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    UNCLEANelectronic music (music for free, experimental, techno)
    CIL --- ---

    katsa.theo – rePORTO (Red Edition)

    katsa.theo – rePORTO (Green Edition)

    Remixové dvojalbum rePORTO vychází koncem února 2011 pod značkou královéhradeckého labelu Ressonus Records jako elektronický release k volnému stažení. Jde o kompilaci 25ti remixů původních skladeb projektu katsa.theo, vydaných na Ressonus Records v minulém roce pod názvem PORTO. Tato minideska o šesti skladbách, doplněných dvěma remixy, byla natočena s portugalsky zpívající vokalistkou Milli Janatkovou a získala nominaci na Žánrové ceny Anděl 2010 v kategorii alternativní hudba.

    Kompilace remixů rePORTO je složena ze dvou vzájemně se doplňujících částí – zatímco zelený set zaznamenává převážně ambientní a experimentální přístup, červená sada obsahuje rozličné podoby elektroniky od downtempa přes dubstep až po špinavý 8bit. Jedinou podmínkou, kterou remixéři museli dodržet, bylo použití původních stop se zpěvem Milli Janatkové, jejíž hlas se takto stal přirozeným pojícím elementem celku. 25 remixů je v závěru doplněno dosud nevydaným trackem Ponte od katsa.theo.
    ORLOCK --- ---



    1. Mrkva - Sur.faces
    2. Andras E.G. Csefalvay - When I Stepped I Got Hung Up In The Air
    3. Be a Light unto Your Self - Three Tigers Chasing A Dragon Steam Around Bengal Fire
    4. Andras E.G. Csefalvay - Song Of Tom
    5. PRLN - Sources
    6. Mrkva - Brushing Your Hair
    7. Angakkut - Goblin Sharkie's Koan
    8. 1/x - Prelom
    9. Unbending Intent - Silver Horn
    10. Andras E.G. Csefalvay - I Analyze You Quite A Lot
    11. ::.: - Electrick Rainstick
    12. Mrkva - When A Man Loves A System
    13. PRLN - Zakonite Rework
    14. Andras E.G. Csefalvay - Then They Are Not

    ZVUKOLOM je prvým releasom začínajúceho experimentálneho netlabelu LOM. Je to výber 14 trackov od 8 sound-artistov, hudobníkov a hudobných zoskupení a zoskupení z územia Slovenska. Cieľom tejto kompilácie bolo najmä predstaviť LOM a ľudí v ňom obsiahnutých ako označenie smerovania labelu - zaujímajú nás hlavne okrajové a (ak ešte existujú) nepomenované štýly, hra s netradičnými aspektami estetiky zvuku a hudby, fenomén "weird music", konceptuálne kompozície, post-noise, či úplná iracionalita s poryvmi nevedomia. Na kompilácii teda nájdete Unbending Intent - hĺbkového potápača mysle a kozmonauta zvuku očareného pareidóliami, Be Light Unto a Your Self - postmoderný komorný orchaoster, 1/x - na scéne už celkom známe duo, miestami dokonca rytmického a melodického noise s prímesou budúcnosti, Prln-a - včelára syntetizátorov s láskou k zvuku, Mrkvu - bojovníka za lepší zajtrajšok hluku, Andras E.G. Csefalvaya - známeho skôr vo vizuálno-umeleckým sférach, no zároveň skvelého post-folk "pesničkára" a nakoniec Angakkut - premenlivého zoskupenia hudobníkov z rôznych scén miešajúcich ambient, folk, songwriterstvo a post-post-post-rock.
    cover design: leather gloves & glory holes
    mastering: ::.: at mydriasis studio
    thanks to: ksyz & norkia crew, gnd, je te tue, alexander shulgin, carl gustav jung, hanscarl leuner

    stiahnuť / kúpiť na bandcampevypočuť / okomentovať na soundcloudenaša stránkakybéria fórumpodporiť LOM
    LEVOS_BOB --- ---
    Karaoke Tundra - Spalil kila
    sm27 - Surreal Madrid 2011

    New single from Karaoke Tundra is here. This time pretty stoned tune along with remixes from craziest producers out there. Proper music. Have a nice day!

    go and get it
    ADAMBERNAU --- ---
    TOOMUCH: díky
    ADAMBERNAU --- ---
    UNCLEAN: Nedalo by se to odněkud stáhnout?
    TOOMUCH --- ---

    Asynchronous I/O | Datacrashrobot

    idm glitch prasoš
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    Live Music Show - Keith Fullerton Whitman - Curated by Keith Fullerton Whitman


    Laurie Spiegel "Improvisations on a Concerto Generator" live at Bell Labs, 1977. Here Laurie is manipulating the Bell Labs Digital Synthesizer, aka the "Alles Machine" (or just "Alice") in real time. I love how baroque this is ; the pulverizing 16th-note motorik starts to blur together until all you hear are the lovely arpeggiated chord-shapes ...


    ... speaking of motorik ; Can "Paperhouse" live in 1972, at the peak of their powers ... You often think of Can as this freak-out group, but here they sound as restrained & musical as ever ... of course Jaki is on fire throughout, but I'm more impressed by Holger's timekeeping in this clip !!! One of Damo's best performances to boot, perfect Karoli guitar tone ; I could watch this on repeat, all day, every day ...


    Seeselberg "Synthetik-1" , ca. 1975 c/o WDR. Seeselberg were two brothers ("Eckhardt" & "Wolf-J") who issued a lone LP in 1973 of some of the most bewitching, non-denominational electronic music ever committed to tape. This feature-ette shows them jamming in front of a small gallery crowd, then at home in the studio ; cut with some rather Brakhage-esque direct-film experiments ... Sounds like a million bucks !!!


    Bembeya Jazz National "Petit Sekou" live at the RTG studios in 1979. Slays me every time. Top-notch interplay, jagged but never showy guitar ... Love the VHS / helical scan wobble in the intro as well ...


    Short film of Céleste Boursier-Mougenot's commission for The Curve at the Barbican Center in London, 2010 ; Incredible idea, gorgeously executed ...


    Great clip of Moroder actually performing "The Chase" from "Midnight Express" on a MiniMoog in 1979 ; proper synth freakout in there as well ...


    Harry Bertoia Sound Sculptures, performed by his son, Val in 2001. About 5 years before this was filmed, I made the pilgrimage out to rural Bally, PA to witness these for myself ... since Harry's passing in 1978, the sculptures have been standing in a barn, largely untouched, for the last 30 years; this is a rare document of their majestic forms / sounds ...


    Pink Floyd "Echoes Part II" ; never was a big Gilmour fan, but I'll rate this as the best bit from the later "Stadium" Floyd's reign ...


    Erkki Kurreniemi "Computer Music" ... mid-60's film showing Erkki's process for composing with computers. Typewriter? Check. Scads of jumbled up paper tape? Check. Composer falls asleep, dreams of psychedelic spinning landscape, rife with paranoid overtones? All there. As close as you'll get to a valid "performance film" of early Computer Music ...


    The Voice Crack trio of Norbert Möslang, Andy Guhl, and Knut Remond performing a set of their trademark "Cracked Everyday Electronics" in a gallery in their hometown of St. Gallen, Switzerland, 1989 ... I hear this not only as the blueprint for every "pedal noise" performance of the 90s / 00s, but as the invention of a few different languages that make up a large part of our current experimental music vocabulary. These guys are VISIONARIES ...


    KEITH FULLERTON WHITMAN, musician, writer, filmmaker, and distributor left during his fourth year at music school to work for music distributor Forced Exposure. Five years later he retired to work his mojo as alter-ego HRVATSKI to dwindling crowds in medium to small sized rooms across eight continents for another five years. He then continued to record and produce and engineer music for and with a large number of people from all over the world, while issuing the sporadic recording under his own name.

    GENERATOR, his latest work, was a year-long experiment in live electronic music the culminated in two lp records and many, many cassette tapes. He lives in Somerville, MA with his cat Robyn and his partner Wilbur, and works in Cambridge, MA.


    Network Awesome - Live Music Show - Keith Fullerton Whitman
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    Raime - mix for Sonar

    Shoc Corridor - Khartoum
    Nagamatzu - Watch And Waste
    Cabaret Voltaire - Fourth Shot
    Pink Military - Living In The Jungle
    The Klinik - Fever
    Experiments In Ice - O-Kee-Pa Pain
    The Hypothetical Prophets - Wallenburg
    Ike Yard - A Dull Life
    Hula - Poison
    Yellow Magic Orchestra - Epilogue

    ::. Sonar .:: Raime
    LEVOS_BOB --- ---
    Future Sound Of Petrzalka - Detuned Stories (Surreal Madrid 2011)

    First release in 2011 belongs to big talent from Slovakia - Future Sound Of Petrzalka. "Childish analog synthesizer melodies, cheesy sounds, drum-machines and MPC, punk style scratching of old czechoslovak pop music 7". One week off because of broken leg. My try to make catchy pop-music hits to entertain masses."

    go and get it
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    Blackest Ever Black: She Died With Her Eyes Open

    Nejake smutne pisnicky na smutny Patek...


    Amebix – Sunshine Ward (Glad To Be Bad) (excerpt) [Spiderleg, 1984]
    Chasing Voices – Acidbathory (excerpt) [Preserved Instincts, 2010]
    Yellow Tears – Don’t Cry (fragment) [Hospital Productions, 2009]
    Burzum – Rundgang Um Die Transzendentale Säule Der Singularität [Misanthropy/Cymophane, 1996]
    Second Layer – Black Flowers [Cherry Red, 1981]
    Mecanica Popular – Daguerrotipo [Grabaciones Accidentales, 1987]
    Ye Olde Maids – Advice To A Future Giallo Killer [Heartworm Press, 2010]
    Cosmetics – Black Leather Gloves [Captured Tracks, 2010]
    aTelecine – I Came I Sat I Departed [Pendu Sound, 2010]
    Pump – Falling From Grace [Plague, 2010]
    Eric Zann – It Is Narrow Here (excerpt) [Ghost Box, 2005]
    Tropic of Cancer – Dive (Wheel Of The Law) [Blackest Ever Black, 2011]
    Gate – Forever [Ba Da Bing!, 2010]
    Pram – Compass Rose [Domino, 2007]
    The Units – Straight Lines [Community Library, 2009]
    Burial Hex - Go Crystal Tears [Aurora Borealis, 2009]
    Nocturnal Emissions – Vegetation Narration [Earthly Delights, 1987]
    Sutcliffe Jugend – Scene Two: The House; Act V: Cold Aftermath [Death Factory, 1999]
    Lydia Lunch – Suicide Ocean [Ruby, 1982]
    Peter Rehberg – ML3 [Editions Mego, 2009]

    Blackest Ever Black: She Died With Her Eyes Open | PONTONE | PONTONE
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    YouTube - Skoltz_Kolgen - Ether.avi
    UNCLEAN --- ---

    Dneska se zadarilo, dalsi zajimavy IDMkovy pocin... Na prvni poslech mi to pripomina stareho Kangding Raye

    "clouds leave no trace in the sky...
    so fragile,
    just like my being"

    It's time to find the holy grail in the dark. A secret part in the cave-system, a hidden world. Forget all crisis for some time, think of healing, love and regeneration/recreation. The spring starts in your body, weatherless chaos, envisioning the future of ideas.

    We are filled with pleasure having the honour to present Barcelona's D-Fried with his beautiful sounds in electronic worlds, that hold an intense and chilling spirit, creating a roomflooding atmosphere of peace.

    Along with this great release we can see an amazing artwork by Tokyo-based contemporary artist Buna, who also created the latest Funckarma-Release-Artwork. Much thanks. ▲ info all tracks written & produced by Jordi Saludes a.k.a. D-Fried

    tracks 1, 4, 7, 8 & 10 recorded @ Fried Studios (Barcelona)
    tracks 2 & 6 recorded @ City View Studios (London)
    tracks 3, 5 & 9 recorded @ a little room next to Yoyogi Park (Tokio)

    Music, selection and playlist by D-Fried; Artwork by Buna;
    organzing/Tagging/Package/Encoding/Database by parmon; Archive-
    Orga/Hosting by Rico Honisch. File Hosting: SonicSquirrel,
    Archive.org, Phonocake; torrent at legaltorrents.com
    released April 2009

    D-Fried : Clouds leave no trace (Phonocake Netlabel)
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    Recue - Leftover Love (extended edition)

    Krasny IDMko s nadechem vonaveho dubu... respektah

    Leftover Love is the third album from Helsinki based electronic music producer Recue after his successful releases on Rednetic and netlabel One. It is a collection of tracks he has made throughout the years under his alias. The common element of the tracks is that they were not originally made for one specific release. They are live tracks, sound design experiments, Sunday afternoon jams and the forgotten gems in the hard drive of his studio. The fact that all of the tracks are made for a different purpose, at a different time, even years apart, makes the release truly an interesting listen. It forms a logical journey through Recues production with his distinct style binding the pieces

    Leftover Love (extended edition) | audiobaum
    YARIN --- ---
    skoronovy bvdub zdarma k sosnuti..

    New TechnoID: [QUIETUS 007d] Bvdub - One Last Look At The Sea http://newtechnoid.blogspot.com/2011/02/quietus-007d-bvdub-one-last-look-at-sea.html
    TOOMUCH --- ---
    TOOMUCH --- ---

    Style: Ambient / Experimental / Drone / Noise
    Bitrate: 320 Kbps

    01: Prurient & Kevin Drumm - First Memory Of Pain / Hospital Productions

    02: Demdike Stare - Leptonic Matter / Modern Love

    03: Autechre - paralel Suns / Warp Records
    04: Fennesz - City Of Light / Touch

    05: BJ Nilsen - Gravity Station / Touch
    06: Chris Abrahams - Bird And Wasps / Room40

    07: Tim Hecker - Radio Spiricom / Kranky

    08: Anduin - Our Future Is A Debt / SMTG Limited
    09: The North Sea - Reunion / Type
    10: Oneohtrix Point Never - Format & Journey North / No Fun Productions
    11: Belong - I Never Lose. Never Really / Carpark Records

    12: Black To Comm - Jonathan / Type

    13: Simon Scott - Repulse / Miasmah
    14: Level - Opale (Ae Ist) / Spekk
    15: Ben Frost - And I Watched You Breathe / Room40
    16: Grouper - Hold / Room40

    UNCLEAN --- ---
    UNCLEAN: nic pro slabe natury :)
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