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    ztracené heslo?
    GUMAGUARmoderní :: postmoderní :: současné umění
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    KONNY: Tomáš Kulka: Umění a kýč.
    KONNY --- ---
    Zdravím, potřebovala bych tip na nějakou krátkou publikaci, kapitolu nebo článek k tématu umění a falzum, umění a kýč, masové umění a ideologie, problematika definice umění nebo problematika umělecké hodnoty,… (je to pro obor sociologie do předmětu estetika a teorie umění, musím z toho udělat nějaký referát), když tak do pošty, předem moc díky…
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    ATOMIC --- ---
    KHALAVERA: velmi velmi!!
    VEROUNKA --- ---
    KHALAVERA: rentmeister pobavil :)
    THRAWN --- ---
    ok, diky moc :) no podle googlu a wikipedii to vypada, ze se o to nikdo moc nezajima, teda rozhodne ne nikdo cesky mluvici a na internety pisici :) holt se budu muset zeptat ucitele co nam to zadal, ikdyz se ho pekne bojim, je to dekan a je dycky pekne nabrousenej :)
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    THRAWN: nikdy jsem se o to podrobněji nezajímal, začal bych u Bourdieauho (Sociology of Taste), ale bůhví, google a wikipedie budou výmluvnější než já
    THRAWN --- ---
    KHALAVERA: no a nebyl by tam teda nejakej typ na nejakou knihu o soiologii umeni ? at tam mam aspon nejaky cesky knihy, neco sem nasel na books.google, ale stejne, diky
    CHEWINGGUN --- ---

    srdečně TĚ zvu na vernisáž již 3.ročníku výstavy POD ČAROU - letos v industriálním
    prostoru HALY C.
    Doporučuji přijít VČAS na sedmou !

    více na http://www.podcarou.com/

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    THRAWN --- ---
    CHRONOGASTER: diky moc :) kriticky pristup je u tyhle prace nutnosti :)
    CHRONOGASTER --- ---
    THRAWN: zkus knizku Suzi Gablik, Selahla moderna? ale nezapomen k tomu pristupovat kriticky;)
    MATHEW --- ---
    Eva Schindling - Cinematic Particles

    Film dialog, taken from subtitle files, defines movement and appearance of particles that leave traces on the screen. Smoky watercolor drawings emerge from each movies individual frequency of spoken words and their letters.

    Several particles move across the screen according to their individual acceleration and velocity values. Each particle is fed a letter of the current displayed movie dialog. The amount of active particles is defined by the amount of letters in the subtitle line. The letter influences the particles movement dynamics by adjusting the acceleration value into a calculated direction and changes its size by defining a growing or shrinking rate. Lowercase consonant letters are relocated to the position of the word's starting letter, while lowercase vocal letters bend their path towards the direction of the word's starting letter.

    This fixed set of conditions lacks random actions and therefore causes the exact same drawing if run twice. Yet the applet allows the user to manipulate the drawing by either stopping the dialog replay or changing the playing speed. By hitting the pause button, the movie stops and the particles remain with the letter the have been fed right before. This allows the particles to follow their initiated pathways without constantly changing pace and direction.

    Movies that are defined by rapid successions of spoken dialog produce drawings that consist mostly of black ink blobs that grow together, as the particles are constantly reset with new parameters. Movies that show long silent pauses between scenes gives particles more time to produce long lines and curves. By altering the replay speed of the movie, size and dynamic of the emerging drawings can be controlled.

    The Apartment (1960)

    Blade Runner (1982)

    À bout de souffle (1960)

    Pulp Fiction (1994)

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    pro milovníky hnutí NEEN povinnost!

    Angelo Plessas

    Angelo Plessas work is part of a new generation of artists that use technology and the internet as their artistic tools, without making what is invariably called technological art, net art or new media. Instead this new generation makes art that sometimes is about the everyday reality of computer technology as much as it is about a new, computer related abstract poetry. Plessas uses websites not as places of information but as places where we can imagine meaning and experience objects. He uses the domain name as both the title of each piece and its web address. Since 2001 he is one of the basic members of ΝΕΕΝ.

    MERNYT --- ---
    ATOMIC: paráda, díky!!
    ATOMIC --- ---
    MERNYT: Mika Rottenberg

    mě krom těsta ještě bavil Mike Bouchet - Top Cruice

    a další..
    a vůbec, mě osobně ta výstava celkem potěšila...
    SUMAC --- ---
    me se docela libily ty tri acidovy kvetiny na zacatku od Lei Rodriguez myslim.. a projekce vsechny byly tak nejak ok. jinak to nestalo za rec, precenene a slabe
    MERNYT --- ---
    nepamatuje si prosim nekdo od koho byla ta videoprojekce testa?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam