Cekalo se tyden, esli uvidime nejaky avizo, nebo omluvu od prodejců vstupenek, ale asi se omluvej za ticho v line upu mezi 1 - 2 ranní až po mejdanu, že šamanům z metra neletělo letadlo . . . . . . že zbyvaj este nejaky vstupenky se masíruje forsáží 3x za den . . . . tak snad uz je kazdej má ...
The thing is we are not playing at XMassacre at all.
We (subway shamans) never confirmed this because I do not want to play at this festival.
The booking agency had confirmed this without us knowing. I am now no longer working with that agency.
I warned the agent to remove our name from the XMassacre line up, but they refuse. Just to be clear, we will not play at XMassacre so I will not be in Prague. I really don't like these big events :) and I'm sick of people trying to make a lot of money in this scene.
Roel / MrGasmask