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    GUMAGUARANGAZOVANE UMENI / umeni vs. politika a společnost --- aktivismus, propaganda, kritika, subverze NOVÉ: 666
    SGNLR --- ---

    Greenwashing 2021 Luhačovice | Vladimír Turner

    Many corporations started to present themselves as environmentally friendly while they just adapt to new climate situation so they can continue their business. These marketing strategies are smoke screen to hide real problems. They push consumer to feel personal guilt if he/she can not buy bio, fair-trade, organic products etc. There is a long list of various corporations like airlines, fossil industry, chains of food supplies, car manufacturers, … We can find greenwashing strategies even within political propaganda.

    I created this installation in the cheapest way so it looks like theatrical scenery and it’s fakenes is glaring. Fake grass in contrast with the real one is just as absurd as greenwashing agenda of billionaires and their corporations. Unskillful way of this construction from its backside is in contrast with clean frontside facade. The same as advertisement provides us: beautiful packaging but rotten from inside.

    All the material from this piece will be reused in different context.Thanks to production team of Luhovaný Vincent
    VLKSAMOTAR --- ---
    SGNLR: ale prosimtě! :)
    SGNLR --- ---
    VLKSAMOTAR: paráda. je tě tu škoda v tomhle buranově!
    VLKSAMOTAR --- ---
    VOYTEX: díky!
    Dobré, že sis všiml, chtěl jsem, aby ta věta byla lehce ponižující, ale zároveň, aby to nešlo na první poznat. Tak takový lopato vtípek. :)
    VOYTEX --- ---
    VLKSAMOTAR: Vyborny.

    (Jen drobna nekonzistetnce ve videu s VK, hlas rika "wrote a scholarly essay", zatimco v textu je "wrote an essay".)
    VLKSAMOTAR --- ---
    Příspěvky na výstavu "Supermarket Museum".
    Pohled na dávno zrušené supermarkety z perspektivy roku 2050.


    Supermarket VR
    Idea, director, post-production: @horylesy
    DOP: Martin Matěj
    Sound design: Jonáš Kucharský

    The Supermarket Museum VR

    Supermarkets try to hide information about how the food they sell was produced. Industrial methods of food production have damaged entire ecosystems - destroying biodiversity, the climate, the soil, the health of people and other creatures.
    Fresh food, distinctive packaging design, discounts, all of this, along with smiling staff and elevator music, made for a calm and comfortable shopping experience. The huge basket invites you to fill up, and the supermarket is so huge that you are bound to get hungry sooner or later when you visit.
    Supermarket VR offers a mediated period experience with contextual build-up of the way and production of a particular food item that appears to the player upon contact with the product. Yum!




    Horylesy - Supermarket Museum Leaflet - Strana 1 - Created with Publitas.com

    Supermarkets use many types of aggressive marketing, including greenwashing techniques and creating demand for products that would not be needed if they were not advertised - testing the limits of uselessness and unsustainability. Consumer culture has its own language that feeds on people's need to belong, boosts their self-esteem and plays on their virtues and vices.
    “Consumer society thrives as long as it manages to render the non-satisfaction of its members (and so, in its own terms, their unhappiness) perpetual. The explicit method of achieving such an effect is to denigrate and devalue consumer products shortly after they have been hyped into the universe of the consumers' desires. But another way to do the same thing, and yet more effectively, stays in the semi-shade and is seldom brought out into the limelight except by perceptive investigative journalists: namely, by satisfying every need/desire/want in such a fashion that they cannot but give birth to yet new needs/desires/wants. What starts as an effort to satisfy a need must end up as a compulsion or an addiction.”
    (Zygmunt Bauman, Consuming Life)


    The Origin Of The End


    The Origin Of The End

    In a warm day in June, almost 30 years ago, the subject of supermarkets first came up as a public debate. We can thank the brave and intrepid Václav Klaus, the former President of the Czech Republic, an economist and politician who played a major role in the transition of socialist Czechoslovakia to a capitalist economy in the 1990s, for this historic turning point.
    ART_OF_CAN --- ---
    SGNLR: Gratulky!!!
    SGNLR --- ---
    pro francouzštináře...

    LPR#6 : "Exodus" par Vladimir Turner. - HIYA!
    VEX --- ---
    HYNEK: to by se Alence nelíbilo
    HYNEK --- ---
    Program na zaklade analyzy primych prenosu sleduje, nakolik se belgicti politici venuji svym mobilum.

    The Flemish Scrollers, 2021 – Dries Depoorter

    SGNLR --- ---
    LPR#5 : "Deal of the week" par The Wa. - HIYA!
    MTO --- ---
    The Organizers of a Major U.K. Exhibition Used My Name to Promote Their Show. But They Were Too Afraid to Embrace My Ideas

    - Ai Weiwei ma problemy kvuli Assangemu...
    MTO --- ---
    SHM8: to nevim :-)) ukradeno z geraspory, bez popisku...
    SHM8 --- ---
    MTO: to jsou policajti Czechteku 2005, že jo? ...a plot z Maďarska?
    HYNEK --- ---
    ‚Proti Ferimu skrz Feriho.‘ Členky skupiny popsaly vznik plakátů, které ‚ozdobily‘ právnickou fakultu | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    SGNLR --- ---
      Искусство и город: граффити, уличное искусство, активизм

    The book "Art and the City" describes the main directions and trends in the development of street art from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present. The publication, which was released in 2016, became the first book in Russian that claims to be a complete analysis of the global phenomenon of street art, which includes the global context and the situation in Russia.

    The second edition is supplemented by coverage of events after 2016. The book also includes several monologues from the pioneers of the street art scene, based on interviews with the author. In addition, the publication has significantly expanded the part about the New York graffiti scene, added a description of border street practices at the intersection of art, urbanism and activism. The chapter on Russian street art has also been substantially expanded.

    Igor Ponosov is a curator and theorist of street art, at the same time he is a practicing artist, and this position allows him to observe the processes from the inside, which is why many aspects in the book are interpreted critically, sometimes even emotionally, reflecting the personal involvement of the author.
    MTO --- ---
    MTO --- ---
    DEB --- ---
    HYNEK: jen aby bylo jasno, plusicek davam tomu tvymu LOL
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