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    DINEinter:zone alternatif obchůdek/galerie
    MYKO --- ---
    Born in Manchester, England 1950. Member of Kinetic action group EXPLODING GALAXY/TRANSMEDIA EXPLORATION, 1969-70. Conceived and founded seminal British “performance art” group COUM TRANSMISSIONS, 1969; pioneer co-founder (with Cosey Fanni Tutti,Peter Christopherson, Chris Carter) of THROBBING GRISTLE, 1975; co-founder (with Alex Fergusson) of hyperdelic acid house innovators PSYCHIC TV, 1981; founded spoken word/ambient music performance group THEE MAJESTY 1999. Invented the term/genre INDUSTRIAL MUSIC (with Monte Cazazza) September 3rd 1975, releasing more than 200 CDs of experiments in music to date. Has worked and collaborated with Beatnik writers WILLIAM S. BURROUGHS and BRION GYSIN (champion of “Cut-Ups”); radical queer filmaker DEREK JARMAN; psychedlic guru DR. TIMOTHY LEARY and many other luminaries. Early pioneer/innovator of Acid House/Rave Movement in UK and USA from early 80’s-mid-90’s. Early champion of internet and commentator on it’s media virus cultural implications, often collaborating with DOUGLAS RUSHKOFF, RICHARD METZGER (of Disinformation) and other leading figures in CYBERIA. He has published thousands of articles, texts, interviews covering the functional and metaphysical implications and strategies of popular culture. Also explored human behaviour, ritual, and personality modification through splintering of expectation in private magickal situations to create neo-shamanic collaged paintings called “SIGILS”. Currently resides in New York area as an author, cultural engineer/commentator and fine artist. Has performed his improvised "Expanded Poetry" as THEE MAJESTY (with guitarist Bryin Dall, guitarist Lady J. and tabla player Larry Thrasher) at arts festivals and music venues all over the USA and Europe since 1998. Current work includes a monograph on his fine art “PAINFUL BUT FABULOUS” (Soft Skull Press, NYC 2003) and exhibitions, installations and lectures across Europe and the USA.
    DINE --- ---
    SHASHA_KRASTY: diky ;] about Psychic TV check genesis p.orridge web...
    DINE --- ---
    ordered Shirtees will arrive next week!
    objed. Shirtee budou v inter:zone pristi tyden!
    be ready! :]
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    not "dalsi tyden", but "pristi tyden" .. :o)))
    wht`s about that cocert? .. Who is it? ;o)
    DINE --- ---
    inter:zone supports...
    Psychic TV in concert!
    29.09.04, Rock Cafe, Praha
    >>pre-sale tickets in inter:zone for 245,- Kč<<
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    so your smajlik should looks like this right now... ;-: .... :D.. no.. bad joke.. . but i had broken my teeth five times as a child.. so.. . don't be sad.. .
    DINE --- ---
    PASHWAKA: yop its not "left" but "less"!! :] nojo just one visit to dentist today... :-/
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    what happened? huh.. .
    DINE --- ---
    sorry one tooth left today :-/
    DINE --- ---
    attention spezial offer! only few shirtee are left in inter:zone... soon we will make a new order... you can order the shirtee you want by writing to id_ DINE this week [till monday 16.08.04, 20h] and your order will be ready in inter:zone around 25.08 at special discount price [395,- Kč for tank, 495,- Kč for tee-shirt, 530,- Kč for long sleaves]

    sizes available :
    tee-shirts S, M, L, XL
    tanks S, M, L
    long sleaves M, L, XL
    check the different models on shirtee website!

    DINE --- ---
    today inter:zone will be open only for short time, if you cannot wait for something try icq or call...
    a pak asi budeme na teknival...
    DINE --- ---
    so we are back from party [to bylo fer :] and shop open again...
    new stuff kazdy den...
    tricka, tilka, mikiny from sound systems & artists: Oktekk, Maria/Lego, Daimon [ger], Monoton [ger], Power vs Power [hol], Oficyna Agrafka [pol], aXoltl.corp_fresh prints summer collection :] ... plakaty Shirtee [biiiig sitotisk posters for small price] ...
    also some new videozzz and spezial sitotisk bookz to check in inter:zone... with a Club Mate drink :]
    DINE --- ---
    dneska inter:zone jede na...

    see you on da party :]
    obchod v Kubelikove zavira dneska v 18 misto v 20... oteviraci doba je od pondelka normalni!
    DINE --- ---
    mame spoustu novy tricka a mikiny na sklade... for grrrls, boys and children!
    - designs by graffiti artists pictordie and mutant industries [Brno], Lego sound system [AUS]- design by Maria, daimon sound system [GER] - grafix by Sputnik [author of the underground komiks robot movement], Injecta, Tina, Eyeshox... -
    a taky nejaky novy knihy... grafik design > Lingua Grafika by Mutabor studio, SF > P.K. Dick novels in original version... a video CDs od vj t3rrorbit [GER]...
    DINE --- ---
    SHASHA_KRASTY: eheh diky uz je tam obchůdek :]
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    "obchodek" is wrong .. better is "obchůdek" ... :o)
    DINE --- ---
    ROLLO: tak to je feeer :]
    ROLLO --- ---
    no jo, super, fleischerei!

    jinak the fleischerei bag is i guess my favourite birthday present of this year:)
    DINE --- ---
    fleischerei gallery updated!
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