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    ztracené heslo?
    DINEinter:zone alternatif obchůdek/galerie
    DINE --- ---
    juuuuh so many new stuff arrived in shop last weeks, i dont know what to begin with :] so more infos to come later... :] but inter:zone is really like Ali Baba kaverna now !!
    one of the big news i cannot wait more with, is T.A.Z. in stock again and in czech!! This cult essay of Hakim Bey was translated to czech by Blumfeld and published by Transit: Dočasná autonomní zóna [D.A.Z.]. T.A.Z. is a fundamental reading for anyone interested in alternative culture, autonomy, pirates utopy, poetic terrorism and free tekno movement! The complete version is available in english on the web and you can get the book in czech for 100 kc in inter:zone... where you can also listen to a recording of readings by Hakim Bey arranged by Bill Laswell...
    by the way, inter:zone owes its name both to T.A.Z. and Bill Burroughs... so this was a late inter:zone communique, thank you and good nite ;]
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    asi k tem houbam, , a mliku.. . . :D
    SALEN --- ---
    if you do not have a girlfriend.. bad choice:) but..
    SALEN --- ---
    back to milk: try to suck it from yours girlsfriends breast; it will always help!
    BERDA --- ---
    dine: musim volat do brna co maji dovest, tak ja jim to reknu-puk puk. co mikiny taky jeste sou?
    DINE --- ---
    BERDA: cau, jeste jsou, ale jestli mas nejaky vic od puk puk to beru ;]
    BERDA --- ---
    dine:chcete novy tricka? mikiny?
    DINE --- ---
    KOZLIKK: some too... :]
    DINE --- ---
    buttons / placky a komiksy uz jsou tady! :]
    DINE --- ---
    dik :]
    soooon in i:z will arrive lots of new buttons / placky [Femtasia, Gutsmanscomics, Buzzworks, Luuk Bode, Shamrock atd], comics and grafik novels from Bries, belgian publisher of fine comics [check www.bries.be], new design printed tee-shirts from Picnic Paradise [www.picnicparadise.com]...
    FOGL --- ---
    joo mas to tam hezky.)
    NIZZER --- ---
    dine: tak dneska sem byl na navsteve,,,nejutulnejsi obchudek v praze ;))
    LINDUSHKA --- ---
    dine,taky se těším,we willl be nhoods with kitchen!:))
    jo,presentation board is little bit problem.....i ll try to find semothing representatives:))
    and send u sms,i i find something useable.)cu pa
    DINE --- ---
    v obchode jsou novy plagaty od Alien jedna... check this out > cybernetic-system
    DINE --- ---
    KOZLIKK: sure :]
    DINE --- ---
    jeee uz se tesim na party :]
    DINE --- ---
    LINDUSHKA: uz je to ok about car...
    DINE --- ---
    LINDUSHKA: yes i can take some jewells, yours ones and some more, but i dont have any presentation board or so, do you have something? still i should find a car for the way back to zizkov after party, dont you have some place somewhere? ;]
    LEPEK --- ---
    no z hlediska toho, ze ma nekdo problemy po samotnym mliku....
    LINDUSHKA --- ---
    chm,,,že tu dine tak trápíte......
    /ještě než mlíko je lepší kefírek...ozkoušeno,doporučeno,možno aplikovat i na lsd i po alkoholu....jinako na harfě děláme mlíčný koktejly,tak směle do experimentů:O)))/
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