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    ztracené heslo?
    TRUCEI:\truce\notes | | Le'Olam, Ever!
    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE: sketching while watching a dvd on the surrealist painter, rene magritte. Mixed media in a moleskine.
    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE --- ---


    What's coming through is alive.
    What's holding up is a mirror.
    But what's singing songs is a snake
    Looking to turn my piss to wine.

    They're both totally void of hate,
    But killing me just the same.

    The snake behind me hisses
    What my damage could have been.
    My blood before me begs me
    Open up my heart again.

    And I feel this coming over like a storm again.

    Venomous voice, tempts me,
    Drains me, bleeds me,
    Leaves me cracked and empty.
    Drags me down like some sweet gravity.

    The snake behind me hisses
    What my damage could have been.
    My blood before me begs me
    Open up my heart again.

    And I feel this coming over like a storm again.

    I am too connected to you to
    Slip away, to fade away.
    Days away I still feel you
    Touching me, changing me,
    And considerately killing me.

    Without the skin,
    Beneath the storm,
    Under these tears
    The walls came down.

    And the snake is drowned and
    As I look in his eyes,
    My fear begins to fade
    Recalling all of those times.

    I could have cried then.
    I should have cried then.

    And as the walls come down and
    As I look in your eyes
    My fear begins to fade
    Recalling all of the times
    I have died
    and will die.
    It's all right.
    I don't mind.

    I am too connected to you to
    Slip away, to fade away.
    Days away I still feel you
    Touching me, changing me,

    And considerately killing me.
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    TRUCE: luxusni, prave jsem se jej pokusil pochopit a nasledovne jej okamzite nevrhnul svojim kolegum programatorum pro reseni slozitejsich problemu naseho systemu automatizace televiznich studii. MYslim, ze v ramci supportni noci si takove navrhy mohu zcela klidne dovolit ;]
    NESERMI --- ---
    TRUCE: by me zajimalo, pod vlivem ceho ten jazyk vzniknul
    TRUCE --- ---
    hele jako srandu jsem nasla:


    ujety proramovaci jazyk, z rady ezoterickych :))
    TRUCE --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: ale kdyz si je pak zpetne prohlizim, za tim takzvane hranym vyrazem je jista podstatna informace o stavu byti
    takze fotim dal
    abych mohla traceovat historii pouhym pohledem
    TRUCE --- ---
    Proste ideologicky trance.

    Se mi libilo, ze v Crossu byly dekorace Cross a tecka. Kdyz hral Xenomorph.
    A bylo to silnejsi nez cokoli jineho, vim ze jsem tehdy premyslela o teto divne subkulture,
    jako o fakt zajimavym fenomenu (asi fakt dobry huleni:)
    ktery bych ukazala nekterym svym znamym co to neznaji, a jak by se na to tvarili
    asi si pamatuju svoje setkani s ruznymi scenami, a pronikani do jejich morfogenetickych poli...
    TRUCE --- ---
    [ _-=Coiled Snake=-_ / partyparty / 10.4.2010 / CR - Praha - Club Central Station, Sabinova 2, Praha 3 - Žižkov ]

    mozna zajdu ale neodpustim si poznamku, ze by ty priserny dekorace nemuseli rvat aspon na dark psytrance akci, ktera je navic v klubu s temnymi dekoracemi az no.

    TRUCE --- ---
    Gilles Deleuze said: "Si vous etes pris dans le reve de l'autre, vous etes foutu" - if you are caught in another's dream, you are lost.
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    TRUCE --- ---
    Anxiety is nothing...

    but repeatedly re-experiencing failure in advance. What a waste.

    [and a bonus from George Orwell: "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."]

    (seth`s blog)
    TRUCE --- ---
    I'm mad at everyone

    No, not you. Not anyone in particular, actually.

    I'm angry at the idea of 'everyone' and what they want and what they say.

    Everyone says you should do your site and your online presence a certain way.

    Everyone is upset at what you did.

    Everyone is frustrated at the slow pace government is getting this done.

    Everyone knows you should listen to your customers and do what they say.

    Everyone knows that our school is wasting money.

    Everyone says you need to go to a 'good' college.

    You get the idea. That everyone.

    The one that's almost always wrong.

    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    jak porizujes ISM a nebo fotky nas obou, nejak se na nich vzdycky zatvaris/zatvarime... a ja uz mockrat uvazoval, ze to neni aktualni nalada, ale proste to, jak chceme pusobit na fotce... a to je jakoby dennik naseho zivota.

    stejne tak je presen tahle uvaha o zaznamenane realite v intencich toho nad cim uvazuju. jak jsem treba resil, ze by me zajimalo, jak lide driv vnimaly sex a suxualitu, kdy i odhaleny kotnik byl extreme eroticky a dnes je 3/4 naha zena vlastne bezna v reklamach na pivo a cigarety. dosel jsem k zaveru, ze stejne zaznamy na tohle tema pochazi jen od lidi, kteri umeli psat a ze tihle lide tradicne maji k sexu "nemeinstreamovy" a daleko fantazijnejsi pristup nez delnik z fabriky nebo pradlena od belidla... pohled takovychle lidi mozna nikde ani neni nijak systematicky zaznamenavany. a ted, kdyz zaznamenavame realitu vsemi dostupnymi prostredky, vlastne taky nezaznamenavame realitu, ale jakousi surrealitu, jakousi virtualni predstavu... sice tak tech zaznamu je neuveritelne mnozstvi oproti minulosti, ale jsou ohnute a zmenene, nejen technicky, jak to popisuje tahle noticka na moc dobrem blogu, ale zaroven i "umelecky", modne a popularne... zaznam reality pro budouci generace, bude-li jaky/budou-li jake, tak vlastne bude asi tak stejny jako cist si Masochovu Venusi v Kozichu a chtit z ni pochopit, jak se dival muz 19. stoleti na na erotickou krasu a sexualni fluidum zeny... otazka je, zda to nekdy bylo jinak...
    kazdopadne je to otazka, ktera, zda se, byla polozena.

    Artificial Smile, it's a happy world, after all

    The digital representation of reality is technically and conceptually a fake, and this "fake" is more and more what we're used to. The process of reducing in pixels (causing a loss of details), approximating colors (causing a loss of tones) and sounds (causing a loss of frequencies) are definitively creating a distorted (yet enormous) memory archive of the last decade(s). From this perspective, truth is always a negotiation between what our eyes see and what the machine records and stores. So why not intervene in one of the oldest way of representing reality (amateur portraiture), pushing it to the extreme in the "pop" and "automatic" categories?? With Artificial Smile by Stefan Stubbe and Andreas Schmelas every memory is a nice one. Their modified camera is able to turn every portrait into a merry visage, substituting perfect smiling lips for less joyous versions, taken from a consistent database. The result is a seamless "happily ever after" social community artificially shot through a camera with a golden reflecting body. But, unfortunately, that's only technology, not a fairy tale.

    Posted at 09:01 PM - Mar 2/2010

    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Tech giants criticize Australia plan for Internet filtering
    Google, Microsoft and Yahoo are among many high-tech companies that have objected to the Australian government’s plan to begin filtering Internet content.

    The Sydney Morning Herald reported that 147 comments were submitted to the government on its proposal to begin blocking certain Web sites – particularly those that present harm to children.

    But the high-tech industry and many human rights groups object to the filtering of Internet content and taking the control of Internet access out of the hands of users. Google yesterday announced it stopped censoring content in China, as demanded by the Chinese government, by redirecting search queries from within China to the company’s Hong Kong site.

    Facebook's head of public policy, Tim Sparapani, explained in an interview with C-SPAN’s "The Communicators" earlier this month that the company has watched the moves in Australia with concern

    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---

    "Truceboys / Truceklan" .. tahle skupina na fcbk me docela rozesmala .. :o))
    TRUCE --- ---
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    sem bych chtel:

    Tri socialni svety - 25. 3., 17:00 hod.
    (pohled na soucasnost ceskeho sociologa Jana Kellera)

    OVERDRIVE --- ---

    Na Google blogu se objevil text A New approach to China. Píše se v něm o tom, že Google
    v polovině prosince zjistil cílený a promyšlený útok na firemní infrastrukturu z Číny, který
    vedl ke krádeži duševního vlastnictví. Jinými slovy, Google hackli firemní síť, dostali se
    dovnitř a odtamtud něco získali. Google k tomu dodává, že podobný útok byl vedený i na
    dalších minimálně dvacet velkých společností. A upozorňuje, že hlavním cílem útoku bylo
    získat přístup ke Gmail účtům činských aktivistů bojujících za lidská práva. A dodává, že věří
    tomu, že se útočníkům tyto informace nepodařilo získat. Je to zajímavé a poučné čtení a
    Google přidává i některé další informace, které mohou být užitečné pro kohokoliv, kdo se
    pohybuje v oblasti počítačové bezpečnosti.

    Tedy neni nad to mit na siti vsechna sva data ;]
    Blbe je, ze pokud clovek chce byt aktivista, proste to mit musi, nekde byt verejny a sit ma nejvic "posluchacu", zaroven, aby siril sve informace, nemuze dost dobre sifrovat a pokud ano, tak jen soukrome kanaly, coz pak zas vede k tomu, ze ty jdou snadno stopovat a "usvedcuji" z toho, ze aktivista ma nejaka tajemstvi a tedy muze byt trestan.
    Ono obecne to tak bylo dycky, proste bud prijde policie za usvitu a rozbije cloveku hubu, vystrasi ho a necha lezet v blitkach sve debility, nebo proste sbiraj informace jinak. Totalita jako takova proste vede k tomu, ze clovek, ktery se nechce vzdat musi hrat bud a nebo a i tak je to bohuzel casto jen moralni vitezstvi, zda se mi, symbol, ktery jednoho muze stat zivot.
    Musim si precist ten puvodni clanek. Zajimalo by me, kdo prosel, kam a jak. Zajimave, uplne se ta hackerina ztratila z meho prehledu deni a pritom se dejou uz pomerne bezne cyberattacky na cele staty nebo vladnouci firmy typu Google... asi zas zacnu hledat a cist nejaky hackersky rsska...
    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    mueheheheee :o)))
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