Narazil jsem tuna festival politického umění v Drážďanech, který bude probíhat příští víkend.
Political Art Days 2022 - Fokus: Das Gute Leben für Alle weltweit - CAMBIO e.V. | Aktionswerkstatt für Umweltschutz und Menschenrechte BNE & Globales Lernen Political Art Days is a public, political art festival that has been striving for six years to convey social, global and ecological contexts using art education methods in Dresden. Its format opens up a creative space for artists and speakers from various fields of science, culture and pedagogy, within which they can address socially relevant issues comprehensively and together with the festival visitors. Through diverse, interactive methods, we want to make the challenges of our globalized world visible and their multi-layered consequences - also on our own lives - comprehensible.
The focus of the 2022 festival edition will be the concept of the so-called "imperial way of life" developed by the I.L.A. collective, which depicts the complex and often confusing relationships between global crises and growing social injustice in the Global South and the current way of production and living in the Global North. Furthermore, we want to deal with the manifold, already existing possibilities, which describe a way to solidary ways of living and alternative ways of economy.
During the festival, these relations are to be illuminated in a comprehensible way for our visitors and the structure of our everyday life here in the Global North is to be critically questioned. The Political Art Days are intended to encourage reflection on our individual and social responsibility, and the alternative approaches to action are intended to encourage active participation in shaping a sustainable society in which sustainability, equality of opportunity and solidarity, rather than unlimited economic growth and systematic exploitation of natural resources and labor, determine the parameters of our human interaction.