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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    RUTHEFORD --- ---
    TANTRAMAN: Prepáč teda. Za koho ma máš? Čo si ja poradím s dielom nejakeého Šaška,, či Maška? Kto to je,že tak "odborne" hovorí o Amerike? Prosím ťa, ak už chceš niečo hovoriť, tak si pozri aspoň rand.org. Prístup na jane's asi nemáš, tak nič, ale aby nejaký čech hovoril ako to chodí v najvyššej politike jedinej veľmoci na svete...?To je drzosť! Ak máš prístup len k médiam ako nova, mf dnes a pod., tak samozrejme používať vlastný mozok je v tomto prípade schodnejšie riešenie, ale ináč by som ti odporúčal predsa len ten internet...btw. dostanem tie linky na federálny zákon? určite ich máš niekde po ruke, keďže si pôsobil tak sebavedomo pri jeho prezentácii.
    p.s. môžeš kľudne vynechať vety typu je to federální zákon, takže platí v každém státě unie, trocha sa tomu rozumiem.
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    můžeš si publikovat jakoukoliv konspirační teorii se ti zachce, třeba že anglická královna a princ charles jsou mimozemštani. zaručuje ti to Ústava http://www.psp.cz/docs/laws/constitution.html a dále navazující Listina základních práv a svobod http://www.psp.cz/docs/laws/listina.html
    samozřejmě, že riskuješ, že budeš vypadat jako blbec, ale to pokaždé, když jdeš se svou kůží na trh.

    btw, které veřejné médium ti příjde důvěryhodné ? nova ? mf dnes ? musíš ze zamyslet nad tím, kdo médium financuje a kdo je majitelem. pamatuješ reportáž o Sazce na ČT ? Sazka je jeden z největších zákazníků ČT a oni normálně natočili reportáž o odměnách managmentu v Sazce.
    z globáního hlediska jsou fámy potřeba. z principu věci nelze věřit masmédiím. je potřeba používat vlastní mozek a jakoukoli teorii si ověřit v rámci svých možností.

    teorie o tom, že královna a princ charles jsou mimozemštani je celkem neškodná.

    teorie o tom, že 9/11 připravila americká vláda s úmyslem ovládnout politicky a ekonomicky ameriku je víc odvážná. doporučuji ti povinnou četbu v češtině http://www.osud.cz/prichazimraz/
    RUTHEFORD --- ---
    TANTRAMAN: Skus, prosim, nalinkovat odkazy na bod c.1 a c.3 rad si to precitam...

    2.podstata je niekde inde. hovorim,ze NIE je jedno, ci sa vyvola a publikuje nejaka konspiracna teoria, ktora nie je podlozena (ostatne, ak by bola, tak to uz nie je teoria, ale skutocnost).podkopava to spolocnost a doveryhodnost medii. z globalneho hladiska su taketo famy nebezpecne, aj ked ich miera nebezpecnosti sa neda urcit a preto nemoze byt zasadena do zakona!
    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    1) je to federální zákon, takže platí v každém státě unie.

    2) netahej sem francii a ústavu. dle mého soukromého názoru je ústava špatná a jsem rád, že byla odmítnuta.
    než začneš něco o poplašné zprávě, přečti si o tom něco například zde: http://www.epravo.cz/v01/index.php3?s1=1&s2=X&s3=X&s4=X&s5=S&s6=1&m=1&recid_cl=18981&typ=clanky

    3) překrucuješ.
    btw, pokud skupina američanů přechází na červenou na přechodu pro chodce jedná se o organizovaný zločin i se sazbami, která ne to jsou.
    RUTHEFORD --- ---
    nebo třeba už ted v americe platí zákon, že tě můžou zavřít, nikomu z tvé rodiny to nemusí říct a nemáš právo na obhájce a můžou tě bez obvinění ddržet jak dlouho budou chtít.
    jak se ti to líbí ? můžeš si na samotce z nudy uplíst vlastní hovno.
    to by ma zaujimalo, v ktorom state plati tento zakon a za aky priestupok mas "pravo" na taketo zaobchadzanie.

    je jedno jestli jsou tyhle konsirační teorite pravdivé nebo ne. myslím, že ti dřív nebo později bude vadit, že někdo nahrává tvoje tf hovory a rok je bude archivovat. Co je to? Jedno? tak to teda vobec nie je jedno. Za sirenie poplasnych sprav je taktiez, pokial viem, nejaky ten rok, dva za mrezami. Nie je kurava jedno, ci nasledkom konspiracnej teorie a jej sirokej publicity sa snizi doveryhodnost vlady doma aj v zahranici..(vid. Francuzsko a ustava) a podkope sa jej autorita...

    jde o to, že abys předcházel terorismu omezíš občanské svobody 100% lidí. je to jako kdybys zakázal v noci lidem vycházet ven, protože se v noci kradou auta. 100%? vies kolko je 100%?Vsetko. Uci sa to na zakladnej skole. 100%=vsetko. Podla tvojho vyjadrenia teraz v USA neexistuje nielenze ziadna sloboda, ale pravdepodobne sa tam zastavil zivot. Ludia nemozu vychadzat na ulicu (teda ani do prace a na nakupy), nemozu sa zdruzovat, nemozu prezentovat svoje nazory a pri cisle 100% nemaju fakticky pravo ani na vlastny majetok, ci pravo na zivot. To by som mal navrh...co keby sme sli cez leto na lov?americanov...teraz je to legalne, zacala sezona, kongres uprel 100% prav svojim obcanom..pridas, tantraku?

    TANTRAMAN --- ---
    RUTHEFORD: jde o to, že abys předcházel terorismu omezíš občanské svobody 100% lidí. je to jako kdybys zakázal v noci lidem vycházet ven, protože se v noci kradou auta.
    je jedno jestli jsou tyhle konsirační teorite pravdivé nebo ne. myslím, že ti dřív nebo později bude vadit, že někdo nahrává tvoje tf hovory a rok je bude archivovat.

    nebo třeba už ted v americe platí zákon, že tě můžou zavřít, nikomu z tvé rodiny to nemusí říct a nemáš právo na obhájce a můžou tě bez obvinění ddržet jak dlouho budou chtít.
    jak se ti to líbí ? můžeš si na samotce z nudy uplíst vlastní hovno.
    RUTHEFORD --- ---
    JAXXE: Mam taky pocit, ze staci uplist hovno a najde sa kopec ludi, ktori z toho spravia konspiraciu...
    MARNEYY --- ---
    JAXXE: No to je teda husty... Akorat mi nejak neni jasny, jak souvisi s temi vybuchy to cviceni... nikdy jsem o tom v souvislosti s 9/11 neslysel. Muzes mi to nejak srozumitelne objasnit?
    JAXXE --- ---
    V Londýně zřejmě neútočili teroristé - podvod vychází najevo

    Tak se začíná globalistům znovu rozpadat jejich obrovská lež. V Londýně totiž útočily stejné síly, které si přejí uvrhnutí světa do totalitní společnosti, stejné síly, které připravily podvod zvaný 11. září, stejné síly, které provedly kontrolovaný odstřel budov Word Trade Centra. Jde s největší pravděpodobností o práci speciálních tajných služeb, MI-5, MI-6 a zvláštního odboru CIA, pracujících se záměrem urychleného nastolení Nového Světového Pořádku (New World Order) ještě před zhroucením světových finanční trhů.
    Nicméně konspirační teorii o tom, že útoky provádějí teroristé a pohádkám o Al-Kajdě, zatím stále mnoho lidí věří, díky tomu, že nás touto lží neustále krmí masmédia. Důležitá fakta však (zřejmě záměrně) neuvádějí, ani je nenapadne zpochybňovat nevhodnými dotazy "oficiální verze". Je to v přímém rozporu s posláním médií (pro porovnání připomínám, že v podobném duchu na "oficiální vlně" jela s oslavnými ódami na Klause bez zbytečných otázek např. také unissono česká média v době kupónové privatizace, jak kupónovka dopadla a kam zmizely všechny ty miliardy víme, resp. nevíme dodnes).
    Jen velmi zhruba si připomeňme některá "filtrovaná" fakta:
    1) Londýnské autobusy jsou vybaveny kamerovým systémem. Přestože se pásky v odstřeleném autobuse zachovaly, není na nich nic. Systém byl vypnut, nebo měl v té chvíli poruchu (v angličtině zde). Zajímavé... Vzpomínáte na víkendový výpadek proudu v budovách WTC a vypnutí všech bezpečnostních kamer?
    2) Jen dva měsíce před útoky převzala bezpečnostní kontrolu nad londýnským metrem izraelská nadnárodní firma ICTS International. Pokud vám to něco připomíná, ano, je to stejná firma, která má na starosti bezpečnostní kontroly na mnoha domácích amerických letištích, stejná firma, které "prošlo po rukama" do letadel 11. září téměř údajných 20 únosců i se zbraněmi...
    3) Londýnem se začíná šuškat, že před útoky byly najímáni pro účely cvičení Muslimové. O tom, že cvičení, které simulovalo výbuchy v londýnském metru, probíhalo ve stejný čas na stejném místě, jsme vás již informovali. Sousedé údajných teroristů nemohou uvěřit, že by zločin spáchali právě tito Muslimové. Jeden z nich měl těhotnou ženu. Další diskuse o "teroristech", kteří milují své rodiny, jsou spořádanými otci, mají vysokoškolské vzdělání, hrají cricket a jsou hrdí,že jsou Britové, např. zde, v češtině vyšlo v LN např. toto. "Ten kluk je naprosto spolehlivý," řekl britským novinářům jeden jeho kamarád. "Představa, že by odjel do Londýna a odpálil tam bombu, je šílená. Hrál jsem s ním tady kriket ještě před deseti dny. Byl kriketem posedlý a chtěl se mermomocí dostat do okresního sportovního družstva."
    JAXXE --- ---
    London Stagecoach Employee Says Bus Bombing Suspicious

    Paul Joseph Watson/Propaganda Matrix | July 15 2005

    We received an e mail from an employee of Stagecoach, the company responsible for the majority of London buses.

    Our contact works a route roughly one mile from the site of the bus bombing last Thursday.

    The bus driver pointed out that the number 30 bus was the only one to be re-routed after the initial bombs went off in the London Underground, every other bus carried on its normal journey, but for some reason this bus was diverted.

    The driver notes the following about CCTV maintainence.

    "CCTV gets maintained at least 2 or 3 times a week and can digitally store upto 2 whole weeks worth of footage. this is done by a private contractor....So when I heard that the CCTV wasn't working on a vehicle that's no more than 2 years old since last June.....I'm sorry that's rubbish, I work for the company I know different."

    Also a point of interest....last saturday a contractor came to inspect the CCTV on the buses at the depot, According to my supervisor the person spent more than 20 hours over that weekend, 20 hours to see if the CCTV is working? Also that person who came was not a regular contractor, for security reasons the same few people always come to the depot to carry out work, this time it was different.

    Drivers in the depot already think the so called bombers had inside help because it was to organised. Some even think it had help from the company."

    I have received other information suggesting that the CCTV is regularly maintained and checked. The police pay the bus company to check it, and the bus company makes a substantial profit out of this, so all parties benefit from keeping the CCTV systems working.

    This information makes it all the more suspicious that the bus cameras were not working.

    Was the mammoth 20 hour inspection session of the CCTV a means of disabling the CCTV, or something even darker? Were the contractors, who were not familiar to the bus company employees, actually placing the bomb?

    But don't worry, the media are drooling over this picture of supposed suicide bomber Hasib Hussain, who we are told detonated the bus bomb.

    Well, it's a grainy picture of a Muslim guy with a rucksack, case closed! That's good enough evidence for me, I'm going back to sleep.

    It's beyond doubt that these four Muslims were framed. They were most likely hired as MI6 spies, sent to Pakistan and then brought back and told they were to take part in an important exercise to test national security. Give them the rucksacks, get them on the trains and then detonate the bombs remotely.

    Do you really believe for a second that guys with 8 month babies and guys who taught diasbled schoolchildren would want to blow themselves up and kill other innocent people?

    JAXXE --- ---
    UK EU presidency aims for Europe-wide biometric ID card

    By John Lettice
    Published Wednesday 13th July 2005 11:01 GMT

    The UK is using its Presidency of the Council of the European Union to push for the adoption of biometric ID cards and associated standards across the whole of the EU. In a proposal issued on Monday (11th July), the UK calls for the drafting of "common standards for national identity cards taking into account the achievements in relation to the EU passport and in the ICAO framework."

    JAXXE --- ---
    ICTS International N.V. Reports Entering Into the Railroad Security Business ICTS

    Tuesday May 3, 9:37 am ET


    ICTS, the israeli company that handled security at the 9-11 airports, moved into railroad security only 2 months ago, and landed a contract for the London tube.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Bombing suspects' identities shock Leeds


    Note the nest to last paragraph, where the police are trying to explain away why the ID documents of one accused bomber were found in two different locations.

    Rather than come to the obvious conclusion of documents deliberatly planted to frame someone for the crimes, the police have come up with this bizarre theory that the bombers just sort of decided to carry each others' credit cards!

    No wonder they never found Jack the Ripper! :)


    11 London Blast Victims Identified


    Only 11 out of 54 dead have been IDed, but they claim to have IDed all four bombers?
    JAXXE --- ---
    The 7/7 London Bombings: How to Set Up a Patsy

    I got an email with an interesting rumor going around London that just before the attacks, someone was trying to hire Muslims to play terrorists for a terror drill, to try to sneak onto the trains and buses with fake bombs to test out the security.

    We know the terror drill was real. We know they were running the drill at the exact same stations the bombings actually occurred.

    We know that the accused bombers don't fit the profile of men ready to die for Allah. Indeed, it is reported that some of them were not particularly religious.

    Yet we are faced with the strange claim that these men, one of whom had a new family, and another whose wife was pregnant, carried bombs set on timers and stood there waiting for them explode.

    This makes sense ONLY if they thought they were carrying fake bombs as part of a terror drill. This also explains the nervousness of the man on the bus who had probably just heard of the real explosions and was starting to suspect that the fake bomb he was carrying might not be fake after all.

    "Hey you, Muslim person. Wanna make a hundred pounds? You could use that kind of dough, with a new kid and all. We're running a terror drill, and all you gotta do is take this here harmless backpack with a fake bomb inside to work with you tomorrow, just to see if the subway guards catch you or not. Mum's the word, this is national security and all; you can't tell anyone!"

    PETVAL --- ---
    ftp update:
    /Alex.Jones-Matrix.of.Evil/[Documentary].Alex.Jones-Matrix.of.Evil-FULL.2.VCDs.to.1.DivX-file.[ReVIsed].infowars.com.plz.share (698 MB)
    JAXXE --- ---
    EU v rámci boje s terorem umožní uchovávání telekomunikačních dat

    BRUSEL - Členské státy Evropské unie schválí v říjnu rámcové rozhodnutí o uchovávání telekomunikačních dat, tedy údajů o telefonických hovorech, krátkých textových zprávách a e-mailech. Dohodli se na tom dnes ministři vnitra 25 členských států v rámci série kroků, jež mají prohloubit a urychlit boj proti terorismu. Podnětem k mimořádnému zasedání byly teroristické atentáty v Londýně před šesti dny.

    Unie schválí do konce roku dále rámcové rozhodnutí o výměně informací mezi bezpečnostními složkami a do září systém výměny informací týkajících se teroristického počínání. Do prosince také přijme další směrnici o boji proti praní špinavých peněz, kodex chování pro dobročinné organizace, aby se nestávaly pláštíkem pro teroristy, a nařízení o telegrafických transferech peněz, kterého teroristé často využívají.

    Evropská komise hodlá předpis o uchovávání telekomunikačních dat navrhnout co nejrychleji, aby ho členské země mohly do října projednat. Podle náměstka českého ministra vnitra Josefa Postráneckého bude v ČR nutná nová legislativa. Zatím se neví, zda náklady na uchovávání dat ponesou pouze operátoři telekomunikačních sítí, nebo také stát. Není také jasné, po jakou dobu budou údaje uchovávány - návrhy se pohybují od několika měsíců po jeden rok.

    Předchozí návrhy v tomto směru narážely na značný odpor v Evropském parlamentu, kde se mnozí poslanci obávají, že povede k poškození občanských práv a svobod. Komisař Franco Frattini dnes proto slíbil, že souběžně s ním Evropská komise navrhne předpis o posílení ochrany osobních dat.

    Ministři v deklaraci zdůraznili nezbytnost bránit lidem, aby se uchylovali k terorismu.
    Je třeba se zabývat příčinami radikalizace muslimských skupin, uvedli a slíbili do konce roku vypracovat strategii v tomto směru.

    Vypočítali dále dlouhou řadu dalších opatření, jako dohodu o standardních bezpečnostních prvcích v občanských průkazech, vyžadování otisků prstů při udělování víz občanům některých zemí nebo oblastí světa, daleko lepší využití informačního systému o žadatelích a víza a nové generace Schengenského informačního systému.

    Do konce letošního roku chtějí revidovat standardy bezpečnosti leteckého provozu a zpřísnit hlediska ochrany klíčových infrastruktur. Evropskou komisi mimo jiné vyzvali, aby do října připravila návrh týkající se povinných seznamů cestujících letadly.

    "Všichni jsme naprosto odhodláni prohloubit a urychlit tuto činnost, abychom teroristům ztížili život," řekl britský ministr vnitra Charles Clark. Komisař Franco Frattini poukázal na to, že nyní není vhodná doba filozofovat o rozporu mezi bezpečností a občanskými svobodami. "Je třeba si uvědomit, že když není bezpečnost, nejsou ani žádné svobody," uvedl.

    Ministři prohlásili, že londýnské atentáty považují za "popření všeho, co EU představuje". Sdělili, že se jejich země připojí ke dvěma minutám ticha, kterými ve čtvrtek ve 13 hodin SELČ uctí Británie památku obětí.

    Českou republiku zastupoval vedle Postráneckého náměstek ministra spravedlnosti Roman Polášek. Byla jedním ze tří členských států, které neposlaly ministry. Přítomní to odmítli komentovat; český velvyslanec při EU Jan Kohout poznamenal, že "to není nic, co by vybočovalo z normality".

    Autor: ČTK

    GORG --- ---
    Nottingham Bomb Scare, Mansfield Road [another false alarm]

    Tash [alan lodge] | 11.07.2005 13:55 | Sheffield
    Luckily, it was another false alarm. But, this is now a feature of life in Britain, with everyone on such a 'short fuse' after the London Attacks. To see the military on our streets is still quite a shock to many of us that are more used to a civil society.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The birth of the London bomb Official Story

    You can practically hear the click at that moment in the life of every conspiracy when the police investigation turns into the Official Story. At that point, the investigation is intended to 'fix the facts' to the Official Story, and the cover-up begins. The story of the London bombs has made this transformation within the last twenty-four hours. The authorities thought it was small bombs with timers or triggered by cell phones and almost certainly not a suicide bomb attack; now they claim with certainty that the bombs were accompanied by handlers, some or all of whom may have died in the blasts, possibly by accident and probably intentionally (which means they were suicide bombers, as it is extremely unlikely that all four made a mistake). The original story was that it was an international al Qaeda operation; now it is British Muslims. In just a day or two, everything has changed.

    The British government has managed to fashion the least damaging story possible under the circumstances. Cell-phone triggered bombs are out, as that might lead to calls for cell-phone jammers near transportation routes, a prospect that would cost rich people who own cell-phone companies money. Small bags with explosives and timers are out, as that is just too scary. The prospect of an unlimited quantity of small bombs was causing too much panic. Suicide bombers are in, as it will be thought that the likelihood of there being a lot of available suicide bombers is small, and thus the level of concern can be reduced in the general population. Of course, there will still be enough tension to lead to more video cameras and more call for national ID cards and increased police powers. International al Qaeda is out, as it brings up too many associations of how Blair's alliance with Bush in Iraq put the British people in direct danger (but watch for the 'mastermind' to eventually be connected to the governments of Syria or Iran). Any connection between British government wrong-doing and terrorism must be broken. Local Muslims are in, as there appears to be a new campaign to demonize British Muslims as part of the ongoing Zionist program to associate terrorism with calls for the Islamification of British society. This fits in with the general idea that terrorists are Evil and have impossible demands which can't possibly be met, and thus terrorism has to be fought with the 'war on terror', and not with negotiations and concessions. All these wars suit Israel and the arms dealers. For that reason, British Muslims are going to be in for a difficult time, and the 'Londonistan' meme is the start of that process.

    Just a few early questions:

    1. Why would suicide bombers need timers? Are we to believe that all four of them died when they mistakenly set off their bombs?

    2. Why would suicide bombers carry identification which would lead the authorities directly to their colleagues? How did it survive in at least three of the bombs? I am reminded of the convenient passport found at the World Trade Center.

    3. If all four video cameras on the bus were not working, how do the police know what happened on the bus? The witness who saw someone fiddling with a bag just begs the question of whether the fiddler was a bomber. Why do video cameras on buses need to be switched on by the drivers?

    4. Why did Jack Straw state so quickly that it was al Qaeda? Is the theory that it is still al Qaeda, or some other group?

    5. How did the British know to warn Netanyahu so quickly? If they knew enough to warn Netanyahu, why didn't they have enough time to shut down the subway system? Or did they?

    6. Why was the transportation system still operating when the bus bomb went off, nearly an hour later than the subway bombs? One theory is that the last bomber got on the bus after the subway system was closed!

    7. How easy would it be to pay some Muslim British men, who are told to carry identification, to drive to London and sit in specific places on specific subway trains or buses? When the bombs go off and the identification is found, you have instant patsies, and British Muslims in the frame. The fact they were seen together on video footage then becomes just part of the set-up. With so many known video cameras in London, why wouldn't they take care not to be seen together? They could have entered London separately if they did not want to be identified as part of a 'cell', and avoid giving the police information that could be used to trace their colleagues. As is often the case with these stories, we are asked to believe that they would be technically proficient ('military grade' explosives), but make the dumbest small mistakes.

    8. What happened to the story, out of Canada and New Zealand, that the police shot one or two men near Canary Wharf?

    The bombers are all dead, and dead men tell no tales. They were kind enough to leave enough identification, and enough video footage, to tie them to British Muslim colleagues. Once the 'cell' is broken everybody can rest easy, with no more inconvenient questions about the sanity of the 'war on terror' or the fact that Blair's lies led to the attack. Nothing to see here; please move along (oh, and may I see your ID card please?).

    JAXXE --- ---
    London Patsies: A Replay Of The Pristine 9/11 Passport

    Jon Rappoport | July 13 2005

    The cover stories are flying thick and fast as British investigators try to put some kind of cap on the London attacks.

    It turns out, if you believe the Brooklyn Bridge is for sale, that actual IDs of bombers were found in separate piles of rubble at the sites of the blasts.

    These IDs must have been engraved deeply in three-foot-thick steel.

    Remember the 9/11 hijacker passport that floated out of the crashing jetliner on 9/11 and landed intact on a New York street?

    Here is a Sky News report out of London. There are too many points to make up front, so I've inserted comments in caps and brackets as you go:


    It is "highly likely" one of the Tube bombers died in the attacks on the Underground network, police say. [LATER IN THIS PIECE WE'LL LEARN THAT IT'S LIKELY ALL THE BOMBERS ARE DEAD.]

    The suspected bombers travelled down from the West Yorkshire and met at Kings Cross station shortly before the attacks were launched on Thursday morning, police said at a press conference.

    Their images were captured by CCTV cameras.

    Personal documents have been found at all four bomb scenes and although the four attackers are thought to have died [OH THEY'RE ALL CONVENIENTLY DEAD BUT THE BOMBS THEMSELVES WERE ON TIMERS, WHICH WOULD HAVE GIVEN THE KILLERS TIME TO WALK AWAY FROM THE BOMBS---I SEE---IT WASN'T SUICIDE BOMBINGS, IT WAS JUST FOUR COINCIDENTAL SCREW-UPS BY THE TERRORISTS THAT RESULTED IN THEIR DEATHS] police were careful not to say whether Britain had suffered its first suicide bomb strike.

    Anti-terror police said they had traced the bombers and six arrest warrants have been issued for addresses in West Yorkshire.

    Police said there was forensic evidence that meant it was "very likely" the bomber responsible for the train explosion at Aldgate died there. [WHAT EVIDENCE? WILL WE EVER SEE IT?]

    One of the four men had been reported missing by his family on the day of the attacks and his property was found at the bus blast scene. The second man's property was found at the scene of the Aldgate blast and the third man's property at both the Aldgate and Edgware Road blasts. [PROPERTY? PLANTED BY OPS AGENTS? DESKS, CHAIRS, JEWELRY? ENCASED IN STEEL VAULTS?]

    One man has just been arrested in west Yorkshire in connection with the attacks. Deputy Assistant Commissioner Peter Clarke, head of Scotland's Yard anti-terrorist branch, said: "The investigation quite early led us to have concerns about the movement and activities of four men, three of whom came from the West Yorkshire area. "We are trying to establish their movements in the run-up to last week's attack and specifically to establish whether they all died in the explosions. [THEY'RE ALL LIKELY DEAD. NO MAYBE NOT. LOOKS LIKE YES. WE CAN'T TELL. BUT WE HAVE THEIR 'PROPERTY' RIGHT THERE AT THE BLAST SCENES. MAYBE IT WAS PLANTED SO THEY COULD ESCAPE. TYPICAL AL QAEDA. PRETEND TO BE A SUICIDE BOMBER AND THEN ESCAPE. FORGET THE OTHER COVER STORY ABOUT THE AL QAEDA MO BEING SUICIDE AND GOING TO PARADISE. THIS IS DIFFERENT. BUT IT'S THE SAME. IT'S AL QAEDA.] We executed six warrants under the Terrorism Act at premises in the West Yorkshire area."

    These included the home addresses of three of the four men. A detailed forensic examination will now follow and this is likely to take time to complete." [THE PUBLIC HAS NO RIGHT TO LEARN THE DETAILS OF THAT EXAMINATION. NOT NOW. NOT EVER. WE'LL ONLY RELEASE THE CONCLUSIONS.]

    He continued: "We know that all four of these arrived in London by train on the morning. We have identified CCTV footage showing the four men at King's Cross Station shortly before 8.30am on that morning, July 7. [THEY POSED FOR A JOINT PICTURE FOR THE CAMERAS? BUT THEY WERE BRIGHT ENOUGH TO LEAVE 'PROPERTY' AT THE BLAST SCENES AS EVIDENCE OF DEATH, AFTER WHICH, WITH THEIR MUGS ON CAMERA, THEY ESCAPED. SURE, THAT MAKES SENSE.]

    "One of them who had set out from West Yorkshire was reported missing by his family to the casualty bureau on July 7. We have been able to establish that he was joined on his journey to London by three other men. We have since found personal documents bearing the names of three of those four men close to the seats of three of the explosions." [IN PRISTINE CONDITION, NO DOUBT, WITH LARGE RED ARROWS POINTING TO THE NAMES, RIGHT THERE AT THE VERY CENTERS OF THE BLAST SCENES. IMMORTAL IDs.] As regards to the man who is missing, some of his property was found on the route 30 bus in Tavistock Square. Property of a second man was found at the scene of the Aldgate bomb and in relation to a third man property with his name was found at the Aldgate and Edgware Road bombs." [BUNDLES OF CLOTHING WITH HIS NAME SEWN ON LABELS? CLOTHING MADE OF ASBESTOS?] We have strong forensic evidence that it is very likely that one of the men from West Yorkshire died at the explosion at Aldgate."



    It was the discovery that the bus bomber was likely to have died in the blasts that triggered the raids. [AREN'T AMERICAN NEWS OUTLETS CLAIMING THE REAL CLUE WAS PROVIDED BY A PHONE CALL ON THE 7TH FROM A FAMILY IN THAT NEIGHBORHOOD? CAN'T THEY KEEP THEIR COVER STORIES STRAIGHT?] Hundreds of people were evacuated from the area around Hyde Park Road, Burley.

    No one was in the house at the time but armed officers had been used as a precaution. Five other homes in Leeds had earlier been raided by police hunting the terrorists behind last week's attacks.

    Neighbours at one of the addresses said a 22-year-old man who lived there with his family had gone missing. Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair said the raids were "directly connected" to Thursday's atrocity.

    Hours later, police evacuated Luton railway station and car park to recover a vehicle suspected of being linked with the terrorist attacks. The car was blown up in two controlled explosions. [BLOWN UP WHEN? BEFORE OR AFTER EVIDENCE WAS OBTAINED FROM THE CAR. SEEMS LIKE THE AUTHORITIES ARE BUSY BLOWING UP KEY EVIDENCE. WAIT A FEW MINUTES. THEY'LL BLOW UP AREAS OF THE SUBWAY SYSTEM WHERE THE BLASTS WENT OFF.]

    end Sky News article

    This has to be one of the most transparent and amateur efforts at stitching together cover stories I've ever run across. Right up there with 9/11 and the OKC bombing.

    JAXXE --- ---
    'They wanted to be known': Suicide bombers had IDs

    By Jose Martinez
    Wednesday, July 13, 2005 - Updated: 11:33 AM EST

    Police had no need of DNA evidence to identify the suspected bombers as the men were all carrying personal documents.

    ``It is as if they wanted their identities to be known,'' a police source told the Times of London. ``Their names will never be forgotten.''



    Or were stolen IDs simply dropped by the perpetrators as a frame-up? The British police have already announced that there is no need for DNA tests because of the found documents. But any lawyer will tell you that an ID alone does not prove that a person is a partoisular place because of the possability of theft or forgery. Nor have the British "investigators" proven that the accused men were not simply killed as they made their regular way to work.
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