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    ztracené heslo?
    JAMINA --- ---
    JAMINA --- ---

    The beautiful image is carved of high-quality green chlorite stone and is one of the masterpieces of Konarak. Surya wears tall riding boots and is accompanied by a small figure of Aruna, the charioteer, at his feet.
    JAMINA --- ---
    Stele of the God Surya with Attendants; Uttar Pradesh, India, 10th Century, Sandstone
    JAMINA --- ---
    Members of the All India Anti-Terrorist Front make a formation with 3500 earthen lamps on the eve of the Hindu festival of Diwali, the festival of lights, in the northern Indian city of Chandigarh October 20, 2006.
    REUTERS/Ajay Verma

    Svastika je symbol používaný prakticky ve všech filosoficko-náboženských učeních indického původu – v buddhismu, hinduismu i v džinismu (dharmová náboženství). Ve všech těchto náboženstvích je to mnohoznačný symbol, obecně je chápána jako symbol štěstí.
    Symbolický význam svastiky je v hinduismu mnohoznačný: obě formy svastiky (tj. levotočivá a pravotočivá) zde značí jednotlivé formy boha Brahmy (pravotočivá – vyvíjení vesmíru, levotočivá – zanikání vesmíru), vedle toho se svastika používá jako sluneční symbol boha Súrji nebo jako symbol stability (čtyři světové strany). Svastika je navíc jeden ze 108 symbolů boha Višnua a značí životodárné sluneční paprsky.

    V buddhismu je opět svastika mnohoznačný symbol. Reprezentuje zde dharmu, universální harmonii a rovnováhu protikladů. Levotočivá svastika dále značí lásku a milosrdenství, pravotočivá sílu a inteligenci.
    JAMINA --- ---

    Śiva and Pārvatī giving a bath to Gaṇeśa. Kangra miniature, 18th century. Allahbad Museum, New Delhi.

    Source: This work is reproduced and described in Martin-Dubost, Paul (1997). Gaņeśa: The Enchanter of the Three Worlds. Mumbai: Project for Indian Cultural Studies. ISBN 81-900184-3-4, p. 51, which describes it as follows: "This square shaped miniature shows us in a Himalayan landscape the god "Śiva sweetly pouring water from his kamaṇḍalu on the head of baby Gaṇeśa. Seated comfortably on the meadow, Pārvatī balances with her left hand the baby Gaņeśa with four arms with a red body and naked, adorned only with jewels, tiny anklets and a golden chain around his stomach, a necklace of pearls, bracelets and armlets."
    JAMINA --- ---

    Ganesha, popularly known and easily recognized as the elephant God, is one of the most important deities of the Hindu pantheon. Before every undertaking, Lord Ganesha is first worshipped so as to invoke his blessings.

    Ganesha, seated here in the posture of Maharajalalisana i.e. of the great royal ease - one leg folded at the groin and the other raised with the heel on the floor, the arm resting on the raised knee. In the two right hands he holds the usual attributes, the elephant goad and the noose. In the upper left hand he holds the pink coloured lotus which blooms in the day. Ganesha holds a serpent in the lower left hand, a symbol most often associated with his father Siva. He is adorned with gold ornaments, strings of pearls and gems and a crown with a prabhavali. His shoulder cloth is seen slipping off his shoulders and entwined around his arms.

    In the foreground lies a shallow bowl and a purna kalasha denoting prosperity. A tiny mouse, unproportionate to Ganesha's image, is placed on the extreme right.
    JAMINA --- ---
    JAMINA --- ---

    parádní je ta stylizace vlevo dole:)
    JAMINA --- ---

    Granite statue of Parvati, Chola period 1100 AD, South India (private collection)
    JAMINA --- ---
    ALDARION --- ---
    PENDREK: Děkuji, přidávám si do seznamu. (A protože se dost zajímám i o starověký Blízký východ, tak asi po víkednu stráveném v Paříži nebudu vědět, jak to město kromě museí vypadá ;))
    PENDREK --- ---
    MIRACLE: to muzeum navstivte urcite, jestli vas zajima asijske umeni obecne. urcite tam stravite alespon pul dne.
    MIRACLE --- ---
    PENDREK: tak díky za info, třeba bude nějaká jiná výstava až tam budeme :o)
    PENDREK --- ---
    MIRACLE: ted na to koukam, je to vlastne jen do 4. srpna:) takze si z toho nic nedelejte, ty davy za to nestoji;)
    MIRACLE --- ---
    PENDREK: já tam jedu až v říjnu :( to už to tama si nebude :(
    PENDREK --- ---
    jestli nekdo jedete do parize, pred 2 tydny jsem v parizskem musee guimet navstivil vzstavu HOKUSAI affolé de son art. Edmond de Goncourt à Norbert Lagane. , je to krasny, ale pripravte se na davy navstevniku. clovek tam stoji frontu prakticky u kazdeho obrazku.
    MIRACLE --- ---
    BUXIE: tam se mi to taky líbilo, ale zkazila mi to kamarádka (ne až tak svou vinou) - ztratila někde u renesance sim kartu a když jsem došli k mým oblíbeným, na které jsem se těšila celou prohlídku - impresionistům, tak to zjistila a pak jsme ji půl hodiny hledaly :o(((
    Musím tam jít znovu až pojedu do Londýna :o)

    a abych nebyla OT -

    Asian China Amulet Turquoise Buddhism Kwan-yin Buddha Statue
    BUXIE --- ---
    MIRACLE: no to mi povidej, stoji to za den dva prohlidek....jdu tam vzdycky kdyz jsem v Londyne. Pak jeste Narodni Galerie :)
    MIRACLE --- ---
    BUXIE: v britském muzeu se mi moc líbilo - nejvíc asi Egypt, ale ty Asijské věci byly taky moc pěkné.
    BUXIE --- ---
    Par kousku z Britskeho narodniho muzea

    Stoneware figure of an assistant to the Judge of Hell (Room 33: free-standing statue)
    Ming dynasty, c. 1522-1620

    Ten judges preside over Chinese Buddhist 'Hell', which resembles a courtroom where souls present themselves to account for the good and bad deeds they performed in life - a process which can take up to three years. This scholarly official holds a document recording the names of evil-does and their misdemeanours under his left arm. His fierce stare, with green face and hands, is highly effective. To the right, a statue possibly from the same group depicts another judge's assistant, this time holding a book recording the names of those who have performed good deeds: note how much thinner it is.

    Given by the National Art Collections Fund, Oscar Raphael and other subscribers.
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