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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    BEEJBI --- ---
    "Určitě byl ten zákrok policie adekvátní, šlo o nelegální akci. V krátké době připravíme určité změny legislativy, aby se už takové akce neopakovala."

    a mame to tu, teraz je to freetekno a cz-tek, zapar rokov to moze byt kazdy kto nedrzi hubu a krok...tomuto sa musi zabranit!!!tomuto a podobnym veciam...dlho som si hovoril ze to este nie je s nasim svetom take zle, ale potom co som videl ako policia bezohladne poslapava, a to velmi okato, prava ludi...dokonca tu v CR kt. som stale pokladal za jednu z najslobodnejsich zemi v Europe...potom co som toto videl, ak sa veci este zhorsia, mozno zacnem uvazovat o tom, ze nasilny odpor nakoniec predsalen ma zmysel :(((
    JAXXE --- ---
    Po stopách Marka Pola ke světovládě

    Chtějí-li si Spojené státy uchovat globální hegemonii, musejí ovládnout strategicky důležitou oblast mezi Středním východem a Čínou.
    Události z poslední doby ukazují, že se jim to daří a posilují svou pozici na úkor hlavních rivalů: Číny, Ruska a Evropské unie.


    V roce 1271 se vydal Benátčan Marco Polo na svou bájnou expedici. Začala v Palestině, kde mu papež předal dopis pro Kublaj chána. Přes Sýrii a dnešní Irák zamířil Marco Polo k Perskému zálivu a západním Afghánistánem obešel Himálaje. Přes Bucharu, Samarkand, Taškent a poušť Gobi konečně dorazil až do dnešního Pekingu. Marco Polo putoval po stopách dobyvatelů, misionářů, obchodníků a dobrodruhů. Mongolové se tudy dostávali na Západ, Alexandr Veliký na Východ. Cesta Benátčanů vedla prastarou laboratoří vědeckého pokroku. V 9. století zde vznikl traktát o číslech, která teprve po čtyřech stech letech let dorazila jako "arabská" do Evropy. V Buchaře položil v 10. století Avicena základy lékařství a v Samarkandu postavili v 15. století hvězdárnu, jejíž přesnosti Evropané dosáhli až o 300 roků později. Dnes jdou po stopách Marka Pola ti, kteří usilují o světovládu.

    Už v době Marka Pola stály v popředí moc a obchod: zlato, diamanty, jantar, koberce, sklo, keramika, kožešiny, čaj a samozřejmě hedvábí. Na Západ tudy prchalo v roce 551 několik křesťanských mnichů; tito zbožní mužové ukradli motýlí vajíčka a semena bource morušového. Exotický název "hedvábná stezka" vymyslel až Ferdinand von Richthofen koncem 19. století. Tehdy šlo zase jednou o všechno. Německý průmyslník Georg von Siemens podnítil v roce 1898 stavbu železnice Berlín - Bagdád - průlom k novým trhům. Německé plány korespondovaly se stavbou transsibiřské magistrály a podkopávaly nadvládu Velké Británie na Blízkém východě. Tehdy byla řeč o "velké hře" (great game) mezi Ruskem a Německem na jedné a Velkou Británii na druhé straně. Vyústění bagdádské dráhy v Perském zálivu se tehdy Londýnu podařilo zmařit, díky čemuž Velká Británie ještě několik let udržela anglocentrický světový pořádek.

    O sto let později probíhá repríza legendárního střetu o blahobyt a moc.
    Německo stojí dosud mimo, zatímco Rusko a Velká Británie jsou pořád ve hře; hvězdou večera jsou však Spojené státy. Místo železnic se hraje o ropovody, respektive o okolnosti, za kterých získají západní státy ropu. A nejenom to.

    Hedvábná stezka, to je dnes deset tisíc kilometrů dlouhý trh, protínající státy, surovinová naleziště a bojiště; ropovody, dopravní magistrály a pašerácké stezky spojují obchodní metropole, zapomenuté garnizóny, prospektorské osady, rejdiště obchodníků s drogami a zbraněmi.

    Kdo ovládá svět?

    Současný geostrategický význam hedvábné stezky je mimořádný. Nadvláda nad ropou kaspické oblasti je poslední zdroj, kterým se živí ruský velmocenský sen. Pro Evropu znamená "stezka" otevřenou cestu do Číny a zároveň posílení velmocenské role EU. Plánovaný vstup Turecka do EU je z geopolitického hlediska pokusem promítnout evropský vliv na této tradiční ose. V Iráku ale už narazí na Američany. Čím širší by byl koridor do Číny, tím spíš by mohla Evropa obstát proti americké konkurenci na Dálném východě. Čína, sama žíznící po energii, zde nachází mocný pramen přímo za humny.

    "Kdo ovládá východní Evropu, vládne centru, kdo ovládá centrum, vládne světové ostrovní říši, kdo ovládá světovou ostrovní říši, vládne světu."
    Tuto autoritativní větu vyslovil v roce 1904 otec geopolitického myšlení sir Halford Mackinder - považoval euroasijskou kontinentální masu za bránu ke světovládě. Dnešní američtí stratégové jsou konkrétnější; věří, že svět ovládá ten, kdo kontroluje hedvábnou stezku.

    Američané jsou na vrcholu hegemoniální moci; odtud vede cesta pouze dolů.
    Jediný protilék je zakonzervování současné pozice. Spojené státy chtějí zvěčnit "blahodárnou americkou hegemonii", jak to v roce 1997 formuloval Zbigniew Brzezinski. Podaří-li se Američanům ovládnout prastarý mocenský oblouk hedvábné stezky, mají naději udržet svou velmocenskou pozici. Na to už název "velká hra" nestačí.

    Hedvábná stezka vede od Palestiny přes Sýrii, Irák, Irán, Afghánistán a středoasijské státy až k čínské hranici; oblouk plný šancí a rizik, napjatý až k prasknutí. Proto Američané zakotvují "pax americana", tedy svět podle amerického gusta tam, kde Marco Polo zahájil svou cestu: na Středním východě.


    Už dva roky se Američané činí na obou koncích tzv. hedvábné stezky. Podaří-li se jim modernizovat její začátek, upevní své pozice i v Kaspické oblasti. Zde se Washington snaží oslabit přirozenou ruskou nadvládu, kontrolovat přístup Evropy ke kaspickým ropným nalezištím a oddělit Čínu od zdrojů energie. Páteří tohoto projektu je 1800 kilometrů dlouhý ropovod Baku - Tbilisi - Ceyhan, dlouho zatracovaný jako nehospodárný; údajně měl stát čtyři miliardy dolarů, ale nakonec stačila polovička. Od konce května proudí ropa mezi Kaspickým a Středozemním mořem.


    Nové vytýčení "hedvábné stezky" znamená hospodářskou kolonizaci a politickou modernizaci islámských zemí, snoubící se s kontrolou evropských, ruských a čínských velmocenských ambicí. Obsazení strategických pozic na nejdůležitější ose světového hospodářství má upevnit americkou hegemonii. Podaří-li se to, nadvláda USA by sice už nebyla absolutní a bezpodmínečná, ale nikdo by nemohl jednat proti americké vůli.

    Lidové noviny, 30. 07. 2005, Petr Robejšek, Politolog

    JAXXE --- ---
    Londýn údajně ohrožuje další skupina teroristů

    31. července 2005 10:07

    Podle britských tajných služeb působí v ostrovní zemi další teroristická buňka, napsal list The Sunday Times. Členové skupiny prý plánují třetí vlnu útoků v londýnském metru a na další "snadné cíle" v metropoli. Údajně mají přístup k výbušninám.

    Informace o dalších teroristech podle listu odstartovaly čtvrteční rozsáhlou bezpečnostní akci. V rámci ní se v ulicích Londýna objevilo na šest tisíc ozbrojených policistů.

    Oficiální stanovisko Scotland Yardu ale toto odhalení odmítá. Čtvrteční policejní akci - největší od druhé světové války - označuje jako akci, která měla uklidnit veřejnost.

    Po pátečním zatčení čtyř údajných pachatelů útoků z 21. července - jednoho v Římě a tří v Londýně - šéf protiteroristického odboru Peter Clarke prohlásil, že navzdory tomu nemůžou být úřady spokojené. "Hrozba přetrvává a je reálná," upozornil.

    Podle listu The Sunday Times jsou členové třetí skupiny nezávislí na teroristech z předchozích útoků. Mají ale údajně vazby na pachatele incidentů z 21. července.

    "To, co jsme provedli v pátek, je jen viditelná část ledovce," sdělil týdeníku člen policejní brigády, která se podílela na posledním zatýkání. "V příštích měsících se stanou důležité věci. Je tu rozvětvená síť, která se musí zničit," dodal.

    Taška skrývala falešné pasy

    Další britský list The News of the World uvedl, že policie našla u londýnského letiště Heathrow tašku plnou falešných dokumentů. Taxikář ji údajně objevil už ve čtvrtek.

    V černé brašně s logem katarských aerolinií bylo devatenáct pasů z Pákistánu, Británie, Indie, Nepálu a Jihoafrické republiky. V některých byly fotografie stejných lidí s různými jmény. V mnoha z nich byla falešná víza.

    V tašce byl kromě bankovních karet a pracovních povolení i dopis pro jednoho muslima žijícího v severoanglickém Dewsbury. Tam bydlel i jeden z útočníků ze 7. července. Další dokumenty by mohly mít spojitost i s dalšími pachateli atentátů z počátku července, kteří žili na severu Londýna a v Leedsu.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The most senior Islamic cleric in Birmingham claimed yesterday that Muslims were being unjustly blamed in the war on terrorism and that the eight suspects in the two bombing attacks on London "could have been innocent passengers".

    Mohammad Naseem, the chairman of the city's central mosque, called Tony Blair a "liar" and "unreliable witness" and questioned whether CCTV footage issued of the suspected bombers was of the perpetrators.

    He said that Muslims "all over the world have never heard of an organisation called al-Qa'eda".


    His comments shocked senior police officers.

    "Tony Blair has told lies on going to Iraq and in a court of law if a witness has proved to be a liar he ceases to be a reliable witness. So we cannot give our blind trust to the Government.

    "To have that trust it is important that the process of law should be independent, open and transparent. I am also sad that unfortunately the impression has been given that Muslims are to be targeted in this war against terror. There seems to be a directive to target Muslims. Why do we not have an open mind about this?

    "Muslim bashing seems to be more earnest than the need for national unity and harmony. Terrorists can be anybody - we will have to see [whether the bombers are Muslims]. The process is not open; the process is not transparent; the process is not independent. I do not have faith in the system as it stands."

    Mr Naseem is one of the most respected Muslims in the city and is considered a moderate. He has regular meetings with the chief constable to discuss religious harmony.

    "Some people have been caught but I have not seen any evidence. The process of law is not open."

    Asked about the suspects' DNA being found at the scene of the first attacks, he said: "DNA can match you, but that does not mean you are going to commit a crime. Thousands of youths are passing by and caught on CCTV, so how do you know it is them?"

    "Where is the evidence that four youths whose pictures were caught on CCTV cameras…were the perpetrators? How did we reject the possibility they were just innocent victims of this terrible happening? They had bought return train tickets."

    JAXXE --- ---

    JAXXE --- ---
    Former British MI5 Agent Says 'Many Similarities' Between London Bombings And 9/11

    Posted on: 7/29/2005 11:57:00 AM - Columnist
    By Greg Szymanski

    A former British intelligence agent, jailed in 2002 for linking the British government with paying an Islamic militant group $160,000 in a failed assassination attempt on Colonel Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi of Libya, said this week the recent London bombings have all the earmarks of an inside job just like 9/11.

    “It’s amazing how many aspects of the two events are so similar,” said David Shayler, the former MI5 agent and whistle blower, in a telephone conversation this week from his home in East Bonn on the southern coast of England.

    Shayler, a thorn in the British government’s side ever since he blew the whistle in 1997 about rampant corruption within both arms of British intelligence, MI5 (domestic) and MI6 (foreign), said he has just began looking into the details of the 7/7 attacks, but what’s being released through the press and government reports shows a strikingly similar pattern to what he calls “the same type of misinformation thrown out after 9/11.”

    “First, we learn about the training exercises going on here just like 9/11. Next, they release suspicious evidence left behind by the culprits as well as quickly releasing identifying pictures of the suspects just like the did after 9/11,” he said.

    Shayler added that what’s even more suspicious is the private security firm in charge of the training drills prior to 7/7 had ties to former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. Further, he also received information that one of the named suicide bombers, whose picture was released in the London press, has turned up alive and well in Pakistan.

    “Just like in the United States, we here in England are being bombarded with what looks like a lot of misinformation in the press,” said Shayler. “Apparently, one of the supposed suicide bombers has turned up alive just like six or seven of the 19 Arab hijackers turned up alive after 9/11.”

    Asked about the sentiment in Britain towards President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair’s support of America’s war on terror after the London bombings claimed more than 50 lives, he said:

    “To put it politely, there is downright hatred for Bush here on the streets of London. Many Brits feel, as I do, that he led us into this war and is actually responsible for making England a more dangerous place to live now than before the illegal war in Iraq.

    “And after the release of the Downing Street Memo, which clearly provides high-level documented evidence from the head of M16 that Bush and Blair lied about the threat of WMD in Iraq, I think most of the British people are simply fed up but at the same time frightened at what might happen next.

    “The British people would simply like to get rid of Blair, but unlike America, we have no political means set up to do this. However, most people here feel that Tony Blair actually acts more like the First Envoy to America rather than England’s Prime Minister.

    Besides believing the London bombing was an inside job, Shayler also believes 9/11 was a staged event, saying the cover-up of hard evidence and eye witness testimony contradicting the official story are the main ingredients first leading him to believe the U.S. government caused 9/11 in order to create a world wide climate of fear and war.

    “It’s a crime to obstruct justice and that is exactly what the American authorities did when they allowed FEMA to haul away all the steel from the World Trade Center, shipping it to China,” said Shayler. “Now this type of cover-up tells me right-off the authorities are hiding something much bigger, something that needs answering.

    “The more I look at 9/11, the more I am convinced it was a staged event. I am convinced the U.S. government manipulated events - let it happen – to create a trigger for the invasion of Afghanistan, the invasion of Iraq and of course what they're trying to do now with the imminent invasions of Iran and Syria.”

    Shayler said FBI intercepts, failed defense protocols and the suspicious activities of a number of officials in various government agencies days, weeks and months prior to 9/11 also directly point to an inside job.

    Besides the government irregularities and cover-up, he also suggests 9/11 was most likely also intended to be, from an intelligence strategist’s view, an attempt at a larger coup de’tat to take over the American government and bring martial law.

    “You have to remember that there were weapons discovered on planes that didn't take off on 9/11. Now people have obviously postulated that they were going perhaps to attack the White House or Capitol Hill. That looks to me like an attempt to destroy American government and declare a state of emergency, in fact a coup de'tat, a violent coup de'tat."

    Making analogies between explosives used in IRA bombings he investigated while working on the Irish resistance, he said it was virtually impossible for jet fuel, as the American government contends, to bring down the Twin Towers.

    He compared the WTC to an IRA bombing in front of the Baltic Exchange Building in Bishopsgate, saying a thousand tons of homemade explosives were used without a much smaller building collapsing.

    “So you are telling me the World Trade Center collapsed from jet fuel? It’s highly suspicious if not impossible,” said Shayler. “And then ask yourself about the suspicious nature of Building No. 7. It all looks to me like a controlled demolition.”

    Regarding the bigger intelligence picture and the state of the world with increased terrorism now erupting in London and Egypt, Shayler drew the battle lines facing both the people of Britain and America.

    “Let there be no doubt that the people of the free world are engaged in a war,” said Shayler, suggesting however that the enemy is within and not simply radical Islamic terrorists. “In the next few years, we are either going to see the people of the free world rise up against these fascists, now setting the stage for global war, or we are going to see the end of democracy as we know it with martial law the end result.”

    Shayler’s troubles with the British government in 1997 after he voluntarily left MI5 and blew the whistle, allegedly taking sensitive documents and accusing two MI6 agents, David Watson and Richard Bartlitt, of plotting to assassinate Mu'ammar al-Qadhafi of Libya in 1996.

    He also accused MI5 of failing to warn or react to an impending terrorist attack on the Israeli Embassy in 1994.

    After fleeing Britain, he was arrested in France, spending four months in a French jail and being held without charges being filed. Upon release, he won an extradition battle in the French courts, but voluntarily decided to return to England in 2000.

    Upon his return, he was charged with violated England’s tough Official State Secrets Act, as a gag order was effectively placed on everything, including media coverage, surrounding his case.

    “I was effectively never allowed to mount a defense or even show facts why I acted in the national interest,” said Shayler, being convicted in November of 2002 and sentenced to six months in jail, but only serving seven weeks of the sentence as well as seven weeks of house arrest.

    Shayler, who joined MI5 in 1991 unable to find work as a journalist, said he was an unlikely candidate for the job, never thinking he would get hired after answering an advertisement hiding the true nature of the position.

    “I was a journalist and came from an unlikely background for this type of work,” said Shayler. “I really didn’t know what the nature of the job was until the final round of interviews and I was shocked when I was hired.

    “I stayed with MI5 until I saw the lies and corruption. All I wanted was to tell the truth, nothing more.”

    Since his release from jail, Shayler has been busy on the lecture circuit and has released a book with author Annie Machon titled “Spies, Lies and Whistle Blowers.”

    The book chronicles his falling out with MI5, what took place after he blew the whistle, life on the run in Europe and his arrest and imprisonment.

    PETVAL --- ---
    Česká policie BRUTÁLNĚ POTLAČILA lidská práva a svobody nonkonformních skupin
    Nedávno jsem v jedné ze svých analýz nástupu Nového Světového Pořádku vyslovil názor, že bude postupně zákázáno právo se shromažďovat. Netrvalo to ani tak dlouho a český ministr již požaduje změnu shromažďovacího zákona.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Police state ČR

    MARNEYY --- ---
    Připravte se: Show v Gaze brzo začne
    JAXXE --- ---
    Zkuste si představit, že by u nás probíhala permanentní sovětská okupace, při které by den co den zahynulo přibližně 100 Čechů, Moravanů, či Slováků. Zkuste si představit, že by Sověti postříleli mezi 20 až 100 tisíci civilních obyvatel, mezi nimi téměř třetinu žen a dětí. Možná by dříve či později (bez ohledu na českou umírněnost a mírumilovnost) začaly vznikat skupinky odporu, které by se se zbraní v ruce postavily proti okupantům. Tím jsem si jist. A buďte si jisti, že by v sovětském tisku byli nazýváni "teroristy", podobně jako dnes Čečenci. A že by se rudí politologové předháněli v propagandistických článcích o českých pohanských psech, kteří si neváží života. Buďte si také jisti, že by pravda byla úplně jiná.

    V žádném případě nehájím metodu obrany se zbraní v ruce, na druhé straně se jí snažím pochopit. Izraelci berou Palestincům jejich území, kde dlouhá léta v pokoji žili. Američané okupují Irák a snaží se jim natlačit svou "hamburgrovou demokracii".

    Zkuste se aspoň na chvíli vžít do kůže těch, kteří dnes a denně ztrácejí své známé, příbuzné, či děti.

    Možná nakonec rozmotáte příčinu a následek. Možná nakonec dojdete k pochopení. Možná svůj strach poté transformujete v hněv a hněv v sílu. Sílu, která konečně a definitivně sesadí z trůnu ty naše "volené zástupce", kteří používají zbraně jako normální nástavbu politiky.

    To, že až dvě třetiny muslimů uvažují o tom, že se ze strachu odstěhují z Británie, je pro mne naprosto šokující zpráva a cosi vypovídá o naší xenofobii a rasismu.

    Jistě, Islám má některé zvláštnosti. Například ty ženy. To, co vidíme my, je jeden z úhlů pohledů. Na druhé straně: některé čtenářky jistě znají ten kolotoč práce, nákupy, děti, domácnost a manžel, který si chodí na sqash či s kamarády na pivo. O takovou rovnoprávnost na západě stojíme? Stojíte? Takhle to chcete? Abyste pak museli bojovat v řadách feministek o aspoň trochu normální život?

    Zkuste se na dovolené u moře podívat na neurotickou rodinku západní a zkuste se podívat na rodinku islámskou. Zkuste např. pozorovat jejich děti. A možná uvidíte, co za celá léta ne...

    Asi bych neměnil, přesto říkám: vše má své pro a proti. Ale nikdo nemá právo druhému vnucovat svůj systém, ani politický, ani rodinný. Už vůbec ne se zbraní v ruce, násilím. Až toto přestane Západ dělat, může se soustředit na to, co dělají ostatní. Do té doby já osobně považuji za pro světový mír daleko nebezpečnější militantní americké křesťany s Bushem v čele.

    OPAKUJI pro ty, kteří to stále nechápou: ONI (kterých je několik set, maximálně několik tisíc) nás (kterých je několik miliard) chtějí poštvat PROTI sobě navzájem. Nevím jak vy, já jako kdybych to již někde zažil. Udělali nám to v posledním století minimálně dvakrát. Zatím znovu vyhrávají... Lidé se zdají být nepoučitelní.

    Věřme, že pouze zatím a že se nakonec probudí. Následky by v tomto případě totiž byly zcela fatální.

    Všichni lidé chtějí mít domov, chtějí mít co jíst a chtějí být zdraví. Bez rozdílu křesťan, Muslim, nebo Žid. A pak je tady několik takových, kteří k tomu všemu chtějí peníze jako prostředek moci a ovládání. A neštítí se při tom ničeho....

    Takže, staví-li dnes někdo Muslimy an block ke zdi (přečtěte si české noviny a podívejte se na českou televizi) a vytváří atmosféru strachu a xenofobie, NEBUDU mlčet. Až totiž přijdou pro mne, nemusel by být už nikdo, kdo by se mne zastal...

    Když přišli nacisté pro komunisty, mlčel jsem; nebyl jsem přece komunista.
    Když zavírali sociální demokraty, mlčel jsem; nebyl jsem přece sociální demokrat.
    Když přišli pro odboráře, mlčel jsem; nebyl jsem přece odborář.
    Když přišli pro Židy, mlčel jsem, protože jsem nebyl Žid.
    Když přišli pro mě, nebyl už nikdo, kdo by se mě mohl zastat.

    Martin Niemöller (1892-1984)

    JAXXE --- ---
    How Black Ops Staged the London Bombings

    Evidence regarding the 4 alleged bombers comes from a single CCTV image of 4 similar-looking individuals.

    by Fintan Dunne

    July 25, 2005

    Increasing doubt has been expressed concerning the official version of the London bomb attacks.

    The evidence so far presented by the investigators is patchy and contradictory. We bring to the attention of our readers a text which questions the validity of the official story.

    Staged terror events --like magic tricks-- rely on misdirection to throw people off the track. To uncover how the London bombings were carried out by a Western black operations team, we must see through the key misdirections they built into the operation.

    The official spin goes like this:

    Key evidence of the movements of the four alleged bombers comes from a single CCTV image of four similar-looking individuals entering Luton Station to catch a London-bound train. Three of them had driven to Luton to meet the fourth and carry on by train to King's Cross station in London.

    The police claim to have another CCTV video of them splitting up at Kings Cross and heading in different directions to carry out the attacks. Papers identifying them were found at the scenes --where their bodies have also been recovered. Police also found bomb materials in the car they left at a pay carpark in Luton.

    That's the tale of the "suicide bombers." The big problem with this account is that a terror group would never deliberately waste valuable human resources in suicide attacks, when suicide tactics are not needed.

    In answer, mainstream media are now also pushing the line that they may have been duped --and didn't know the bombs would explode immediately they were set. In alternative media some are also pushing the idea that they simply thought they transporting drugs.

    Both explanations assume the four did actually carry the bombs onto London's Underground trains and a bus.

    Which of course, they didn't. All this has been misdirection.

    Here's how it really went down:

    The three who were driving from Leeds to Luton never completed their journey. Somewhere along the M1 motorway, a car with a flashing blue light came up behind them and both cars pulled over to the side of the road. The seeming police officers demanded identification and then insisted that the car be moved off the motorway for safety reasons and for further questioning.

    Meanwhile another team was intercepting the fourth person in as he made his way from nearby Aylesbury to Luton. None of them would be seen alive in public again. They did not participate in the bombings.

    The CCTV image of them entering Luton Station is a cut and paste of prior surveilance photos taken of the four. This is the key misdirrection.

    Intercepting the four would have been much to public once they entered Luton Station. They were taken out before that. Let's come back to what happened to them after we unveil the other key misdirection.

    The bombs on the Underground were not in the tube carriages. They were under the floors of the carriages. The black-ops team would need access to rail or maintainance yards in order to plant these timed devices.

    That's the reliable way. That's why this was inevitably how it would be done.

    Confirmation of this comes from a number of reports, including this eyewitness account of the Aldgate East tube bomb by Cambridge dancer Bruce Lait. He and dance partner Crystal Main were the only passengers in their carriage who survived without serious injury - despite being nearest to the bomb blast.

    Here's the Cambridge Evening News report [also]:

    "When I woke up and looked around I saw darkness, smoke and wreckage. It took a while to realise where I was and what was going on... " He and Crystal were helped out of the carriage. As they made their way out, a policeman pointed out where the bomb had been.

    "The policeman said 'mind that hole, that's where the bomb was'. The metal was pushed upwards as if the bomb was underneath the train. They seem to think the bomb was left in a bag, but I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag," he said.

    Moreover, Christophe Chaboud, head of the French Anti-Terrorism Co-ordination Unit, told Le Monde newspaper that the explosives used in the bombings were of military origin:

    He added that the victims' wounds suggested that the explosives, which were " not heavy but powerful", had been placed on the ground, perhaps underneath seats. [Source also]

    Or perhaps under the floor.

    Causing injuries such as those suffered by Emily Benton, one of two Knoxville, TN sisters on vacation in London who were injured in one of the tube blasts. She had broken bones and skin missing on her feet:

    "Her feet were badly injured (the hospital doesn't think she will lose her feet), and she has a bad cut on her arm." [Source]

    With much of the carnage taking place underground, it was useful that the bus bomb could provide an above-ground spectacle -and the only sighting of a bomber in action:

    BUS blast survivor Richard Jones yesterday revealed how he came face-to-face with one of the London bombers. The Scots IT expert got off the doomed double-decker just seconds before it was torn apart in an explosion that killed 13 passengers.

    "This young guy kept diving into this bag or whatever he had in front of his feet," he told The Associated Press.

    He said the bomber was around 6ft tall, in his mid-twenties, clean-shaven and smartly dressed. The man was wearing hipster-style fawn checked trousers, with exposed designer underwear, and a matching jersey-style top. 'The pants looked very expensive, they were white with a red band on top... He was standing with his back to me downstairs at the driver's side, which is exactly where the explosion was... The noise was unbelievable. I served an apprenticeship in an explosives factory in Ayrshire so I knew what it was.' [Source]

    Which doesn't sound anything like the blue-jeaned, unshaven, rather drably-dressed Hasib Hussain. But the tale of a nervous bomber served to add color to a London landscape which badly needed at least one eyewitness account of the bombers in action.

    The bus -like the trains, had a concealed bomb.

    Meanwhile, the alleged bombers had been whisked to a remote location to be ruthlessly murdered in a way that would be consistent with their participation in a suicide bombing. They died in a callous blast arranged with military precision.

    Four more murders came easily to those who were meanwhile killing scores in London with the same ruthless precision.

    Their bodies and body parts would be infiltrated into the forensic investigation. Their identity papers would be "found" at the scenes of the bombings. Their injuries would seem consistent. Their names and their memory smeared forever.

    It's war. This is what it's like. Stop it.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Police Debate if London Plotters Were Suicide Bombers, or Dupes

    LONDON, July 26 - Within hours of the July 7 attacks here, many British police and intelligence officials assumed that the four bombers had intended to die with their bombs.

    But in recent days, some police officials are increasingly considering the possibility that the men did not plan to commit suicide and were duped into dying.

    Investigators raising doubts about the suicide assumption have cited evidence to support this theory. Each of the four men who died in the July 7 attacks purchased round-trip railway tickets from Luton to London. Germaine Lindsay's rented car left in Luton had a seven-day parking sticker on the dashboard.

    A large quantity of explosives were stored in the trunk of that car, perhaps for another attack. Another bomber had just spent a large sum to repair his car. The men carried driver's licenses and other ID cards with them to their deaths, unusual for suicide bombers.

    In addition, none left behind a note, videotape or Internet trail as suicide bombers have done in the past. And the bombers' families were baffled by what seemed to be their decisions to kill themselves.

    While some of these clues could be seen as the work of men intent on covering their trail, some investigators increasingly believe that the men may have been conned into carrying the bombs onto the trains and leaving them, thinking they were going to explode minutes later.

    JAXXE --- ---
    must read

    About Those Nuclear Attack Speculations

    JAXXE --- ---

    Jim Moore | July 28 2005

    Two questions just rose up out of the political ashes, making it imperative that I run to my “think” room and consult my crystal ball. Question One, are we, or are we not, going to experience the horrors of another World War, this time nuclear?

    Question Two, if a nuclear war is inevitable, how do we know who our enemy is?

    The answer to the first question has presumably already been answered by a recent Associated Press-Kyodo poll---how more accurate can you get than an AP-Kyodo poll?---which clearly shows that six out of 10 Americans believe that a nuclear war is likely. Not all countries believe this, of course, but they don’t know what we know about wars.

    With Question One settled, let us now zero in on Question Two. In the event that WWIII should break out---and since we can’t help being in it--- maybe even starting it---who will our enemy be?

    Every one of our wars has had a target-participant. One we could finger and fix our sights on. If we bother to declare war at all, we should have somebody in mind to declare it on.

    In 1776 it was England; in 1812 it was also England; in 1865 it was the Confederacy; in 1898 it was Spain; in 1917 it was Germany; in 1942 it was Germany, Italy and Japan (the Axis Powers): in the 1960’s it was Korea; in the 1970’s it was Vietnam; in 2005 it is Iraq and Afghanistan.

    We have always had a designated enemy. So it is quite natural to ask, in a nuclear war, who will we blast into oblivion?

    Not Terrorists---they don’t have a country to blow up; they’re all over the world; besides, every time we find one, he blows himself up before we can get to him.

    Not Arabs---killing another hundred thousand or so innocent men, women, and children doesn’t contribute much to any viable war effort.

    Not Osama bin Laden---after three years we haven’t found him, so how are we going to nuke him? Besides, Bush fudged again and said this guy is no longer a priority target.

    Not Japan---the U.S. and Japan have never had a closer relationship. Or so it would seem from our automobile sales.

    Not China---that wouldn’t be very smart since we gave them all our nuclear secrets. Also, there are so many Chinese they would stomp hell out of us.

    Not Mexico---thanks to Presidents Bush and Fox, if we started “eliminating” Mexicans, California would lose half its population. Not France---bomb the nation that gave us our Statue of Liberty? Are you nuts?

    Not Russia---it wouldn’t make sense to start a “hot” war with the country we defeated in a “cold war.” A luke-warm war? Maybe.

    Not Africa--- the instant we blow up any African nation the ACLU would come down on us like a swarm of tse tse flies.

    Not England--- we’ve already kicked their butts twice. Furthermore, Tony Blair’s personal secretary is a distant cousin of my boss's wife's uncle.

    Not Israel--- with so many international bankers being Jewish, we would be out of cash two days into a war.

    Not Cuba--- Castro has outlasted us for 40 years. No reason to believe that starting World War III would shake him up.

    Not the Arctic regions---nuclear explosions would melt the ice caps, causing massive flooding, and we would quick have to build another Ark. Moreover, who really wants to kill Eskimos?

    No, my belief is that if we insist on starting another war, our designated target should be Ourselves. It would be The Quiet War, with no explosions of any kind whatsoever, including nuclear.

    In conducting The Quiet War we would take stock of what we have done, and are doing, to this planet and the people on it. We would take seriously all dissents, all injustices, all tyrannical acts, and put them into a Court of Complaints for immediate review and remedial action.

    We would kick the conniving, war-making neo-conservatives out of the Administration and the Pentagon, revamp our foreign policy, rethink our domestic agenda, restructure our whole approach to other nations in the world, and begin running America the way our founding fathers envisioned it should be run. Which, by the way, they put on paper in a document called the U.S. Constitution.

    We would start minding our own business, respect other countries and cultures, and adhere to our own unique values, principles, and heritage. “Live and let live” would be our motto.

    This way there would be no need to declare war on anybody, nor them on us, and the miseries of World War III might never come to pass. Is this an idea whose time has come? Apparently not yet.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Abbas: Nejsou důkazy, že atentátníci byli muslimové

    28. července 2005 20:18

    Pozornost světa se nedávných útocích upřela k vyznavačům islámu. "Dodnes nejsou důkazy, že ti lidé, kteří to dělali, byli muslimové. Musíme čekat až bude dokázána vina," odpověděl v on-line rozhovoru předseda Muslimské unie ČR Mohamad Abbas. Objevilo se i téma války v Iráku.

    "Co je jisté z více arabských zdrojů, že do amerických médií se dostane jenom zlomek toho, co se děje v Iráku. Okupační armády dělají všechno, aby schovaly ztráty, a proto nám to vadí. Vraždy a sebevraždy jsou spojeny s okupací a jejich přítomností," uvedl Abbas v rozhovoru.

    Abbas žije v Česku od roku 1988. Vystudoval architekturu.

    Podle časopisu Reflex je synem někdejšího súdánského velvyslance v Československu.

    Abbas vede i server Muslimské listy. "V této době, kdy můžete v češtině číst všechny názory proti islámu nebo 'nechápající' islám a islámský svět, cítili jsme velkou potřebu nabídnout široké odborné veřejnosti jiný pohled na dění v islámském světě," vysvětluje Abbas vznik serveru.

    "Věříme, že chybné nebo zkreslené informace jsou jako potraviny s prošlou lhůtou - můžou škodit víc, než si dokážeme představit," doplňuje.

    Čtenářům slibuje, že zdrojem zpráv bude tisk, internet, tiskové agentury z islámského světa, často i západní média, která jsou jen zřídka reprezentovaná v českých médiích.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Washington recasts terror war as 'struggle'

    By Eric Schmitt and Thom Shanker The New York Times

    WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 2005

    WASHINGTON The Bush administration is retooling its slogan for the fight against Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups, pushing the idea that the long-term struggle is as much an ideological battle as a military mission, according to senior administration and military officials.

    In recent speeches and news conferences, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and the country's top military officer have spoken of "a global struggle against violent extremism" rather than "the global war on terror," which had been the catchphrase of choice.

    Administration officials say the earlier phrase may have outlived its usefulness, because it focused attention solely, and incorrectly, on the military campaign.

    General Richard Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the National Press Club on Monday that he had "objected to the use of the term 'war on terrorism' before, because if you call it a war, then you think of people in uniform as being the solution."

    He said the threat instead should be defined as violent extremism, with the recognition that "terror is the method they use."

    Rumsfeld spoke in the new terms on Friday when he addressed an audience in Annapolis, Maryland, for the retirement ceremony of Admiral Vern Clark as chief of naval operations. Rumsfeld described America's efforts as it "wages the global struggle against the enemies of freedom, the enemies of civilization."

    JAXXE --- ---
    A new world order?

    Chico Enterprise-Record

    Most Americans have not heard of the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas). Most have heard of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). NAFTA and GATT were stepping stones to the FTAA. The day after GATT was passed, Henry Kissinger was quoted in the L.A. Times that "he was grateful that GATT had passed because it was a giant step toward a new world order."

    CAFTA (Central America Free Trade Agreement), currently before Congress, wraps up all the Americas. If passed, it will eliminate our borders, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the American middle class, merging all the governments into a regional government, and a little later into a one-world government.




    Indo-US nuke pact, cornerstone for a new world order: NY Post


    For the Bush Administration, the July 18 is a major diplomatic accomplishment, but the New York Post adds that the American president still needs to do much more if wants to be seen as a country applying its nuclear and climate strategies peacfully.

    The paper believes that during his second stint as President, Bush has "put into place the cornerstone for a new world order".


    JAXXE --- ---
    Police State New York

    A policeman talks to concerned workers who were evacuated after a suspicious package was found in front of Commerce Bank at 205 Montague Street in Brooklyn on Monday, July 25, 2005. According to an officer at the scene, the package was found chained to a fire hydrant in front of the bank at 8:50am. The bank as well as the buildings within a block radius were evacuated at 9:15am. The package was detonated but was found to contain personal belongings.


    On Sunday, July 24, 2005, a police officer checks the (Polaroid-type) photo he just took of the Amtrak Ticket window 13 area behind him where a man earlier caused a disturbance that led to the evacuation of Penn Station in Manhattan.


    A sightseeing double decker bus stands empty on Broadway and the packages of the sightseerers are arranged on the street after the bus was evacuated, Sunday, July 24, 2005 in New York's Times Square. Five men were briefly detained and questioned by the NYPD. Police said the driver stopped the bus and called the police.

    New York City police officers stand over five unidentified men who were evacuated from a double decker sightseeing bus, Sunday, July 24, 2005 in New York. The men were briefly detained and questioned by the NYPD. Five men were briefly detained and questioned by the NYPD. Police said the driver stopped the bus and called the police.

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