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    ztracené heslo?
    VIKNová média > kyberkultura, umění interaktivních médií, digitální média, transhumanismus
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    lol, z rozhovoru s Ćosićem:

    Tilman Baumgartel: There is one piece on Nicholas Negroponte on your website too. What is that about?

    Vuk Cosic: When Negroponte came to Ljubliana, I had a big fight with him, and we interrupted his speech. Luka Frelih and I went around the city spraying graffiti: "Wired = Pravda". I made it look like a secret internet terrorist organisation. On the website we compare him to Tito. But we did it without fanatism.
    MARURA --- ---
    Motto:"Ale joo proc nee"odpovedel Micac a dostal." (Gato;Soumrakodlak II.)
    Ma esej o mapovani kyberprostoru ke stazeni zde
    Kritiku a obzvlast upozorneni na hlody a nesmysly predem vitam:)
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Aesthetic Conditions in Art on the Network: beyond representation to the Relative speeds of hypertextual and conceptual implementations
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Art in the Age of Technological Seduction
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    TAGallery by CONT3XT.NET extends the idea of a tagged exhibition and
    transfers the main tasks of non-commercial exhibition-spaces to the
    discourse of an electronic data-space. The method of tagging allows
    the attribution of artworks to different thematic fields. In
    TAGallery the act of selecting and recombining -- besides
    chronologically ordered show-rooms, exhibition-titles in a
    semantically concentrated form and various ways of contextualizing
    the presented artworks -- will be published as well: The continuous
    progression of curating can be followed by the public, using

    __ to the gallery [ http://del.icio.us/TAGallery ]
    ORX_QX --- ---
    Our love affair with computers, computer graphics, and computer networks runs deeper than aesthetic fascination and deeper than the play of the senses. We are searching for a home for the mind and heart. Our fascination with computers is more erotic than sensuous, more spiritual than utilitarian. Eros, as the ancient Greeks understood, springs from a feeling of insufficiency or inadequacy. Whereas the aesthete feels drawn to casual play and dalliance, the erotic lover reaches out to a fulfillment far beyond aesthetic detachment.

    PONKIE --- ---
    MANCA: Diky, podivam se na to.
    MANCA --- ---
    PONKIE: Adam Greenfield, ale trochu vic general ne primo internet, myslim
    ale to se taky muze hodit...
    PONKIE --- ---
    SUBTALK: Zajima me pohled uzivatele/obcana/mozna spolecnosti. Jde mi o trade off mezi novymi sluzbami, moznostmi a svobodou a soukromim.
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    SUBTALK --- ---
    PONKIE: a osobne, ktora perspektiva ta zaujima viac? ake (ne)vyhody to prinasa organizaciam alebo ake (ne)vyhody to prinasa prijemcom/spotrebitelom/uzivatelom? Lebo to je dolezite a ten ADAMMov Foucault by v tom mohol urobit zmatok :)
    PONKIE --- ---
    SUBTALK: Nemam tady ted presnou osnovu doresenou s vedouci (delal jsem to uz pred rokem), ale ma to byt nejak takhle: Nejprve vysvetlim, co je to surveillance, jak meni soucasnou spolecnost.. pak to chci navazat na stale vetsi pouzivani internetu a to, ze lidi sverujou stale vice citlivych informaci bez uvazeni ruznym sluzbam (treba google, ktery indexuje kazdej email, kazde vyhledavani, chaty v googletalku atp.) a pak nejake zamysleni nad tim, jake jsou potencialni hrozby.
    Idealni by bylo, kdybych pak mel i nejake prakticke priklady, kde bych ukazal, jak se spojuje tohle pomale sebeodhalovani lidi na netu se ve spojitosti s korporatnim spehovanim.
    MARURA --- ---
    mozna by nekoho mohlo zajimat DEAF – Dutch Electronic Art Festival
    ADAMM --- ---
    michel foucault, tedy...
    ADAMM --- ---
    PONKIE: Dohlížet a trestat: kniha o zrodu vězení. Praha : Dauphin, 2000. 427 s. ISBN 80-86019-96-9
    SUBTALK --- ---
    PONKIE: takze interdisciplinarne :) ak sa ti chce, napis v kratkosti co si takto na prvy pohlad o e-surveillance myslis.
    mam nejake zaznamy, mozem ti ich posunut, ale najprv trochu specifikuj svoj nazor
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam