No, koukam ze se tady zabyvate primarne zpravama z CZ serveru, takze nevim kolik z vas by zajimalo trosku neco jineho, ale mohu vysoce doporucit tuto studii. Dopredu upozornuju, ze je to hodne komplexni cteni a tezko se porovnava s clanky z, a podobne
Post-9/11 events in the Middle East have strengthened Iran.s geopolitical and strategic role. The containment of Iran is an unrealistic solution, given that coercive isolation has only fostered a more radical and security-dominant domestic Iranian brand of politics.
Iran is not Ahmadinejad, and Iranian goals and aspirations cannot be confined to the nuclear important as it might be. This brief argues for selective engagement, putting the nuclear file within a larger, regional geopolitical context. The United States and Iran have more pragmatic interests and converging strategic needs than are generally perceived: avoiding Iraqi and Afghan fragmentation, coordinating antidrug smuggling, and working on new, more sustainable security arrangements in the Gulf area to name a few.