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    ztracené heslo?
    GUMAGUARANGAZOVANE UMENI / umeni vs. politika a společnost --- aktivismus, propaganda, kritika, subverze NOVÉ: 666
    RADIQAL --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: •Co bys chtěl, pár lidí to uživí, ať už za ty drobky od J&T nebo údajnej spill over do vysších i nižších vrstev společenských, ve formě lásky k umění (č(ť)i umču?) a s ní i ty "zakázečky", že...
    •Jinak průměrná uklizečka v IT firmě na tom bude asi lip než průměrnej unělec (či kumštýř).
    •A když už se vystavuje o kultuře protestu, prosím, chapal bych to přinejlepšim jako call to action a v nejhoršim jako bulvárek, tak aby se ale taky něco dělo, že...
    Nové modely přerozdělování bohatství budou letos na stole a "trendy". Stejně jako využívání negalerijních prostor.
    VOYTEX --- ---
    SGNLR: Je to vyborny! Napad, kamera, a zvuk teda se mi libil, v useku s fararem je ta souhra dokonala. Mluvene slovo me prekvapilo, chapu ho jako nedialogove atmo bezne v blizkosti reaktoru. Nevim kolik obsahuje film odkazu na original MT, protoze ho moc neznam..
    HYNEK --- ---
    SGNLR --- ---
    HYNEK: cekam, kdy se nekdo z "nesoutezicich" vyjadri k tomu, kdo tu cenu plati..

    aka "fajn ze se nemusime starat o socky, ale miliardari si pres nas zasivaj penize v danovejch rajich a to sype. Proto jim kazdej rok radime, kdo je nejlip prodavanej umelec, aby skrz ten jeho kumst slo par drobnejch vyprat a pohonit si, ze oligarchove a jim podobny kulturni bytosti"
    HYNEK --- ---
    To zas vypada na nevyhru

    Chalupeckého cena má finalisty, opět odmítli soutěžit o vítězství | ČeskéNoviny.cz
    SGNLR --- ---
    Wooden shoes, 2019

    Wooden shoes; 2019

    Wooden shoes are the symbol of inconsistent, when I am part of climate change. I am trying to avoid of activites,
    that eliminate life on Earth. Sometimes it is impossible to escape and choose life without destroying.
    Iron nails under shoes collected waste and at the same time the shoes deformed ground, flowers and plants, while I was walking.
    SGNLR --- ---
    MASOO: diky!
    SGNLR --- ---
    360 video tour nasi skupinovy vystavy ve Walesu

    Untitled 3

    na strankach maji ruzny artist talky a film Changemakers o kulture protestu


    ‘Ways of Protest’, an extensive exhibition looking at how the arts can be used as a vehicle for protest, and how activism and a desire for social change can drive individual and collective creativity.

    Contemporary artworks by Welsh and International artists will be accompanied by archival artefacts from the vast Swansea Museum collection as well as memorabilia, photographs, interviews, and artworks provided by members of the public and protest groups from Swansea and Wales.

    This exhibition is part of the ChangeMakers Festival Programme exploring activism and social change through, exhibitions, workshops, heritage, words, visual and digital art. The festival is a celebration of people, movements and organisations who have fought for social equality in Swansea and the wider world.
    SGNLR --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: mluvíš o muzikálech nebo Lucii Bílý?
    SGNLR --- ---
    Paul Jones develops artworks that focus on how flags operate in the tactics of protest. Flags can be viewed as agents of emotional manipulation or political motivation.
    ' In my practice flags act as visual devices. As a medium they can highlight their role as a territorial marker, a symbol of power, and their own subversive plasticity. Used within the context of landscape, the flag communicates a potential to be read within a framework of identity politics, territory, and authoritative control. As part of material culture, the flags that I appropriate or design often operate as antagonistic devices.

    Artist Talk: Paul Jones
    MASOO --- ---
    SGNLR: je to fakt skvělý! Obrazově i obsahově.
    VOYTEX --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: klíčenku?
    GGG --- ---

    Hito Steyerl: Lecture

    Artist, filmmaker, and media theorist Hito Steyerl joins the Dramaturgies of Resistance collective for a lecture, screening and discussion of recent work, including a live Q&A with the Zoom webinar audience. The Zoom link will be sent to all registered attendees prior to the event.
    *PLEASE NOTE*: We have reached capacity for the Webinar (thus please don't contact the organizers or the Jackman Humanities Institute about tickets), but will be running a livestream of the event to ensure that anyone can attend. The livestream link will be published here on the event page (Discussion wall) and at www.dramaturgiesofresistance.com prior to the event start time. Thank you for your enthusiastic interest!
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Me tak nejak pobavilo, ze pandemie konecne ukazala, ze po “umeni” v galeriich a mimo prostor typu “ti co jsou zrovna okolo”, tak je proste zivotaschopne a uzitecne jak snehova koule v Pekle.
    Nic proti tomu, ze divadla i galerie jsou na tom zle, co se vnimajicich tyce, ale pokud si toho nevsimy (jak galerie, tak divadla) od nastupu televize, holt je to znak pomaleho vymirani chytrych hlupaku.
    Asi neco, jak kdyz by Kryl cekal, az jej pustej za komara na Ceskym Rozhlase, a moh by napsat protest proti lidske malosti do Rudeho Prava.
    VLKSAMOTAR --- ---
    SGNLR: a bum! a už je to staré! (viz:)
    SGNLR --- ---
    MRKEVREDKEV: spocenej jsem byl skoro porad a jezdeni ve fitku na pasu mi prislo uz nejak moc "vtipny". Ale tak nejakej ten sport tam je i tak. Ale ve scenari to bylo. Ono je taky jezdeni na pasu a snim spojeny absrudity uz ve svete umca docela provareny, tak jsem nechtel vypadat, ze vykradam treba akci myho oblibence Brada Downeyho. Tohle je jeho skvely video..

    Brad Downey - Treading
    MRKEVREDKEV --- ---
    SGNLR: super! jen jsem ale marně čekal na scénu, kdy jedeš s hooverboardem spocenej na běžeckym pásu ve fitku :(
    VLKSAMOTAR --- ---
    SALE --- ---
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