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    ztracené heslo?
    GUMAGUARmoderní :: postmoderní :: současné umění
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    MIZUKI: tenhle prispevek ale vubec nekleni muznate vody., takove veci udelalo po domacku urcite plno lidi... "pouze ten akt" neni zadny kumst ;]
    MIZUKI --- ---
    KHALAVERA: i s tim se dá pracovat když se to pojme tak, že ztrátu nějak vlastním vkladem nahradim, viz. má snaha o remake starýho plakátu tool:
    original: http://mizuki.cz/stuff/poster/toolposter1.jpg http://mizuki.cz/stuff/poster/toolposter2.jpg
    remake: http://tpa.mizuki.cz/media/posters/20080301.jpg
    (tady to není asi tolik vidět, ale měl jsem to v rozlišení kolem 5000px na výšku a tiskli jsme to na A2 tři vedle sebe)
    nejsem žáden umělec, tak se kdyžtak omlouvám za klení múznatých vod
    _ELPH_ --- ---
    vdaka za vysvetlenie
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    _ELPH_: z mého pohledu se to pohrává s celou škálou jevů kolem autorství, nových médií (viz třeba ten Douglas Davis, který zač. 90. let tvrdil, že nová média zachovávají kvalitu, což je de iure pravda, ale de facto ty technologie v kulturním procesu osvojování kvalitu dosud spíš ničily, viz YouTube, focení mobilem... a snímky nalezené na netu roztažené do původní velikosti musí mít často srandovní kvalitu :) a distribuce kultury
    _ELPH_ --- ---
    ja tomu nerozumiem. vobec. o co ide?
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    PASHWAKA: uá, tak to je krutý!
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    Yang Zhenzhong: »CC Gallery« (2004)

    Photographic reproductions of work by internationally famous artists were produced and sold.All the photographic works that were sold by CC Gallery were download from the internet, and printed at the original size.

    M2S --- ---
    trochu OT > prijimacky na AVU (knizak), najdou se tam zaludne otazky (: http://www.avu.cz/intermedialni/
    REZZ --- ---
    hm. a nebyl někdo v Benátkách 2003 a nemá nějaký fotky (ale i poznatky, zážitky) z Utopia Station ...? Nebo klíďo i nějaký info o kurátorech (Molly Nesbit, Hans-Ulrich Obrist a Rirkrit Tiravanija) ...cokoliv. Dík
    MAJAK --- ---
    byl jste někdo na posledním benátském bienále?
    mám jenom takovou malou otázečku.
    v poště.
    SAIL_OR --- ---
    KHALAVERA: to je dosti krásný
    ENTER: ta kinterova představa revoluce mě baví .)
    ENTER --- ---
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Brandon Lattu

    Banqueting House

    Toys of a Two Year Old

    Office Grey Case

    Textbook Stack

    Miracle Mile looking west, north side pedestrian view

    Miracle Mile looking west, south side pedestrian view



    SGNLR --- ---
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    Conrad Shawcross
    - - -

    (born 1977, London) is a British artist, the son of the writers William Shawcross and Marina Warner. He specialises in wooden mechanical sculptures based on philosophical and scientific ideas.

    Light Perpeptual I, 2004, mixed media

    The Nervous System, 2003, mixed media including oak, motor & cord

    Loop System - Major Third 5:4, 4 part Counterpoint, 2006

    Loop System Quintet, 2005

    Space Trumpet, 2005

    PASHWAKA --- ---
    jedna klasika, co tu jeste nebyla

    Rachel Whiteread
    - - -

    is a British artist, best known for her sculptures, which typically take the form of casts, and first woman to win the Turner Prize.
    Whiteread is one of the so-called Young British Artists, and exhibited at the Royal Academy's Sensation exhibition in 1997. She is probably best known for Ghost, a large plaster cast of the inside of a room in a Victorian house, and for her resin sculpture for the empty plinth in London's Trafalgar Square.

    "House”, 1993 concrete
    House, perhaps her best known work, was a concrete cast of the inside of an entire Victorian terraced house completed in autumn 1993, exhibited at the location of the original house — 193 Grove Road — in East London (all the houses in the street had earlier been knocked down by the council). It drew mixed responses, winning her both the Turner Prize for best young British artist in 1993 and the K Foundation art award for worst British artist. Tower Hamlets London Borough Council demolished House on 11 January 1994,[4] a decision which caused some controversy itself.

    "Sequel IV”, 2002, Plaster, polystyrene and steel
    ... For example her 2002 sculpture "Sequel IV”, is a casting of the enclosing space surrounding the backs of a library shelf done in plaster. ...

    Untitled (Paperbacks). 1997. Plaster and steel

    Ghost (1990)
    In 1990 she expanded on her earlier work with Ghost, the first of her works to cast an entire living space and the first to bring her to the attention of the public and critics. Like her earlier works, it shows signs of a place having been lived in, with patches of wallpaper and specks of colour from paint discernible on the walls. It is a cast of an entire room, and this motif was expanded in 1993 with House. It was purchased by the dominant collector Charles Saatchi.

    Embankment (2005-2006) for The Unilever Series
    In spring 2004, she was offered the annual Unilever Series commission to produce a piece for Tate Modern's vast Turbine Hall, delaying acceptance for five to six months until she was confident she could conceive of a work to fill the space. Throughout the latter half of September 2005 and mid-way into October her work Embankment was installed and was made public on October 10. It consists of some 14,000 transluscent, white polyethylene boxes (themselves casts of the inside of cardboard boxes) stacked in various ways; some in very tall mountain-like peaks and others in lower (though still over human height), rectangular, more levelled arrangements. They are fixed in position with adhesive. She cited the end scenes of both Raiders of the Lost Ark and Citizen Kane as visual precursors, she also spoke of the death of her mother and a period of upheaval which involved packing and moving comparable boxes. It is also thought that her recent trip to the Arctic is an inspiration, although critics counter that white is merely the colour the polyethylene comes in, and it would have added significantly to the expense to dye them. The boxes were manufactured from casts of ten distinct cardboard boxes by a company that produces grit bins and traffic bollards.

    VEROUNKA --- ---
    KHALAVERA: tyjo, ja myslela, ze je to cesky patent (ta magicka tabulka myslim)
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    jen pro jistotu: než se rozhodnete to šířit dál... :) je to fejk
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