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    ztracené heslo?
    DINEinter:zone alternatif obchůdek/galerie
    inter:zone je nezávislý obchod/galerie zaměřený na underground a alternativni kultury, kde najdete zajimavé komiksy, knihy, plakáty, trička, oblečeni, šperky, tašky, piercing, barvy na vlasy a mnohem víc...

    nyx pošta: DINE
    email: interzone.praha@gmail.com
    tel.: +420 608248380
    rozbalit záhlaví
    DINE --- ---
    PASHWAKA: hm hat is not in bonus im afraid :]
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    and what about that hat? :D i love it!
    DINE --- ---
    === pre-objednavky Shirtee === new collection! ===

    pre-orders are open for the new collection from Shirtee - 5 new models, very limited edition!! check the designs here and ask me [posta or email] for available sizes...
    new Shirtee costs 560,- kč and comes with nice golden printed box, plus bonus ;]
    DINE --- ---

    > check the new collection from Shirtee here! pre-orders to my posta or by email dine@inter.zone.cz ...
    SATANAS --- ---
    DINE: super, uz se nemuzu dockat ;) napis mi prosim do posty, az budou fotky. diiky!
    DINE --- ---
    SATANAS: jo new shirtee budou brzo!! pre-objednavky uz jsou mozny, ale zatim nemam fotky... :-/
    chtěl bych se zeptat, jestli tady někdo nemá přehled o aktuálně připravovaných českých komiksech, o nakladatelství, které tyto komiksy vydávají nebo i kontakty na konkrétní kreslíře. Připravuju jednu akci a chtěl bych ji spojit s promem nějaké komixu s využím dekorací a celého designu akce. Komix však musí být "drsnější", akčnější. To je jediná podmínka. Jsem tady správně?
    SATANAS --- ---
    DINE: co nova kolekce od shirtee, bude u vas k sehnani? ;)
    BARCIA --- ---
    DINE: thiiiii a me dneska prislo ostou jedno od nich ;D kolik stoji u tebe jedno trico ?
    DINE --- ---
    dneska prisli novy veci od VOHOZ - Oblečení a doplňky pro kluky a holky, vše s originálními potisky a vyrobeno v malých sériích...

    DINE --- ---
    and some of the Bon Gout books... all hand printed and binded!! limited editions... this is hardkore...

    check more on the Bon Gout web or come to check them all in zone...
    DINE --- ---
    some of the new Bon Gout posters...

    plakaty prumeru 45/65 cm, rucne sitotisk [vsechny plakaty jsou vydane v limitovane edici]... spezial price in inter:zone ;]
    DINE --- ---
    new in shop!
    freshly printed posters and books from Bon Gout
    tee-shirts by NBG
    sunny tee-shirts and handmade textile bags and pocketts by Pida "San Pedra"
    piercing jewells in fimo by Ania and new "classic" piercing jewellery [tunnels.cz]
    handmade earings by Marie Silondi
    blunts and smoking toolz...
    ... photoz coming asap ;]
    BARCIA --- ---
    jo jo jo taky doporucuju a konecne si poridim i prvni dil ;]
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    Pictoplasma 2 je jedna z mejch nejcennejsich knizek, , to je vazne narez,, doporucuju.. .
    DINE --- ---
    === coming soon!! ===
    Pictoplasma and Pictoplasma 2 > more infos on Pictoplasma web

    Mutabor Lingua Grafica and Lingua Universalis: Global Wordless Understanding> more infos on Die Gestalten Verlag web
    ANIT --- ---
    DINE: supa stuff, i like the berlin cloths and even the bags are great!!
    LEPEK --- ---
    dine: thanks alot:))
    DINE --- ---
    LEPEK: its a pockett with printed robot on it :] there are more of them with robots, different colours... on the other side is a zip, the size is about the same like a mobile phone. could be use for phone or as purse... its hand made and price is around 390,-
    LEPEK --- ---
    and how much czk?
    LEPEK --- ---
    dine: please, what is it with the little blue ROBOT? - mechanic-man on the picture with pocketts?
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