Interview with Hefty:
Q: Hello Hefty. How did you get into the techno music? What were the influences?
A: I discovered Techno almost by mistake. Before techno, I used to play Breaks and Electro on vinyl for around 6 years. However, the artists whose music I played just stopped producing the style I loved (dark and techy) and moved to different genres such as electro house!! :(
So one day I randomly decided to check out the “techno” section on Beatport. After listening to many many tracks that I certainly did not like, I came across “Black Dog” by Pan Pot and it opened my eyes to a whole new type of music.
Q: What made you start producing dark progressive?
A: I have always had a place in my heart for psy trance and psychedelic music. I mentioned before that I used to play breaks and electro – it was in the chillout rooms at psy events in london between 2001 and 2007. So I was exposed to this genre a lot in my early days of being a DJ / music enthusiast.
I started to notice that I was getting lots of comments from psy artists / djs on my techno productions on Soundcloud. So I checked out their Soundcloud pages and their mixes / tracks reignited my passion for this style. Like I said, I have always had a passion for this music, just I was focused soley on techno and I almost forgot how good psy trance (etc) was.
Q: What is the meaning of this kind of music for you? And where do you see it in the future?
A: For me its another way to express my darkside and bring certain issues to peoples' attention. Psychedelic music production requires different techniques to techno, so im learning a lot. And I think the future is DARK :)
Q: Can you describe the process of creating your tracks?
A: The inspiration for the track comes from dark events that go on in the world. I learn about something horrific and then it comes out through my music, its a cathartic experience for me turn such negativity into something positive. You can usually tell what I have been researching by my track titles. For example I have tracks named “Boko Haram”, “Blacksite”, “Sleeper Assassination Program” etc etc – if I am ever running low on inspiration I can just go online and read about something terrible and then im ready to produce again :)
In the actual process of making the track, there is only one thing that I always do first and is to get the kick, bass, hi hat and snare/clap all working together perfectly in unison. If you can nail these fundamental parts then the rest is just adding the details – fx, samples etc etc etc. After these aspects are solid then the rest of the track is made in a very random way. Trial and error, click this, adjust that, flick this switch and see what happens etc.
Q: What is your opinion about the amount of sounds used in the track? Do you prefer minimalistic approach and less elements or do you like using more sounds and effects?
A: My number one rule when producing is “Less Is More” - referring to my earlier answer, if you nail the beats and bass then you dont need sounds filling every space in the track. Its the beats and bass that make people dance, not all the shit on top.
Q: Do you master your tracks yourself?
A: Definitely not, I dont have the skills, tools or knowledge to master my music properly – I always pay a proper mastering engineer.
Q: Do you use any hardware synth/ what software do you use?
A. No hardware, but I use Reason (9.5) for all my music and always have done. I believe strongly that its Reason that gives my music a unique “sound” that I would not achieve with another DAW.
Q: How did you became familiar with Zenon records? Do you know anybody from the label in person?
A: Again, I had a lot of experience with psy music in my early days of djing, so I knew of Zenon Records and their reputation! I have had the chance to meet many of the Zenon artists at various parties / events and had lunch in Berlin with Mr Sensient himself :)
Q: What are your interests beside music?
A: My other passion in life is gardening – I have my own gardening business. My darkside is expressed through my music and my light side is expressed through my plants and flowers :) I am also very interested in history, politics, psychology, conspiracy theories, and anything dark and fucked up – drug cartels, 9/11, prison gangs, terrorism, human trafficking, aliens, war, arms trade etc etc
Q: Do you listen to any other genres except of the electronic music?
A: I listen to many many different genres of music other than electronic music. For example I have a collection of rare Roots Reggae vinyl, but I am into all sorts, Darkwave, Hip Hop / Rap, 80s, Classical, Country, 50s + 60s, etc
Q: Do you know anything about the czech techno/ psytrance subculture?
A: I willl be honest, no I dont, but I am very much looking forward to finding out!!
Q: What was the highlight of your festival season?
A: I am very new to the festival scene, Modem Festival 2017 was my first one!!!! It was incredible and a real honour to play there!! Out of this world visuals and a high level of organisation and professionalism! It was really great to bring my dark techno sound to a whole new audience. My set went really well and I had an amazing response from the crowd!
Thank you for the interview. We look forward to hearing you in Ceske Budejovice.