v prvnim clanku se autor blogu pozastavuje nad tim, jak se VYVINUL cyberpunk, z 80tych let a strachu ze studene valky, kdy si lidi mysleli ze 90tky budou neco jako 60ties .. a pak se zjevil rave a www.
druhy clanek se opet venuje vzniku cyberpunku, tentokrat vic literarne;
co tim vlastne Bethke myslel, kdyz svou povidku nazval Cyberpunk, a podobne ...
Bethke wanted to include these notions in the term:
1. That children have some undefined wiring which enables them to learn languages far easier than adults do, and this ability is not limited to ‘organic’ languages.
2. That teenagers can be dangerous because they live in a sort of ethically neutral state. They haven’t got the hang of empathy yet, nor have they really grasped the linkage between their causative actions and the resulting effects.
3. That, just as command of a language is power, technological skill is enfranchisement, and in 1980 we were 20 to 30 years away from an explosion of technology that would radically change the distribution of power in society.
4. That parents and other adult authority figures were going to be terribly ill-equipped to deal with the first generation of teenagers who grew up ’speaking computer.’
5. THEREFORE, if you thought punks on motorcycles were a problem, just wait until you meet the— the— Y’know, there isn’t a good word to describe them? “
jasne, ze v dnesni dobe jiz tento termin znamena mnohem vic.
dobre cteni.
chtela bych si podobne zrekapitulovat i posledni dekadu, vlastne..