inter:zone supports... vystava HR Giger v Praze, do 13.07.2005, Technicke muzeum

this exhibition must be seen, even its not so big as could be a retrospective of the master's work, the exhibited artworks worth to be checked in real-size... 2 floors of paintings, drawings, objects, sculptures, some pieces of furniture... i couldnt find any projection room, just a big tv in entrance, a pity :-/ but anyway... you shouldnt miss this one!!
the catalog is quite good - 2 editions, czech and english - and will be soon available in inter:zone... other books about giger are already in shop:
- HR Giger Arh+ - Basic Art Series [Taschen]: cesky 199,-, english 249,-
-HR Giger - Icons [Taschen]: english 249,-
- www HR Giger com [Taschen]: english 649,-
-HR Giger - portfolio [Taschen]: 249,-