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    ztracené heslo?
    CISTICZRichard P. Feynman
    RADO1 --- ---
    Toto je motto jednej kapitoly z beletristickej knizky. Je vymyslene autorom alebo realny Dickov vyrok?

    Fyzika je jako sex. Muze samozrejme nabidnout nejake prakticke vysledky, kvuli tomu se ji ale nevenujeme. [Richard Feynman]
    WENCA --- ---
    CYBERS: to je fakt krasny
    CYBERS --- ---
    LITTLELI --- ---
    WENCA: to je moc pekny clanek.
    SLAPPY --- ---
    Neobycejna teorie svetla a latky je jedna z nejlepších knih, co jsem četl. A Feynmanovi záležitosti jsou vůbec super!
    WENCA --- ---
    CISTICZ --- ---
    WENCA: jako super, ale pod linuxem ani hovno, takze bille seres me! :)
    WENCA --- ---
    ty vole, to je narez! diky bille. :)
    TIBOREC --- ---
    WENCA: joo! je to ono, dokonce i s anglickejma titulkama :) ted uz jen vysetrit par hodin casu ;)
    WENCA --- ---
    WENCA: aha, microsoft silverlight. bad for me.
    WENCA --- ---

    to maj bejt ty dickovo prednasky od billa. me to jenom napsalo, ze muj brower je nepodporovany, ale uz jsem se nedozvedel na cem to ma fungovat. jde to nekomu z vas?
    TIBOREC --- ---
    WENCA: to jsem nikde neobjevil, ale tu informaci mam z RSS ScienceWeeku, tak treba se tam pak objevi i vyveseni tech videi.
    WENCA --- ---
    TIBOREC: nevite nekdo kdy se na ty prednasky budem moct podivat? hledal jsem klicovy slovo "feynman" na http://www.gatesfoundation.org/ a nic. :(
    MOYYO --- ---
    jo a tadle sajta je taky dobra:
    MOYYO --- ---
    to je zlato, cisty zlato tendle paper :)
    MOYYO --- ---
    a dost, prece to sem neprepastuju cely :)

    More dramatically, both G and Hilb may be replaced by a more general sort of n-category.
    This allows for a rigorous treatment of physical theories where physical processes are described by
    n-dimensional diagrams. The basic idea, however, is always the same: a physical theory is a map
    sending sending `abstract' processes to actual transformations of a specific physical system.
    MOYYO --- ---
    The advantage of this viewpoint is that now the group G can be replaced by a more general
    category. Topological quantum field theory provides the most famous example of such a generalization,
    but in retrospect the theory of Feynman diagrams provides another, and so does Penrose's
    theory of `spin networks'.
    MOYYO --- ---
    In particular, we can roughly distinguish two lines of thought leading towards n-categorical
    physics: one beginning with quantum mechanics, the other with general relativity. Since a major
    challenge in physics is reconciling quantum mechanics and general relativity, it is natural to hope
    that these lines of thought will eventually merge. We are not sure yet how this will happen, but
    the two lines have already been interacting throughout the 20th century.
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