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    ztracené heslo?
    GUMAGUARmoderní :: postmoderní :: současné umění
    NOIK --- ---
    PASHWAKA: tyvole to je jak nějaké to šikovné zvířátko na konci zpráv
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    kdo by si nepamatoval Cheetu z Tarzana., .

    Cheeta is a Film Star

    SAIL_OR --- ---
    Hamra Abbas
    kuvajtská kočka)) :

    MATHEW --- ---
    _ER --- ---
    od 11.6. bude mít výstavu v rudolfinum

    gottfried helnwein

    Untitled 2005
    oil and acrylic on canvas

    Stage Fright 2003
    mixed media on canvas

    Untitled (The Disasters of War 3) 2007

    Midnight Mickey 2001
    oil and acrylic on canvas

    Epiphany III (Presentation at the Temple) 1998
    oil and acrylic on canvas

    Fall of the Angels 1999
    1000 cm x 700 cm
    digital print
    "Apokalypse", installation at the Dominican Church, Krems
    Museum of Lower Austria

    Untitled 2005
    oil and acrylic on canvas

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    divím se, že jsme ho tady ještě neměli

    Miltos Manetas

    A portrait of Joseph Kosuth, 2006

    Jacksonpollock.org, 2003

    ManIntheDark.com , 2004

    Antonionegri.com, 2001

    StupidForum.com, 2002

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    FACEO: různé blogy, mailing listy a samozřejmě zanořování přes galerie, protože jak se říká: "umělci se vyskytují v hejnech" :))
    _ER --- ---
    jedna zajímavě se vyvíjející záležitost z periferie

    právě dochází k degeneraci jedné z mála funkčních institucí na severní moravě, zabývajících se moderním a současným výtvarným uměním - opavského domu umění - ředitel m. klimeš byl v podstatě donucen odstoupit a nové vedení chce výstavy více přiblížit lidem (už žádné elitářské projekty pro elitářské partičky).

    no a právě m. klimeš byl angažován v nově se rodící galerii albertovec
    majitel a investor má dostatek peněz a ještě více chuti je utratit za prezentaci současného umění

    pro tento rok se chystá výstava např. j. bolfa a j. hoška, letní sochařské symposium atd.

    takže - přijeďte si zajezdit na koních!!!
    FACEO --- ---
    KHALAVERA: mozes mi prezradit zdroj odkial to vsetko beries alebo to davas ako si na koho spomenies? :)))

    bo vynikajuce veci!!!
    ORFANIK --- ---
    to je fakt super klubik,dlouho jsem tu nebyl,tak mam co hltat.diky vsem.
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    tak totonc bych chtel videt :D

    Turner nominee slaps 28 people
    Phil Collins (English, born in 1970 Runcorn, lives in Glasgow): You’ll Never Work in This Town Again (2004-ongoing)

    Art critics and curators don't often volunteer to have their faces slapped, least of all by an artist. But for the Turner prize-nominated Phil Collins, they have been queuing up to do just that. Collins's project You'll Never Work in This Town Again features more than 100 photographs of prominent artsworld figures shortly after Collins has slapped them. "I always tell the person that I will count to three before I slap them, but I always do it on two to catch them out," says Collins, who is showing five of the portraits in a group exhibition, Double Agent, at London's Institute of Contemporary Arts in March. "Everybody's reaction is different: some laugh hysterically and one guy even fell off his chair - I only got a photograph of his shoulder. For one sitting, I slapped 28 people in an evening. I felt haunted afterwards: it gives you terrible karma."

    / http://arts.guardian.co.uk/art/news/story/0,,2245399,00.html
    / http://www.e-flux.com/shows/view/5087
    QUAACA --- ---
    NOIK: pěkný. nevím čím to je, že mám pro tuhle dobu takovou slabost.
    NOIK --- ---
    Gérard Fromanger

    věci asi z přelomu 60. a 70. let

    PASHWAKA --- ---
    ATOMIC: no vsak tolik tech kumstoznich klubu tu zas nemame., .
    ATOMIC --- ---
    PASHWAKA: dobře
    sem tu chvili nebyl - a je na co koukat
    tohle je můj nejoblíbenější klub o umění...)))
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    dalsi z tech svycaru., tenhle je hned na zacatku vystavy., okupuje vlastni malou prosvetlenou mistnost, kde mu obrazy visej na vsech ctyrech stenach a docela to vtahuje

    Patrick Rohner

    Ohne Titel, 1993
    oil on fiberboard
    53 x 57.5 x 6.5 cm

    Nr. 355, 2004-2006
    Öl auf Sperrholz
    h: 140 x w: 200 x d: 7 cm

    Nr.325, 2004-2007
    Öl auf Sperrholz
    h: 180 x w: 310 x d: 7 cm

    Nr. 360, 2006
    Oil on plywood board
    h: 52 x w: 58 cm

    Wasserzeichnung, 1994
    Works on Paper (Drawings, Watercolors etc.)
    h: 30 x w: 42 cm

    The perambulations that have inspired Patrick Rohner for the past 15 years take place around the mountain countryside of the Glarner Alps, which he records in paintings, photography, and film, as well as through installation. Polaroids, slides, and 48 paintings complete this personal cartographic record. ...
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    Jerry Saltz se ocividne uz dlouho snazi poukazovat na opomijeni zen v americkem umeleckem provozu., . viz hlavne clanky: Emerging, After All These Years a Where Are All the Women?., . z toho prvniho nasledujici odchyt

    Joyce Pensato

    Joyce Pensato is the latest overlooked artist getting a shot at the limelight. For more than three decades, this Brooklyn artist has made demonic black-and-white (or black-and-silver) enamel paintings of cartoon characters. In her Easter Island–meets–Disney–de Kooning–and–Warhol portraits of Bugs Bunny, Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and others, Pensato combines the gesturalism of action painting, the painterliness of Abstract Expressionism, the blatancy of Pop, and the wild style of graffiti. Warhol gave us Double Elvis; Pensato paints a diabolical Double Mickey. De Kooning destroyed the female form to make his Woman paintings; Pensato destroys preconceptions of cuteness and innocence. An older woman is using Expressionistic male angst to make these buggy subjects while pointing out a disturbing racism inherent in many of our most loved cartoon characters. ...

    / http://joycepensato.com
    / http://www.elgawimmer.com/joycepensato/index.htm
    / http://edwardwinkleman.blogspot.com/2005/11/artist-of-week-111405.html
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