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    ztracené heslo?
    JONYamplified worship - maximum volume yields maximum results
    JONY --- ---
    pěkná recenze na Sorc'henn Matěji
    MATHEW --- ---
    Marvargr - Likstank [205 Recordings 2007]

    Not since MZ. 412 merged black metal and industrial music in the mid nineties has there been a more blasphemous and outright harsh marriage of genres.
    Consisting of the Norwegian centerpillar of experimental music, Lasse Marhaug, and the Swedish originator of the blackambient movement, Henrik Nordvargr Björkk, Marvargr fuses the underground spirit of elitist black metal with the unrelenting energy of the noise movement.
    A true celebration of the originators of the scene as well as a possible shape of rock to come.

    Recorded in Norwegian and Swedish forests 2005.
    Limited to 666 copies.

    01. A New Dawn of Supreme Evil
    02. Excrement Skullfuck
    03. Fullmoon Mountain Wrath
    04. Manifest of the Black War Orgy
    05. Burning the Abominable Virgin Mary
    06. Crucified and Raped on the Cross
    07. Nuklear Desecration at the Northern Gates
    08. Absolute Domination Christpiss
    09. Forest of Blasphemy
    10. Sodomy to Lord Diabolus
    11. Unsilent Hellnoise in the North Abyss
    12. Apocalypse in D-Minor
    13. Likstank

    MISA_PES --- ---
    BEN_BELLA: diky moc
    JONY --- ---
    leaknul Ascend a je to kurevsky dobré....
    MISA_PES --- ---
    MATHEW: nebyla by pls part 2?
    MLOK --- ---
    MATHEW: jo tohle jsem poslouchal, dobře ty.
    MAHISH --- ---
    JONY: Jojo, Growing zněli fakt výborně, nečekal jsem, že to na živo bude až takhle dobrý. A boris komentovat nebudu, necítim se k tomu oprávněnej, snad jen, že to byla dobrá show:)) Zajímavý individua;)
    MATHEW --- ---
    The Skull Defekts And Lasse Marhaug - Infekted Skulls [2006]

    "Infekted skulls" it is a live recording from oslo with LASSE MARHAUG recorded at Chateau Neuf in Oslo. The Skull Defekts is a four-headed beast consiting of Henrik Rylander( ex- Union Carbide Productions), Joachim Nordwall (ex KID COMMANDO, ALVARS ORKESTER , THE IDEALIST and he is also doing the awesome label IDEAL RECORDINGS ), Eric Olofsson & Jean-Louis Huhta. You may meet the band in different shapes. You may be treated well. Limited to 100 copies with Screenprinted fold-in card sleeve."

    MATHEW --- ---
    Sunn o))) Live In Paris 12-12-2007

    Here's a choice soundboard recording of the great Sunn O))) caught live in Paris.....

    WELL --- ---
    Kurihara byl famózní. Dostalo mě to stejně jako loni, trochu jinak, ale přece.
    JONY --- ---
    _ELPH_: no boris JSOU imho hardrocková kapela. :-) Hráli poměrně dlouho, v sestavě měli Michio Kuriharu. Nebylo to špatné, ale ten jejich první koncert mi sedl víc. Nicméně spíš byl dnes problém u mne než u Boris. Každopádně Growing nahlas a na silné aparatuře jsou paráda.
    _ELPH_ --- ---
    JONY: a co boris samotny? kamarat co ich videl v londyne hovoril ze toto turne nic moc. ze nejaky hardrock hrali alebo co...?
    mam dilemu ci ist do viedne alebo nie...
    JONY --- ---
    Tak Growing na aparatuře Boris byli parádní.
    JONY --- ---
    Goliath Bird Eater - "Pentagon Black" (Ruralfaune, 2008)

    If you’re afraid of spiders, I don’t recommend Googling the term ‘Goliath Bird Eater.’ You’re liable to end up on your ass, in shambles, crying for your mommy. You see, the goliath bird-eating spider is the largest spider in the world, which lives up to its name but is apparently fairly harmless to humans (Seriously? Only FAIRLY harmless?). Southern Californian black magician Bob Bruno – who is a member of the Not Not Fun extended family – has chosen to share his nom de guerre with our favourite grandiose arachnid. Being far less harmful to humans in the physical sense than his namesake, GBE (the musical project) more than makes up for it in the skull-shattering, soul-crushing, cerebellum-squishing sense.

    In simple terms, “Pentagon Black” is a trio of dense, metal-inspired drone pieces. But there’s more to it than that: The assistance from Rafe Mandel (The For Carnation) and the Pocahaunted girls on “Loop of Pine,” the mid-song silence breaks in “Shiranui,” and the title track – which could be an alternate soundtrack for the intro of Holy Mountain. All of these elements make “Pentagon Black” transcend all things drone and metal. As a matter of fact, I take the first sentence of this paragraph back. This record comprises a trio of complex sonic rituals bearing subtle hints of doom, drone, metal, Slint, Jodorowsky and you fuckin’ name it! It’s a damn great record, and it’s got some of the slickest cover art ever to grace a CD-R! Highly recommended!!! 9/10 -- Bryon Hayes (6 May, 2008) digitalisindustries.com

    btw doporučuji i debutové album co vyšlo u notnotfun


    JONY --- ---
    Burial Hex - "Initiations" (Aurora Borealis, 2008)

    Clay Ruby. (feedback, voice, PAIA 4700, samples, microphones, homemade oscillators, metal, organs, earth, distortion, delay, insect, reverb, electric piano and analog tape)

    Burial Hex first made itself known to Aurora Borealis a few years ago when browsing obscure blackened electronic treats online. The subsequent purchase delivered a rather bizarre cassette tape, totally without markings, and a cryptic, darkly printed simple cover bearing ancient symbols and occult schematics: "Curses of the Earth" indeed. It conjured all sorts of imaginings - nocturnal rites, lonely vigils with archaic analogue equipment, moonlight, madness...

    In 2007 Aurora Borealis found itself face to face with Burial Hex across the strings of the ether, in communication via email, almost wholly by accident and coincidence. Taking this to be a sign, perhaps the hand of destiny, a deal was secured to release something. More instinct than reaction, no one knew what to expect. The "oppressive necro electronics" of the recordings heard so far gave little idea of what lay in store, of the new depths to be explored, the madness to be embraced.

    "Initiations", the debut recording for Aurora Borealis, is a lengthy proposition. Clocking in at one hour, thirteen minutes, it represents a journey, a metaphysical odyssey of uncertain outcome. From the psycho-religious clamour of 'Will to the chapel' with its jihadic cries, through to the somnambulant, subterranean oscillations of 'Eight pentacles', the way ahead is far from clear, the atmosphere claustrophobic and threatening. 'The river of Los' showcases a new breadth of vision for Burial Hex with layers of undulating analogue synth and gentle percussion, an opiate addled take on the horror electronics hinted at previously, and perhaps an indication of things to come. This long track takes the listener on a river journey, part Apocalypse Now!, part Orpheus in the Underworld, submerged in Carpenter's dense Fog, slow moving discomfort and ague. The album ends with the half speed collisions, static miasma and white noise squawl of 'Bo -II- Ne', the listener deposited on shores unknown, prostrate at the feet of the infinite mystery.

    Burial Hex has surpassed all expectation with "Initiations": Kneel, o ye acolytes, before an astral-industrial opus of vast depth and occult magnitude.

    MLOK --- ---
    tyvole na boris to nevypadá, poněvadž v brně je jakejsi doom metálek, kterej s matějem hodláme navštívit (dostat se do toho centra!)
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    kdo jde v patek na boris? {me tak zajimaj hlavne growing teda., ze se tak neznabozsky priznavam ;D} ted sem koukal, ze vstup je 300/350,- coz uz asi nedavam., ,. tak spis smatram, jestli neprijede i nejaka brniskova exkurze, za kterouz by se dalo pak dorazit ?
    a po tech shining by mohli prijet jeste the psychic paramount a uz bych drzel hubu blahem
    MATHEW --- ---
    SORRYLOOKING: spíš ne.) ale někde to bude
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