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    ztracené heslo?
    JONYamplified worship - maximum volume yields maximum results
    KILL77 --- ---
    myslím, že na začátek je třeba NWW sjet komplet:)
    _ELPH_ --- ---
    a este 'acts of senseless beauty' a 'who can i turn to stereo' su imho uplne skvosty...
    ORLOCK --- ---
    MLOK: myslim, ze na zaciatok je velmi dobry album aj Livin' fear of james.
    MLOK --- ---
    _ELPH_: jj,není.. já je skoro vůbec neznám, ale už začínám stahovat.)
    _ELPH_ --- ---
    MLOK: pekne. z tych veci by som odporucil najma She And Me Fall Together Like Free Death. to je velmi pekna platna.

    ale inak "discografiou" by som to nenazval, kedze kompletne to nieje ani zdaleka.

    JONY --- ---
    MLOK: to je spatne otagovany treti track z noveho alba FFB.
    MLOK --- ---
    a víte někdo co je toto? jsem to teď kdesi vyštrachal, na last.fm 0 poslechů, na ffb stránkách to vůbec není (kažodopádně to drouní zlip)
    fear falls burning & cult of luna - we took the deafening murmer down
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    MLOK: a na what.cd dalších cca 30 věcí .) nedávno jsem sosal
    MATHEW --- ---
    JONY: hele já tam nejsem! :(
    JONY --- ---
    pobavilo velmi :-)))

    BARONFRITZ --- ---
    Bulbs - Light Ships [Freedom To Spend 2008]

    Anyone familiar with the CDR label, Jyrk, that I ran from 2001-2006, would know that I have long been a fan of William Sabiston’s music. As a member of Axolotl, as a filmmaker, or on his own, as ball lightning, he’s delivered the goods.

    William formed Bulbs with Jon Almaraz in 2005, shortly after his leaving Axolotl and shortly following Jon’s move from Bakersfield to San Fran. Jon was a younger, ambitious guitarist just hitting the big city. Apparently the pairing was destiny, William’s beating-around-the-bush electronic drum styles mesh perfectly with Jon’s ultra-processed minute guitar jabs.

    Bulbs hovered around the SF underground for a few years, only occasionally releasing hints at what they were capable of. I received a cassette, “Anela Of Tailoo Too,” which left me feeling like I had been punched in the gut. The music was light years away from anything else in the underground scenes they were occupying.

    Light Ships finds bulbs at their most psychedelic and pointillistic. They occupy an odd space between the gloss of Kompakt records minimalism, the glue huff ambiguity of a band like Mouthus, and the stuttering clicks and confusion of a Han Bennik/Derek Bailey duo. There’s a lot of movement from more acoustic to more electronic sounds, from more straight rhythmic patterns to totally elliptical percussive gurgling, from understanding what’s going on to not having any sort of idea who is doing what to whom. Despite all these shifts and potential contradictions, the music manages to be entirely cohesive and the record is surprisingly easy on the ears. Everything here has its place."
    - Pete Swanson, Yellow Swans.

    JONY --- ---
    troum na deleted
    JONY --- ---
    Sorc'henn "Sveyrtin - Iars Grekbpearssen V." (TavarnKeben, 2007)

    JONY --- ---
    tak na BA budou společně s Neurosis i A Storm of Light
    MATHEW --- ---
    JONY: tak neváhej!:)
    JONY --- ---
    Ajilvsga - Crossed Bones (Stunned, 2008)

    The hot dust of a thousand atomized strip malls whips into the eyes and ears of all who pass the way of Crossed Bones. Our seasoned guides Brad Rose and Nathan Young clutch their headscarves tighter and drive their guitars even deeper into the blistering earth, if only to anchor themselves momentarily in the bent circuit tempest. Forty minutes featuring twin cabinet-shakers that had us promising the neighbors we weren't testing a new form of sonic weaponry after spinning the demo. Of all Ajilvsga's past and present explorations into heavy mental music, none have grabbed us so quite in the gutz. Serious low end woofer junkies encouraged to be among the first to check this one as the jam to mix with the sweat of a new summer. Ltd. 100 handnumbered cdrs in thick polyvinyl case with spooked art by Ted Trager.

    JONY --- ---
    Jinak mi před pár dny přišlo od 20buckspin konečně CD Winters in Osaka a je to asi jedna z nejkrásnější noise záležitostí co jsem slyšel.
    JONY --- ---
    MATHEW: do konce května by měl Bruno vypustit další várku věcí vycházajících na Faunasabatha. Několik obsukrních blackmetalů (Suburban Leprosy, Law of the Rope, De Magia Venerum) a hlavne Electric Omen, což by měl být funeral ambient pohybující se v podobných vodách jako Sorc'henn. Ten by potom měl snad v létě vydat album u Crucial Bliss s několika hostujícími blackmetalovými vokalisty.
    MATHEW --- ---
    JONY: dík.) mám to album fakt hodně rád.)
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