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    ztracené heslo?
    TRUCEI:\truce\notes | | Le'Olam, Ever!
    EVELINA --- ---
    v tom byla úžasná Kodaň, všichni na kolech, třeba i ve svátečních šatech, kola všude po městě, všechna stejná, nezamknutá......
    ATOMINATOR --- ---
    TRUCE: Než jsem se přesunul do Prahy, tak jsem jezdil na kole skoro všude. Jezdil bych i teď, ale k přesunutí kola do Prahy mě odrazuje právě myšlenka, že mi ho tu někdo šlohne.
    Dokonce i když jsem ho párkrát na chvíli zaparkoval na malém městě, tak jsem pak nacházel na zámku stopy pokusů o přeštípnutí.
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    TRUCE: zname cile prochazky... urcite bych si neco vybral, nebyl jsem kupovat knihy uz aspon 3 mesice, coz je na me pomery velice nezvykle i kdyz mam porad sakra co cist.
    Ale s tim casem: no jo, svine, je cim dal drazsi, to vazne nechapu, pritom je ho porad stejne, nebo se pletu?
    Nemluve o ty proklety basse, co si rika o pozornost kazdej den... chjo, to jsem ale vytizenej ;]
    TRUCE --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: volvox globator, prave jsem sla kolem jejich prodejny ...
    maji tam bednicku s knihama za dvacku
    sartre-bevoire, zivotopis, nejake lipovetskyho eseje z roku 1992 ... a vicemene experimentalni proza, ktera za 20 risskych korun stoji, i kdyz nejsem si jista jak je to s cenou myho casu ;]]]
    kdybych nemela co delat, sednu si k te bedne s kafem ale.
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    mozna by Te mohlo zajimat:
    jde najit i v jinych knihkupectvich, jen tady jsem nasel ja: Alfons Mucha: Otcenas
    TRUCE --- ---

    "Out of control" is an ideology, not a fact.

    TRUCE --- ---

    Lie back and think of England.

    Lie back and think of England is an English saying with roughly the same meaning as
    "grit one's teeth", i.e. put up with what is happening. It was used both in England
    and among expatriates outside the country when conditions were difficult. It is given
    as encouragement to do something unpalatable.

    Origins of the phrase - pane.boze! toje hrozne, zvlast ten citat uplne dole. Zvlast barvite to vidim pote, co jsem shledla film Vevodkyne, s dominujicim tematem povinnosti manzela a povinnosti manzelky (porodit syna v tomto pripade).

    The origins of the phrase are not clear. According to one urban legend, "lie back and
    think of England" was an instruction given to brides or women in general in the
    Victorian Era regarding how to cope with the sexual demands of their husbands.
    Childbearing was considered a patriotic duty but at the same time women were not
    supposed to enjoy sexual intercourse and new brides in particular would even have
    been ignorant of the facts about sex. One version of this legend has it that Queen
    Victoria gave this instruction to her daughter on her wedding night. According to other,
    perhaps less reliable, urban legends, the phrase originated in Lady Alice Hillingdon
    (1857-1940) Journal in 1912.

    I am happy now that George calls on my bedchamber less frequently than of old.
    As it is, I now endure but two calls a week, and when I hear his steps outside my door
    I lie down on my bed, close my eyes, open my legs and think of England.
    TRUCE --- ---
    Corner explains the origin of the album's title, Kingdom of Welcome Addiction as thus: "IAMX is my subversive little kingdom. I feel a bit like a mutant Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator. It is here, and in the environment it has created, that I feel at home. Almighty, dynamic, omnipotent. I imagine everyone has such a place, a dream, or a persona. The drug of all drugs. The power of reason, passion, change and independence. Addiction in the positive."
    TRUCE --- ---
    A slzy do oci mi vyhnala pisnicka I am terrified,
    z toho i am ikse jako.

    stahne a najde si na torrentech nebo youtube kazdy kdo ma zajem tuhle muziku poslouchat. ;)
    TRUCE --- ---

    z veci, ktere me chytnou za srdce a neco mi daji zazit
    je to posledni album I AM X: Kingdom of Wellcome Addiction

    ne ze by se Chris Corner hudebne nevykradal (ergo, nemel svuj 'specificky styl' ;)
    kvuli tomuto albu jsem si stahla do Songbirdu Lyricsplugin.

    do me hlavy to vraci davnejsi obdobi, ke kteremu se chci vratit, ktere pro me znaci zivot, protoze v 'normalnim' zivote jaksi mentalne umiram.

    k tomu prislusi i novinka: Zakladame kapelu, jmenujeme se Date of Hate, a verim ze sve uchylne touhy v ni budeme realizovat dostatecne :))
    jeji podstata bude industrialni, performacni, magicko zvrhla.

    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE --- ---

    Cyberpunk heute.

    John Thackara: In the Bubble. Designing in a Complex World (2005)

    We’re filling up the world with technology and devices, but we’ve lost sight of an important question: What is this stuff for? What value does it add to our lives? So asks author John Thackara in his new book, In the Bubble: Designing for a Complex World.

    These are tough questions for the pushers of technology to answer. Our economic system is centered on technology, so it would be no small matter if “tech” ceased to be an end-in-itself in our daily lives.

    Technology is not going to go away, but the time to discuss the end it will serve is before we deploy it, not after. We need to ask what purpose will be served by the broadband communications, smart materials, wearable computing, and connected appliances that we’re unleashing upon the world. We need to ask what impact all this stuff will have on our daily lives. Who will look after it, and how?

    In the Bubble is about a world based less on stuff and more on people. Thackara describes a transformation that is taking place now—not in a remote science fiction future; it’s not about, as he puts it, “the schlock of the new” but about radical innovation already emerging in daily life. We are regaining respect for what people can do that technology can’t. In the Bubble describes services designed to help people carry out daily activities in new ways. Many of these services involve technology—ranging from body implants to wide-bodied jets. But objects and systems play a supporting role in a people-centered world. The design focus is on services, not things. And new principles—above all, lightness—inform the way these services are designed and used. At the heart of In the Bubble is a belief, informed by a wealth of real-world examples, that ethics and responsibility can inform design decisions without impeding social and technical innovation.

    Publisher MIT Press, 2005
    ISBN 0262201577, 9780262201575
    Length 321 pages


    DOWNLOAD: http://sharebee.com/31aa72e8
    TRUCE --- ---

    toto hnuti chce nenasilnym zpusobem dostat do hlav lidi, ze kolo do mesta patri
    jednoduchym zpusobem - vytvorenim kriticke masy cyklistu ve meste

    tato myslenka se mi libi mnohem vic, nez ta hipizacka cyklojizda

    v me rodne Bratislave se prave Ea angazuje v sireni a v organizaci cyklo patku, drzim ji palce. Blava je hlavne svymi za sociku vytvorenymi bulvary, hrazemi kolem Dunaje a rovinatou povahou vhodnejsi k pouziti kola nez Praha..
    to ale nevadi, chci znova svoje kolo at muzu jezdit po Praze (nejaka svine mi ho ukradla loni koncem leta..)
    TRUCE --- ---
    nova droga..ehm.

    Mcat (methyl-cathinone), Meow, Methylone ....


    kamoska ji mela ted pri prilezitosti narozenin, a pry skvele. trikrat min blokuje reuptake serotoninu nez extaze, dopamin a norepinephrin zhruba stejne, spolu s mirnymi psychedelickymi ucinky ... proste z rodinky phenetylaminu....

    prodava se jako room odoriseur v holandskych brain shopech,
    vzhledem k tomu ze konci zima, a citim navrat energie, tak hadam ze se do prazske pobocky casem vypravim na kontrolu
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    Fantastic Mr. Fox
    To bude o tobe, ne? :o)*
    TRUCE --- ---
    on Blasphemy, aneb Soutez rouhavych vyroku americkeho Center for Inquiry

    je mozne si koupit i tricka, nevim jestli je ted mam podezrivat jen z dobre kampane ;]


    Faith is no reason. --vitezny vyrok

    I wouldn’t even follow your god on Twitter.

    I survived the God virus.

    The reason religious beliefs need protection from ridicule is that they are ridiculous.


    ateisti se bavi ;]
    TRUCE --- ---

    Dreamworlds 3: Desire, Sex & Power in Music Video


    s timto rezonuji, konecne to nekdo natocil... az na ten mirne pateticky voice komentatora, i kdyz ... kdyz se to dokouka do konce, jednomu to prijde alarmujici.

    via Zubata.
    TRUCE --- ---
    libi se mi predstava, ze to neni z vulgarniho zdroje, ale to formuloval Voltaire

    Když diplomat řekne ano, myslí tím „možná“;
    když řekne možná, myslí „ne“;
    když řekne ne, není to diplomat.
    Když dáma řekne ne, myslí tím „možná“;
    když řekne možná, myslí „ano“;
    když řekne ano, není to dáma.
    TRUCE --- ---
    libi. skvele domecky.
    ted uz jen mit zamek v sudetech. a muzem rekonstruovat.

    [ KRMELEC @ VIZUALNÍ POSTŘEHY ODJINUD -grafické a vizuální okolí- NÁS ]


    V době, kdy se svět potýká s nedostatkem energie a doufá, že se neutopí v haldě odpadků, přichází Michael Reynolds s návrhem energeticky soběstačného levného bydlení vytvořeného z lehce dostupného odpadu. Místo toho, aby mu byl okamžitě udělen grant pro další zkoušení, tak přichází na řadu spolehlivě zkostnatělý úřední šiml, který si zjevně potrpí na svou důležitost.
    TRUCE --- ---
    hm, open image in new tab, jasne?;)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam