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    ztracené heslo?
    GUMAGUARmoderní :: postmoderní :: současné umění
    LOJZA --- ---
    GGG: Paráda. That's why I booked this in the first place ;)
    GUMAGUAR --- ---
    takový sochy by měl dělat KURT Gebauer )
    GGG --- ---
    Erika Hock

    GGG --- ---
    VYKTORYJE --- ---
    GGG: skvely veci
    GGG --- ---
    Left wall, Ed Templeton. Right wall, Barry McGee.

    GGG --- ---
    Antonio Mesones

    GGG --- ---


    GGG --- ---
    Katharina Grosse

    LOPIK --- ---
    Nevím jestli jsem ve správným auditku, ale nic bližšího jsem nenašel tak to zkusím:

    Hledám znalce co je schopný ocenit dva obrazy (J. Slavíček + Špála). Jedná se oficiální odhad, tzn., že potřebuji někoho s kulatým razítkem. Podle rejstříku na justice.cz se ale bohužel nejsem schopný nikomu dovolat a proto to zkouším tady. Předem díky za případnou pomoc (prosím do pošty).
    GUMAGUAR --- ---

    Konec Mayského Kalendáře (Strach Před Smrtí)

    dnes! 2. 10. 2009 18:00
    galerie A.M.180, Bělehradská 45, Praha

    Jakub Hošek /CZ
    Radoslav Zrubec /SK
    Gabriel Abrantes /PT
    Katie Widloski /US
    Václav Stratil /CZ

    + special guests:
    Jan Van Oordt /CH
    Valentina Stieger /CH

    kurátor výstavy/curator: Tom Hanks /US

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Alain Badiou: Fifteen Theses on Contemporary Art

    1. Art is not the sublime descent of the infinite into the finite abjection of the body and sexuality. It is the production of an infinite subjective series through the finite means of a material subtraction.

    2. Art cannot merely be the expression of a particularity (be it ethnic or personal). Art is the impersonal production of a truth that is addressed to everyone.

    3. Art is the process of a truth, and this truth is always the truth of the sensible or sensual, the sensible as sensible. This means: the transformation of the sensible into a happening of the Idea.

    4. There is necessarily a plurality of arts, and however we may imagine the ways in which the arts might intersect there is no imaginable way of totalizing this plurality.

    5. Every art develops from an impure form, and the progressive purification of this impurity shapes the history both of a particular artistic truth and of its exhaustion.

    6. The subject of an artistic truth is the set of the works which compose it.

    7. This composition is an infinite configuration, which, in our own contemporary artistic context, is a generic totality.

    8. The real of art is ideal impurity conceived through the immanent process of its purification. In other words, the raw material of art is determined by the contingent inception of a form. Art is the secondary formalization of the advent of a hitherto formless form.

    9. The only maxim of contemporary art is not to be imperial. This also means: it does not have to be democratic, if democracy implies conformity with the imperial idea of political liberty.

    10. Non-imperial art is necessarily abstract art, in this sense: it abstracts itself from all particularity, and formalizes this gesture of abstraction.

    11. The abstraction of non-imperial art is not concerned with any particular public or audience. Non-imperial art is related to a kind of aristocratic-proletarian ethic: Alone, it does what it says, without distinguishing between kinds of people.

    12. Non-imperial art must be as rigorous as a mathematical demonstration, as surprising as an ambush in the night, and as elevated as a star.

    13. Today art can only be made from the starting point of that which, as far as Empire is concerned, doesn't exist. Through its abstraction, art renders this inexistence visible. This is what governs the formal principle of every art : the effort to render visible to everyone that which for Empire (and so by extension for everyone, though from a different point of view), doesn't exist.

    14. Since it is sure of its ability to control the entire domain of the visible and the audible via the laws governing commercial circulation and democratic communication, Empire no longer censures anything. All art, and all thought, is ruined when we accept this permission to consume, to communicate and to enjoy. We should become the pitiless censors of ourselves.

    15. It is better to do nothing than to contribute to the invention of formal ways of rendering visible that which Empire already recognizes as existent.
    FISHEYE_100 --- ---
    KHALAVERA: Tak treba Marshall McLuhan (+1980)
    GUMAGUAR --- ---
    Marshall McLuhan - Explorations - 05-18-1960 - The World is a Global Village

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    QUITE: to je jedno, kde to je, jinak Nevyjasněná úmrtí super :)
    QUITE --- ---
    KHALAVERA: co tu soutěž přesunout do Kravin a udělat z ní soutěž o ceny? ,))

    já přidávám: "Jeho cyklus “Nevyjasněná úmrtí” je nejpomaleji vznikající soubor fotografií živočichů, které potkala nejprve smrt a pak i on."

    A jako bonus přidávám modelovou větu fotografických výstav: "Pohled mladého ruského fotografa na život v průmyslové oblasti jižního Uralu."
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    no když se tady nic pořádného neděje, navrhuji udělat si takovou nezávaznou soutěž o "nejlepší" kurátorský text/úryvek/větu k výstavě...

    zatím nominuji tuto větu: "Tato pouze jednodenní instalace vznikla, aby připomněla banální věc jakou je dýchání, základní činnost našeho kosmického bytí"

    zbytek (taky není marný :) zde: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=165938240619&ref=nf
    PASH --- ---
    se tady z toho stal reklamni klub, ci co?
    SUPEREGO --- ---
    GUMAGUAR: běž a dej to ještě do dalších čtyřiceti klubů!!!
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam