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    ztracené heslo?
    DINEinter:zone alternatif obchůdek/galerie
    NIZZER --- ---
    DINE: and how much will cost long sleeve tees and crew sweats? also 800/1500? thx
    DINE --- ---
    DUKLA_TN: jojo exactly :] cesky muzu se slovnikem ale slovensko to bylo tezky :] so... i can try to get these books, but they are quite expensive, even without import,transport or anything, the first is over 2100 Kč [cover price]...
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    DUKLA_TN: jestli je to z http://youworkforthem.com/ tak se domluv s Dine, , neco se mozna bude pokouset dostat do Cech. . ;]

    ale napis to anglicky. . ;]
    SARKALINA --- ---
    DINE: th pink one is cool, but I doubt if "S" or "M" taille...
    ANIT --- ---
    BARCIA: jasna vec
    BARCIA --- ---
    ja chcu odznacek Paswaka ja chcu,ja chcu !!! :D a nake to pekne tricoooo jupi supky dupky do inter:zone :D
    ANIT: pot tam se mnou nekdy, ale co nejdriv,at to nepropasnem :D
    DUKLA_TN --- ---
    mozno offtopic, ak ano sory. zhanam dve knihy > Emil Ruder:Typographie + Josef Müller-Brockmann: Grid Systems in Graphic Design. amazon com aj co.uk ma fakuje, nashiel som to spoko zdroj http://youworkforthem.com/ , ale postovne je cca 50 $ . nedalo by sa to cez vas objednat z inych [eu] zdrojov? napr amazono.co.uk ukazuje, ze sa to cez neho da objednat, ale nie do ciech etc. neviete prosim poradit lacnejshie rieshenie? dik moc
    DINE --- ---
    pozor pozor!
    ===pre-orders for RAZK clothes===

    new tee-shirts and mikiny for boys and girls from RAZK [Holland] will be ordered this week!! they will arrive in shop around 17.01...
    you can choose your favourite model, colour and size on RAZK website [there are 2 collections: winter collection & previous collection] and send me your pre-order to posta or email [dine@inter.zone.cz] this week...
    dont be afraid of the prices in euros on their web, cause in inter:zone are special lower prices!! ;] [tee-shirts around 800 Kc and mikiny s kapucou around 1500 Kc]
    here are some examples of RAZK designs:

    ANIT --- ---
    ok, ill stop by..
    DINE --- ---
    ANIT: yes im expecting new buttons from Buzzworks in Holland [these buttons with comix characters from Femtasia, Shamrock, Luuk Bode... as i had in shop already], they should arrive soon, and also we prepare now our own production of buttons with designs by Pash*, Coltcha, PCman, and more artists...
    ANIT --- ---
    PASHWAKA: s tyvm kralikem taky?
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    new odznacky/buttons will be in the shop soon. . . ;]
    ANIT --- ---
    would you get some new "odznacky"?:)
    BASSAQ --- ---
    "World Traveller Adventures" this is super super super
    DINE --- ---
    DVDs "Armchair Escapism" and "World Traveller Adventures" are in shop...
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    yessrrr!!!! :D
    DINE --- ---
    ===tak shop is open today, last day till next year!! ;]===
    DINE --- ---
    PASHWAKA: tak uz vis ;]
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    who is in the shop for thursday? i plan to come there. . ;]
    DINE --- ---
    ===shop is open today===dneska je otevreno===
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