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    ztracené heslo?
    TRUCEI:\truce\notes | | Le'Olam, Ever!
    TRUCE --- ---

    motivacni pro tvurce webu a uzivatele klonu shopu...

    read this! ;]

    TRUCE --- ---

    Helleu - Daydream
    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE --- ---

    What happens to a dream deferred?
    Does it dry up
    Like a raisin in the sun?
    Or fester like and sore --
    And then run?
    Does it stink like rotten meat?
    Or crust and sugar over --
    Like a syrupy sweet?
    Maybe it just sags
    Like a heavy load.
    Or does it explode?
    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE --- ---
    TRUCE --- ---

    The 3 questions were developed by George Kinder, CFP. Mr. Kinder is the founder of the Kinder Institute of Life Planning and author of The Seven Stages of Money Maturity: Understanding the Spirit and Value of Money in Your Life. He developed these three questions as way to explore his client’s underlying values, hopes and dreams. Without this information, financial planning is simply numbers without purpose. So here are Kinder’s 3 questions (and watch out for #3, because it’s really the one question that gets to the root of your heart’s desires):

    Question 1: Imagine that you have enough money to take care of your needs, now and in the future. How would you live your life? Would you change anything?

    Question 2: Imagine that your doctor says you have only five to 10 years to live. You won’t feel sick, but you’ll never know when death will come. What will you do? Will you change your life? How?

    Question 3: Now imagine that your doctor says you have only one day left to live. Ask yourself: What did I miss? What did I not get to be or do?

    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    TRUCE: vyexportoval jsem ho od sebe, s mojim podpisem, takze kdybys chtela link, tak je k dostani, krom serveru, kam jsem ho re-uploadnul, tak i tady: http://overdrive.iglu.cz/truce.txt
    TRUCE --- ---
    k precteni, ukladam, i pro vas, kdyby to nekoho zajimalo.
    Groundova bakalarka.


    bc. is for dummies

    One of the things i spent the most time with this year was my BC diploma work.
    The topic is the visualisation of the social structure of the kyberia.sk web-chat-server.
    I employed various strategies and designs, like interactive java applets, python processing, neural network clustering, etc..

    TRUCE --- ---
    tak mam i ja svuj vlastni GPG klic.
    kdyby mi nekdo chtel poslat mail.
    zasifrovane (protoze jen houst, jen vic sifrovani.)
    TRUCE --- ---
    YouTube - Deep Forest - Sweet Lullaby
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    diky koupi tehle knihy jsem poprve v zivote pres internet z japonska koupil detskou pornografii. dluzno podotknout, ze s celou veci nebyl zadny problem a do 5 dnu byla kniha i plakat v Praze [oboji podepsane panem autorem]...
    zdroj: http://www.akatako.net/

    jsem moc rad, ze se kniha libi, je vazne uzasne hezka, jako jeji nova majitelka. :*
    TRUCE --- ---
    k narozeninam!
    celou knihu, podepsanou autorem, s dioramou k poskladani a s plakatem padajici alice!!

    SHASHA_KRASTY --- ---
    Preju uplne vsechno nejnejnejlepsi indianko! :o)*
    ..mej se fajn a doufam, ze to nekdy i zapijem..
    DZAMILA --- ---
    muchomurky bile
    belejsi nez snehy
    s nimi k ukojeni
    sve potreby nehy

    tak nech nam je sveta zit, mila sofia

    TRUCE --- ---
    YouTube - Kosheen - Empty Skies
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    budem tam...
    jsem v poradku v Praze, vyspim se, a hned jak pani Truce dorazi z worku vyrazime.
    TRUCE --- ---
    PRAWITZ: udej souradnice. casoprostorove pls.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam