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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    doporucuju tady tuhle knihu, kterou napsal byvaly agent mossadu... popisuje jak propasovali do libye vysilac, ktery jakoby vysilal teroristum pokyny... mimojine aby uderili na berlinskou diskoteku, diskoteka bouchla a americani libyi zbombardovali...


    JAXXE --- ---
    ja psal o tom, ze se to na nekoho hodi... tipuju ze se objevi nejaka videokazeta a nastrcene dukazy, ktere budou jasne ukazovat na "al-kaidu" a iracko/iranske teroristy, bile kone... bohuzel to s tim netanyahuem jim nejak nevyslo a trosku pokazilo plany a hned je jasne videt, ze tady neco smrdi. media ukazuji na podobnost s madridem, ale v madridu se nakonec ukazalo, ze "teroriste" byli policejni informatori a posledni komu pred utokem volali byl sef tajne sluzby. nedavno bohuzel vsichni spachali "sebevrazdu"

    tzv london ricin plot se taky ukazal jako plany poplach a hlavni "alkaida" podezrely byl opet policejni informator, zbytek museli propustit pro nedostatek dukazu. vyfiltruj si slovo ricin tady v klubu

    libie se vzdala zbrani hromadneho niceni a odsoudila ty teroristicke utoky nad lockerbie, proto jim amici dali prachy a kamaradi se spolu... bohuzel kdyz se o to, zacnes zajimat vic, zjistis ze s utoky na olympiade v mnichove a s utoky na nemeckou diskoteku v roce 86 nemeli nic spolecneho a ukazuje to spise na mossad a cia a klasickou flase-flag operaci

    vice treba tady: http://www.globalissues.org/Geopolitics/MiddleEast/TerrorInUSA/faq/Libya.asp
    KRISTALKA --- ---
    JAXXE: sorry tys psal ze nebudou vypatrani .... myslis pred verejnosti, ze jo?
    Pamatuju ze za sestrelani letadla nad LB se prihlasili libijci, dokonce dva lidi za to odsouzeni k trestu smrti, pak zpravy ze Libie dostala od USA ohromnou hospdarskou pomoc .... ruzne dohady o tom kdo to letadlo opravdu sestrelil .... me se vzdycky zavari hlava kdyz se pokousim prokousat do tech zamotancu
    KRISTALKA --- ---
    JAXXE: taky sem si polozila otazku komu to prospeje ... odpoved stejna jako tvoje, jenom nemyslim, ze se nevi kdo za terroristickymi utoky je, spis je otazka kdo vsechno to vi
    me vcera sokoval bono: v TV shotu byl zaber kdy se "delegace" v cele s nim setkava s predstaveteli G8 s komentarem ze Bono nechape proc anarchisti demonstruji a radsi nejdou cestou spoluprace, nebo tak nako ..... mate k tomu nekdo neco??
    JAXXE --- ---
    What's Behind the London Attacks?
    The bombing of the London Underground was a false-flag operation designed to keep the West mired in war. Don't believe otherwise.

    By Matt Hutaff Jul 7, 2005

    JAXXE --- ---
    Netanyahu arrived in London on Wednesday night and was due to give a lecture yesterday morning to hundreds of businessmen about investments in Israel. Shortly before he was supposed to leave for the lecture, Netanyahu was informed by British security officials that a blast had occurred at Liverpool Street tube station, just under the hotel at which he is staying.


    Amazing! In London it was thought that the tube was experiencing power failures, but in Israel the ex PM knew a bomb had gone off. How astute of him!
    JAXXE --- ---
    London has bombed itself before


    The army asked me to make bombs for the IRA, told me I had the Prime Minister's blessing ... then tried to kill me: Sunday Herald

    British double-agent was in Real IRA's Omagh bomb team: Sunday Herald

    Rogue British agents name MI5 bosses in video expose: Sunday Herald

    IRA torturer was in the Royal Marines: Sunday Herald

    Ulster spies to 'blow MI5 cover': London Guardian 07/06/02

    British Protection of Terrorists

    Al-Qaida suspect 'hidden by UK agents': London Guardian 07/08/02

    Britain 'sheltering al-Qaeda leader': BBC 07/08/02

    MI5 wanted me to escape, claims cleric: London Guardian 10/21/01

    MI6 'halted bid to arrest bin Laden': London Observer 11/10/02

    Former MI5 Agent Says 9/11 An Inside Job
    Says Israel bombed their own London embassy'

    linky na clanky: http://www.infowars.com/articles/sept11/former_mi5_agent_911_was_inside_job.htm
    JAXXE --- ---
    Zapnul jsem si televizi a skutečně: Klasická scéna pobíhajících požárníků, policistů a podivných mužů v civilu s vysílačkami, k tomu hlas komentátora marně se snažící vyplnit něčím informační prázdno. Uvažoval jsem, zda mám hned začít psát tento komentář, nebo jej odložit a jít na procházku se psy.

    Zvítězilo to druhé. Dnes bylo nádherné letní ráno. Čas, kdy léto kulminuje, ale ještě nejsou vidět známky podzimu. Čistý vzduch, modrá obloha. Kupodivu nebylo vlhko. Cestou podél jezera jsem si uvědomil, jak stezka stačila za pár měsíců zarůst. Skoro jsem se musel prodírat křovím. Psi byli nadšeni. Nechávám je běhat volně. Cestou zpátky v autě zase vyli. To dělají vždycky, když se jim zdá, že procházka byla příliš krátká. Začne Bart a Lady se přidá. Když jsme projížděli kolem benzínové pumpy, všiml jsem si ceny: 0,92 dolaru za litr. Není to tak dávno, když se nám zdálo, že platit 0,5 dolaru je příliš hodně.

    Asi si myslíte, že jsem se zbláznil. Co to tady pindám o psech, když jsem začal o útoku v Londýně. Ale nezlobte se, o čem mám psát? Že je tolik a tolik mrtvých? Že Česká republika (a jistě i další státy) oznámily „zvýšení bezpečnostních opatření“? Že kterýsi snaživý redaktor na stránkách bloomberg.com už stačil napsat, že k útoku se přihlásila na svých webových stránkách al-Káida? Bohužel odkaz na ně neuvedl. „A které stránky myslíte, soudruhu prostitutko? Ty, jejichž webmaster sedí podle databáze RIP někde v New Jersey, nebo ty stránky islámských extremistů z Floridy?" (Samotné bloomberg.com, jsou registrovány v New Yorku). Toto sdělení okamžitě s chutí převzaly české deníky. V iDnes nám v článku Expert: Al-Kajda chce oslabit koalici vysvětlil „expert“ pan Petr Suchý, že (cituji) „hlavním cílem je snaha Al-Kajdy oslabit protiteroristickou koalici vedenou Spojenými státy.“ Že takové slinty iDnes publikuje, mne nepřekvapuje, ostatně od toho tam jsou, ale proč tak nešikovně nakládají se slovem expert? Domnívají se snad, že to dodá argumentům větší váhu?

    Pochopitelně původci útoku nebudou nikdy vypátráni. Tak, jako nikdy nebylo zjištěno, kdo zavraždil Kennedyho, kdo nasměroval letadla na WTC a kdo způsobil výbuchy v Madridu před několika roky. Jak by mohli? Přeci si nenechají zavřít vládnoucí elitu, že?

    Položme si obvyklou otázku: Komu to prospělo? Arabům? Al-Káidě? Bin Ladenovi? To určitě! Je jistě jen náhoda, že k útoku došlo zrovinka v prvý den schůzky G8, kde agenda už byla domluvena a je to agenda, která Bushovi zoufale nevyhovuje. On se přece nechce bavit o nějakých problémech globálního oteplování, ani o chudobě Třetího světa. On potřebuje posílit ochabující podporu světových politiků v „jeho svatém boji s terorismem“, povzbudit nenávist vůči muslimům a hlavně hlavně protlačit další „bezpečnostní opatření“ - rozuměj osekat další svobody lidem celého světa, zdůvodnit ještě větší šmírování a zásahy do soukromí, potřebuje spolupráci ostatních států, aby všechny jako jeden muž vytvářely další obří databáze svých občanů, do kterých budou mít jeho (Bushovi) pohůnkové samozřejmě volný přístup. To je Bushova agenda. A konečně má možnost se o tom bavit i argumenty.

    Blair zase potřebuje protlačit zavedení občanských průkazů a celostátní povinné odebírání vzorků DNA celé populace.

    Ale prosím, nevykládejte si předchozí odstavce tak, že z útoku viním Bushe a Blaira. Tak jednoduché to není. Ostatně oni sami jsou jen figurky na velké šachovnici, které v případě potřeby je možno lehce vyměnit (i když v případě Bushe si nejsem jistý, zda by sehnali kreaturu podobných kvalit).

    Následky útoku se mimo jiné projeví v dalším zdražování nafty, neboť nejistý svět obřích investic je nervózní a každá drobná překážka vede ke zdražování životně důležitých produktů. To bude znamenat větší zisky nadnárodních petrolejářských firem.

    Lidi je třeba neustále strašit, jinak začnou moc myslet. Nejlepší je neviditelný, všude přítomný nepřítel, o kterém víme jen to, že nenávidí náš životní styl a naše svobody. Na Američany tahle metoda platí. Na Španěly příliš nezabrala. Teď bude zajímavé sledovat, jak to pojmou Britové a zda to také spolknou i s navijákem.

    V každém případě jsme zase o krůček blíže NWO – Novému světovému pořádku.

    Jo, říkal jsem, že je dnes krásný den?

    ANGLAN --- ---
    WOOK: there's something damn strange about the attack..
    WOOK --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---

    I would like to submit an article to davidicke.com that I wrote earlier
    today: Zionists finally strike London. Attacks smack of MI5/MOSSAD involvement.

    The near simultaneous explosions that rocked London today look more like the handiwork
    of the Zionist, British intelligence services rather than the phantom terrorist network, Al-Qaeda.

    Just like the attacks on the world trade centre, such a well planned and
    executed operation could not have been the work of a highly decentralised
    terrorist network. Such an attack would have taken considerable technical
    expertise and large scale planning and communications.

    Even the slightest mistake by the alleged perpetrators would have alerted
    the security services and every means at their considerable disposal would
    have been employed to foil the operation (successfully). E-mails and phone
    calls would have been intercepted. Secret service agents in conjunction with
    London's thousands of CCTV cameras would have followed the suspects and
    tracked their every move.

    The average member of the British public appears on CCTV three hundred times a day.
    Radical Islamic groups in particular are subject to near constant surveillance by the intelligence services and
    the planning of such an event would have been discovered long before its planned execution.

    Even the IRA never managed to execute such a complex terrorist attack on
    British soil. Not to mention the fact that MI5 later admitted that it was
    members of the intelligence services that planned and executed the majority
    of terrorist attacks on British soil that were blamed on the IRA at the

    Coming at a time when world leaders are meeting at Gleneagles for a G8
    meeting, less than twenty four hours after the 2012 Olympics was awarded to London and
    on the 60th anniversary of the end of the second world war, the timing couldn't have been better.
    What a perfect opportunity for the globalists to launch their latest assault against the unsuspecting public.

    It was only a matter of time until London such as New York, Madrid and Bali
    was attacked. The only question was 'when'? It had seemed as though
    America's main ally in the Iraq war was long overdue for a staged terrorist
    attack. The globalists simply had to wait for the right time to strike.

    The attacks also came at a time when the British government is trying to
    foist a biometric ID card on the general public. What better excuse is
    needed to further this agenda than a shocking 'terrorist' attack directly on
    British soil. It now looks as though the government will have little
    resistance to the latest step in pushing the public towards a high tech police state.

    Don't listen to claims by the Zionist controlled mainstream media that this
    was the work of organizations linked to Al-Qaeda. Don't listen to any such
    organizations that are quick to claim responsibility. There is no doubt that
    this was the work of the minions employed by the dark and subversive
    secret-government, often referred to as the illuminati.

    The ultimate aim of this outrage, just like WTC attacks, is to scare the
    public into submission; to scare the public into parting with basic civil
    liberties and to bring us all into one world government.

    Dark days indeed.

    © Colin Deane UK 2005. cdfreelancer@hotmail.com
    JAXXE --- ---
    Attack On London: Blair Plays The Terror Card

    Attack on London represents a brutal attempt to coral the British population behind accepting the introduction of the national ID card, renewing support for the war on terror and reinvigorating trust in a government that had the backing of less than 15 per cent of the country.

    Even at this very early stage it is clear that the evidence points to inside involvement.


    JAXXE --- ---
    CAIRO, Egypt - A group calling itself “The Secret Organization of al-Qaida in Europe” posted a claim of responsibility for Thursday’s blasts in London, saying they were in retaliation for Britain’s involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The authenticity of the message could not be immediately confirmed.


    MSNBC TV translator Jacob Keryakes, who said that a copy of the message was later posted on a secular Web site, noted that the claim of responsibility contained an error in one of the Quranic verses it cited. That suggests that the claim may be phony, he said.

    "This is not something al-Qaida would do," he said.

    JDEE --- ---
    FED "napumpoval" pred dvema dny 20 miliard dolaru do krátkodobých rezerv ...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Britain failed to protect London even after Israel warned Britain of coming Al-Queda terror – inefficiency or conspiracy?

    India Daily News Bureau
    Jul. 7, 2005

    Israel knew and warned United Kingdom of possible terror plots to disrupt life in London. But British authorities failed to respond accordingly to deter the attacks, according to an unconfirmed rumor circulating in intelligence circles. Israel is keeping quiet for the time being with a lot of pressure on them

    The biggest question of the day is British Authorities knew and protected Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, then why not common British citizens in London?

    Several hours later, Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom officially denied reports that Scotland Yard passed any information to Israel regarding the bombings, and British police denied they had any advanced warning of the attacks. The British authorities similarly denied that any information exchange had occurred.

    But the fact is Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stayed in his hotel knowing very well what was coming. Why British Authorities did not tell the common people of Britain about what was coming if they knew that Al-Queda was about to strike?

    According to international rumor circle, Britain just failed to act even after being warned by the Israelis days before the attack.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The Israeli Embassy in London was notified in advance, resulting in Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remaining in his hotel room rather than make his way to the hotel adjacent to the site of the first explosion, a Liverpool Street train station, where he was to address and economic summit.

    The warning contradicts the fact that the original explanation of a power surge went out for an hour or more.

    They knew it was an attack but put out a false explanation. Plus why did Netanyahu get a warning and the victims didn't?

    But, of course, now the
    mainstream media is starting to change their story, saying that there was no warning.

    The Mainstream Media have been talking about the similarities between today's bombing and the Madrid, Spain Train Bombings. But what they fail to mention is that the so called perpetrators were quickly linked to an "Al Qaeda" cell in Europe, but as was later reported on PrisonPlanet.com, they were linked to the Spanish Security service.
    The suspects then mysteriously Killed themselves as this information was seeping out.
    It's become apparent that Spain's government was using the bombings for its own gains and many went to the streets in Spain to declare they knew that their own government was behind the attacks.

    This seems to me as either a MI5, CIA, or Mossad Operation. The reason I say this is because on July 4th, Brittain made the announcement that they would be pulling their troops out of Iraq over the next 18 months, but now, they have a reason to stay in Iraq, how convenient for Tony Blair and George W. Bush. Also this will help the Brittish and US Governments to Institute National ID card Programs, while tightening up "security" at all bus and train depot's, like they got with the airline industry after 9/11. More searching without probable cause, more detainments of "suspects". Then there is also the increased level of fear amongst the general populace this will generate as they pound it into the average american's head over and over again. Fear is an effective tool when one wants to scare many into submitting to things they would otherwise not accept. Like after 9/11, fear of terrorism was used to pass the Unconstitutional U.S.A. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act, which has since been proven to increase control over the people of the U.S. by severly impeding or completely nullifying most of the Bill of Rights, while at the same time doing very little, if anything, to prevent future terrorist attacks.

    Brittain has bombed itself before and blamed it on the IRA, the US planned to attack itself in 1962 with Operation Northwoods. Israel has it's Lavon Affair. Hitler burnt the Reichstag Government building and blamed it on terrorists. Nero burnt Rome, and essentially did the same, blamed terrorists.
    It's proven that in the 1993 WTC bombing, the FBI planted Emad A. Salem to infiltrate an Arab group in New York. His job was to act as an agent provocateur, inciting violent attacks. It was Salem who convinced the other participants to bomb the World Trade Center. When he was asked to assemble the bomb, he went to the FBI to ask for harmless powder to avoid a catastrophe. The FBI essentially cut him off. To make a long, complicated story short and simple: The FBI spent $3 million of your tax money to blow up the World Trade Center. Then look at what our Government did to the Branch Davidians in Waco, which resulted in 80 deaths, 76 of which were Branch Davidians.

    People of the US, UK, and the World. This is just the latest in Government Sponsored "terrorist" attacks, and there will be more, unless we stop them through whatever means needed. Be it impeachment, or revolution, or somewhere in between, the terror attacks will stop if we reclaim our rightous command over our governments. Look at the way things have gone:

    War on Illiteracy - More illiteracy, and more ignorance
    War on Drugs - More Drugs on the Streets and more addicts.
    War on Poverty - More Unemployed and homeless

    What makes this any different? They declare a "War on Terror" and now we have more terrorism in the world than we had in 2001. Either A: they are the masterminds of all of this, or B: they are all incompitant morans, either way, they should be lynched. This is not the end, there is more attacks to come. How do I know, because they want control over any and every person, place, and resource. They want complete control over you, they want it so that you'll be so scared of being attacked, that you'll do anything the government wants. Be it giving up your rights, sending your kids off to die in more and more "neccisary" wars, taking more and more of your money out of your pockets until we're all reduced to slaves, willing to do the bidding of our Government masters. George Orwell must be rolling in his grave with the level of government corruption around the world. 1984 is only a glimpse of the hellish nightmare they are slowly creating with these "terrorist" attacks.

    Don't let the media mislead you, this was not Al Qaeda. Osama Bin Laden, according to an obituary in an Egyptain Newspaper, Died in December of 2001. With all this talk of terrorism in the US and UK governments, do you think they'd really miss intelligence on a train bombing plot? And if they really did, anyone in the US or UK should be supremely pissed off, because all of those tax dollars used to increase anti-terrorism precautions where useless, being as they didn't even come close to stopping this terrorist attack. Don't be fooled, demand answers, and if they don't give them, impeach them, by any means neccisary, your freedom is at stake.

    PLEASE NOTE: Whether you agree with what I have said or not, please copy and repost this article to ANY website, but most especially to your Myspace Bulletin to your friends. You may not find this interesting, but someone you know very well might. So please, I ask you, pass this article along to others.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Explosions In London - Who Stands To Gain? Israel Warned, Cover-up In Progress

    Propaganda Matrix | July 7 2005

    BREAKING: Scrambled cover-up to try and change prior knowledge story.

    Original reports stated that Binyamin Netanyahu was warned BEFORE the first blast, now all the Associated Press reports are being changed to say he was warned AFTER the first blast, for example this article. http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2005-07-07-israel-londonblasts_x.htm?POE=NEWISVA

    The article linked below that we saved in our own format (and the website that carried it has strangely since crashed) said that Netanyahu was warned before the first blast.

    Israel are now denying they got a warning: http://breakingnews.iol.ie/news/story.asp?j=122106240&p=yzzyx68zx

    BREAKING: Scotland Yard says it got a warning before the attack and told Israel.

    "The Israeli Embassy in London was notified in advance, resulting in Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu remaining in his hotel room rather than make his way to the hotel adjacent to the site of the first explosion, a Liverpool Street train station, where he was to address and economic summit."

    Full article here: http://propagandamatrix.com/articles/july2005/070705israelwarned.htm

    The warning contradicts the fact that the original explanation of a power surge went out for an hour or more. They knew it was an attack but put out a false explanation. Plus why did Netanyahu get a warning and the victims didn't?

    We have been told that the events unfolding today were "inevitable", London's transport network has been hit with multiple explosions. Both the Underground and Buses have been hit. Events are still unfolding.

    We predicted this would happen over a year ago after analyzing the propaganda and fearmongering that was being ratcheted up to the extreme in London. Paul Joseph Watson has predicted these events as imminent several times on The Alex Jones Show in recent months.

    Tony Blair is not in London but safely tucked up in Scotland with 7 other World Leaders including President Bush. The political eyes of the world are on Britain this week. The Mayor of London Ken Livingstone is in Singapore where the IOC has just awarded the Olympic Games to London, he is rushing back to the city.

    Just like the events of 9/11, ask yourself, who stands to gain from this? Could this have been organized by any group other than one who has direct unlimited access to all areas of London's transport grid at all times?

    The similarities with the Madrid bombing of 3/11/04, which we have persistently highlighted as an inside intelligence operation, are stark with bombs on separate trains set off within minutes of each other as the trains neared the stations. The so called perpetrators were quickly linked to an "Al Qaeda" cell in Europe but later as we reported were linked to the Spanish Security service. They then mysteriously Killed themselves as this information was seeping out. It then became apparent that Spain's government was using the bombings for its own gains and many went to the streets in Spain to declare they knew that their own government was behind the attacks. Further Intelligence was withheld by the government, we expect the same will happen in Britain after today's attacks.

    This has MI5 written all over it. Just watch that national ID card legislation sail through. Only 15% of the country supported the government after the last election, this will ensure total fealty to a smarmy Blair and whatever he wants to do. Ken Livingstone and the opposition parties will now have no grounds to reject ID card legislation, especially with the Olympics coming to London in 2012.

    The police state measures they'll get out of this will be overlaid onto all forms of transport. In fact, you won't be able to travel without the ID card. Although MI5 operations are normally more sophisticated than things like 9/11, in that the evidence linking it to the government is more carefully covered, just watch for the evidence of inside involvement to trickle out. MI5 have been caught involved in IRA bombings multiple times over.

    Alex has said over and over that as attacks on different sections of the transportation grid occur they are going to have police state setup in the areas. Now it will be on the buses, subways etc.

    FLASHBACK: Schumer Wants Airport Screening Technology in Malls

    The military-industrial complex has the motive in this latest atrocity. Every major western government, including the British, has been caught red-handed carrying out bombings against their own people and blaming it on external enemies. It is mainstream news in Spain that the government was involved in the 3/11 bombing. The London 7/7 bombings are nothing different. Government ghouls are now all over television spreading the fear to encourage the people to submit to the war on terror. Support our work, spread the word, expose who is gaining power from terrorism, or our freedoms will be lost.

    Hours after the attacks the media is still not providing extensive coverage. We would expect to see hundreds of eyewitness accounts and footage of the train stations. Independent London reporter Simon Aronowitz, who has a contact within the BBC, has reported that journalists are finding the coverage of the situation highly irregular. It seems that the information being released to the British public is being carefully stage managed.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: London terror attack near G8 summit "works to ... Western world's advantage, for people to experience something like this together"

    Media Matters | July 7 2005

    The following exchange between Fox News host Brian Kilmeade and Fox News business contributor and substitute host Stuart Varney occurred during breaking news coverage of the attacks on London subways and buses on the July 7 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:

    KILMEADE: And he [British Prime Minister Tony Blair] made the statement, clearly shaken, but clearly determined. This is his second address in the last hour. First to the people of London, and now at the G8 summit, where their topic Number 1 --believe it or not-- was global warming, the second was African aid. And that was the first time since 9-11 when they should know, and they do know now, that terrorism should be Number 1. But it's important for them all to be together. I think that works to our advantage, in the Western world's advantage, for people to experience something like this together, just 500 miles from where the attacks have happened.

    VARNEY: It puts the Number 1 issue right back on the front burner right at the point where all these world leaders are meeting. It takes global warming off the front burner. It takes African aid off the front burner. It sticks terrorism and the fight on the war on terror, right up front all over again.

    KILMEADE: Yeah

    JDEE --- ---
    Izraelsky ministr Netanyahu byl varovan pred atentaty. Jen si nemuze vzpomenout, kdo ho varoval ...
    FRED --- ---
    The timing of the London attack is a political godsend for Tony Blair, coming only one day after the decision to award the 2012 Olympics to London, and while he is facing a public revolt over plans to introduce identity cards. Already the authorities are fostering an atmosphere of panic, with the likely intention of strengthening their political hand in Westminster.

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam