complete a list of 39 reforms. On the surface any measure that threatens to cut funding to the United Nations seems very attractive, but do not be fooled: in this case reform “success” will be worse than failure. The problem is in the supposed reforms themselves – specifically in the policy changes this bill mandates.

    The proposed legislation opens the door for the United Nations to routinely become involved in matters that have never been part of its charter. Specifically, the legislation redefines terrorism very broadly for the UN’s official purposes
    – and charges it to take action on behalf of both governments and international organizations.

    What does this mean? The official adoption of this definition by the United Nations would have the effect of making resistance to any government or any international organization an international crime. It would make any attempt to overthrow a government an international causus belli for UN military action. Until this point a sovereign government retained the legal right to defend against or defeat any rebellion within its own territory. Now any such activity would constitute justification for United Nations action inside that country. This could be whenever any splinter group decides to resist any regime – regardless of the nature of that regime.

    What if this were in place when the Contras were fighting against the Marxist regime in Nicaragua? Or when the Afghan mujahadeen was fighting against the Soviet-installed government in the 1980s? Or during the Warsaw Ghetto uprising? The new message is clear: resistance – even resistance to the UN itself – is futile. Why does every incumbent government, no matter how bad, deserve UN military assistance to quell domestic unrest?

    This new policy is given teeth by creating a “Peacebuilding Commission,” which will serve as the implementing force for the internationalization of what were formerly internal affairs of sovereign nations. This Commission will bring together UN Security Council members, major donors, major troop-contributing countries, appropriate United Nations organizations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund among others. This new commission will create the beginning of a global UN army. It will claim the right to intervene in any conflict anywhere on the globe, bringing the World Bank and the IMF formally into the picture as well. It is a complete new world order, but undertaken with the enthusiastic support of many of those who consider themselves among the most strident UN critics.

    Conservatives who have been critical of the UN in the past have enthusiastically embraced this bill and the concept of UN reform. But what is the desired end of “UN reform”? The UN is an organization that was designed to undermine sovereignty and representative government. It is unelected and unaccountable to citizens by its very design. Will UN reform change anything about the fact that its core mission is objectionable? Do honest UN critics really want an expanded UN that functions more “efficiently”?

    The real question is whether we should redouble our efforts to save a failed system, or admit its failures – as this legislation does – and recognize that the only reasonable option is to cease participation without further costs to the United States in blood, money, and sovereignty. Do not be fooled: it is impossible to be against the United Nations and to support “reform” of the United Nations. The only true reform of the United Nations is for the US to withdraw immediately.

    June 14, 2005

    MATT --- ---
    ad [ JAXXE @ world conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 ] - sem psal bratrovi (co kdysi s matkou emigroval do statu a od treti tridy ZS tam zije, ted je mu kolem 40ti) co si o tom clanku myslis a ted mi prisla odpoved

    Ten článek je pravdivej, i když se toho tady moc nevidí, a většina
    lidí se toho nevšímaji. Je to fakt že většina novinářů píšou jenom
    to co vláda povolí. Dost článků jsou cenzurovaný kvůli různejch
    důvodů. Já už jsem tohle viděl už před deseti lety. Jedině přes
    internet, a programy na krátkejch vlnách se dá namalovat nynější
    situace v USA. Určitý věci jsou: Bude povinná vojna (všechna
    byrokracije je na místě), budou státní identifikovací papíry, každý
    auto bude mít GPS a RFI chip (povolení na dálnici - už teď vyrábí
    GM), Policije nepotřebuje soudní povolení aby vrazily do domova ve
    tři ráno, už mnoho nevinejch lidí takhle zemřelo (babička dostala
    infarkt ze strachu - špatná adresa), Teď má policije právo mě
    zavřít kdykoliv, a na jak dlouho chtěj, bez právníka (to je kousek
    novýho patriot act), a bohužel, určitě bude další útok, ale eště
    jsem nejistej kdy. Finančně je USA na tom strašně špatně, teďkon
    USA dluží FED (státní / privátní banka)7,500,000,000,000.00 ...To
    se nikdy nesplatí. USA existuje jenom na dluh. Já sem dávno řikal
    tátovi že USA se od komunistů moc neliší. Jsou dvě věci kde se tu
    liší život od starejch komunistů. 1) je tu dostatek zboží, a nikdy
    se tu nemusí stát fronta pro shnilej banán...a 2)kšeftovat je
    povolený. Jinak je to všechno stejný...a v určitých případech je to
    eště horší. Jedna věc je určitá, jedem jedním směrem do prdele.

    Já sem připravenej na horší časy, mám žrádlo na dva měsíce, vodu na
    měsíc, střelivo asi 1500 nábojů, vysílačky na komunikaci, a různý
    pomůcky až bude zle.
    JAXXE --- ---
    U.S. checking possibility of pumping oil from northern Iraq to Haifa, via Jordan

    By Amiram Cohen

    The United States has asked Israel to check the possibility of pumping oil from Iraq to the oil refineries in Haifa. The request came in a telegram last week from a senior Pentagon official to a top Foreign Ministry official in Jerusalem.

    The Prime Minister's Office, which views the pipeline to Haifa as a "bonus" the U.S. could give to Israel in return for its unequivocal support for the American-led campaign in Iraq, had asked the Americans for the official telegram.

    The new pipeline would take oil from the Kirkuk area, where some 40 percent of Iraqi oil is produced, and transport it via Mosul, and then across Jordan to Israel. The U.S. telegram included a request for a cost estimate for repairing the Mosul-Haifa pipeline that was in use prior to 1948.
    During the War of Independence, the Iraqis stopped the flow of oil to Haifa and the pipeline fell into disrepair over the years.

    ANGLAN --- ---

    Ten Smoking Guns: deset otazek proc a jak to okolo 9/11 ...


    JAXXE --- ---
    New Bill Could Make Bush President For Life

    Prison Planet | June 14 2005

    A House bill has been introduced that would change the 22nd amendment and enable George Bush to remain President for the rest of his political life.

    The bill would repeal limitations on a President holding office for a maximum of two terms.

    An even darker scenario, Arnold Schwarzenegger is elected as President in 2008 and shorty after the 22nd amendment is abolished, making the Hitler admirer our permanent Fuhrer.

    This is the modern day version of the Enabling Act, which allowed Hitler to officially declare himself dictator.

    The bill, which can be found at the Library of Congress website here, reads as follows.


    Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the 22nd amendment to the Constitution. (Introduced in House)

    HJ 24 IH
    109th CONGRESS
    1st Session

    H. J. RES. 24
    Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the 22nd amendment to the Constitution.


    February 17, 2005

    Mr. HOYER (for himself, Mr. BERMAN, Mr. SENSENBRENNER, Mr. SABO, and Mr. PALLONE) introduced the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary


    Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the 22nd amendment to the Constitution.

    Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years after the date of its submission for ratification:

    `Article --

    `The twenty-second article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is repealed.'.


    The 22nd amendment as reprinted on the FindLaw website reads as follows.

    Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this Article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this Article was proposed by Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this Article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

    Section 2. This Article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the Congress.

    Limitation of Presidential Terms

    ''By reason of the lack of a positive expression upon the subject of the tenure of the office of President, and by reason of a well-defined custom which has risen in the past that no President should have more than two terms in that office, much discussion has resulted upon this subject. Hence it is the purpose of this . . . [proposal] . . . to submit this question to the people so they, by and through the recognized processes, may express their views upon this question, and if they shall so elect, they may . . . thereby set at rest this problem.'' 1

    GYD --- ---
    15.06.2005 - Pozor, ocitnete se pod přísným dohledem státu: nejprve čipy v pasech, pak otisky prstů. Nové české pasy budou od příštího roku obsahovat zabudovaný elektronický čip s nezfalšovatelnými údaji o držiteli. Za 4 roky se součástí pasu, a tím i státních databází stanou i otisky prstů majitele.

    Sehnat co nejrychleji nahrávky z bezpečnostních kamer, které sledují centrum Prahy. Takový byl jeden z úkolů, který si loni v srpnu určili kriminalisté. Ti pátrali po útočníkovi, jenž na pražské ulici Na Příkopě hodil ruční granát na izraelského podnikatele Assafa Abutbula.

    Věděli, že by se tak dala najít trasa, kudy atentátník po útoku utíkal. V lepším případě mohli získat i jeho podobu. "Díky kamerám jsme pachatele vytipovali," prohlásil týden po útoku Ivo Černík z Útvaru pro odhalování organizovaného zločinu. Kriminalisté z nahrávek získali ještě víc. Zjistili, kde atentátník odhodil paruku, kterou se při útoku maskoval. A z ní získali vzorek jeho DNA. Vypátrat, že podezřelým je Jakob Mošajlov, který mezitím stihl utéct do Izraele, bylo už poměrně jednoduché.

    Bublan: Musíme mít zbraň proti zločincům

    Pátrání po Mošajlovovi může sloužit jako příklad využití techniky, o které si mohli policisté ještě před několika roky nechat zdát.

    Kromě kamer nebo DNA mohou kriminalisté využívat i další novinky - třeba sledování podezřelého člověka pomocí signálu, který vysílá jeho mobil. A díky bance, ve které má dotyčný konto, zase zjistit, kolik a kde vybíral peněz.

    Je dobře, že policisté tuto šanci mají, nebo je to zásah do soukromí?

    "Musíme být schopni konkurovat zločincům, protože i oni novou techniku využívají," hájí metody ministr vnitra František Bublan. "Nejde ale jen o zločince. Díky možnosti sledovat signál z mobilních telefonů se policii už také podařilo najít pohřešované děti," dodal.

    Právě Bublan uspěl minulý týden ve vládě s dalším návrhem, který vzbudil rozpaky u ochránců osobních údajů. Ministři souhlasili, aby všichni obvinění museli kromě otisků prstů "odevzdávat" na policii i vzorek své DNA. Bublan říká, že se díky tomu podaří vyřešit více trestných činu. U některých odborníků jeho návrh příliš kladnou odezvu nevyvolal. Hana Štěpánková, mluvčí Úřadu pro ochranu osobních údajů, sice částečně Bublanovu argumentaci uznává, zároveň však říká: "Odebírání tak citlivých údajů je bez souhlasu konkrétního člověka nemožné, předpisy Unie to nedovolují. Pokud by už k němu mělo dojít, tak by to mělo být jen v naprosto výjimečných případech. Jde prostě o nastavení určité bariéry, aby tyto údaje nemohly být zneužitelné."

    "Současná kontrola, která brání zneužití informací třeba z odposlechů, je dostatečná," reagoval na její slova ministr Bublan.

    Otisky prstů a sledování aut

    Množství informací, které bude mít stát o konkrétním člověku, v budoucnu dál poroste. Už nyní mají úřady veškeré údaje o jeho narození nebo pobytu. Za tři roky se státní databáze rozroste o otisky prstů, které dosud odebírá jen policie v případě vyšetřování nějakého zločinu. Jenže od října 2009 bude muset otisky prstů dávat každý Čech, který požádá o vydání cestovního dokladu.

    Během příštích let se dá čekat i další změna, která by mohla sloužit ke sledování pohybu konkrétního člověka. Ministr dopravy Milan Šimonovský už loni řekl, že po zavedení mýtného pro nákladní auta se bude uvažovat v horizontu několika let i o stejném kroku v případě osobních aut. Pokud by se Česko rozhodlo pro výběr mýta použít satelitní technologii, šlo by přesně vystopovat, kde sledované auto je. Každý vůz by totiž musel být vybaven zařízením na určování polohy.

    "Já bych se samotného sběru takových informací nebál. Strach bych měl spíš z toho, jak údaje, které jsou v digitální formě, ochránit, aby se k nim nedostal nikdo nepovolaný," řekl Petr Koubský, šéfredaktor časopisu o informačních technologiích Inside. A dodal: "Dokumenty na papíře lze zamknout do trezoru, ale ochrana digitálních dat tak dokonalá stále není."

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