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    GUMAGUARmoderní :: postmoderní :: současné umění

    "My favorite art is the art I don't understand." Pae White
    "Umění chce tvořit konečnost, která vrací nekonečno." Deleuze a Guattari
    "The ‘value’ of particular artists after Duchamp can be weighed according to how much they questioned the nature of art; which is another way of saying “what they added to the conception of art” or what wasn’t there before they started. Artists question the nature of art by presenting new propositions as to art’s nature. And to do this one cannot concern oneself with the handed down ‘language’ of traditional art, since this activity is based on the assumption that there is only one way of framing art propositions. But the very stuff of art is indeed greatly related to ‘creating’ new propositions. That there is no ‘truth’ as to what art is seems quite unrealized." Peter Coffin z rozhovoru

    než začneš diskusi o tom, o co je to umění, čti: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - krátký a čtivý úvod do kritiky umění
    rozbalit záhlaví
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    KHALAVERA: jj., ten je miloucky
    ENTER --- ---
    KHALAVERA: také jsem se nad nim zasekl :)
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    PASHWAKA: no teda, ten bronzový míč mě chytil za srdíčko...
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    MAHISH: ten prispevek od M2S mi zas pripomel tohle:

    Ariel Orozco

    "Perro Balón", 2003
    A starving stray street dog, which was ignored and abused by people was intervened in the form of a soccer ball, after which it became the centre of attention, creating an immediate bond and interest by the people around it.
    This work elaborates on the lack of attention to the individual and how can absurd actions may lead to celebrity and attention.

    "Rompecabezas", 2004
    The skeleton of a chicken was constructed by individual bones obtained in different restaurants where costumers gave them up to be eaten by the artist.
    The skeleton was formed by 27 diferent chicken bones, connected by 27 charity gestures.

    "Doble Desgaste", 2005
    An eraser was used as a model for a drawing and at the same time to erase it, generating an effect in the eraser’s shape, such eraser was then used as a model for the next drawing, the process was repeated until the disappearance of the image and the model.

    "Yo paso por la ciudad y la ciudad pasa por mi", 2005
    In this action, Ariel Orozco went through the streets of Mexico City wearing a designer suit looking for strangers in order to convince them to engage in a cloth exchange process. The entire action lasted three days. As result of the action he was able to cross through different layers of a complex socioeconomic structure.

    "Ejercicio de Sueño", 2006
    By this gesture the artist alters the use and meaning of an ordinary object and an ordinary action. The bed sleeps on the sleeper.

    "Duelo Personal", 2006
    A heavy bronze reproduction of a soccer ball is painted to look as an actual lightweight ball.
    Ariel Orozco transited during long walks on the streets of Melbourne, acting as he was carrying a light soccer ball.
    This work deals with the emotional weight concealed by people surrounding us on every day life.

    "Espacio sin Espacio", 2007
    By this action Ariel Orozco tries to establish a connection between the finite and the infinite.

    "Melodía Robada", 2007

    "Contrapeso", 2003
    Ariel trained for two months with the sole objective to become his own flag for one second. The effort we make to achieve an objective almost never corresponds to the final result, most of times the effort is not proportional or coherent with the objective. This work makes reference to the prominent absence of a paradigm.

    MAHISH --- ---

    New law proposed in response to exhibition
    It would criminalise those who harm animals when making art

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    AHASVER: no tady bych imho hledal to odhalování hovna v kýči (jakožto světa bez hovna, podle Kundery)
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    MYKO: ono je to zábavný právě jen v tom prvním plánu, dál už je docela cynická práce s popkulturním materiálem
    MYKO --- ---
    KHALAVERA: taky mi to nepripada usmevny
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    claire healy

    oasis, 2002. tamarama beach, sydney. materials, pool, fake palms, fence, sunbather.

    formica tower, 2001, materials: scaffolding, caravan

    from dusk 'till dawn , 2003, materials: stretched beach towels on maple

    sean cordeiro

    welcome to the lucky country , 2002. dover heights, sydney. materials, fibreglass, mdf, paint.

    claire healy & sean cordeiro

    sculpture, 2008, Mdf, cardboard, perspex, acrylic, tie-down ratchets

    Sculpture, , 2006, 9 months of printed matter waste, picnic table and beer bottles. Collection of Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney

    Sculpture, 2006, lexicons, ikea lack shelving

    Sculpture, 2006, lexicons, ikea lack shelving

    installation, 2006. materials: museum collection, wool.

    PETROGRAPH --- ---
    KHALAVERA: mozna
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    PETROGRAPH: možná něco přehlížíš
    PETROGRAPH --- ---
    THRAWN: ale aj ironicke a nadsazkove umenie sa da sprostredkovat tak, ze da priestor divakovi. ked neabsorbujes celu pointu letmym pohladom a celkovy dojem z diela nie je len jemne pousmiatie.
    AHASVER --- ---
    THRAWN: ale ne, já to nemyslel nějak vůči tobě, spíš tak obecně. myslim, že to je platný od tý doby, co vyprchal étos konce 60tejch let a mašiny pořád jedou stejně a nám došla chuť se prát, nebo nevim
    takovej blábol ;)
    THRAWN --- ---
    AHASVER: no to nevim, ale takovy ty tezky koncepty mi uz obcas lezou krkem, tak sem rad, kdyz nekdo udela neco lehciho s troskou ftipu. Dneska je toho na vystavach tolik, ze si clovek muze vybrat :) a nemyslim ze by uspesny umelci byly jen ty co berou umeni jako zabavu a vtip... ale ja je mam proste rad a nemyslim si ze bych se nechal "pobavene" vlacet... kriticky ladeny umeni je moje hned druhy nejoblibenejsi... a to se samo da delat i s troskou ftipu a zabavy... skoda jen ze dneska se na slovo zabava kouka zkrze prsty.
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    Tribulations Domestiques

    color pencil, 29x42 cm


    color pencil


    silk-screen printing, 120x170 cm

    AHASVER --- ---
    THRAWN: aneb jak se nám pěkně obrušujou hrany a "pobaveně" se necháme vláčet...
    THRAWN --- ---
    WAKO: jep, to mam v soucasnym umeni prave nejradsi, kdyz se nad necim pousmeju, zasmeju, pobavim... a vazna tema mam nejraci profiltorvany pres nadsazku, satiru a humor :)
    PASHWAKA --- ---

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Stephanie Syjuco

    Composite Bamboo Forest

    paper, cardboard, mixed media, approximately 7' high, dimensions variable

    Using low resolution jpg images downloaded from the internet, I distorted images of bamboo so they created wrappers for cardboard tubes. A simple image search revealed numerous different depictions of bamboo: forests, individual plants, close-up images, and a range of textures. The resulting "composite forest" is a physical manifestation of bamboo as it exists online and, essentially, in the public imagination. The stretched and distorted images create what look like a warping of space, with the digital quality of the low-resolution images becoming enhanced and abstracted.

    This work is part of a larger series in which I am "searching for the Phillipines"--my place of birth, and from which I am culturally removed from--and attempting to find it via the internet and at a distance.
    WAKO --- ---
    THRAWN: nho ...tak úsměvný to je no ...
    PASHWAKA --- ---
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