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    ztracené heslo?
    UNCLEANelectronic music (music for free, experimental, techno)
    ABU --- ---
    mracim se, ze nemuzu taky, o lidi se nebojim
    FROHIKEY --- ---
    ABU: zas na druhou stranu, moc jinejch lidi vam to asi nepretahne... takze pohoda. kazdopadne dve dobry akce v jeden den jen na CR docela pech.
    ABU --- ---
    FROHIKEY --- ---
    skoda no / u me taky vyhraje akrac...
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    ABU: jasny, u me 100% ucast i kdyby trakare padaly...
    ABU --- ---
    15.12. music infinity akrac.. zni to paradne (jen se to musi kryt se sibeggem, achjo)
    UNCLEAN --- ---

    Male avizo na pristi Sobotu...

    VORTEX -- 03. 11. 2007 / Roxy

    UNCLEAN --- ---
    GREGOR_PRIDE: nene, tenhle je btw. z Ruska...
    GREGOR_PRIDE --- ---
    tio je americkej function? :)
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    NOIK: Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e e :,(
    NOIK --- ---
    UNCLEAN: byli ste teda nakonec?
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    ABU: COH performance @ R-N 11aniversary

    FROHIKEY: Ty "toho" nadelas... :P
    FROHIKEY --- ---
    UNCLEAN: "toho" voe :) radsi na ten nas radio porad drenaz zapomenem - bys tam strilel jednu errorku za druhou :)))))))
    ABU --- ---
    (zuppa obrazek)
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    FROHIKEY: helemese brothomstates, ty uz jsem neslysel leta...
    FROHIKEY --- ---

    3 decades of brothomstates

    Lassi Nikko aka Brothomstates (stary sceneri vzpomenou na jeho nick Dune - grupa Orange). Clovek kterej mel ohromnej vliv na vyvoj hudbicek k demum, az se postupne propracoval az na warp records a dalsi. peknej prurez tvorbou...

    http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZR2KBDa7lAg - ukazka z dema The Secret Life of Mr.Black by Orange, 97, ktery si tenkrat prozpevoval kazdej scener :)

    01. 00:00: intro / Whind (Kobn Tich Ey)
    02. 03:40: Kusi (The Secret Life of Mr.Black by Orange, 97)
    03. 06:38: Astral Ian Breakside
    04. 14:25: Is/Am
    05. 20:40: Origo Gardeners + Brothomstates Mix (Origami Live at Abduction 97)
    06. 27:45: Asia Mist Garden
    07. 29:41: ~k
    08. 36:12: Mdrmx (Claro, Warp)
    09. 42:04: Caero (Caero by Plant/EMF 95)
    10. 48:51: Qtio (Qtio EP, Warp)
    11. 53:25: Lackluster Suntrapez (brothomstates timing techniques)
    12. 57:17: Riveurs Enjienrd by Brothomstates (Machine Drum - Half the Battle 02)
    13. 61:05: Abdea (Kobn Tich Ey)

    RATUS --- ---
    MINIBUBBLE --- ---
    Ahoj, zvu Vás dnes na BUBBLES MINIMAL NIGHT, free entry na Bukanýru, Djs: Tomics, Insect Elektrika, Awacs, Subsist. Start 20:00
    UNCLEAN --- ---

    Monolake - Free Track of the Month (motion blur)

    Hello and welcome (back) to the free track of the month. My original plan for October was to edit a track from 2001 that never made it into a release. However, while searching for it on my backup drive I came across a track from September 2004 that catched my attention. I spent a day removing all elements I found wrong and adding some new parts. The version here is the result of this day. It is just a rough edit, as a next step I will transfer it into my current Monolake Live set and see how it fits in.

    The material is mostly created with my Synclavier II, edited and sequenzed in Ableton Live. I believe the original version from 2004 was the result of a collaborative effort of Torsten 'T++' Proefrock and me, so he deserves credit here too.

    [ ~ 10minutes, 14MByte ]
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