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    ztracené heslo?
    TIGRETigre! Tigre! brilho brasa
    TIGRE --- ---
    Jinak já si tedy, co se fotek týče, poslední dobou dělám přes den radost sledováním instagramového účtu japonského dědko-irezumi-tatéra Horiyoshi III :)

    TIGRE --- ---
    ha ještě lepší!
    LA_PIOVRA --- ---
    Dobry. Zde galerie bez zkurveneho flashe.
    Stephen Dupont - Raskols of Papua new Guinea
    TIGRE --- ---
    MUDZAHID: super!
    MUDZAHID --- ---
    Raskols of Papua new Guinea :: Stephen Dupont
    TIGRE --- ---
    Zatím jsem neviděl, ale...


    WE ARE LEGION: The Story of the Hacktivists, takes us inside the complex culture and history of Anonymous. The film explores early hacktivist groups like Cult of the Dead Cow and Electronic Disturbance Theater, and then moves to Anonymous’ own raucous and unruly beginnings on the website 4Chan.

    Through interviews with current members – some recently returned from prison, others still awaiting trial – as well as writers, academics and major players in various “raids,” WE ARE LEGION traces the collective’s breathtaking evolution from merry pranksters to a full-blown, global movement, one armed with new weapons of civil disobedience for an online world.

    TIGRE --- ---
    Krásný Totentanz rytiny od němce Otty Wirschinga z roku 1915

    Více na http://www.lawrence.edu/dept/wriston/collections/pohl/wirsching.htm
    TIGRE --- ---
    LA_PIOVRA: Nj, já měl občas z TBC vítr právě v Rocinhě. Zatímco Rio má výskyt TBC zhruba na dvojnásobné úrovni než je celobrazilský průměr, tak v Rocinhě je to cca desetinásobek. Poslední cca rok se to ale údajně hodně lepší, většina lidí (80+%) se léčí a čísla vypadají snad optimisticky.

    Tady jsou na to téma "hezký" fotky od fotografky Jean Chung...

    Jean Chung Photography - photographer in South Korea
    LA_PIOVRA --- ---
    Neni co zavidet, TBC bych se bal velmi. Ouplavici bych taky nemusel.
    TIGRE --- ---
    LA_PIOVRA: závidím, já bych to snášel špatně, ale nejvíc bych se bál TBC, dyzentérie a spol.
    LA_PIOVRA --- ---
    Si rikam, ze bych alespon jednu (jedinou) komparativni vyhodu v takovym prostredi mel: nejsem na spanek nijak narocnej ani na cas ani na pohodli, muze bejt prerusovanej a tak:)
    TIGRE --- ---
    LA_PIOVRA: V BR je to podobné jako v Rusku - spí se na směny :)
    LA_PIOVRA --- ---
    malawijsky kriminal po vecerce:
    TIGRE --- ---

    "There are a couple of other reasons for overcrowding. Torpid justice systems mean that many prisoners are on remand, yet to be convicted of any crime. Prison reformers in Venezuela say around 70% of inmates have yet to be sentenced; many wait years even for a hearing, and must pay gang bosses for the privilege of going to court. Sentenced prisoners, on the other hand, have been known to bribe their way to freedom. Around half of the inmates in both Brazil and Honduras have not been sentenced. Remand prisoners can languish for years, mixing with hardened gang members. The result is that jails are “schools of crime”, says Migdonia Ayestas of the Observatory of Violence, a Honduran NGO. Yet, despite all the evidence that Brazilian prisons are hellish and lock up many of the wrong people, there is scant sympathy for those behind bars. In an opinion poll in 2008, 73% said that prison conditions should be made tougher still. Poor and black Brazilians are as likely to be hard-line as rich, white ones are, even though they are far more likely to be put behind bars themselves. In Brazil the prison population is overwhelmingly ill-educated (two-thirds of prisoners did not finish primary school) and poor (95%). Blacks are twice as likely as whites to be in jail (they form two-thirds of prisoners but only half of the population). On the other hand, public-sector workers, politicians, judges, priests and anyone with a degree cannot be held in a common prison while awaiting trial. That is one reason why pressure for prison reform has been so weak."

    Prisons in Latin America: A journey into hell | The Economist
    TIGRE --- ---
    Super zajímavý rozhovor s Johnem N. Grayem!

    John Gray – Jaron Lanier | Features | TANK Magazine
    TIGRE --- ---

    Dneškem začíná oficiální UPP přítomnost v Rocinhě. Jde o celkem 9 jednotek, jejichž cílem je vytlačit zbytky trafica a dál pacifikovat. Pravděpodobně to celé uspíšilo ještě to zastřelení policisty cca před týdnem.
    TIGRE --- ---
    LA_PIOVRA: Jj jsem na tom podobně - plán je jasný, budu plnit disk.
    KFF: to rozhodně, vyber jeden, na kterej o víkendu kouknem! :)
    KFF --- ---
    TIGRE: Vypadaj vsechny lakave:)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam