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    ztracené heslo?
    JONYamplified worship - maximum volume yields maximum results
    "Transcendence can only be reached at maximum volume"

    Spřátelený klub, který vám váš zombie moderátor doporučuje:

    Demonische Agricultuur

    Odkazy na hudbu uveřejněné v tomto klubu od moderátora prosím jinde neuveřejňovat.

    rozbalit záhlaví
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    MATHEW: na kazety se vyser voe, tohle by stejne nikdo neocenil, mozna tak 3,5 diskety hehe....
    ORLOCK --- ---
    MATHEW: aj by som jednu zobral, keby som si to mal kde prehrat.
    neplanujes aj nejake cdr-ka?
    WENCA --- ---
    MATHEW: me se to libi
    MATHEW --- ---
    mám tad nějakou novou píseň

    Edgar Graves - A Creature In My Bone

    + další na majspejsíku http://www.myspace.com/edgargra
    udělám ještě tak tři čtyři další a možná vyrobím pár kazet, měl by někdo kdyžtak zájem už předem? .D
    MATHEW --- ---
    Melvins - Nude with Boots [IPECAC 2008]

    Nude with Boots is an upcoming album by the Melvins, expected to be released on on July 8, 2008. The album features the same line-up as its predecessor Senile Animal.

    1. "The Kicking Machine" – 2:44
    2. "Billy Fish" – 3:53
    3. "Dog Island" – 7:32
    4. "Dies Iraea" – 4:33
    5. "Suicide in Progress" – 4:47
    6. "The Smiling Cobra" – 3:43
    7. "Nude with Boots" – 3:36
    8. "Flush" – 1:07
    9. "The Stupid Creep" – 1:31
    10. "The Savage Hippy" – 3:34
    11. "It Tastes Better Than the Truth" – 5:20

    JONY --- ---
    Wormsblood - In The Stars... (2007)

    Founded in a barren field, Winter of 2003, Wisconsin's Wormsblood have unleashed only one cassette demo, however their reputation for demented and cerebral Black Metal (or progressive blackened stenchcore??) has spread much farther than this simple 20 minute tape. Over the years Wormsblood has recorded a 7" (for a label no longer in operation), and several individual tracks experimenting in a very wide array of instrumentation, line ups, composition techniques, recording equipment and fidelity. Now, with 4 years of research and progress behind them, Wormsblood is back in the studio working on their first full length album. However, there are still these songs from the unreleased 7", a few excellent rehearsal tracks, and about a dozen random studio tracks that have never been released until now. "In the Stars" was compiled by Wyrdskull in an attempt to present the most impressive documents resulting from these very chaotic and formative years.

    Clay Ruby a jeho VELMI lo-fi bm demence :-)


    JONY --- ---
    Under Satan's Sun - Stand Up And Fight video

    jeden z metalových vedlejšáků No-Neck Blues Band

    ORLOCK --- ---
    JONY: ok. dik. na slsku som nasiel nieco v 160 kbps. tak stiahnem.
    JONY --- ---
    ORLOCK: americký psychedelický shoegaze bm

    kdysi jsem nahazoval link na jejich debutové album, bohužel link je už nefunkční
    ORLOCK --- ---
    JONY: co je to za kapelu?
    JONY --- ---
    JONY --- ---
    btw sports maji cerstve venku cdr split s taktez vybornymi the crowned heads of europe
    JONY --- ---
    Sports - Black Note Saga Vol.1 - Grimmisphere

    Damn...one incredibly epic blackened drone piece from my current favorite band on the planet.I believe this actually came out last year,but I just got mine a few months back,and it's still a daily ritual.Limited to 50 copies.If you're lucky the band may still have some.So recommended

    BARONFRITZ --- ---
    Kites - Hallucination Guillotine / Final Worship [Load Records 2007]

    The inside sleeve of Hallucination Guillotine/Final Worship’s booklet features an eviscerated woman, an unfortunate victim to the now-abolished Chinese practice of leng-chi, or the "death of a thousand cuts." The image is ghastly: spots of severed flesh, leg removed, and slices running down the one attached limb. On the back is a drawing of a lupine humanoid pulling a tall switch seemingly attached to some sort of kiosk retrofit with a retractable razor blade. Dripping liquid, perhaps the spilled blood of its victims, appears on the kiosk’s facade. Is this the "Hallucination Guillotine" for which half of this album is named? Is there a connection with the slow, slicing death of a thousand cuts?

    Kites is the handle of Providence wunderkind Chris Forgues, who boasts an arsenal of homemade equipment and other "mysterical electronics" to make his music. Split into two parts with five songs apiece, Hallucination Guillotine/Final Worship acts as Kites’ third proper full-length. Gone are the Amps For Christ-inspired string arrangements of Peace Trials, as well as any sense of safety: the themes of torture, pain, and execution so prevalent in the artwork is also reflected in the music.

    The disc kicks off with its namesake “Hallucination Guillotine.” A rusty lawnmower blade stutters to coherence, the ominous sound of dull whirring blades stuck in infinity. As the whirring gets louder, the blades speed up and get rustier. Death is imminent. Elsewhere, “Glitter Raider in the Hall of Triumph” has Forgues reciting some tone poetry before belting out an ungodly electronic squelch. The Reichian ideas of energy and orgones which Forgues has explored in previous work are still present here, with deadpan vocals evoking a mystical foyer: “I’m going to eject this corridor/ I swear, tonight I will sweep the floor!” The hallway seems to be a transformative vessel. "I flip through a wall/ Radiating outwards/ Burning light blasts from my body/ Energy stunt.” The track ends with gastrointestinal gurglings, perhaps the aural detritus of being transformed into pure light force.

    And the similarities with the artwork don’t end there. “Pink Shadows” draws some parallels to the “casual psychedelics” of John Wiese, while the protagonist of “Nice Garden / Lady’s Compact” could be a doppelganger of Throbbing Gristle’s badly-burnt “Hamburger Lady.” “Poison Blur” discreetly emits toxic vapors through your speakers, knocking you out until you regain consciousness just in time for the last track, “Final Worship,” which situates you in a strange land where tiny aborigines talk and play didgeridoos while also tying you down to the ground. Really, a warning should come with this album alerting you to the psychological beheading it can cause: Beware the Hallucination Guillotine.

    JONY --- ---
    BUGSLE --- ---
    ORLOCK: me ta hudba prijde docela prdelozni :) jako originaly
    JONY --- ---
    na megu vyjde společné album Rehberga se Z'EVem plus nový Prurient
    JONY --- ---
    _ELPH_: no on je z nich i nadšený Julian Cope :-)

    _ELPH_ --- ---
    ORLOCK: keby to robili z recesie tak zremixuju Anal Cunt :))

    MATHEW: :)))))) a to spravili akoze ZA alebo PROTI "illegal" music download?
    ORLOCK --- ---
    _ELPH_: asi zmysel pre humor:)
    _ELPH_ --- ---
    ORLOCK: stale tomu nerozumiem ze co viedlo tolko uzasnych ludi (stapleton, potter, thighpaulsandra, controlled bleeding, ... ) k tomu, aby remixovali takyto brak...

    ORLOCK --- ---
    _ELPH_: riadny death metal teda.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam