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    ztracené heslo?
    VIKNová média > kyberkultura, umění interaktivních médií, digitální média, transhumanismus
    NOIK --- ---
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    internetoví veteráni objevili důležitý český vývozní artikl :D
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    For the duration of May, 2007, Iraqi born artist Wafaa Bilal will live in the FlatFile Galleries in Chicago. The public can watch him 24 hours a day over a live webcam; and if they choose, visitors to his website can shoot him with a remote controlled paintball gun.

    GUMAGUAR --- ---
    3SC --- ---
    TIKVIK: parada, dik
    TIKVIK --- ---
    3SC: Ken Feingold: Childhood / Hot & Cold Wars (The Appearance of Nature)

    At the center of my work Childhood / Hot & Cold Wars (The Appearance of Nature) I have undertaken a search for my childhood tv memories, a kind of archeology of those images and sounds which I remember, or see now, as having been formative in my personal understanding of what was "going on" in the world. I grew up watching television. Some of my earliest and most vivid sensory and emotional memories are of television programs I saw in my first years. The themes of my childhood emerged amid ever-present references to World War III, the atom bomb, the Communist Threat and the Domino Theory, intersected by the emergence of suburbia, Sputnik, the Space Race and promises of endless progress in a fantastic technological future in which I would be visiting other worlds. These recurring themes were played out through tv characters, news, advertisements, science fiction films, children's programs, and Civil Defense films - a strange mixture of cartoon violence, sci-fi monsters, cowboys and Indians, and "air raid drills". In school and at home, we practiced for nuclear attack, and watched people, monsters, and cartoon animals killing each other on tv. It seemed natural, the way things were. I was learning, in a way, to learn violence as the language of the world, as a kind of entertainment.

    The work is a complex, hybrid object; it has aspects of a "grandfather clock," intersected by a Formica dining table, parts of a suburban tract house, and the roof is a replica of the Hiroshima building called the A-bomb Dome, a surviving skeleton which now stands as a memorial. The object is made primarily of aluminum, approximately 7 feet high. The face of the clock has numbers and hands as an ordinary clock, but this face is also a screen upon which the video images are rear-projected from within the body of the clock. The front of the clock body is a typical 50's "screen door" (also referring to the tv/cinema screen, and "screen memories" - so important to this work), made from the actual door of my parents' home. Intersecting the body of the clock is a skewed dining table. On it sits a globe - a transparent celestial globe mapping the heavens, with a smaller earth globe within it. Behind the globe, below the clock-face, is a window through which a small tele-pendulum marks seconds with each swing. Standing alone, the work plays these tv fragments as if "ticking" on the clock face. Playing like a step-frame animation, at one field per second, one sees sequences of still images. It takes 24 hours to play its full cycle of images and sounds in this manner.

    The work has interactive aspects. It has been organized in such a way that a viewer who becomes physically involved with the work - by turning the globe - affects the ways in which the tv images and sounds are played, and may move through them forward and back in time. The circuits and software I have made respond to gestures and types of movements, rather than simply following the participant's spinning as a "trackball" might. Like fragments of early memories, disconnected, crystal-clear, momentary - the "seconds, minutes, and hours" in this work are stretched to infinity, going around over and over (as in my mind) with the hands of the clock, changing through the interaction of a viewer-participant, or going along without them. Forgetting, returning, forgetting, returning... kf 1993
    _ER --- ---
    KHALAVERA: tak tenhle klip - justice vs. simian - jsem asi před rokem viděl náhodou v tv a naprosto mě dostal - od té doby se pídím a pídím až... takže sice náhoda, ale přesto dík
    3SC --- ---
    ORX_QX: Dik za doporuceni, projekt z linku co si sem dal uz je starsi a hotovej. Potrebuju to k jedne instalaci, ktera by mela byt hotova v prubehu nekolika malo dni - pak ji sem samozrejme napastuju :)
    ORX_QX --- ---
    3SC: jestli to mas k tomuhle http://sakura-graphic.com/new/digital-time-machine-86400/

    tak mi to pripomina internetovy cas SWATCH, ten ma sice jen 1000 "beatu" za den, ale zato je koordinovany globalne ve vsech casovych pasmech stejny a dotazeny propagacne, SWATCh vyrabeli i hodinky s timhle casem http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatch_Internet_Time
    ORX_QX --- ---
    3SC: treba metronom na letne jak tam byl stalin kteryho vyhodili do vzduchu, to pekne vyjadruje relativitu casu a vubec, autor je tam napsany na nem tusim... CKD

    jinak takovy to galerijni umeni zkus tady
    sou tam vlevo dalsi tagy - space apodobne maji to docela huste zmakly

    relativita casu a prostoru je docela sirokej pojem, to muze byt vsechno co nejak pracuje s casem a prostorem, protoze tim je relativizuje ze, vsechny ty telemosty a zrcadla...
    3SC --- ---
    PASHWAKA: Diky :)
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    nebo prostě del.icio.us a zkoušet relevantní tagy ;)
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    az na ty digi hodinky je to dost sirokej zaber.,. precijen s tematem casu a prostoru pracuje sakra hodne veci., . zkus prolezt http://rhizome.org/art/ search engine na http://www.we-make-money-not-art.com/ nebo http://www.turbulence.org/blog/ atp,., ;]
    3SC --- ---
    Kteri umelci pracuji s digitalnimi hodinami ?
    3SC --- ---
    Ahoj, prosim radu, kteri umelci pouzivaji ve svych interaktivnich instalacich relativitu casu a prostoru? Kteri umelci ve svych konceptualnich projektech resi cas ? Diky moc
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Interview with ANDREAS BROECKMANN
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    = “Myths of Immateriality: Curating, Collecting and Archiving Media Art” =

    DANUBE TELELECTURE from the MUMOK, Vienna : Myths of Immateriality

    The Department for Image Science at Danube-University Krems created a new format of international lecture and debates on key questions of Image Science and Media Art with high-calibre experts - the DANUBE TELELECTURES. The discussion will be recorded by several cameras and transmitted live over the www. Online viewers can participate live in the discussion via email.

    “Myths of Immateriality: Curating, Collection and Archiving Media Art”

    During the last decades media art has grown to be the art of our time, though it has hardly arrived in our cultural institutions. The mainstream of art history has neglected developing adequate research tools for these contemporary art works, they are exhibited infrequently in museums, and there are few collectors. Media art is hardly being archived and systematically preserved like ancient and traditional forms of art. This loss of data our society is facing because of the change in storage media and operational systems threatens to result in a total loss of our contemporary digital art. Which practices and strategies in the curating and documenting of media art do experts in the field suggest?

    *** CHRISTIANE PAUL, curator for New Media, Whitney Museum, NY, author of "Digital Art" (Thames & Hudson 2003)
    *** PAUL SERMON, media artist and scientist at the University of Salford, UK http://creativetechnology.salford.ac.uk/paulsermon/cv.html

    *(Introduction: Oliver Grau, Univ.-Prof. and Head of the Department for Image Science, Danube University Krems)

    Danube TeleLecture # 3 at the MUMOK, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna
    Time: Sun, 27. May 2007, 17.00h CET (Start of Streaming)

    + You can attend the event in MUMOK or in realtime over the www +

    After 20 minute long lectures the audience will have the possibility to ask the speakers questions. Internet users may join the discussion via e-mail.
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