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    ztracené heslo?
    DINEinter:zone alternatif obchůdek/galerie
    inter:zone je nezávislý obchod/galerie zaměřený na underground a alternativni kultury, kde najdete zajimavé komiksy, knihy, plakáty, trička, oblečeni, šperky, tašky, piercing, barvy na vlasy a mnohem víc...

    nyx pošta: DINE
    email: interzone.praha@gmail.com
    tel.: +420 608248380
    rozbalit záhlaví
    DINE --- ---
    SARRI: :]] oka :]
    SARRI --- ---
    super, tak si jeden "zamlouvam" :)) uz se k vam chystam nakou dobu na obhlidku, tak konecne mam realnej duvod ;)
    DINE --- ---
    SARRI: diary jsou za 299,-
    SARRI --- ---
    ten gigerovskej :)
    SARRI --- ---
    jeee co stoji ten diar?
    DINE --- ---
    opet na sklade!
    M.C. Escher portfolio [14 plakaty / 284 x 365 mm, Softcover, 32 pages]

    novy! Diary Giger 2006
    Wire-O, 174 x 220 mm, 124 pages

    Diary Dali 2006
    Wire-O, 174 x 220 mm, 124 pages

    DINE --- ---
    ••• novy zbozy v zone •••
    last pieces from the Hura production [printed textile bags and tee-shirt] [http://www.hura.cz] + rucne batika od Janky... a spoustu novy knihy!!
    DINE --- ---
    i:z supports: PAF 2005 – 4. PŘEHLÍDKA ANIMOVANÉHO FILMU
    from 9 till 11.12.2005 will take place PAF festival of animation film in Olomouc > check www.pifpaf.cz
    on this occasion, i will be there playing some videos again for Monika Načeva ;] concert is on friday 9th...
    so if somebody in Olomouc wants something from inter:zone, its time to think about it and let me know! ;]
    DINE --- ---
    in shop arrived new printed tee-shirts and sweaters by Vader and T3RRORbit [Dresden], and winter hats Burning Rubber for boys and girls...
    some new titles in street art books section, such as Graffiti Brazil and Concrete to Canvas: Skateboarders' Art... few new Coltcha's posters and filters... and the last issues of Živel [25, 26] are finally in stock!
    DINE --- ---
    pictures of Rollo's new fashion pieces are in ALTERNATIVE SHOPPING klub [ROLLO 18:16:59 21.11.2005]!
    DINE --- ---
    :] today the shop is open again normally... with brand new stuff from belgium: i got many new komiks and grafic novels from Bries and Fremok editors, supa grrrrls limited editions printed tee-shirts by Nurse+, and also some illustrated tapes... this week arrived also new items by Rollo: bracelets, hats, fashion pieces...! and the newest czech komiks in stock are Kontraband [collective: Jan Turnovec, Silvie Gajdošíková, Jiří Zimčík, Matěj Němeček, Petr Včelka, Jana Soppé, Adam Pelda, Jan Bažant] and the Mot edition of Moucha by Lewis Trondheim...
    DINE --- ---
    aye aye im sick, today shop is closed or maybe open later... for emergencies call 608.248.380, thanx, hasta manana...
    DINE --- ---
    _IOB_: infos do posty ;]
    DINE --- ---
    ANIT: mno unfortunately i didnt have chance to pass some time in mexican cities, so i couldnt bring nothing from there... :[ i was mosly in countryside or small villages... well i checked some books about Frida Kahlo but it was all in spanish and quite expensive... buttons i didnt even see any ;-/
    _IOB_ --- ---
    zdravim. chci se zeptat jestli je v obchode jeste nektera z techto knih, popr. titulu s podobnou tematikou (jako pixel-world, Eboy), nebo dalsi knihy s kresbami Eschera??
    predem dik, kdyztak do posty (for english talk;)

    nebo jine tituly stejnych autoru nebo podobneho stylu..
    BARCIA --- ---
    joooooo buttons ;]
    ANIT --- ---
    books about mexican modern art or buttons?_D
    DINE --- ---
    ANIT: eh jako co? :)
    ANIT --- ---
    ooo would you bring somthing from mexico a la zona?:D
    OSIP --- ---
    kurnik, dneska je zavreno, jo? a zejtra?
    DINE --- ---
    jinak, hola de mexiiico a la zona ;))
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam