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    ztracené heslo?
    TIGRETigre! Tigre! brilho brasa
    TIGRE --- ---
    Skvělý minidokument o tom, co ve skutečnosti znamená MS ve fotbale pro obyvatele Ria...

    Public Domain (Domínio Público) - English Subtitles

    We started filming this documentary a year ago, independently, with few resources we obtained by producing a cultural event. The team did not earn a salary, and we used equipment free of charge. We went through the favelas of Vidigal, Vila Autódromo, and Providencia; to the port zone of Rio de Janeiro; and to Maracanã stadium, capturing multiple images, interviewing many residents, and participating in meetings, debates, and conflicts. In addition, we interviewed Professor Carlos Vainer at the Institute of Research and Urban and Regional Planning at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IPPUR / UFRJ), an expert on mega-events; and congressmen Marcelo Freixo and Romario. For this last interview, we had to drive by car to Brasilia, taking the opportunity to film the city and construction of the Mané Garrincha stadium.

    During this period, we investigated where the billions invested in Brazil will be going, especially in Rio de Janeiro – in preparation for the World Cup and the Olympics. It is very clear that much of this money will come from public resources and will serve to make rich a very small group of contractors, politicians, businessmen, and banks involved in these mega events. The legacy that will be left for the Brazilian people is very small. And worst of all, many community members are being illegally evicted from areas of high value for real estate and other forms of investment – to distant urban peripheries which lack infrastructure and services, and are dominated by heavily armed and extremely violent militia.

    If you think you can do something to change this situation but do not know what to do, collaborate with us on this project. The script is open, and we can change the ending of this story. Your donation will help in the production and dissemination of this information, encouraging participation of the people in decisions about their future. We need 90,000 reais (about 45,000 USD), not a large sum, in order to continue filming, finalize a feature film, post it on the Internet, and screen it on the streets, plazas, and in communities through Cine Ataque. We believe our film can draw society's attention to the injustices that are being committed against the Brazilian people. TOGETHER, WE CAN INTERVENE IN THIS REALITY. PARTICIPATE!!

    ACCESS: catarse.me/dominiopublico to make a donation
    TIGRE --- ---
    15. října 1917, před 95 lety, byla u zámku Vincennes popravena legendární Mata Hari

    TIGRE --- ---
    LEENA: ne, díky za tip. prozkoumám!
    LEENA --- ---
    TIGRE --- ---
    Jinak teda police včera v Rocinhě v Roupa Suja zatkla šéfa (minimálně) spodní části kopce Rodrigaa...
    TIGRE --- ---
    VERUKEBA: LA_PIOVRA: jj připravovali se na to dlouho, tady jsou nějaký infografiky z minulého týdne (plánované nasazení bojové techniky + po kom jdou)

    LA_PIOVRA --- ---
    BBC News - Brazil drugs raids: Police surge into north Rio slums
    VERUKEBA --- ---
    dalsi obsazeny favely:
    Folha de S.Paulo - Cotidiano - Forças de segurança ocupam favelas de Manguinhos e Jacarezinho, no Rio - 14/10/2012
    TIGRE --- ---
    DYSTOPIK: jj tohle je fajn - proběhlo to už v klubu o Brazílii. házelo to tam myslím ID Spipi.
    DYSTOPIK --- ---
    TIGRE: kamarád mi nedávno posílal odkaz na tohle video.
    Třeba se někdo rád podívá (pokud už to tu nebylo teda)

    A DITADURA DA ESPECULAÇÃO (Curta-metragem oficial).mp4 - YouTube
    TIGRE --- ---

    "You are not going to demand anything here. We were here long before Norte Energia even existed. We never asked for Belo Monte."
    TIGRE --- ---
    díky, neznám, vyzkouším
    THORGRIM --- ---
    TIGRE: bych doporučil http://legalreads.com/
    TIGRE --- ---
    KFF: musíš mě tam vzít :)*
    KFF --- ---
    TIGRE: Sice nejsem Dahy, ale je to svata pravda, jmenuje se Booth Museum of Natural History.

    Je to tam stylove, spousta drevenych skrini a vitrin plnych zvere, fosilii a spol., byla jsme tam dvakrat a vzdycky skoro sama.
    Booth Museum of Natural History
    TIGRE --- ---
    LA_PIOVRA: mám pocit, že v anglickém Brightonu má být nějaké pěkné muzeum zasvěcené taxidermii. Dahy, oprav mě případně!
    LA_PIOVRA --- ---
    Velka krasa portret i obrazky.

    Btw pokud mate radi podobny veci a budete v Londyne, tak doporucuju Grantovo muzeum zoologie a srovnavaci anotomie )a zdaleka ne jen kvuli legendarnimu exponatu "Jar of Moles")

    TIGRE --- ---
    LA_PIOVRA: pán má na wiki krásnej portrét - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:ErnstHaeckel.jpg :)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam