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    LITTLEBOYAnonymita na internetu :: TOR - FREENET - FREEPROXY - ...


  • novinky ze sveta #security #privacy obecne, nejen #tor #pgp ale taky app pro telefony, sifrovani disku [#truecrypt, #luks/#dm], bezpecne #backupy
  • ocenovany jsou navody a howto pro ruzne novacky, pokud mate, dejte vedet, dame i na home
  • aktualni admin: Overdrive, takze pokud neco, klidne piste do posty
  • PROSBA: pokud linkujete, vzdy napiste co to vlastne linkujete, ne, ze by jeden neveril neznamemu linku, ale je to tak prehlednejsi

  • Spratelene kluby: [ PGP, SSL & Co. ] -- [ Technoparanoia (Facebook, Google latitude a další) + NSA + účinné postupy při obraně soukromí ] -- [ Cyber.Punk: cyberpunk is not dead! cyberpunk is NOW! : SubHuman, PostHuman, TransHuman, InHuman ]
    Know & Howto: [ Pretty Good Privacy - Wikipedia ]
    rozbalit záhlaví
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    nekdo se tu ptal na nejake vyhledavani na Onion network: 3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion

    ZAPPO: AQUARIUS: dik, ted zrovna neco takoveho rozbehavam u sebe doma, sam budu referovat co jsem objevil...
    Zapo: pokud bys mel nejake konkretni implemntace, co bys sam doporucil, sem s tim...
    AQUARIUS --- ---
    ZAPPO: mozna muze bejt zajimavy k tomu provozovat i sslh.
    ZAPPO --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: Podle mě chceš určitě
    - mail
    - dns (včetně nějakých statických vlastních recordů, jinak mirror něčeho slušnýho)
    - ssh server (i pro tuneling)
    - vpn

    Zvažoval bych
    - nějakou formu IM (jabber, IRC), ale potřebuješ podporu OTR a vůbec si být jistej, jak secure to je v komunikaci s někým jiným
    - Tor (pokud využíváš, jen pro altruismus bych to neběhal)
    - a já bych tam asi chtěl mít nějaký základní tooly (nmap, nessus atd)
    - jsem proti pgp, co jsem s tím naposledy blbnul, tak mám pocit, že různý prodeje, forky a podobně to nechaly v nepoužitelným stavu

    A rozhodně je zajímavá varianta, rozběhnout si tam i nějakou variantu remote desktop a mít tam všechny programy co využíváš - s rozběhlou fulldisk encryption, šifrovaným accessem atd a pracovat a fungovat JEN z toho...
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Davam sem kopii [zatim] 3 emailu z cpunks.org mailing listu, protoze ten dotaz mi pripadne velmi rozumny, stejne jako obe pripominky.
    Rad bych znal mistni nazor na tema... tedy jake sluzby rozbehat, kdyz uz si stavim vlastni domaci server, ktery by mel pokryt vsechno mozne, co bezne pouzivame na rekneme Open Internetech?
    Samozrejme by to bezelo na GNU/Linux, to je jasne... takze nejake doporuceni?

    I'm currently working on both chef cookbooks and dockerfiles for a bunch of old services I used to run in the good old days (pre 2000) of cypherpunks. Boring stuff like qmail, tinydns, pgp keyserver. But I'm dying to know what fancy new services people are operating these days.
    Any distributed chat ops? Blob/file storage? Remailers? Bitcoin pools? In another vein, what ops do you think a self-sufficient punk ought to be running?
    I'm thinking I absolutely need:
    - Tor endpoint
    - vpn endpoint (openvpn?)
    - smtp/imap sever (what's modern?)
    - file/blob server (tahoe-lafs, camlistore?)
    - jabber server (ejabberd?)

    A word of caution: I have run both a high throughput remailer, and a low-bandwidth (3mb) TOR exit node, both in the early through mid aughts. If you are serious, you need to get you legal house in order, as you will be spending a fair bit of your time with the feebies. Make sure you have an attorney who reallyunderstands what you are doing, and make sure s/he's got a hefty retainer ($5,000.00 seemed to be about right). Also, and most importantly, make sure this legal beagle is willing to both give you their direct cellphone/pager #, but that they are willing to actually drop everything and go get your ass out of the pokey at 03:00! And yes, 03:00-06:00 really is the favorite "raid time" for a certain testosterone addled federal police agency. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying don't do it: I think *everyone* should, at least for a years or so, for a variety of technical, political, and other reasons. But you *cannot* go in unprepared! //Alif

    I think we need more hidden services to make the darknet more attractive, less exits. The open Internet has been dead for a while, time to accept it. Running a non-exit relay from home is still worthwhile, since it raises the bar for physical access, and also increases the traffic background. Decentral search is pretty important, we could really use lots of YaCy nodes as hidden services -- indexing not just the hidden web, of course. I wish there was a library of different privacy-based appliances in virtual formats (.ovf) which are kept up to date for easy deployment (even though running it on bare iron would be preferable). That would seem to be a lot of work, though, and run into trust issues.
    INF1466 --- ---
    STEMBUS: EPICFAIL :)) a vyhodnocovat uzivatele bude ten novej armadni skynet :)
    Army Researching Network System That Defends Against Social Engineering - Slashdot
    STEMBUS --- ---
    Tajný dokument NSA odhaluje plány na zničení sítě Tor – Živě.cz
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    arkOS: Building the anti-cloud (on a Raspberry Pi) - open source, Raspberry Pi - Development - Techworld
    MUXX --- ---
    BBC News - Four UK men arrested over Silk Road links
    JUSTIF --- ---
    KRISHNA: deep wiki, evil wiki, a ruzny dir-y.
    KRISHNA --- ---
    Je nějakej seznam užitečnejch webů na toru?
    HANT --- ---
    JUSTIF: tak v jednom pripade to byl undercover agent, kterej se asi (nejak) ozval sam, a druhej pripad je dost divnej (ale taky udajne vyplynul z komunikace, ne ze by to nekdo nabizel "verejne").
    JUSTIF --- ---
    INF1466: a) na SR jsem nikdy žádný tyhle služby neviděl. b) hodně se na deepwebu varuje před fake stránkama, který nabízej třeba vraždy nebo peníze. že to jsou podvodníci. ale tak možný je všechno viď. :)
    INF1466 --- ---
    JUSTIF: jj na tem sem koukal hned jak si sem dal ten SR a taky nejel.. kazdopadne to o tech vrazdach je docela creepy
    JUSTIF --- ---
    ...a atlantis už taky nejede.

    Atlantis, Illegal Online Drug Marketplace, Forced To Shut Down ‘Due To Security Reasons Outside Of Our Control’
    JUSTIF --- ---
    Whoops. :)

    Silk Road's Dread Pirate, Ross Ulbricht, asked Stack Overflow question under real name.
    REDTIME --- ---
    LUDO: děsně hloupě
    Ulbricht Criminal Complaint

    Ve zkratce několikrát zveřejnil svoje jméno nebo email různě po internetu (bitcointalk, stackoverflow,...).
    LUDO --- ---
    huh, jak? jak?
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    NSA v SouthParku
    Let Go, Let Gov (Season 17, Episode 1) - Full Episode Player - South Park Studios
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    ----- Forwarded message from Yosem Companys <companys@stanford.edu> ----- Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 15:29:15 -0700 From: Yosem Companys <companys@stanford.edu> To: Liberation Technologies <liberationtech@lists.stanford.edu> Subject: [liberationtech] Inside the Effort to Crowdfund NSA-Proof Email and Chat Services | Motherboard Reply-To: liberationtech <liberationtech@lists.stanford.edu> http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/inside-the-effort-to-crowdfund-nsa-proof-email-and-chat-services Back in 1999, Seattle-based activists formed the communication collective Riseup.net. The site's email and chat services, among other tools, soon offered dissidents a means of encrypted communication essential to their work. Fourteen years later, Riseup is still going strong. In fact, they've been fighting the US state surveillance apparatus longer than most people have been aware of the NSA's shenanigans. Now, the collective is hoping to expand, given the gross privacy transgressions of the NSA and US government as a whole. "What surveillance really is, at its root, is a highly effective form of social control," reads an AugustRiseup newsletter. "The knowledge of always being watched changes our behavior and stifles dissent. The inability to associate secretly means there is no longer any possibility for free association. The inability to whisper means there is no longer any speech that is truly free of coercion, real or implied. Most profoundly, pervasive surveillance threatens to eliminate the most vital element of both democracy and social movements: the mental space for people to form dissenting and unpopular views." The impetus behind the project is Riseup's struggle to keep up with new user demand for an email service that doesn't log IP addresses, sell data to third parties, or hand data over to the NSA. Riseup will also be able to expand its considerable anonymous emailing lists, which features nearly 6 million subscribers spread across 14,000 lists. Their Virtual Private Network (VPN), which allows users to securely connect to the internet as a whole, will also be made more robust. What Riseup can't do is offer its users an anonymous browsing experience, but that's not their aim. To offer Riseup to more users, Free Press's Joshua Levy, Elizabeth Stark (an open internet advocate who has taught at Stanford and Yale), as well as others at the StopWatching.Us campaign (backed by Mozilla) recently launched an Indiegogo crowd-funding effort on behalf of the group. They hope to raise $10,000 in order to provide Riseup—which is run by volunteers—with a new server, hardware, and software capabilities. In short, they want to expand their reach so that internet users have another alternative to email services such as Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail. To get a clearer picture of what StopWatching.Us and Riseup are doing, I spoke with Levy, Stark, and an anonymous Riseup collective member. We talked about how the crowdfunding money will be spent; how Riseup helps users avoid NSA, as well as state and local repression; and why, contrary to reports, the Tor Browser bundle is still the best option for anonymous, encrypted browsing. (As of today, the crowdfunding campaign reached it's $10,000 goal, but the organizers are hoping to exceed that total by a good margin.) [snip]
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Create documents that buzz back home.
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