V patnáctém pokračování Audire se definitivně dostáváme do osmdesátých let 20. století. Navážeme na electropunk a industriál a představíme si britskou nezávislou scénu okolo značek Rough Trade a Mute Records. Tudíž nebudou chybět ani radikální experimentátoři Fad Gadget nebo The Normal, ani kultovní stadionoví Depeche Mode či Yazoo. Let’s have a black celebration!
In the fifteenth installment of Audire we are definitely getting to the 1980s. We are going to follow up on electropunk and industrial and we will introduce the British independent scene around Rough Trade and Mute Records labels. That means, the likes of Fad Gadget or The Normal are not going to be missed, as well as cult stadium giants Depeche Mode or Yazoo. Let’s have a black celebration!
[ AUDIRE - Mute Records a Depeche Mode / konferenceconference / 14.6.2018 / CR - Praha - Punctum, Krásova 27, Praha 3 ]