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Powered UP AFOL Community Answers - News - LEGO Ambassador Network
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Is there any way to stack the new connectors like the PF 1.0 ones?
The new plug is not stackable like the Power Functions plug. Sensors cannot be stacked and in most cases you want to control one output function at the time and not more together. This was done to enable more intelligent interactions through the wire.
An example of this is that all elements can now be electrically identified, so when attaching e.g. a train motor, the Hub and the App can now recognise it is a train motor. This allows us to help younger users put things in the right place. Another benefit is that we can optimise functionality based on particular elements, for example when using a train motor or the add-on light, the handset increments/decrements power (good for train / setting light) but when using the medium motor, the handset sets 100% power when a button is pressed down (good for RC vehicles).
A mam pocit ze v LEGO vynalezali kolo. Existuje nekolik proverenych prumyslovych standardu ohledne komunikace ruznych cipu po jednom drate, takze my ty jejich argumenty proc nejde zapojit vice konektoru do sebe prijdou jako nesmysl. Mam z toho porad pocit ze z nejakeho duvodu chteji omezovat. Takze misto abych do jednoho ovladaciho bodu pripojil predni i zadni svetla a do druheho motor, tak budu muset mit dalsi ovladaci krabicku systemu Powerd UP. Fuj.