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    ztracené heslo?
    VIKNová média > kyberkultura, umění interaktivních médií, digitální média, transhumanismus
    ORX_QX --- ---
    gratuluju ja taky budu dezertovat, dam si vjetrnik a zmrzlinu a pak puncovej dort, mozna mi ho Petricek pomuze snist

    BARD: Rekl bych ze znaky samotne neztransformujes. Trochu nechapu co beres jako znakove (semioticke) systemy, snad jazyky... Jakymi jazyky byses v tom pripade chtel zabyvat, aspon typ podle Chomskeho klasifikace?
    BARD --- ---
    budu na to vypisovat seminar, pokud budes mit zajem...
    VIK --- ---
    jsme na stejné fakultě, ale já jen jako mladý student. když jsme byli ještě pod divadelní vědou, tak to frčelo víc. teď už tolik ne. mně se tyhle věci líbí, ale je to už trošku mimo můj zájem a možná i chápání :)
    BARD --- ---
    starej pan je imho posledni z mohykanu to mala dobreho co u nas vzniklo v semioticke oblasti od dob mukarovskeho, ale jak si k nemu prisel ty?
    VIK --- ---
    BARD: Osolsobě, mmm, máš dobrý základ :)
    BARD --- ---
    oficialne v Praze na informacni vede, jinak psat budu u Petricka o transformacich mezi znakovymi systemy
    3SC --- ---
    BARD: Kde ?
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    no tak to gratulace, o čem budeš dizertovat?
    BARD --- ---
    tak jsem od vcerejska oficialni doktorand na novych mediich:-)
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    In AD 1994, it looked as if the personal computer industry was firmly locked in the grip of Intel, IBM and Microsoft, often referred to as “The Golden Triangle” at the time. There was always the danger that diversifying players wouldn’t stand a chance against the enormous momentum of that industrial trinity. This video was Remyls comment, as found on their 1994 video “A Live Computer Performance”

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    vizualizace torrentů, nechcete to někdo zkusit... mě to nefunguje a nevím proč...


    autor udělal i pár dalších zajímavých věcí...
    MARURA --- ---
    KHALAVERA: moc pekny Aaron Koblin vubec dela zajimavy veci..treba " Flight Patterns" ...
    CABOWITZ --- ---
    jde si dnes nekdo zablikat do NODu? http://nod.roxy.cz/index.php?dok=00460000000572,det
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    ORX_QX: no ja mam pocit, ze tam nekolikrat vybizel, at se dalsi mluvci prihlais o slovo a ty si tak ucinil az na uplnym konci, kdyz uz nezbyl cas., . nebylo to spis o tom, ze si celou dobu nechyt moznost?
    ADAMM --- ---
    ORX_QX: no hodne me pobavil ten jeho spam na intermediich, bych si toho nevsiml, mne to gmail automaticky odfiltroval :D
    ORX_QX --- ---

    Call for Papers
    Deadline: September 15th 2007

    people.makeart is a new project by GOTO10.

    It is a repository of articles and lecture materials focused on the
    relationship between FLOSS (Free/Libre/Open Source Software) and
    digital arts, as well as a database of free digital art projects.

    The selected papers will be published on the people.makeart website and
    will be printed in the FLOSS+Art book, scheduled for spring 2008, using
    OpenMute's POD publishing service.

    GOTO10 is now accepting new, old and recycled papers on the following

    - opening digital art's practice, code and culture
    - FLOSS communities VS. art collectives
    - digital art licensing, copying and distributing, using open content
    - role of the artist in FLOSS development
    - influence of FLOSS on digital art practices
    - free software to produce art and the art of producing free software
    - economy of an open digital artwork
    - FLOSS as an embedded political message in digital art
    - paradox and limitations of open licenses for digital art
    - FLOSS as a way to quote and embed other artworks in a new one
    - digital artist as a FLOSS developer/user and vice-versa
    - definitions and manifestos for a free software art
    - branching and forking of an open digital artwork
    - opening digital art to ensure future maintainance and porting

    Submission Procedures:

    - Submit your final paper to pmafloss-at-goto10-dot-org
    no later than September 15th, 2007. Include the text "FLOSS+Art"
    followed by your paper's title in your e-mail subject line.
    - Submit as many papers as you want, one mail submission for each.
    - Accepted formats : plaintext, LaTeX, OpenDocument
    No other file format will be accepted.
    - The paper must be attached to the mail, do not send us links
    - The submitted paper must be written in English
    - Paper must be 1500 words minimum

    More information: http://people.makeart.goto10.org/

    ORX_QX --- ---
    NOD mi prislo jako fraska jak jinak kdyz me milos v proklamovane otevrene diskusi zamezil v moznosti promluvit, pritom sem mu anotaci co sem chtel prezentovat posilal pisemne mesic predem, no nechal bych si to pro sebe ale kdyz z toho mate stejny dojem...
    SAPIENS --- ---
    sháním video "Sounding" od Garyho Hilla, nevíte někdo?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam