speciální NagThangka Dakini Simkhamukhy, možná by mohla dost zaujmout praktikující
Dzogchenu, čimž by sme se tu vlastně mohli propojit, pokud tu někdo takový na nyxu ještě přebívá???...
Dakini Simkhamukha
(tib. seng ge gdong ma)
Extremely fierce she has the face of a lion, with three round eyes, gazing fiercely with a gaping mouth, beard and hair flowing upward. With two hands the right holds aloft a vajra handled curved knife to the sky, left a white skullcup of blood to the heart, cradling a khatvanga staff tipped with a trident against the left shoulder. Wearing a tiara of five skulls, elephant hide, bone ornaments, fifty severed heads as a necklace and a tiger skin skirt she stands on the left leg with the right drawn up in a dancing posture above a corpse, sun disc and lotus seat. Simkhamukha dwells in the middle of a blazing fire of pristine awareness.
"Arising from the state of the Dharmadhatu,
Mother of all conquerors,
Queen of all the numberless dakinis;
With magic powers smashing to dust hindrances and enemies.
Homage to Simkhamukha."
(Nyingma liturgical text).