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    ztracené heslo?
    JONYamplified worship - maximum volume yields maximum results
    MATHEW --- ---
    ORLOCK: do pohody a do nepohody:)
    ORLOCK --- ---
    dobro a zlo - to su inak strasne skatulky .. pozna niekdo presnejsie?
    ORLOCK --- ---
    PREVIT: a dobro lieci ..
    jj, viem.
    ale uz sa citim dost ocisteny na to, aby som sa davkoval este dalsim:)
    MISA_PES: lol:)
    _ELPH_:mna dost odradil aj ten obal .. a mozno bol az moc normalny, ked mu take nudne kapely ako stiborg pridu weirdest:)
    MISA_PES --- ---
    ORLOCK: a kdyz to rika clovek s tvym nickem, tak uz to ma vahu :-)

    PREVIT: tak to je kazdopadne zajimava myslenka.
    _ELPH_ --- ---
    ORLOCK: a mozno bol evil len ten clovek co pisal ten clanok o tom.. (a ked nie evil tak divny bol urcite, ked mu prijde striborg ako 'weirdest')
    PREVIT --- ---
    ORLOCK: Zlo ocistuje...:)
    ORLOCK --- ---
    JONY: z toho ide strasne zlo.
    si to radsej ani nepustim ..
    JONY --- ---
    Dead Reptile Shrine - Burning black infinity (Antihumanism, 2008)

    We're always going on and on about the weirdest, most fucked up black metal bands ever, even elsewhere on this list, we review the new one from Tasmanian one man band Striborg, and declare it maybe the weirdest yet. But there's weird, and then there's Dead Reptile Shrine, who beyond being weird, are barely even black metal, the metallic elements far outweighed by the fractured folk and total whatthefuck elements, and the blackness, well that infuses pretty much every sound they produce, just not in the way most folks are used to or most metalheads want. Instead, DRS do their own thing, and their own thing is some fucked up mix of dark dronemusic, detuned free folk, stumbling chaotic black metal, some orchestral bits, tortured vocals, all wound into a confusional world of black rituals and mysterious sonic otherworlds. While we anxiously await the forth coming double cd on tUMULt, we have THREE new tapes to tide us over, two reissue of long out of print rarities, and another brand new album, to be released soon on cd and vinyl as well, but for now on the oh so cult cassette format. Each of these is limited to 400 copies, we got a bunch, 30 or so, but odds are those will go fast and we probably won't be able to get more.
    Burning Black Intensity is the new album, and offers up a taste of what will be found on the soon to come sprawling tUMULt 2cd full length, and if BBI is any indication, then two whole cds of this stuff is going to DESTROY. This record begins with some creepy, orchestral Peter And The Wolf type sounds, strings and percussion, sampled we assume, while DRS croon over the top, offering up wavery clean vocals, strange incantations, and various other vocalizations, the result is truly twisted. This goes on for several tracks before the band launch into some black metal, but DRS black metal is a whole other thing, the drums buried in the mix, barely audible, the guitars strangled, and gnarled, buzzing, blurred and murky, dueling vocals, one a high howled screech, the other a rumbling demonic gurgle, both drenched in reverb, both howling maniacally, and relentlessly, while the guitars churn and the drums stumble, the whole thing lurching drunkenly, super raw and primitive and lo-fi and fractured and FUCKED for sure. The next track demonstrates that no matter how weird it gets, everything they do is deliberate, the guitars are thick and fuzzy, the drums simple but propulsive, the riff a near static black groove, the bass, pulsing and undulating, more typical black metal vocals screeching over the top, while way in the distance a voice shrieks hysterically, the two vocals all tangled up, the guitar spewing forth a super mesmerizing singular riff, totally hypnotic and trancelike, the vocals growing more and more unhinged. The next track is a murky muddy Wold style soundscape, melodies and guitars smeared and blurred into bleary eyed streaks of sound, the vocals an ominous rumble, the drums a chaotic blast beat, while the guitars swoon woozily, the whole track dizzy and druggy and weirdly dreamlike, the vocal eventually growing more and more warped, almost cartoonish, sing songy and almost operatic, wrapped in fluttery flutes and more distorted soft buzz.
    Needless to say, this is brilliantly twisted stuff, totally wacked, outsider blackness, as true as any of the more classically TROO black metal, but unlike those, DRS are true only to themselves, any resemblance between their music and other black metal is not only coincidental it's a fluke, as most of this sounds like nothing you've ever heard.

    MATHEW --- ---
    Pagan Hellfire - Solidarity [Tour De Garde 2008]

    Pagan Hellfire is a one-man black metal act that avoids the usual depressive connotations of that M.O. Robust, mid-paced marches dominate, in keeping with black metal's recent trend. Mastermind Incarnatus is competent at screeches and drums, but he's incredibly fluent with guitars. His forte is stacking upper-register dyads on top of lower-register chords, and moving both around in a black metal version of Jenga. The effect is subtle but stirringly emotional, and anthemic at times. "Solidarity" has a spine-chilling breakdown where everything drops out but guitars. They riff relentlessly left and right, weaving a crackling bed of electricity. Bass joins in, adding counterpoint underneath. Tension builds and builds, but percussion doesn't drop until one and a half minutes later; this could be a description of a techno 12". Trance music this is, of the truest sort. It's plenty kvlt, too, out on Akitsa's Tour de Garde imprint. Canadians are doing wonderful things with black metal at the moment.

    JONY --- ---
    Porn masakr... ještě vidět Thrones a mohu zemřít
    MATHEW --- ---
    JONY: poslední album teda rozhodně spíš sem:)
    JONY --- ---
    BEN_BELLA: bezpochyby sem i k matějovi :-) jinak běhá to už i po slsk
    MISA_PES --- ---

    JONY: ty sea zombies jsou moooc dobry.
    SHAGA --- ---
    JONY: asi přijdu
    JONY --- ---
    25.září 2008
    Praha - Chapeau Rouge, start 20:30

    Jim Morrison žije! :-) Málokdo by asi čekal, že jeho hudební převtělení vzejde ze současné kytarově noisové scény New Yorku. Religious Knives jsou jeden z nejvýraznějších výhonků tamějšího bujného podhoubí a jeho členové pochází z neméně zajímavých uskupení. Ať už nevyzpytatelných Mouthus (vydávali mj. u Important a Load Records) nebo Double Leopards, kteří jako jedni z prvních krotili své improvizované hlukové mantry do dronové psychedelie.
    Religious Knives pokračovali v jejich odkazu, ale s každou další nahrávkou odkrývali spíš rock’n’rollové kořeny. Nepravděpodobný bastard ozvěn 60. let, krautrockově rytmické hypnózy, postpunkové gotiky a syrových experimentů. Nové album „The Door“ vychází 14. října na značce Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth) Ecstatic Peace!, který ho rovněž produkoval. Už název desky dává tušit, odkud tentokrát nejsilněji vane vítr. A ke všemu zatraceně svěží.


    Pozvakowski lze klidně označit jako post rock, ale jejich hra není v pasti statické melancholie. Tihle chlapíci překvapí divokou free jazzovou sekcí, uši trhajícím hlukem nebo táhlými kytarovými mantrami. Dlouhodobě spolupracovali se slavným maďarským saxofonistou István Grencsó. Vystupovali např. s Mono, Guapo nebo Jarboe. Na koncertech používají několik projektorů, včetně několika obstarožních modelů. A nově přibrali k efektům Roberta Bereznyei, který bude znám posluchačům experimentální elektroniky jako Tigrics. Ve svém žánru neprávem opomenutá kapela.


    Hudba portugalských Gala Drop je směsí tribalistických či latinskoamerických rytmů a minimalistických syntezátorových jamů, to vše šmrncnuté jamajským dubem. Naživo však dostává i ostřejší kytarové hrany. Na chystaném debutu přiložil ruku k dílu taky známý zvukový mág Rafael Toral.


    Kapely vystoupí 25.9. v Praze v klubu doposud známém jako Chateau Rouge (Jakubská 2, Praha 1) od 20:30. Předpokládané pořadí: Gala Drop, Religious Knives, Pozvakowski. VSTUP VOLNÝ!

    BEN_BELLA --- ---
    jeste par dni bude na http://conspiracyrecords.com/ k poslechu cele album Kiss the anus of a black cat - The nebulous dreams (jestli to teda nepatri spis vedle)
    ORLOCK --- ---
    _ELPH_: tesime sa:)
    _ELPH_ --- ---
    koncert BEEHATCH v bratislave
    mark spybey (propeller, download, dead voices on air, zoviet france, ...) + phil western (download, platEAU, ...)

    den predtym bude aj v prahe

    v bratislave im robim predkapelu =) spolu s urbanfailure
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